Sunday 19 November 2017

Rendimiento De La Divisa

La relación entre Forex y Bonos

Los mercados están fuertemente correlacionados. Vemos ejemplos de correlaciones en materias primas y divisas, donde los precios del crudo afectan directamente al valor del dólar estadounidense, el dólar canadiense y el yen japonés. También vemos correlaciones similares entre el valor del Nikkei 225 (índice de acciones) y el Yen japonés, o la correlación entre los precios del oro y el dólar australiano. De hecho, una mirada a las cartas de oro y la del AUDUSD mostrará que la rápida caída en el precio del oro también ha arrastrado hacia abajo el valor del dólar australiano en comparación con otras grandes como el dólar estadounidense, el euro y el dólar canadiense. Esto demuestra que los mercados no deben negociarse aisladamente. Los comerciantes deben estudiar siempre la relación entre una moneda determinada y otro activo de mercado en los mercados de materias primas, de índices o de futuros, de modo que la base de un movimiento de precios pueda ser entendida a fondo. Además, la información sobre el potencial de mercado para la volatilidad de los precios basada en las ocurrencias en otros mercados también se puede entender muy claramente. En este artículo, vamos a examinar la relación entre el mercado de divisas y el mercado de bonos. No muchos comerciantes saben que hay una relación entre la divisa y los bonos, y mucho menos conocer los factores que interactúan entre ambos activos. Eso es lo que este artículo pretende mostrar para que los comerciantes ya no estarán en el sobre cómo los bonos y las monedas afectan entre sí.

OBLIGACIONES: ¿QUÉ SON? ¿Qué son los bonos? Los bonos son instrumentos de deuda del mercado monetario que pueden ser utilizados por los gobiernos y las corporaciones como un medio de acceder a los fondos prestados baratos. Los bonos son comúnmente emitidos por los gobiernos en todos los niveles (gobiernos federal, estatal y local / municipal), y menos comúnmente por los cuerpos corporativos. Proporcionan una fuente de préstamos más baratos en comparación con los préstamos bancarios, y eso es lo que los hace deseables. Además, el emisor de bonos generalmente establece los términos de endeudamiento y financiamiento, esencialmente dando a la entidad prestataria la capacidad de fijar las tasas de reembolso a conveniencia del prestatario. Es entonces hasta el prestamista para decidir si los términos de préstamo y los porcentajes de reembolso, los intereses y los planes son adecuados. Los bonos van por diferentes nombres. También se denominan bonos del Tesoro, Rendimientos del Tesoro, Notas del Gobierno, etc. Los Bonos también tienen diferentes tiempos de vencimiento. Los compradores de bonos reciben intereses periódicos por sus inversiones, por lo que tenemos bonos que tienen rendimientos de 30 días, 60 días, 90 días, 120 días, 3 años, 5 años, 10 años y rendimientos de 30 años.

Rendimientos de bonos y precios de bonos Vemos que estos términos se usan mucho cuando se describen bonos, por lo que es importante para nosotros describir lo que son para que el comerciante entienda lo que estos términos representan. El precio del bono se refiere al costo del bono (que es lo que el comprador del bono paga al comprar el bono) mientras que el rendimiento del bono es el interés que el comprador del bono es pagado por el emisor del bono para el uso del dinero del comprador del bono.

El precio del bono está inversamente relacionado con el rendimiento del enlace. Cuando suben los precios de los bonos, caen los rendimientos y viceversa.

RELACIÓN ENTRE FOREX Y BONOS ¿Cómo se relacionan los bonos con el valor de las monedas? Ciertas características de los bonos afectarán el valor de una moneda. Estos son: a) Rendimientos de bonos b) Diferenciales de bonos

Rendimientos de los Bonos y Divisas Los bonos son tradicionalmente inversiones de menor rendimiento en comparación con las monedas, pero se consideran inversiones más seguras porque los rendimientos de intereses de los instrumentos de bonos están casi siempre garantizados. Por lo tanto, los comerciantes en su mayoría compran bonos cuando hay incertidumbre en otros mercados. Por lo tanto, la compra de bonos se asocia con "vuelo a la seguridad" o aversión al riesgo. Una vez que la aversión al riesgo está llena de juego en los mercados, los precios de los bonos tradicionalmente comenzarán a subir y los rendimientos de los bonos caerán en consecuencia.

Un ejemplo clásico de cómo una moneda se relaciona con un bono es la relación entre el dólar estadounidense & amp; El bono a 10 años del Tesoro. La moneda de un país y su precio de bonos están intrínsecamente ligados al tipo de interés del país (que en realidad sirve de referencia para el rendimiento de los bonos). Cuando suben los precios al por menor, existe un riesgo de inflación que aumenta la probabilidad de aumentos de los tipos de interés, lo que conduce a mayores rendimientos de los bonos. Los rendimientos de los bonos más altos llevarán a una mayor demanda de moneda local, ya que los inversores extranjeros intercambian su moneda por la moneda local para comprar los bonos del país afectado. Este aumento de la demanda llevará a un aumento en el valor de la moneda. Por lo tanto, el aumento de los rendimientos del bono dará lugar a un mayor valor de la moneda, mientras que la caída de los rendimientos dará lugar a una caída en el valor de una moneda.

Al observar el rendimiento del bono del Tesoro estadounidense a 10 años y el dólar estadounidense, podemos observar que existe una correlación positiva. Los siguientes gráficos ilustran este punto:

Los siguientes gráficos son una ilustración de la correlación entre un par de divisas que contiene el USD (USDCAD) y el bono del Tesoro de Estados Unidos a 10 años. Vemos que la nota del Tesoro de Estados Unidos a 10 años se comporta de manera similar al movimiento de divisas del USDCAD. Ambas cartas son representativas de los movimientos de precios y rendimientos de los bonos de los dos activos.

Podemos ver claramente que con un aumento en los rendimientos de los bonos, hay un aumento correspondiente en el USDCAD. Las áreas donde hay una caída en los rendimientos de los bonos se correlacionan con una caída en el precio de la USDCAD. Esto pone de relieve la relación entre la nota a 10 años y el dólar estadounidense. El aumento en los rendimientos de los bonos siempre atraerá el interés de los inversores en la moneda del país afectado, estimulando un aumento impulsado por la demanda en el valor de la moneda.

Spreads de bonos y divisas Hemos escuchado acerca de los spreads cuando se trata del precio de oferta y de venta de un par de divisas. Los diferenciales también existen en el mercado de bonos, y los diferenciales de bonos simplemente se refieren a la diferencia en los rendimientos de los bonos de dos países en comparación. Por lo general, las monedas de los países cuyos rendimientos de bonos se comparan en los spreads son los que se encuentran en el mercado de divisas.

¿Alguna vez has oído hablar del carry trade? Si usted tiene, entonces esta es toda la base del carry trade en forex. En caso de que no lo haya hecho y aún está por leer sobre el carry trade de uno de los artículos anteriores en este sitio, entonces vamos a explicar el carry trade una vez más. El carry trade es simplemente una de las estrategias de compraventa de divisas en las que un comerciante trata de obtener el diferencial en los rendimientos de los bonos / tipos de interés de dos monedas emparejadas. Por lo general, las mejores ganancias se obtienen cuando una divisa con un rendimiento de bonos relativamente alto se negocia contra otra divisa con el rendimiento de bonos más bajo.

La altura del carry trade fue en 2006/2007 cuando los rendimientos de los bonos de Japón fueron muy bajos (no más del 0,5%) y de países como Australia (8,25% en un punto), Gran Bretaña y Canadá fueron mucho más altos. Muchos comerciantes hicieron ganancias increíbles que negociaban el AUDJPY y el GBPJPY en esos años. La crisis financiera mundial causó que muchos países redujeran las tasas de interés, desenrollando los carry trades hasta cierto punto. Sin embargo, todavía existe alguna medida de carry trading ya que existe un diferencial razonable entre los tipos de interés de Australia y Canadá por un lado, y el de EE. UU. y Japón por el otro, ofreciendo oportunidades para ganar dinero a partir de los diferenciales de rendimiento de bonos disponibles Negociando el AUDUSD y AUDJPY.

Los comerciantes pueden aprovechar esto de las siguientes maneras: a) Buscar oportunidades a largo plazo para comprar el AUDUSD. En la actualidad, el AUDUSD está en una tendencia a la baja ya que los precios del oro se han estancado en las últimas semanas. Cualquier factor fundamental que empuje el precio del AUDUSD hacia arriba de sus niveles actuales presentará una oportunidad de beneficiarse de una posición larga en este par. La oportunidad debe ser buscada en los gráficos diarios, proporcionando una oportunidad para mantener la posición por días o semanas, y ganando interés todos los días a medida que se rebasa la posición. B) Mirar o oportunidades a largo plazo para vender el USDCAD usando los mismos principios esbozados arriba.

CONCLUSIÓN En el futuro, los comerciantes pueden usar estos recursos de bonos para negociar divisas. Uno de los recursos importantes en los bonos es la lista de los diferenciales de bonos y los rendimientos de los bonos de un país a otro. Hay varios sitios web donde esta información está disponible. Utilizando esta información, los comerciantes podrán identificar otros pares de divisas en los que exista un diferencial de tipos de interés suficiente para beneficiarse de los rendimientos de los bonos y de los diferenciales de los bonos.

Los comerciantes también deben saber que la mayoría de estas oportunidades son de mediano a largo plazo. Aparte del rollover diario pagado para mantener una posición larga en una alta divisa de rendimiento de bonos (que requiere que las posiciones grandes sean significativas), los comerciantes son animados a mantener tales posiciones por días o semanas cuando la tendencia favorece a la divisa de mayor rendimiento. Esta es la única manera que aprovechando los rendimientos de los bonos y los spreads de bonos proporcionará los máximos beneficios acumulables.

¡Atención! Los puntos de vista del autor son enteramente suyos.

Forex y la curva de rendimiento: entender las tasas de interés

Actualizado: 29 de marzo de 2017 a las 10:01

Si uno es un comerciante técnico o fundamental, hay poco desacuerdo que los precios de la divisa dependen muy fuertemente de los diferenciales de la tarifa de interés entre monedas. Estamos más acostumbrados a medir este diferencial en términos de la tasa básica del banco central. Aunque otros factores como la liquidez del mecanismo de transmisión, la capitalización y la rentabilidad del sector bancario, así como la apertura del sistema financiero juegan un papel importante en la determinación de la relevancia de las tasas de interés con respecto a las cotizaciones de divisas, la mayoría de las El tiempo que consideramos la tasa del banco central como el punto de referencia para el rendimiento futuro de una moneda. Sin embargo, la tasa de interés del banco central en general sólo determina la tasa a un día en los mercados monetarios, mientras que sabemos que para la mayoría de nosotros, los inversores individuales, así como las empresas, las transacciones a la noche son raras. Entonces, ¿cómo se transmiten las decisiones de los tipos de interés de los bancos centrales a la economía en general? ¿Cómo influye la tasa principal de un banco central en el endeudamiento a tres años de una empresa o en el contrato hipotecario de 30 años de un ciudadano común?

Está claro que necesitamos una mejor comprensión de la estructura a plazo de las tasas de interés para entender cómo las tasas de interés determinan la actividad económica en gran escala. Dado que esta relación se define mejor en la curva de rendimientos, en este artículo lo examinaremos en detalle. Y las diversas teorías que definen lo que lleva a los inversores a favorecer o desfavorecer una madurez particular en la escala. En las secciones siguientes, cada una de las diversas teorías de la tasa de interés será discutido en sus propios artículos también.

Definición de la tasa de interés

Las tasas de interés se definen simplemente como el costo de los préstamos. Al definir un contrato de interés, utilizamos dos conceptos para explicar sus términos. Una es la tasa, la otra es el vencimiento del pago. De estos dos, la tasa es el pago que debe hacerse al prestamista a intervalos regulares, y el vencimiento es el momento en que la suma prestada debe devolverse al prestamista.

¿Cuál es la curva de rendimiento?

Curva de rendimiento es el término utilizado para describir la estructura de tipos de interés de vencimiento de una transacción de préstamo, usualmente la de papel gubernamental, en una moneda determinada. Se crea trazando las tasas de interés disponibles en función de los diversos vencimientos en los que es posible el endeudamiento y luego combinando los valores con una línea que se asemejará a una curva. La relevancia de la curva de rendimientos para la actividad económica no puede ser exagerada. Dado que los valores del Estado se consideran activos seguros con máxima liquidez en la mayoría de las circunstancias, todos los otros tipos de operaciones de préstamo y el riesgo que implica son tasados ​​y evaluados de acuerdo con la curva de rendimientos de los valores gubernamentales. Así que si usted es dueño de un negocio, y le gustaría recibir crédito en una madurez particular para la expansión, el prestamista deseará conocer la tasa de interés de la seguridad del gobierno en la misma madurez incluso antes de saber algo acerca de su empresa y siempre le cobrará Una tasa por encima de lo que podría recibir de invertir papel del gobierno. Puesto que la inversión en papel del gobierno no implicaría prácticamente ningún riesgo, el prestatario exigiría una prima para asumir el riesgo adicional.

La curva de rendimientos es uno de los mejores indicadores de las condiciones económicas actuales percibidas por el mercado de bonos. Es crucial para la fijación de precios de muchos derivados financieros, así como las tasas de crédito al consumo y de morosidad para los prestatarios comunes; Como tal, cualquier análisis de una economía nacional incorporará los datos de la curva de rendimientos para llegar a conclusiones más sólidas y confiables.

¿Cuál es el significado de la curva de rendimiento para los comerciantes de divisas?

Por ejemplo, las tasas de interés de referencia de los bonos a 2 años nos proporcionan algunas indicaciones sobre la credibilidad de las políticas de los bancos centrales tal como las percibe el mercado, a través de la inflación esperada en el futuro. La curva de rendimiento (o estructura de plazos) es también un indicador fiable de los ciclos económicos. Antes de las recesiones económicas, se invierte, es decir, los vencimientos de plazo más corto sufren un interés más alto que el plazo más largo, haciendo alusión a tasas reducidas del banco central (así como otras cosas dependiendo de cómo las interpretes. Futuras tasas con mayor precisión y confianza, un objetivo crucial para cualquier comerciante debido a la importancia de este concepto para la mayoría de los comerciantes.

Antes de continuar, veamos una serie de patrones de curva de rendimiento:

Las pendientes ascendentes están asociadas con la inflación futura (apreciación de la moneda, aumento de los rendimientos, crecimiento), mientras que las pendientes descendentes están relacionadas con la depreciación y la contracción económica. La curva de rendimiento plana puede ser un signo de que la curva de rendimiento se está transformando a otro tipo (pendiente ascendente hacia abajo y viceversa), o un período prolongado en el que se mantendrán las condiciones actuales (como la inflación, los rendimientos y el crecimiento) . El mercado de divisas reacciona a una curva plana en una moneda sobre la base de la evolución de otras economías. La curva de rendi - miento es un signo de que algún período de incertidumbre, volatilidad o cambios rápidos pueden estar en orden. La curva de rendimiento plana se encuentra a menudo cuando el mercado espera que las tasas de inversión de dirección después de un corto tiempo.

Dado que las tendencias monetarias son fuertemente dependientes de las percepciones sobre las tasas futuras, así como los diferenciales de rendimiento actuales entre las naciones, la comparación de las curvas de rendimiento de dos naciones nos dará una mejor idea sobre el atractivo de una determinada moneda para un perfil particular de inversionistas. Muchos hedge funds, por ejemplo, están activos en el corto plazo de la curva de rendimientos y también negocian el mercado forex spot, por lo que su comportamiento tenderá a reflejar diferenciales en el mercado de corto plazo. Otros, como los fondos mutuos, tienden a buscar seguridad sobre el riesgo en circunstancias normales, y sus fondos sin apalancamiento tienden a concentrarse un poco más a la derecha de la curva de rendimientos (hacia plazos más largos).

Otras observaciones para ayudar a entender las teorías de la tasa de interés

Aparte de la forma de la curva de rendimiento, hay tres observaciones críticas que nos ayudarán a entender las teorías de la tasa de interés que se discutirán a continuación

Las tasas de diferentes vencimientos se mueven juntas: Sabemos que las tasas de interés en contratos de tres meses, un año y dos años suelen moverse juntas, y no de forma independiente.

Cuando las tasas cortas son bajas, la curva se inclina hacia arriba, y cuando son largas, la pendiente de la curva es hacia abajo. La mayoría de nosotros estamos familiarizados con este hecho, ya menudo lo relacionamos con expectativas de tasas de interés más altas después de un período de estímulo, Y acomodar la política monetaria, por ejemplo. Por el contrario, anticipamos un período de tasas más bajas en el futuro después de que las tasas permanezcan altas durante un período. En otras palabras, en la mayoría de los casos, una curva de rendimiento con altas tasas de corto plazo se inclinaría hacia abajo abruptamente.

Las curvas de rendimiento se inclinan hacia arriba en la mayoría de los casos.

Dado que los comerciantes son conscientes de la importancia de las tasas de interés en la determinación de las tendencias de divisas, debe ser obvio que la comprensión de la curva de rendimiento, y lo que significa puede ser muy útil en las decisiones comerciales. Vamos a manejar cada teoría de la tasa de interés en detalle en su propio artículo, pero antes de ir más allá, vamos a examinarlos en una visión general con el fin de mantenerse en contacto con el panorama general.

Teoría de Expectativas Puras (PET)

La teoría pura de la expectativa es la más directa y fácil de entender de las teorías de la tasa de interés, y es también la más intuitiva para los comerciantes. Simplemente asume que cualitativamente no hay diferencia entre un contrato de tasa de interés de vencimiento de tres meses y uno con un vencimiento de tres años. Lo único que importa es el tipo de interés esperado durante el plazo de vencimiento, tal como lo perciben los participantes en el mercado sobre la base de las tasas de interés reales y previstas. En términos matemáticos, el rendimiento de un contrato de tasa de interés a largo plazo será la media geométrica de los rendimientos de los contratos a más corto plazo, sumados al vencimiento del contrato a largo plazo.

En resumen, los rendimientos a largo plazo no son más que una proyección de las tasas de corto plazo hacia el futuro sin que existan propiedades específicas que establezcan tasas de largo plazo distintas de las de corto plazo con respecto al riesgo o la previsibilidad. Los supuestos actuales de los participantes en el mercado son predictores perfectos de las tasas futuras, por lo que no hay necesidad de ninguna prima al comprar o vender valores de deuda en vencimientos más largos. Lea más sobre la teoría de las expectativas puras.

Teoría de Preferencias de Liquidez (LPT)

La teoría de las expectativas puras tiene una clara deficiencia en que los participantes del mercado no siempre tienen razón sobre el futuro. Además, la media geométrica de los rendimientos a corto plazo a través de la estructura a plazo rara vez es un indicador perfecto de las tasas futuras a largo plazo. A menudo observamos que los rendimientos a largo plazo incorporan una prima sobre la media geométrica, denominada la prima de liquidez, que es el tema de la teoría de la preferencia de liquidez en su mayor parte.

En términos matemáticos, LPT difiere en su cálculo de la curva de rendimientos sólo con respecto a un componente adicional de prima de riesgo (rp) añadido a la tasa esperada de la teoría de expectativas puras. Lea más sobre la teoría de la preferencia por liquidez

Teoría de la segmentación del mercado (MST)

Esta teoría toma LPT y conduce un paso más lejos de PET al declarar contratos de tasa de interés a través de la estructura de plazo no son sustituibles. La dinámica que crea el equilibrio de tasas de interés para cada término de maduración nace de factores independientes, y como tal, el PET es inválido. Un inversor que decide comprar un bono, ya sea público o privado, no considera el paradigma a corto y largo plazo meramente como una cuestión de conveniencia, sino como un factor fundamental que influye en la estrategia de inversión, las necesidades de liquidez y por supuesto la oferta y la demanda .

Este enfoque de la estructura a plazo puede explicar la naturaleza inclinada de la curva de rendimientos. Pero dado que asume que las estructuras de los términos dependen de independientes, no explica por qué las tasas a través de diferentes vencimientos se mueven simultáneamente, aunque con frecuencia por cantidades diferentes. Lea más sobre la teoría de la segmentación del mercado

Teoría del Hábitat Preferida (PHT)

Finalmente, la teoría del hábitat preferida intenta resolver las deficiencias del MST postulando que los inversionistas tienen un hábitat preferido para sus inversiones. Aunque las expectativas de tasas de interés determinan la estructura de vencimientos de tasas a un nivel básico, los inversionistas exigen una prima más alta, en la mayoría de los casos, por deuda de vencimiento más larga, debido a su hábitat preferido en el lado izquierdo de la curva de rendimientos término corto). Por lo tanto, aunque las expectativas de tasas de interés juegan un papel importante en la determinación de la forma de la curva de rendimientos (y como tal, los términos de madurez son sustituibles hasta cierto punto), también hay un poderoso componente no sustituible que determina la estructura temporal.

El PHT es generalmente considerado como el más realista entre los cuatro. Lea más sobre la teoría del hábitat preferida

El comerciante obtendrá el mayor beneficio de esta discusión si se acostumbra a los dos conceptos de hábitat preferido, y la prima de riesgo. Especialmente estos últimos se encontrarán a menudo en discusiones financieras, y es el deber de cualquier comerciante hacerle una parte de su vida.

En las siguientes secciones, discutiremos cada teoría con mayor detalle.

Declaración de riesgo: La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Existe la posibilidad de que usted pierda más que su depósito inicial. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted.

Sobre nosotros

OptiLab Partners AB Fatburs Brunnsgatan 31 118 28 Estocolmo Suecia

La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Ninguna información o opinión contenida en este sitio debe ser tomada como una solicitud u oferta para comprar o vender cualquier moneda, capital u otros instrumentos financieros o servicios. El rendimiento pasado no es ninguna indicación o garantía de rendimiento futuro. Por favor, lea nuestra renuncia legal.


Una garantía con un precio que depende o deriva de uno o más activos subyacentes.

Un asesor de política económica que promueve políticas monetarias que implican el mantenimiento de tasas de interés bajas, creyendo que.

Activos altamente líquidos mantenidos por instituciones financieras para cumplir con obligaciones a corto plazo. Coeficiente de cobertura de Liquidez.

La ventaja competitiva que una empresa tiene sobre otras empresas de la misma industria. Este término fue acuñado por renombrado.

Un crédito fiscal en los Estados Unidos que beneficia a ciertos contribuyentes que tienen bajos ingresos de trabajo en un año fiscal determinado.

Educación Forex

Glosario Forex

Gráfico que muestra los cambios en el rendimiento de instrumentos con tiempo en el eje y. Un sistema originalmente desarrollado en los mercados de bonos ahora se aplica ampliamente a varios futuros financieros. Una curva de pendiente positiva tiene tasas de interés más bajas en los vencimientos más cortos y mayor en los vencimientos más largos. Una curva inclinada negativa tiene tasas de interés más altas en los vencimientos más cortos.

Términos de Negociación de Forex (Alfabético)

GUÍA DEL COMIENZO: Rendimiento y Retorno

Una gran parte de la comprensión de cómo las monedas de comercio funciona es recordar que el rendimiento de las unidades de retorno. Cuando usted está en el mercado de divisas, que son en realidad la compra de una moneda, mientras que la venta de otro al mismo tiempo. Si todo sale según lo planeado, los ingresos que usted ha hecho de la moneda que usted vendió pagará la moneda que usted está comprando. Además, cada moneda mundial viene con un interés que es fijado por el banco central del país específico donde se utiliza la moneda. Estas tasas de interés son obligatorias para que usted pague, pero también tiene la oportunidad de ganar a la tasa de interés de la nueva moneda que ha comprado.

Esta es la razón por Forex trading requiere no sólo un montón de planificación, pero por qué es tan vital que usted está constantemente consciente de la tasa en la que cada moneda está cambiando valor. Esto es muy importante cuando se trata de obtener retornos.

Cuando usted tiene una cuenta con Forex Signal puede acceder a las tasas de Forex en vivo y siempre conocer el valor de cada una de las monedas del mundo. Nuestro sistema de señal de Forex le avisará cuando comprar y vender en Forex, e incluir el precio exacto para entrar en el mercado. ¡O incluso más fácil, nuestro sistema de Copiadora de Comercio establecerá automáticamente el comercio para usted! Esto le permite participar en Forex más fácil y eficaz que nunca antes.

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Deja una respuesta

Soporte y Resistencia & # 8211; Las dos palabras clave

Para realmente entender el comportamiento de una moneda en el mercado de divisas es importante ver cómo se ha comportado durante un período de tiempo. Tomado en el transcurso de un muy corto espacio de tiempo, es posible hacer que los datos significan casi cualquier cosa. Esto, a su vez, significa que los datos serán casi inútiles. Sin embargo, durante un período de tiempo más largo, los patrones parecen siempre afirmarse y establecen una base firme para predecir el futuro.

Analizando el mercado a su favor

Se ha dicho por muchos comerciantes experimentados que Forex es un mercado más volátil que cualquiera de las opciones disponibles. La teoría dice que es bastante difícil juzgar el valor de una empresa en un momento dado y en el futuro, imagínense lo difícil que es hacer lo mismo con todo un país. Esta filosofía toma el punto de vista de que el análisis del mercado Forex se basa en la lectura cuidadosa durante un período de tiempo. Algunos.

Operaciones en el Mercado

Las extremidades del tiburón son una nueva extremidad y una última señal de la señal. desventajas

Hay diferencias entre las oportunidades de negocio, y también hay

Aquí está paso a paso la guía: 1. Si el precio está cerca de recientes altos o bajos

Forex para principiantes

Hay millones de personas que podrían usar ingresos adicionales. Un ingreso secundario ofrece un poco de libertad financiera. Si usted es uno de los que ha estado pensando en ganar un poco más de dinero mediante el comercio en el mercado de divisas, no busque más allá de este artículo. No base sus decisiones comerciales completamente en [& # 8230;]

En el pasado, el comercio de divisas en línea se limitaba a las grandes instituciones financieras y los bancos que eran los únicos que se beneficiaban de ella. Pero ahora, debido a la disponibilidad de Internet, corredores, individuos, empresas de corretaje y agencias gubernamentales, podemos tener acceso a los forex en línea con facilidad. La tecnología de Internet ha habilitado [& # 8230;]

Algunas personas encuentran Forex trading muy difícil. La razón detrás de esto es porque no pasaron el tiempo adecuado en estudiar las tendencias del mercado y no llevaron a cabo un análisis técnico profundo. Forex gráficos son muy importantes y usted necesita saber cómo se desarrollan estos gráficos. Como probablemente ya lo sabe, el Forex [& # 8230;]

El comercio de divisas, como uno de los mercados importantes en todo el mundo, es una oportunidad muy rentable y puede traer enormes ganancias a los comerciantes. El comercio de divisas también puede ser muy arriesgado, especialmente para los nuevos operadores sin experiencia. Es por eso que cada comerciante debe comercio inteligente y mejorar su propia táctica de comercio que funciona y seguir de manera coherente. [& # 8230;]

Forex es una excelente manera de ganar dinero en casa si lo haces bien. El mercado de divisas puede ser una forma lucrativa de ganar dinero desde casa, y todo lo que se necesita para empezar es una computadora y dinero suficiente para abrir una cuenta de Forex con un corredor. Para esto [& # 8230;]

Estafas de HYIP

Un tipo de comerciantes de estafa forex puede encontrar es el alto rendimiento de los programas de inversión que no es más que un tipo de esquema Ponzi. Estas son estafas donde los comerciantes son atraídos, y luego defraudados, con la promesa de ROI increíblemente alto - a menudo tan alto como 70% o más. Estas estafas pueden incluir forex, acciones, o cualquier otro tipo de instrumento de inversión.

Nombrado después de su creador, Charles Ponzi, estos esquemas han demostrado ser muy exitosos en el tiempo, culminando (aunque de ninguna manera cesan) con la reciente exposición del masivo esquema de $ 65 billones de Ponzi dirigido por Bernie Madoff.

Mientras que los esquemas Ponzi han alcanzado cifras alucinantes, el modelo es extremadamente simple. El estafador toma dinero de nuevos inversionistas y lo distribuye de nuevo a otros inversionistas (o incluso a los mismos inversionistas) declarando que son devoluciones de su inversión debido a la incomparable perspicacia de inversión del artista. El modelo es insostenible e implode invariablemente - pero a menudo sólo después de que se han ejecutado durante años y arruinado la vida de la gran mayoría de los inversores participantes. Dado el modelo de la estafa, los primeros inversionistas pueden ver algunas ganancias iniciales, pero a menudo son picados cuando las estafas implosionan y pueden ser perseguidos en la corte por beneficios obtenidos de esquemas fraudulentos.

¿Cómo se puede evitar una estafa HYIP?

Estos sueños rotos se pueden evitar en primer lugar ante la comprensión de que este tipo de bajo riesgo, rendimientos de alto rendimiento simplemente no existen en los mercados financieros. Si alguien que acaba de conocer en línea le está ofreciendo una oferta de oro exclusiva, una que tiene que ser tomado inmediatamente, mientras que él bamboozles usted con los términos y la jerga de la industria, las alarmas deben sonar en su cabeza. Como dicen, si algo es demasiado bueno para ser verdad, probablemente lo sea. Sin embargo, también es importante señalar que muchos esquemas de Ponzi ahora ofrecen rendimientos más bajos, sabiendo que la promesa de retornos irreales alto va a desactivar a algunos inversores.

Como un paso práctico (y esto se aplica a todas las inversiones realizadas, no sólo para HYIP) siempre cuestionar las técnicas del administrador de dinero y constantemente realizar un seguimiento de dónde está su dinero. No confíe en un nombre de recomendación o recomendación sólo porque llegó a usted a través de una fuente de confianza como la propia fuente podría haber sido engañado. Haz tu tarea. Por ejemplo, compruebe el sitio web, el sistema de pago, el país donde se incorpora la empresa - estos pequeños detalles podrían indicar que se trata de un estafador.

Advertencia de Riesgo: Forex, Commodities, Options y CFDs (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Consulte nuestra renuncia de responsabilidad completa. EF Worldwide Ltd

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Definición de "Rendimiento" En el comercio de Forex

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Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo

Gráficos de rendimiento de bonos

Estos puntos de vista / previsiones / sugerencias, aunque proferred con la mejor de las intenciones, se basan en nuestra lectura del mercado en el momento de escribir. Están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso. Aunque se cree que las fuentes de información son confiables, no se garantiza la exactitud de la información. Quienes actúan en el mercado sobre la base de estos son ellos mismos responsables de los beneficios o pérdidas que puedan ocurrir, sin recurrir a nosotros. Los mercados financieros mundiales, y especialmente los mercados de divisas, son intrínsecamente riesgosos y se supone que quienes comercian con estos mercados son plenamente conscientes del riesgo de pérdida real involucrada.

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Propagación del rendimiento

La diferencia entre los rendimientos o las tasas de los diferentes instrumentos de deuda, calculada deduciendo el rendimiento de un instrumento de otro. Cuanto mayor sea el diferencial de rendimiento, mayor será la diferencia entre los rendimientos ofrecidos por cada instrumento. El diferencial puede medirse entre instrumentos de deuda de diferentes vencimientos, calificaciones crediticias y riesgo.

Existen varios contextos en los que se utiliza el término spread de rendimiento y su significación es relativa a la norma para ese par de rendimientos: al comparar bonos, por ejemplo, suele referirse a problemas de calidad crediticia diferente.

Un spread de rendimiento también puede reducirse a cero y luego comenzar a expandirse en la dirección opuesta, como sucede en el caso de una curva de rendimiento invertida.

Términos relacionados

Usando curvas de rendimiento para pronosticar las tasas de cambio

Curvas de rendimiento: lo que los comerciantes deben leer de ellos

La mayoría de los comerciantes de divisas aprender temprano que las tasas de interés son una de las principales fuerzas impulsoras detrás de los movimientos en los mercados financieros.

Cuando cambian las tasas de interés, las monedas, los instrumentos de deuda y las acciones se reajustarán para reflejar esto. Este ajuste de precios a menudo sucede antes de cualquier anuncio oficial como los comerciantes anticipar el cambio de tasa y comenzar a revalorizar los activos en consecuencia.

En este artículo, quiero explicar cómo una comprensión de la curva de rendimiento y los ciclos de tasas de interés puede ser utilizado en la predicción de las tendencias en los mercados de divisas. También explico, en términos cuantitativos, cuánto es probable que el tipo de cambio de una divisa se mueva cuando se espera un cambio de tasa.

Los diferenciales de rendimiento atraen a los comerciantes

Mientras que los bancos centrales fijan generalmente las tarifas oficiales a corto plazo o de noche. Son los mercados monetarios, en los que los inversionistas, los bancos y las empresas prestan y toman préstamos, que decide las tasas de interés efectivas en diferentes períodos de tiempo.

La curva de rendimiento es sólo un gráfico que muestra estas tasas de mercado para diferentes vencimientos o plazos. Al negociar un par de divisas, las curvas de rendimiento de las dos monedas pueden revelar una gran cantidad de información valiosa. Ellos le dicen las expectativas para las economías y los ciclos de interés probable. Curvas de rendimiento para la mayoría de las monedas, así como las tasas utilizadas para generarlos se pueden encontrar fácilmente en línea.

El carry trade tiene el potencial de generar flujo de caja a largo plazo. Este libro electrónico explica paso a paso cómo crear su propia estrategia de carry trading. Explica los conceptos básicos de los conceptos avanzados como la cobertura y el arbitraje.

La guía completa para una exitosa estrategia de carry trade.

Diferenciales de tasas Cuando examine las dos curvas de rendimiento, normalmente habrá diferencias de tasas de interés o diferenciales, en ciertos puntos del gráfico. Cuando una divisa tiene un diferencial de rendimiento suficientemente amplio en cualquier vencimiento, los operadores de carry invertirán en su deuda o derivados de deuda en ese vencimiento. De esta manera, los mercados atraen flujos de capital extranjero debido a la ventaja del rendimiento relativo.

Una regla general es que en los mercados de capitales, los fondos se moverán al lugar que ofrezca la rentabilidad ajustada al riesgo más alta. This is why higher interest rates cause a currency to appreciate.

Figure 1 shows how currencies can have different yield advantages over different terms or maturities. In this toy example, currency 2 has a yield advantage at the very short end of the curve, while currency 1 has a yield advantage at longer maturities over 1 month. Carry traders often use the futures market to trade on these yield differentials.

Figure 1: Yield curve differentials at different maturities

How Much Will a Rate Change Move a Currency?

How much does an exchange rate move up or down when the interest rate changes? The exact amount is a function of the rate difference and the time the market expects it to last. Consider a toy example that strips out all other influences. Let us suppose the real interest rate for both EUR and USD is 3% and the spot price for EUR/USD is 1.4. In terms of interest, there is no relative advantage to holding one or the other. Now let us say the interest rate for EUR rises to 4%.

The market expects the USD interest rate to rise to 4% after one year giving rate parity again. If I sold USD and bought EUR, I would be gaining a 1% yield advantage over one year. That amounts to 140 pips or 0.38 pips per day.

Let us suppose the exchange rate does not change. A trader can do the following:

Borrow 140 USD at 3% Exchange 140 USD, for 100 EUR Lend 100 EUR at 4%

Receives 104 EUR on deposit Exchange 104 EUR, for 145.6 USD (rate still 1.4) Pay back 144.2 USD loan (140 USD + 3%)

Profit (145.6-144.2) USD = 1.4 USD (140 pips or 100 basis points on Euros)

Thus the above has produced an arbitrage opportunity which produces a risk free 1% yield.

Because markets are forward looking . we would expect this to discount into the exchange rate immediately, so that the spot rate would rise by 140 pips, and would decline by 0.38 pips per day over the year. In other words, traders will do the above sums, and buy Euros and sell Dollars until the profit opportunity is no longer there. A trader doing the same trade on day 2, after the rate went up 140 pips would make exactly zero profit. Figure 2 shows this.

Figure 2: Interest Differential vs Exchange Rate

This highlights an important point that not only is the interest rate important, just as important is the time period the market expects the rate advantage/disadvantage to last . Knowing how the rate cycle will evolve is critical to understanding moves in Forex, and to do this we use the yield curves. In the above example, if the market expected rate parity again after 6 months, the rise would only have been 70 pips.

The conundrum, as shown above, is that once the rate rise is priced in, the exchange rate should actually fall over time as the interest rates converge again. This is what’s called uncovered interest rate parity and is due the market’s tendency to eliminate any opportunity for arbitrage .

Yet when currencies have an interest rate advantage, this causes a flow of funds, which can in itself inflate the exchange rate above fair value. Economists call this the forward puzzle or the uncovered interest rate puzzle.

This is why carry trade destinations like the Australian Dollar overshoot and become overvalued. Reverse carry traders try to exploit these types of events by shorting the high-yielding currency.

Yield Curves as Trend Predictors

Traders compare the yield curves for their currencies to anticipate longer-term trends. The shape of the two curves will tell you a lot about the economies and interest rate expectations . and from that, you can deduce what will happen to the exchange rates.

For example, if the spread between the two curves widens for longer maturities, that means traders expect interest rates to diverge further as time goes on. See the left chart in Figure 3. This is bullish for the currency with the increasing rate advantage. On the other hand, if the widest spread is at the short end of the curve and it narrows, this is negative because it means traders are anticipating interest rate convergence further out.

That is bearish for the currency with the narrowing yield advantage. The right chart in Figure 3 shows this. This was the situation in the example above, and the yield curves would have reflected this.

Figure 3: Bullish vs Bearish Yield Curve Comparisons

Yield Curves and the Economic Cycle

Traders describe yield curves as normal . flat or inverted . With a normal yield curve, the rates for longer maturities are higher than for shorter maturities. It is important to realize that the higher rates are not a prediction of where short term interest rates are likely to go.

Growth phase In a normal economy, there is a premium for holding longer dated debt obligations due to risks such as rising rates and inflation .

Contraction phase What happens with a recessionary economy is that base interest rates will usually drop. Facing likely interest rate cuts, a 5-year bond paying say 3.5% starts to look attractive to bond investors. Those expecting rate falls will want to lock-in a higher yield, so they buy these longer dated bonds.

This pushes the bond prices up and the yields down. This results in an inverted yield curve . which usually signifies an economy entering recession. The flat curve usually marks transition from recession to recovery and vice versa.

Figure 4: Yield Curve in Different Economic Phases

Real Examples

Of course, in practice many other variables come into play as well. Figure 5 shows the relationship between British Pounds and U. K. 3 month interest rates. The chart shows the interest rates, adjusted for inflation. There is a clear relationship as the currency index closely tracks real interest rates.

However, there is a widening gap between the rates and the level of the pound since 1997/1998 . One reason for this is the lower global interest rate environment we have had since that time. There are a finite number of investment opportunities available. Assets always compete for funds.

Figure 5: £ GBP Index vs. Real Interest Rate

Looking at Figure 6 this chart compares the U. S. Dollar and the Australian Dollar using their trade-weighted indices. The bars show the difference in real interest rates. What this chart shows is the inverse relationship of two different currencies. The USD is more defensive. The AUD is a higher yielding currency geared to commodities and higher interest rates.

Rate direction is what matters Notice how the strength of the Australian Dollar closely tracks the direction of interest rate changes, rather than the absolute value. During the 1990s, the dot com boom was supportive of the U. S Dollar, despite the Australian Dollar having a big yield advantage. One of the reasons was funds flowing into the U. S. equity markets .

As the dot com boom ends, and the rate differential increases, the upward rate cycle supports the Australian currency again. The Australian economy benefited from the commodity boom during the 2000s and this, along with an inflated housing market are reasons for the higher interest rates.

Figure 6: U. S. Dollar (USD) vs. Australian Dollar (AUD)


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Forex and HYIP

Forex deals usually involve multinational banks, currency speculators, governments and other institutions. This is one of the reasons why it offers a lot of business opportunities for a lot of people.

There is a relation between Forex and HYIP . HYIP means ' high yield investment programme ', which is a growing internet marketing programme, which is actually a method of making money off the internet.

One of the remarkable features of the Forex HYIP is that it allows people to invest an amount as low as $1 and yields high profits in return.

HYIP runs on the principle that the money taken from the investors is placed somewhere reliable and the interest received in return is distributed among the contributors. The collected money is usually placed in the stock exchange market or the foreign exchange market. These places yield good interest which can then be given to the investors. The Forex HYIP has now become more popular, and many companies are now placing their money there, expecting high returns.

People who have invested in HYIP companies earlier warn us that it is indeed risky to invest in HYIP Forex. If the risk pays off, you will receive more than the expected sum. However, if the risk does not pay off, you could stand to lose a lot of money in ventures where they promise to double your money within a stipulated period.

Now as you know, Forex deals with the exchange of currencies among different countries. The currency value increases or decreases daily with regard to the trend in the stock exchange as well as some other investments of the countries concerned. In Forex trading, one makes money by investing in a specific currency and then by selling the same at a higher rate at the end of the day. If the value of the currency in which you invest goes up even a little, you stand to gain a lot. A lot of money finds its way into foreign exchange daily in this way. Forex HYIP makes a huge amount of money in this way and the investors like you are likely to be paid high profits.

Even if you have to operate through brokers, you should have some knowledge of the process in which Forex operates. You should be familiar with the abbreviations and technical terms in use. Even if you have to pay the brokers for operating on your behalf, it is always an advantage to know how things work. Also, the past performance of a company is no guarantee for present or future results.

HYIP is a means of making quick money. Those of you who would like to make some big time money can opt for Forex HYIP, if you can afford to risk the amount that you decide to invest. HYIP is a little risky for new investors because this module works in a pyramidal form. If the company where the money is invested were to close down, the new investors would be likely to suffer, whereas the old investors would not have to bear the consequences of the closure. Unlike the new investors, they would be safe with their contributions and interests.

Now that you are armed with the pros and cons of investing in Forex HYIP, you can take the plunge and come up with some huge profits by investing wisely. You need some expert advice, either from the brokers or from the automated signal systems, before diving into the daily ups and downs of the currency trade market, which, if tackled in the correct manner can yield profitable results. And who knows, you may end up with double the amount of your investment within the stipulated time!

Yield Curve

The Yield Curve is used to predict the future direction of interest rates for a particular country. It is derived by examining the return/rate for like government bonds with different maturity dates. The most common periods to examine are the 1 month, 3 month, 1 year, 2 year and 5 year rates.

Generally speak the yield curve will be upwards sloping indicating that the longer the time to maturity the higher the rate. However, the curve can take different shapes, such as flat or inverted, which also give clues as to the future direction of interest rates.

Yield Curve Articles

US Dollar – Yielding to its Bond Master // 01 July 2011

As the lyrics say in Yazz’s famous song “The Only Way is Up” many an economist would have you believe the same is true of US bond yields. Money printing leads to inflation which leads to higher interest rates they will tell you. Más información & gt; & gt;

What does a flat yield curve mean for interest rates? // 02 May 2011

A flat yield curve occurs when there is little difference between the interest rates on government bonds for different maturities. For example, the rate on the one month bond might be similar to that of the 3 month or 1 year bond as illustrated in the chart below. Más información & gt; & gt;

Using yield curves as a guide to FX rates // 13 April 2011

In a previous article we looked at how interest rates affect fx rates. If you are not familiar with this concept, you should first review that article before reading on. This article looks at how the yield curve can be used to predict future interest rate trends. Más información & gt; & gt;

The fall in the USD explained // 12 April 2011

In recent times, the USD has been sold off against all major cross currencies. This article looks at why the USD has performed so badly and looks at the future of the Greenback. Más información & gt; & gt;

How do changes in interest rates affect foreign exchange rates? // 12 April 2011

To answer the question on how interest rates affect foreign exchange rates, you should first refresh yourself on what a foreign exchange rate is. It’s always a combination of two currencies (e. g. USD/AUD or EURO/USD). Más información & gt; & gt;

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Yield On Red

Markets took a one-two punch to the chin yesterday, when both of the world’s largest economic trading blocs released softer-than-expected numbers. According to results dropped during the European session, common currency-area gross domestic product expanded by 0.2% during the first quarter – less than half the rate forecast, and effectively flat against the last three months of 2017. Numbers broadcast before the North American open showed that factories in the United States shipped 0.6% less in April than in March, while inflation rose slightly more than expected.

Taken together, these results ratcheted up the pressure on central bankers, encouraging the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank to keep monetary stimulus flowing. Government debt yields were crushed in the aftermath, driving a sharp spike in currency market volatility as traders jostled for position on a freshly tilted playing field.

Euros are trading hands just above a two and a half month low while the dollar struggles for traction on a trade-weighted basis. Safe-haven buying is pushing the Japanese yen higher, adding to the momentum gained when the country posted surprisingly positive spending numbers earlier in the week. Sterling is also looking shiny, pushing through yesterday’s high as the Bank of England continues to make noises about monetary tightening.

A weaker global backdrop failed to dent enthusiasm for the Canadian dollar however, which moved a few millimetres forward after domestic factory purchase orders increased by 0.4% in March – continuing an unbroken six-month string of weak but positive growth. Commodity prices are providing some support, but with most of the crude oil action occurring against the European Brent benchmark rather than North American West Texas Intermediate, the impact on CAD positions has been extremely limited.

With growth stuttering, yields could go lower – but we would caution that this won’t last forever. Central banks will eventually begin to reduce stimulus, and investors will certainly try to pre-empt them. Current trading ranges are unlikely to persist through the summer months, meaning that participants should begin building strategies to protect themselves in the event that the normal tumult returns to the markets.

That being said, going into next week, the data calendar looks uncomfortably bare. There are few obvious catalysts for volatility, other than the release of April Federal Reserve meeting minutes on Wednesday .

For currency traders, this is worrisome, meaning that sharp moves could occur without warning or preamble. But for corporate hedgers, this represents an opportunity – when markets are illiquid and vulnerable, automated currency orders can deliver substantial value. By automatically triggering at pre-set spot, forward, or option market levels, they can allow businesses to harness volatility without requiring constant attention. Talk to your trading teams about order mechanisms, and remember – fortune favours the prepared.

High Yield Investments

If you are looking for “high yield investments”, first of all you need to establish exactly what the phrase “high yield” represents for you. A money market deposit account (MMDA) that offers interest based on current money market interest rates, can yield up to 6%, which certainly out performs orthodox savings accounts. Other investors won’t be happy unless they receive returns of 10% to 12% on their investments. After you have decided what you ROI that you want to achieve, then you can match the investments that suit your requirements.

There are countless types of high yield investments that vary enormously. The trick is to find one that you feel comfortable with and that you can comprehend. When you first get under way with investing your money, you could start with treasury notes (government debt security with fixed interest rates), bonds (fixed-income securities) or mutual funds (a collection of stocks and bonds).

You might want to try trading commodities. You should gain knowledge about how this works before getting started because to some extent, it is a riskier high yield investment vehicle and you should understand your own aversion to risk.

Real estate is another investment that you could consider. It has yielded high yields in the past but it may have had its day for the time being due to the baby boomer generation “downsizing”, and also easy credit is no longer easy to come by.

Savings accounts that produce high returns are available, usually they are found in online banks. You can probably expect interest rates of 5% or so and they should be government backed accounts. This will give the investor extra security and should be considered a long term investment.

Managed forex accounts can generate huge returns. Once they were only available to investors with a million dollars to open an account, they are now open to anyone with as little as $10,000 dollars to invest. Returns can be from 4% per month to 20% per month and more.

Availability of your funds (liquidity) should be another thing to take into consideration. There is no point in tying them up in an investment property or a fixed long term account if you think that you might need the money for emergencies. You could end up paying large penalties just to withdraw your funds.

A good rule is to diversify your investments as much as you can. Spread the risks by putting some in long terms investments and keep some for high yield investments such as managed forex accounts.

Using yield curves as a guide to FX rates

In a previous article we looked at how interest rates affect fx rates. If you are not familiar with this concept, you should first review that article before reading on. This article looks at how the yield curve can be used to predict future interest rate trends.

What is a yield curve?

Each country has a separate yield curve that is derived by looking at the yield/interest rate of government bonds that are identical except for their maturity date. For example, some government bonds have a 3 month maturity date and some have a 30 year maturity date and they all pay different rates.

Take the example shown in the table below which are actual U. S bond rates for bonds of differing maturity taken on the 11 th of April 2011. As you can see by the chart the 30 year bond is yielding 4.48% while the 1 month bond is yielding 0.03%.

From such data a yield curve can be constructed as shown in the chart below. The yield curve can be thought of as the combined expectation of market participants as to the direction of interest rates over time. For example, interest rates are expected to stay low in the US for at least the next 5 years as the US covers from recession, the global financial crisis and a crippling foreign debt.

How can the yield curve be used in to predict FX rates?

As you know, foreign exchange is traded in currency pairs so looking at one countries yield curve in isolation is not particularly useful. What is informative is comparing the slope of two countries yield curve as a guide to how the interest rate differential might change over time. Remember, interest rate differentials effect exchange rates as investors tend to prefer holding currencies that provide higher interest rates than those that provide lower interest rates. It’s important to look at the slope and not the absolute value of the rates as the market has already factored in the current interest rate differential in the current FX rate for the AUD/USD.

As you can see, for the next year the slope of the Australian yield curve is much steeper than the U. S one. What we would expect to find is a continue appreciation of the AUD/USD because of this. As the U. S economy beings to recover in years 2 and 3, the slope of the US yield curve becomes much steeper than that of the Australian one. This will cause a deprecation of the AUD/USD as the US economy picks up and money flows back into the greenback as interest rates in that country pick up.

Yield curves are updated every day and provide the best fundamental guide on how a cross currency pair may move in the short to medium term.

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Published on 13th of April 2011

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High Yield Forex Investments, What’s Realistic?

If you haven’t figured out by now, forex is a tricky game to play. Though you can earn more money than other market, you can also suffer big losses. Like most investors, you’re probably asking yourself, “ how much can you really earn trading forex ”? Well, the yield depends on the strategy AND risk of the FX trader. The truth is, some managed FX traders want high returns, and some just want steady yields. Though high yields would appear to be the focus, as you’ll see, RISK management is far more important.

Since FX trading is rather complicated, we thought we’d break it down for you. To simplify things, we separated FX trading strategies into four categories . using aggressiveness as the variable. This will allow you to understand the potential in forex, helping you determine the strategy that’s right for you. Scroll down, and take a look!

Low Leverage FX Trading . When you’re trading forex with low leverage, you usually focus on big moves in the market. In this case, you may hold a position for days before exiting. By doing so, you can reduce volatility while still capitalizing on big market events. Typically, most low leverage FX traders focus on stability first, and yields second. Since a low risk trader doesn’t want to “rock the boat”, they may use leverage of around 10:1. With less money leveraged, the trader can manage their exposure to risk a lot easier.

Traditional FX Trading . This phrase represents the strategy of a typical managed FX trader. In most cases, the main goal of these firms is to build equity, raising as much capital as possible. Though high yields make forex investors happy, the truth is, stable returns build bigger funds. If you can earn a few % per month with infrequent losses, you could run a Billion dollar FX fund in no time. For a traditional forex trader, leverage is around 50:1 with yields at 5-10% per month.

High Leverage FX Trading . The concept of high leverage trading focuses on smaller market movements, using account leverage to attain profit. Though most traders do not use high leverage, the truth is, it can be very profitable if done correctly. Remember, high leverage forex could be great, but you must manage your risk exposure. Unfortunately, since the FX market moves so fast, it’s pretty tough to always be right. If you find a trader with an expertise in high leverage FX. yields can be 25+% per month. In this scenario, leverage can be set to 100:1 or more.

Fully Leveraged FX Trading . Full leverage FX trading is using the majority of your account margin to trade full throttle. For example, for a 100K account, you could hold 20 total positions in the Gold futures market, since each position requires 4k in margin. If the trade goes in your favor, you could double your FX account daily. Then again, if you make the wrong trade, you could lose your account overnight. If you find a FX trader with this strategy, yields can be 100+% per month. Though this sounds impossible, it’s very realistic when leverage is set at 400:1. The fact is, it just takes a forex trader with the right risk temperament, and a whole lot of talent.

Take a minute and ask yourself, what’s the top FX trading story you ever heard? We’ve spoken to FX traders who turned 50k into 500k in less than 60 days. You may be saying, “wow, how’s that even possible”? Well, the answer is simple, high leverage and big market swings. To give you an example of how this can happen, we’ve provided a Gold chart from February 2010. In this case, the news of financial instability in Greece lead to a huge price drop. Scroll down and take a look, it’s surreal!

As you can see, if you caught the Gold trade perfectly, you could have earned $78 in price movement within 24 hours. This means for every position you own, you’d earn 30k+ with high enough leverage. For example, with a typical 100k account, you could own 10 positions and still have 60k left in free margin. If you were positioned right during this $78 drop, you would have earned 400k+ on a 100k account. I repeat, you could of made 400%+ in profit with 24 hours. We know this sounds astounding, but in the right FX circumstance, you really can break the bank.

Though you’d think the Gold scenario is rare, due to big news releases, it can happen anytime. The truth is, even the best managing forex accounts are cautious during volatility. In fact, this is why you never find licensed FX traders earning 50% per month. Sure, we’d all love to earn high yields, but as any good trader knows, the reward is rarely worth the risk. Remember, high yields are achievable in forex, but they can ALSO lead to higher losses.

In summary, there are plenty of FX firms who implode overnight and drop out of the business. Don’t be another victim to inexperienced forex trading, get educated. High yields can sound good in forex, but long term stability is what counts in the end. If you’re invigorated by risk, then sure, shoot for the stars with high yield trading. If you’re like everyone else, build your risk tolerance slowly in managed forex. Remember, if you’re not comfortable with a forex investment, DON’T roll the dice. No matter how high the yields may claim to be, if it doesn’t feel right, it never is…

Por favor, espere.

Easy Forex – Scams by High Yield Investment Programs

One type of forex scam traders may encounter is the High Yield Investment Programs which is nothing more than a type of Ponzi scheme. These are scams where traders are lured, and then defrauded, with the promise of impossibly high ROI’s - often as high as 70% or over. These scams may involve forex, stocks, or any other kind of investing instrument.

Named after its creator, Charles Ponzi, these schemes have proven very successful over time, climaxing (although by no means ceasing) with the recent exposure of the massive $65 billion Ponzi scheme run by Bernie Madoff.

While Ponzi schemes have reached mind boggling sums, the model is extremely simple. The con artist takes money from new investors and distributes it back to other investors (or even the same investors) stating they are returns on their investment due to the con artist’s unparalleled investing acumen. The model is unsustainable and invariably implodes – but often only after they have run for years and ruined the lives of the vast majority of participating investors. Given the scam’s model, early investors may see some initial profits but are often stung when the scams implodes and may be pursued in court for profits made off fraudulent schemes.

How can this type of scam be avoided?

These broken dreams can be avoided first and foremost by understanding that these kinds of low risk, high yield returns simply do not exist in the financial markets. If someone you have just met online is offering you an exclusive golden offer, one that has to be taken up immediately, while he bamboozles you with industry terms and jargon, alarm bells should be ringing in your head. As they say, if something is too good to be true, it probably is. However, it is also important to note that many Ponzi schemes now offer lower returns, knowing that the promise of unrealistically high returns will turn off some investors.

As a practical step (and this applies to all investments made, not only for HYIP’s) always question the techniques of the money manager and constantly keep track of where your money is. Don’t trust a referral or recommended name just because it came to you through a trusted source as the source himself could have been duped. Do your homework. For example, check the website, the payment system, the country where the company is incorporated – these little details might indicate that you are dealing with a scam artist.

Advertencia de Riesgo : El Forex, las Materias Primas, las Opciones y los Contratos Diferenciales (negociación extrabursátil) son productos apalancados que conllevan un importante riesgo de pérdidas de hasta la totalidad de tu capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todas las personas. Por favor, asegúrate de entender los riesgos que supone y no inviertas cantidades que no te puedas permitir perder. Favor referirse a nuestra advertencia de riesgo. Easy Forex Trading Ltd. (CySEC – número de licencia 079/07 ).

Easy Forex Trading Ltd. (CySEC – número de licencia 079/07 ).

Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2017. Todos los derechos reservados.

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FOREX and CFDs are leveraged products and involve a high level of risk. Es posible perder todo su capital. Estos productos pueden no ser adecuados para todos y usted debe asegurarse de que entiende los riesgos involucrados. Busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

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Yield Curve

The graph showing changes in yield on instruments depending on time to maturity. A system originally developed in the bond markets is now broadly applied to various financial futures. A positive sloping curve has lower interest rates at the shorter maturities and higher at the longer maturities. A negative sloping curve has higher interest rates at the shorter maturities.

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Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

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The page you requested could not be found. Here is a list of some of OANDA's Foreign Exchange and Currency Services:

Herramientas de divisas

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OANDA fxTrade: & # 160; Comercio en línea de forex

Cuenta demo de comercio de divisas. Practique el comercio de divisas con la versión de demostración de OANDA de su plataforma de comercio de divisas.

OANDA fxMessage: & # 160; An open community created by people interested in the forex market.

Herramientas de cambio para inversionistas

Currency Chart (fxAnalysis). Java basado en la herramienta de apoyo a la decisión que permite a los inversores de divisas para analizar las divisas múltiples gráficamente.

Noticias del Mercado Cambiario. Intradía los niveles de mercado de divisas y editoriales.

Servicios de divisas para empresas

Tipos de cambio y servicios de datos. Principio de la línea, Foreign Exchange Protocol, automatiza la recuperación de tipos de cambio de divisas directamente a su tienda en línea o negocio.

Currency Hedging. Professional consulting services.

Localización de monedas para su tienda en línea. Localize catelog prices on your website for international customers.

Las tasas de cambio en su caja de correo electrónico (fxMail). Mesas de moneda diarias, semanales o mensuales directamente en su bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico.

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La negociación con apalancamiento en contratos de divisas u otros productos fuera de bolsa en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos. Le aconsejamos que considere cuidadosamente si el comercio es apropiado para usted a la luz de sus circunstancias personales. Usted puede perder más de lo que invierte. La información en esta página web es de carácter general. Recomendamos que busque asesoramiento financiero independiente y asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados antes de operar. El comercio a través de una plataforma en línea conlleva riesgos adicionales. Consulte nuestra sección legal aquí.

Las apuestas de spread financiero sólo están disponibles para los clientes de OANDA Europe Ltd que residan en el Reino Unido o la República de Irlanda. CFDs, capacidades de cobertura de MT4 y coeficientes de apalancamiento superiores a 50: 1 no están disponibles para los residentes de los Estados Unidos.

OANDA Corporation es un Comerciante de la Comisión de Futuros registrado y Distribuidor Minorista de Divisas con la Commodity Futures Trading Commission y es miembro de la National Futures Association. No: 0325821. Por favor refiérase a la ALERTA INVERSOR FOREX de NFA donde sea apropiado.

Las cuentas de OANDA (Canadá) Corporation ULC están disponibles para cualquier persona con una cuenta bancaria canadiense. OANDA (Canadá) Corporation ULC está regulada por la Organización de Regulación de la Industria de Inversiones del Canadá (OCRCM) y los depósitos de los clientes están asegurados por el Fondo Canadiense de Protección a los Inversores (CIPF)

OANDA Europe Limited es una empresa registrada en Inglaterra número 7110087 limitada por acciones con domicilio social en la Torre 42, Piso 9a, 25 Old Broad St, Londres EC2N 1HQ y está autorizada y regulada por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera. No: 542574.

OANDA Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (Co. Reg. No 200704926K) posee una Licencia de Servicios de Mercados de Capital emitida por la Autoridad Monetaria de Singapur y también tiene licencia de la International Enterprise Singapore.

OANDA Australia Pty Ltd está regulada por la Comisión Australiana de Valores e Inversiones ASIC (ABN 26 152 088 349, AFSL No. 412981) y proporciona y es el emisor de los productos y / o servicios en este sitio web. Es importante que considere la actual Guía de Servicios Financieros (FSG). Declaración de divulgación del producto (PDS). Términos de Cuenta y cualquier otro documento pertinente de OANDA antes de tomar cualquier decisión de inversión financiera. Estos documentos se pueden encontrar aquí.

OANDA Japan Co. Ltd. Primer Director de Negocios de Instrumentos Financieros Tipo I de la Oficina Financiera Local de Kanto No. 2137 Número de abonado de la Asociación de Futuros Financieros del Instituto 1571.

Trading FX y / o CFDs en el margen son de alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos. Las pérdidas pueden exceder la inversión.

Por favor, espere.

Easy Forex – Scams by High Yield Investment Programs

One type of forex scam traders may encounter is the High Yield Investment Programs which is nothing more than a type of Ponzi scheme. These are scams where traders are lured, and then defrauded, with the promise of impossibly high ROI’s - often as high as 70% or over. These scams may involve forex, stocks, or any other kind of investing instrument.

Named after its creator, Charles Ponzi, these schemes have proven very successful over time, climaxing (although by no means ceasing) with the recent exposure of the massive $65 billion Ponzi scheme run by Bernie Madoff.

While Ponzi schemes have reached mind boggling sums, the model is extremely simple. The con artist takes money from new investors and distributes it back to other investors (or even the same investors) stating they are returns on their investment due to the con artist’s unparalleled investing acumen. The model is unsustainable and invariably implodes – but often only after they have run for years and ruined the lives of the vast majority of participating investors. Given the scam’s model, early investors may see some initial profits but are often stung when the scams implodes and may be pursued in court for profits made off fraudulent schemes.

How can this type of scam be avoided?

These broken dreams can be avoided first and foremost by understanding that these kinds of low risk, high yield returns simply do not exist in the financial markets. If someone you have just met online is offering you an exclusive golden offer, one that has to be taken up immediately, while he bamboozles you with industry terms and jargon, alarm bells should be ringing in your head. As they say, if something is too good to be true, it probably is. However, it is also important to note that many Ponzi schemes now offer lower returns, knowing that the promise of unrealistically high returns will turn off some investors.

As a practical step (and this applies to all investments made, not only for HYIP’s) always question the techniques of the money manager and constantly keep track of where your money is. Don’t trust a referral or recommended name just because it came to you through a trusted source as the source himself could have been duped. Do your homework. For example, check the website, the payment system, the country where the company is incorporated – these little details might indicate that you are dealing with a scam artist.

Advertencia de Riesgo : El Forex, las Materias Primas, las Opciones y los Contratos Diferenciales (negociación extrabursátil) son productos apalancados que conllevan un importante riesgo de pérdidas de hasta la totalidad de tu capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todas las personas. Por favor, asegúrate de entender los riesgos que supone y no inviertas cantidades que no te puedas permitir perder. Favor referirse a nuestra advertencia de riesgo. EF Worldwide Ltd

EF Worldwide Ltd

Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2017. Todos los derechos reservados.

The yield of a financial instrument, usually a debt or other fixed income instrument, is the amount the holder is paid each year for leaving his or her money invested in that instrument. Unlike a corporate dividend, a yield is fairly certain, unless there is a bankruptcy.

While yields vary with inflation, they tend to fit in a fixed order: the least risky instruments, such as Treasury bonds, yield the least, then safe and "guaranteed" instruments like long-term deposits, then overnight deposits, and so on to the various municipal bond and corporate bonds. Extremely risky instruments with high yield are usually called junk bonds.

Corredores de Forex

ActionForex. com © 2017 All rights reserved.

We are a group of experienced traders and market analysts. After years of professional trading we have joined our skills, knowledge and talents in the effort to bring a new reliable investment opportunity. As the result of careful planning and joint work emerged traded-investment, a reliable long-term investment project, that offers great returns along with professional approach and security. We do not claim the highest interest rates available online and this has never been our primary aim. What we consider most important is stability, timely payments and flawless service. But doubtless Traded-investment stands out from most online investment opportunities.

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Secure Investment Ltd. currently maintains several different payment plans. We pay our members 500% to 1200% profit. It depends on what plan a member chooses. All payments are made to your account balance daily. We accept Perfect Money and Bitcoin.

Bloomberg: Japanese investors are hunting for yield in Australia

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

2017 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116 (t)

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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High Yield Investing And The Forex

Investing in Forex is probably more risky but there is the opportunity to make more in a shorter space of time.

By high yield we mean, high yield consistent with the preservation of the capital invested. This definition means that investment in a new corporation that is just starting out is omitted as is investment in partnerships as a partner and in individual proprietorships whether they be shoe shine parlors or stock brokerage firms.

This latter type of investment does not stress the preservation of your capital down to the last dollar right from the time that dollar is invested. Granted it may work out wonderfully, and a dollar invested may conceivably grow to two or five or even $100, but when funds are invested in such a way they are spent for sales promotion or for a truck or machinery or for anything. Your dollar or fund of dollars thus cannot be returned since it has been put into forms of assets which it is hoped will start earning and eventually build up a fund of dollars to return to the investors.

We are talking about investments which right from the day you invest your money have as goals the preservation of every dollar and the payment of a return on that dollar. As soon as the investment is made, wheels are started rolling to return your investment to you. There is no particular virtue in this type investment as against the kind that takes your funds and puts them into a peanut stand which you and your partner will operate.

It is simply a different type of investment. If you put your funds into a building and loan association you know with reasonable certainty that they will be returned to you, and it is one of the main purposes of the association to keep your money intact at all times.

Besides the preservation of your fund of dollars, which will eventually be returned to you, the type investment we are talking about is the kind that gives you a high yield on your money, and by high yield is meant anything over the savings bank 3% or thereabouts, up to 20% and in some cases higher.

Quite aside from the fact that we are simply taking a type or types of investment and studying these, there is very real merit to concentrating on what we call high yield investments. In a free enterprise a democratic economy such as we have in the United States the factors of production are guided into their most valuable use by going where they are offered the greatest reward or return.

The laborer goes where he is paid the most; the executive moves out of his job with his company and into a higher paying one in another company; a farm is excavated away and in its place is constructed a modern shopping center; and capital goes where the users are willing to pay the most for it, provided the risk is approximately the same.

In the railroad building era which started in the 1830’s the smart, large aggregations of capital went into constructing new rail lines and buying new equipment, and the return on the capital in this employment was high. Since those pioneering years the railroads have matured and gradually new forms of transportation have come in as competitors, mainly trucks, airlines and bus lines. The railroads now need little capital for expansion and thus are unwilling to pay a high rate of return to attract it.

In the early and middle 1950’s mobile homes (house trailers) were just developing as a full fledged industry, and to attract money this industry was willing to pay a substantial rate of return. Later in the 1950’s this business approached a plateau of development, at least a temporary one, and it could not pay the rate of return it once did. In 1959 and 1960 and into 1961 still another industry came up, and came up fast, and it was willing to pay a high rate of return in order to attract capital shell or pre-cut homes, manufactured in parts at the factory and shipped knocked down to the owner’s land where they were assembled quickly and easily.

The industry was new. It needed funds to develop. Since it was new and in its early stage of great demand, its profits enabled it to pay a healthy rate of return on the money it needed.

If you invest in stocks or Forex make sure you do not risk more than you can afford to lose.

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Forex bond spread for every trader

There is a sort of inter-connectivity between the currency market, the commodity market and the equity market. As such, any change in one of them is likely to affect the movement in the others. Therefore a change in the commodities market would exert influence over the currency market. A similar connection can be observed between currencies and bond spreads . First of all, we need to understand what a bond spread is. It is the difference in the interest rates of different countries. According to Macroeconomic principles, inflation and the strength of a currency are directly proportionate. A currency which is weak in nature will always lead to inflation whereas a strong currency often reduces inflation, sometimes even causing the process to be arrested. On one hand we see that the monetary policies of the countries all over the world are influenced by the price of a currency. On the other hand, these very monetary policies, together with the interest rates, have an effect in controlling the prices of currencies. A trader should understand the impact of these happenings on the currency market in order to gain an insight into the movement of the market. This in turn will help him to predict the movement of the currencies in the trade scenario.

A look at the tech bubble burst of 2000 will help us to understand the impact of interest rates on the currency market. With the setback, traders became more involved in safeguarding their capitals instead of looking for high returns. The US interest rate at that time was 2%, whereas the Australian Interest rate was 5%. This fact opened up a promising pathway for the hedge fund managers and other institutions that had the capability of trading overseas. These people could make a profit of 3% in the Australian market. This remarkable difference leads to the concept of carry trade, which means an interest rate arbitrage. The difference between the interest rates of two economies is used to make a profit and a profit is also made from the overall trend of the currency pair in question. The method is not complicated at all; it is a matter of buying one set of currencies and funding it with another. Usually currencies offering a low interest rate are used for this purpose, for instance, the Japanese or Swiss currencies, and these are then paired off with currencies offering a high rate of interest. For example, you could pair off the Australian dollar with the Japanese yen, thus balancing the difference with your forex bond spread .

However, it is difficult for an individual investor to take advantage of this process. It is not possible for them to access the global market in search of currencies with low interest rates. It is only possible for the financial institutions to take advantage of this strategy. Only they can shift their assets in search of the highest returns with the lowest risks, and properly use forex bond spreads .

There is a way in which the small individual trader can benefit from such a situation. Yield spreads may help in determining the direction of the flow of cash and may also help to predict changes in the interest rates. These predictions may be utilised by the individual investor to work out an advantage for himself. When the yield spread increases in favour of a currency, there will be an appreciation in the value of that currency in comparison with the other currency in the pair. A knowledge of this situation will help to predict the way the in which the currency market may move and make profits accordingly, not only from capital appreciation, but also from annual interest rate differential.

How much can I earn by trading in the Forex market?

Trading financial instruments involves substantial risk of loss to your capital. The high degree of leverage available in the Forex market can work against you as well as for you. Before starting Forex trading, it is critical that you carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you can sustain a substantial loss of some or all of your investments due to unfavourable fluctuations in currency exchange rates. You should abstain from Forex trading unless you are an experienced market participant or you fully understand the basics of currency markets, inherent risks, mechanisms of transaction execution and order placement. You are strongly recommended not to invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Before signing up for a Forex account, you must read and accept the terms and conditions of Forex trading, agreements, and tariffs. In order to reduce the risk of potential losses, you can (but are not obliged to) use pending stop-loss orders and, at each transaction invest not more than 5% of your Forex account. BCS-Cyprus shall not be held liable for incorrect interpretation of information posted on this website, as well as for possible mistakes, typos, and incorrect information.

Copyright © 2006–2017. BrokerCreditService (Cyprus) Limited. Todos los derechos reservados.

Bond Yield Curve and term structure

by Technical Forex on January 9, 2017

The Yield curve shows the relationship between interest rate over its maturity term. Maturity term is the duration of the loan. Thus there are many yield curves across different contract lengths. Every bond has its own unique yield curve, and this relationship of yield over its maturity tenor/term is referred to as the “term structure of interest rates.”

Yields are further classified as follows:

Nominal Yield: This the coupon rate of a particular bond i. e. a bond with a 10% coupon rate has a nominal yield of 10%

Current Yield . This yield measures current income from the bonds as a percentage of its prevailing price. It is the income that is generated periodically from an investment portfolio.

Yield to Maturity . Reflects the total compounded return an investor earns by holding a bond to its maturity.

Yield to Call . Yield to Call is calculated the same way as Yield to Maturity, but assumes that a bond will be called, or repurchased by the issuer at a call price/face value before the maturity date. Thus Yield to Call is the compounded return at the point the bonds are “called.”

A yield curve depicts yield spreads that arise over different tenors due to difference in maturity and thus points to the overall term structure of interest rates. This relationship is affected by economic fundamentals and consumer expectations. Normally the term structure is upward sloping, which means that the bond yields usually rise with maturity. At a rudimentary level there are a few variables that can cause the demand and supply of bonds to change and thus impact its long term yields and thus term structure.

Wealth Affect: Economic growth creates wealth, thus the immediate demand for bond increases and consequently depresses current yield in favor of long term yields

Expected Returns (ROI): If investors forecast that interest rates would lower in the future, then they would buy more interest bearing instruments in the immediate future viz-a-viz long term. This would make the term structure slope upwards

Inflation: Since purchasing power is eroded with inflation, thus investors would invest short term if they felt that long term inflation would rise. This would depress the current yield, as price, driven by a rightward shift in demand function, pushing the price up and yields down.

Bond Risk: Short term investments may be deemed less risky than long term investment, causing higher demand for short term maturing bonds viz-a-viz long term bonds. This would increase the demand for short term bonds and reduce their yields and cause the term structure to slope upwards. On a similar note the Pure Expectations Theory postulates that yield curve reflect investor’s perception of future short term interest rates and that bond prices are established strictly on the basis of future interest rate expectations and not maturity horizon. The maturity risk premium is zero long-term interest rates are simply a product of current and expected future short-term interest rates.

Computationally if an investor wants to buy a 2-year bond 1 year from now then he would look at the 1-year interest rate and use that value to calculate the value interest rate for year 2 at the end of year 1.

Equation: (1 + Y1) x (1 +Y2) = (1 + Y12)

Y1 = 1 st year yield

Y2 = 2 nd year yield

Y12 = yield of a bond maturating in 2 years

The calculation would yield an upward sloping yield curve.

Liquidity: Investors demand for highly liquid bonds is higher than less liquid bonds, thus shifting the demand function for these bonds. The Liquidity Preference Theory, specifies that investors require a higher liquidity on long term bonds and because of this premium long-term yields tend to be higher

Information cost: A decrease in cost for acquiring information on bonds, shifts their demand rightward and increases their price and yield oppositely.

The Preferred Habitat Theory states that investors have a distinct investment horizon, and require a premium in interest rates outside their preferred maturity horizon.

Profit Expectations: An increase in corporate profits would increase supply of bonds as firms would purchase debt for capital expenditure, which would lower bond prices and increase their yield.

Taxation: Imposition of tax would reduce incentive for capital expenditure and thus the supply of bond would shift inwards increasing price and reducing yields.

Inflation: Inflation reduces the purchasing power parity. and thus weakens currency. Thus if inflation were to persist then businesses and governments would borrow in the short term and pay in the long term when the currency is weaker i. e. “cheap dollar.” This would shift supply of bonds rightwards and reduce bond prices and increase current yields.

Term Structure and Economic Performance:

Generally, the slope of the yield curve has been a good leading indicator of economic performance. An upward sloping yield curve has preceded a growing economy and a negatively sloping yield curve has been a predecessor to economic slowdown. A flat yield curve has corresponded to a transitory state.

The assumption of an economic upturn in conjunction with an upward sloping yield curve is the notion that interest rates will begin to rise significantly in the future. Consequently, the Yield to Maturity increases because of an associated risk of higher inflation on the longer horizon that is brought about by rapid economic expansion. Thus investors require a higher return over their investment horizon. Similarly, an inverted yield curve is a harbinger of recession, and the term structure inverts. It is based on the assumption that interest rates in the future would decline to spur the economy out of a slowdown. It would not be uncommon for yield curves to invert 12-18 months prior to an economic slowdown.

Utility of the Yield Curve:

Yield curves is a stable leading economic indicator and thus signals well in advance on how the economy may perform in the foreseeable future.

Yield curve is also used as a benchmark to price other fixed income securities based on their risk class. This is done by adding a risk premium to treasury bonds. For example, a 3-year high quality bond may be priced 50 basis points over a 2-year treasury bond and similarly a riskier bond may be priced 100 basis points over a 2-year treasury bond.

Also yield curves may be used to price bonds, the values of which are based present value of future cash flows and principal. If different interest rate forecasts are applied to a given bond, and estimation of its undervaluation or overvaluation may be arrived at and accordingly the investment decision applied.

About Currency Currents

With Currency Currents, you can stay tuned-in to our current global-macro view and our analysis of key investment themes driving currency prices.

We consistently focus on the key asset classes responsible for the flow of global capital -- including equities, fixed income, commodities and, of course, currencies.

Nothing is off limits to us in this free-wheeling look at the markets. Some days you’ll receive ramblings on trading psychology, while other days we may take an academic approach in explaining esoteric economic issues. Ultimately we have one goal in mind: to help you get a handle on the key investment themes driving global capital flow. Because if you know where the money is going, it increases the probability that your position in the market will be a profitable one.

Who is Jack the Pipper?

Jack Crooks is Black Swan Capital LLC, President and Chief Trading Officer.

Jack is founder and president of Black Swan Capital LLC. He has also operated a discretionary money management firm specializing in global stock, bond, and currency asset management for retail clients. In addition, he was general partner in a firm specializing in currency futures and commodities trading. Neither firm is now in operation.

Prior to entering the investment arena, Jack worked in various corporate finance positions. He has written extensively on the subject of global currencies and international economics.

últimas publicaciones

Euro Dynamics – Stocks, Yield, Currency

Posted 10 months ago | 9:14 AM | 14 May 2017 1 Comment

Update: Euro Dynamics – Stocks, Yield, Currency

14 May 2017/6:21 a. m. ET

We are seeing a dynamic relationship between German stocks, 2-year benchmark interest rates, and the currency—EUR/USD. The rise in short rates coincided nicely with a sell-off in stocks and a rise in the euro as you can see in the chart below:

This is not what ECB Governor Draghi had in mind when with quantitative easing. In fact, rising rates and a strong euro counters the effectiveness of QE and likely leads to portfolio flow from international stock funds out of the Eurozone—the real economy in Europe needs rising stocks as rising stocks are a huge repository of collateral value; that is the direct feed-back loop to the real economy.

Portfolio flow out of European stocks, money that was most likely hedged, i. e. short euro and long the US dollar, leads to the dynamic of pushing EUR/USD higher as the hedge is removed.

So, the key driver seems the 2-year benchmark yield—the blue line in the chart above (which given the recent relative juxtaposition of disappointing US economic news versus improving Eurozone news makes some sense at least relatively). What I am looking for is a corrective top in euro in the 1.1450-1.1532 level. We are close. I am looking for yield confirmation from Europe; but we have to consider the risk of continued relative US economic weakness could lead to some type of blow-off move in EUR/USD; ultimately planting the seeds of its own destruction, hyperbolically speaking. Manténganse al tanto.

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FOREX-EUR Strangled By Options And Yield

currently is usually starting off rather anticlimactic, especially following last week’s fundamental events, by which market participants spent weeks building up IN ADDITION TO procuring in to various scenarios relying upon what your own European Central Standard bank (ECB) feel to bring forth AS WELL AS on the strength of a U. S. jobs market. forex

ECB President Mario Draghi AND ALSO business ended up deciding to be able to throw the whole tool bag in the eurozone’s deflation concerns IN ADDITION TO growth Ailments – a great tad further ‘dovish’ as compared to what had been expected. through your own U. S. they happened in order to cap off sole of any Simplest four-month stretches for job creations within 18 several years (May’s nonfarm payrolls ‘m +217k Just like expected), certainly supporting stocks, but not necessarily the big dollar, thereby confounding a few positions taken. Typically, upbeat spells throughout all economies tend to be associated with a weaker domestic currency.100614eWhere in order to from here? your Group associated with 10-currency war argument remains intact. forex

throughout Europe, your current aftermath of a ECB meeting keeps for you to support sentiment – equities higher, although some periphery bond spreads tighten to help bunds. the ECB cut their main interest rates, put deposit rates straight into negative territory AS WELL AS outlined quite a few additional measures, like a fresh sequence associated with cheaper loans to banks. most of these decisions IN ADDITION TO initiatives In the event support stabilize ones region’s inflation ALONG WITH reduce your current risk regarding deflation. However, your current economic recovery will progress to be able to be gradual. your current supposed proposals tend to be not a good “magic bullet” for you to weaken the EUR immediately. your would possibly be carried out far quicker AND extra aggressively if your ECB picked immediately intervention. and so far, your EUR aftermath reply features confounded many.100614fPeriphery Spreads Tighten So why may be the EUR not suffering? your own ECB methods taken last Thursday tend to be very supportive intended for European financial assets such as equities AND ALSO peripheral bonds (Spanish 10-year government yield from +2.60% AND below it’s U. S. equivalent intended for first date inside four years). Draghi’s steps are stimulating added portfolio investments in to the euro-region, AND ALSO it’s the actual That would naturally bid up the EUR itself. forex

Friday morning’s nonfarm payrolls (NFP) variety was always going as a coin toss outcome. virtually any negative surprises (sub +200k print) as well as the EUR would have garnered immediate support. a great strong headline print (along your own line connected with last month’s +288k – actual +217k) would keep the Federal Reserve with track AND ALSO help ones ECB’s Easiest intentions. However, anything for the middle and also the market would still find it tricky justifying full engagement.100614gFor now, with eurozone peripheral spreads tightening IN ADDITION TO equities at the black, The item somewhat keeps for you to underpin the EUR. However, throughout U. S. payrolls running in the healthy clip and also the end of quantitative easing perhaps simply months away, The item Should produce risks for you to U. S. short-term yields on the upside. This may eventually underpin the USD AS WELL AS support the EUR in order to always be a good additional popular “funding” currency. Nevertheless, positional timing is important using a large percentage of a market additional comfortable selling EUR’s at rally’s up to be able to €1.3750. But, may they consider it is chance? You can find yards associated with EUR/USD expiries at the vicinity the actual week (€1.3550, $3.8B; €1.3600, $8.8B; €1.3650, $3B; AND ALSO €1.3700, $3.7B) The idea In the event keep this market under-foot AS WELL AS frustrated. Mind you, ones month-long World Cup will again end up being weighing at capital markets quantity AND ALSO volatility.100614hEurope as well as the U. S. can not hog the many limelight. Chinese trade data released from the weekend painted an mixed picture despite your current impressive five-year surplus beat towards headline. Exports were particularly impressive with a +7%, year-over-year rise – shipments on the European Union were up +13% ALONG WITH those on the U. S. up +6%. However, ones imports component surprisingly contracted, shrinking from -1.6% against the +6% necessary rise. your own commodities component fell, mostly due in section towards the recent crackdown through Chinese regulators towards the EMPLOY connected with commodities In the same way collateral to help finance deals. forex

In Japan, first-quarter final gross domestic products (GDP) am revised higher despite expectations regarding decrease compared to initially reported growth. the quarter-over-quarter final GDP stood in +1.6% versus +1.5% preliminary, AND annualized, The item was up +6.7% versus +5.9% preliminary. Japan’s corporate CAPEX (capital expenditure pertaining to future benefit) component revision stood out which has a whopping +7.6% rise versus +4.6% estimated. USD/JPY hit a high associated with ¥102.64 on the release before retreating for you to current levels. Financial institution involving Japan (BoJ) Governor Haruhiko Kuroda suggested The idea whilst ones bank’s stimulus policies have attained your goal connected with boosting your actual economy ALONG WITH ending deflation, your current recognized +2% inflation target will probably consider more than your own initially projected two-year timeframe to help always be reached sustainably.100614iInvestors’ carry Appetite Improves Both forex quantity IN ADDITION TO volatility have accepted a great massive hit because the onslaught regarding low interest rate policies by Group regarding seven central banks. What your forex market needs, AS WELL AS have been looking for, is usually a divergence within central Financial institution monetary policy. are generally capital markets finally on the route to be able to getting its wishes granted? within translation, your own ECB’s policy action last week means The idea with the then 12-18 months there is usually a series of divergent monetary policy between ones eurozone, ones U. S. plus the U. K. However, this knock-on effect with the ECB’s perspective can consider time. from the hunt with regard to “carry” right now within full swing, KRW ALONG WITH TRY are your own emerging market’s outperformers, although your current AUD looks in order to possibly be ones contender to its G-10 title. forex

For your current remainder involving this week, investors is watching China’s will economic information similar to end user AND ALSO producer prices, industrial production, AND ALSO retail income to help view if your current economy can be picking up. Stronger data usually aids your Australasian currencies (NZD IN ADDITION TO AUD in particular). your own BoJ and also the Reserve Standard bank of New Zealand can announce their respective monetary policies your week. the latest jobs reviews from straight down Under is actually monitored closely As well. AUD is usually now being touted to help reach parity coming from year’s end, supported mainly on the yield take front.


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Forex Expert Advisor Xaaron EA

Xaaron Expert Advisor is a commercial trading robot. The software is fully automated and is suitable for both professional traders and to novices on currency markets. The price of the advisor is $149. It is designed to trade two major currency crosses – euro/dollar and pound/dollar on M5 timeframe. Unlike many other forex advisors, Xaaron can trade with quite small deposits starting from $100 with the size of the lot 0.01. The advisor shows itself best in specific market conditions in which many other robots just stop trading. Xaaron does not need a complicated adjustment, all is required to make it work is to specify the integral logic.

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Forex and High Yield Investing

FXDD - MetaTrader 4 is Live.

Buenas noticias. MetaTrader 4 is now live at FXDD.

Last week I read FXDD will be implementing MT4 live and at the same time start allowing micro lots. On Friday I emailed customer support asking when MT4 will go live. I have been with FXDD since last year. When I joined I was told it would be going live soon. What a long wait it has been and now my patience will pay off. ) I was getting close to changing brokers just to be able to trade mini lots.

I received a reply today:

"Metatrader 4 is currently available for live accounts and micro lots are implemented on the platform. If you wish to set up a live account for metatrader 4, please send an email to sales@fxdd. com."

I have just sent the email to request it. This is great because I will now be able to size my positions better and peel off micro lots on winning trades.

Two great pieces of news at the same time. as soon as it is activated on my account. )

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

US Trade Balance Report / New Links

Time for another of my infrequent updates. -). If you would like an email notifying you of updates to my blog you can subscribe by submitting your email address in the form on the right. I've had this for awhile, but decided to move it in a more prominent position due to my infrequent updates. ---->

Today's US Trade Balance report was better than expected. For the report I placed a couple GBP/USD trades yielding 52 pips and 26 pips.

A couple new links:

I found this awhile ago, but last Friday was the first chance I had to try it during the NFP. It is a direct Media Player link to Bloomberg TV. It reported the NFP results fairly quick and it is also a great way to get the financial news from Bloomberg TV directly to your desktop.

I have also been using a "World Market Hours" clock that was introduced in a thread at Forex Factory. I have been using it for Forex markets plus there are also clocks for Stock and CBOT. On the left you can click the "Go" button and it creates a smaller clock which is what I prefer. A nice feature I like is it also included holidays so you know which markets will be closed and when and why.

I've added a link to both of these items in the "Forex News & Events" section on the right. Hope that helps the traders out there. -)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

NSFG Reminder

I hope nobody has forgotten the NSFG pooled program will close to new members on March 25th. ) The date is quickly approaching. The managed account service will remain open to new investors.

For NSFG pooled program information click the NSFG link. It is in the ”Stable Low Risk Programs” section on the right. For more due diligence information, I recommend going to the Golden Horizons forum. Link is on the right. Once inside, send a PM to “Grubling” asking for access to the NSFG section.

This is a solid program and once you see the DD information you will know there is real Forex trading. So far each month the pooled account has had positive earnings. This isn’t a quick money HYIP. This is for long term steady growth and has a low minimum entry. This program is my favorite because it has been profitable and, in my opinion, there is no doubt there is real Forex trading.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

MPDW Update

I received a “Mid-Week Update” from MPDW today. Here is the meat of it.

Effective today March 14th 2006, all units are now in a tracking system which notes how many weeks of returns each unit has received.

Each unit must now mature for 26 weeks. All units start at 0 weeks maturity today.

This new feature applies only to sell-backs. You may still withdraw from your Returns Balance.

# 2) We have raised the minimum purchase to 20 units. (This is for New Members Only)

# 3) Minimum withdrawal of returns is now 3 units.

# 4) There are no more emergency sell-backs.

This is basically telling me all principal, old and new, is locked in. This means even if you joined MPDW on the first day it started, your principal (“Units Purchased”) is only at 0 weeks maturity. It doesn’t matter what date it was purchased on. I have verified this on my own account.

This makes the program less flexible to follow a basic rule of investing….pulling out principal. Now pulling out principal can only be done by either slowly trickling it out via Returns/Bonus Balance or waiting half a year (26 weeks) for your “Units Purchased” to mature. I am not aware of any other methods to pull principal at this time given the recent changes.

As a result of the changes, the MPDW risk level has increased and I will be removing the MPDW link from my blog.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Good Advice From The CFTC and NFA

I have come across some articles that may be useful to others. Some may seem like common sense, but many times common sense can be blinded by greed. These can come in handy if you need a realty check to chase away that greed. )

This one addresses investment opportunities that involve Forex.

This next link has some various articles regarding trading or investing fraud as well as a few other links of interest.

Here is one from the link above that is of particular interest if you want to invest in managed Forex.

This is from the NFA regarding Forex.


These articles may be boring to read for some, but if it makes you more aware so you don’t lose your precious capital then I think it is worth it. I highly encourage anyone thinking of investing in such investment vehicles to read this information first before proceeding.

Remember, nobody cares about your money as much as you do. ;)

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Whole Story.."Managed Accounts…Are They Really Safe. "

My blog article "Managed Accounts…Are They Really Safe. " really sparked a lot of drama. I am posting the emails so everyone can see the whole picture. I was hoping to drop this, but Rod is telling lies about me in another forum. Here are some of his comments followed by my rebuttals:

"For those that have seen the "Snuffy" posts I assure you that you are seeing what he wishes to see."

No estoy seguro de qué significa eso. What would I wish people to see? I suspect he knows he has made himself look bad, so now he is trying to use deflection by attempting to make me look bad. I assure that I have been open and honest about everything.

"I do not put people on the top of the reply list that are obviously not investors and are more interested in using parts of information to pick things apart."

Another false accusation that is baseless. I was very interested in the managed Forex offering. I was following my standard DD. You will see that in the emails. It is obvious to me that Rod is telling lies to fit his story.

"Why would I consider sending this person priveledged information when it is obvious that they are going to post this information all over the web."

I had no intent to post on the web. For him to say that is baseless. Has anyone received this "information" at the time he wrote this? I challenge him to prove how it was obvious I was going post it on the web. He can't because there is nothing to indicate this.

"So if someone were to read the above posts they would assume that my e mail was hacked, the site was taken down due to security vulnerablilities, or that Snuffy is a reasonable man that is just trying to do his DD. All of which is false."

Once again I was doing DD as I was very interested. My article below tells the story as well as the emails I have posted in this blog post.

Here are the emails I have previously mentioned I was considering posting.

Here is the email I sent on February 14, 2006. I have edited the trader's name because I now know Rod wishes his name not be shown in public. If you go to the Udachu Fund forum you will see this corresponds with my posts in which I said I sent an email. Assuming my posts have not been deleted. If they have been deleted or changed I have taken the precaution of saving them.

I saw your post regarding the managed Forex account offering traded by *name edited*. I asked some questions in the forum, but I was told it would be best to contact you via email. I am interested in this offering, but I need to do some proper DD first.

Would you have information about past performance, trading strategy, trading proof, leverage used, drawdown, etc.?

Then there is an email that proves Rod is lying in the comments I posted above. On February 22, 2006 I received an email with the details of the conference call. Now why would I be sent this email if he thought I was not really interested in investing? It doesn't add up.

The next email is from Rod on February 24, 2006. It is a reply to my original inquiry asking for more information about the managed Forex offering. Yet it did not address my questions. I have no idea why he took the time to send this.

Saw your posts. Very interesting. You also claim to be a member of UdachuFund but there is no record of that. You were a little harsh with your posts. It is really ashame because almost all of your post was uninformed. For the record I was not referring to you when I made a post about the speculation. It was someone else that had posted what the monthly returns would most likely be. They had been deleted prior to reading that I guess. Also for the record I do not have access to the administration of the UdachuFund Forum. I never deleted anything any one said. I couldn't if I wanted to. Your claims of leverage are way off. I have been trading for over 25 years. I have taught Technical Analysis all over the world and have writted 7 published training manuals and trading strategy books. I know what I am doing. I am not one of these little HYIP punks that reads an article on Forex and decides to be an IB. There are some very big investors in UdachuFund. They often come up with requests that I try to fulfill. One of them has been for us to offer managed Forex accounts. This is why I have done what I have done. It took me a very long time to find the best trader for the job. The requirements for trading for Udachu are some of the strictest in the industry. We require at least 5 years proof of trading institutional accounts in excess of 1 billion dollars, as well as a proven multi arena strategy portfolio with various money management regs. That is just the start. Leverage is a moot point. it does not matter if you use 1 to 1 or 1000 to 1 if you only are using 5% risk. Telling someone to run if they use 100% is nothing less than a very naive and ignorant viewpoint. No offense meant. But before you claim to be a member of Udachu and start calling me a liar I suggest you do a little DD and see just what type of people you are talking about. You may be surpised. We are not all 20 year old kids in India working out of an Internet Cafe.

Suffice it to say, I found his email very confusing. I composed a reply, but decided not to send it yet. When I woke up the next morning and checked my email I found a blog comment notification with his comment inside. It was the first comment he left on the blog article "Managed Accounts…Are They Really Safe. & Quot ;. You can see for yourself he was taunting me about not replying. Once again, I found his actions confusing. I sent the email I had written and then replied to his blog comment which you can see in the comment section of that article.

Now that you have a better timeline for what happened, here is my email reply to him sent February 26, 2006:

At first I really didn't know what to say about your reply. It did not address my original email inquiry, but rather contains claims I was saying certain things or acted a certain way when that is clearly not the case.

I don't know how you are coming to these conclusions. Perhaps you have mistaken me for someone else. Would you kindly show me where I claimed to be a member of Udachu Fund? A link will suffice. I have also never said you have administrative access to the Udachu Fund forum.

How do you have access to the Udachu Fund to check if I am a member? I understand Tom now manages Udachu Fund.

My intent in going to the Udachu Fund forum was to seek DD as I was interested in joining. So why would I say I was a member? Once again, please prove I have said I am or ever was a member.

"But before you claim to be a member of Udachu and start calling me a liar I suggest you do a little DD and see just what type of people you are talking about. You may be surpised."

Actually I was surprised, but not in the way I hoped for. I always hope to find a good investment so I can diversify further and share that knowledge with fellow investors.

I have done my DD and this is what I have found so far. Based on what I have found I do not feel I need to proceed any further. Keep in mind while reading this, part of DD is looking at the people involved in running it. When looking at any business I feel management is most important. Even a company with the best product will not fare well if it is not managed well. I know you claim to no longer be managing Udachu Fund, but based on what I have seen I believe that is not the reality of the situation. At a minimum you still have a very strong influence in the decisions of Udachu Fund. The fact you admit to checking if I am a member is an indicator of this.

During my DD for Udachu Fund I was told by other members there are no proof of earnings. I was truly hoping to find proof because the returns for Udachu Fund are quite nice and I would have considered joining had there been any.

I also found you had lied in the past. Such as your claim of a "close working relationship" with Steve Chesnowitz of Chart Candle. See question #5: http://hyip-navigator. com/interview. php? num=31

The truth is at that time you had only called Steve a total of one time. Another lie would be your email to me saying I claimed to be a member of Udachu Fund. I consider integrity the most important quality of management.

In addition, you seem to get agitated easily and are bad tempered based on what people have told me and what I have read.

I have also noticed you are what is known as a "big talker". Basically boastful and known to exaggerate. Someone behaving professionally with integrity will not do this. Your claim about Chart Candle is one indicator of this. Your email to me is also an example of boasting:

"I have taught Technical Analysis all over the world and have writted 7 published training manuals and trading strategy books."

Would you mind sharing the names of the 7 manuals and books you have "writted"?

I have also found in the past members were told they would receive an update every month and allowed to vote for programs. Those who voted "no" were free to leave Udachu Fund. Doesn't that contradict the purpose of voting??

Also I have found sometimes you do not behave in a professional manner. A prime example is your email to me in reply to my inquiry about the managed Forex service you are currently offering. Your response was unprofessional and it did not address what I was asking. I still have no additional facts about the trader and his service. Not even a simple performance history. Normally someone wanting to attract investors with a legitimate investment will gladly field questions to satisfy the doubts of an investor.

As I mentioned, my point was to take a look at the people who run Udachu Fund as part of my DD. That appears to be unstable. Would you trust your hard earned capital in the hands of someone exhibiting all the qualities I have listed?

In the email to me you have said what you require as proof from a trader. Yet absolutely none of this "proof" has been shared in your reply to my inquiry asking for proof. Furthermore, your posts on the Udachu Fund forum were quite defensive regarding this matter. If I was wrong, in your opinion, then you could have easily corrected me and backed it up with an example and/or proof. I think having a discussion of that type on the forum would have educated fellow forum members, thus making them more informed.

"It is really ashame because almost all of your post was uninformed."

It is a shame because I was trying to become informed about the managed accounts. Yet my attempts to do so have been blocked by you. This is a contradiction from you, much like the past Udachu Fund voting I mentioned. Another contradict is you encourage investors due their due diligence, yet when they do so regarding your investment offerings it is met with opposition.

Your comments about leverage do not make sense as well. Do you understand the difference between account leverage vs. trading leverage? I made it clear I was discussing trade leverage in 3 different posts in the managed account thread:

Your comments about leverage alone have said enough regarding your ability to scrutinize a Forex trader. I understand what you are saying about risking a percentage of an account. However, to say I am naive and ignorant to say leverage matters when I was clearly discussing trading leverage shows who is ignorant, and it is not me. That combined with the lack of proof and defensive behavior regarding your managed Forex offering is a red flag to not invest. I wish you luck with your trader, *name edited*, but at this time I cannot see myself investing in Udachu Fund or your managed Forex offering.

Once I sent that email his attitude started to change when he commented on my blog. Although he still felt the need to insult. Everyone can read the blog comments themselves to see the rest of the events that took place in the order it happened. After all the blog comments, he sent me another email. In this one he at least seems more reasonable. Had he been this reasonable in the first place I think this whole mess could have been avoided.

I apologise if I came across as rude and out of line. Please try to understand that I am a very busy person. I do not have the time to address all of the nonsense that comes up from misinformation. That interview that you are talking about was not mine. I have never mentioned a traders name EVER on any forum. Steve has a program that is one of the lowest paying out there. I have never invested with him. As far as you saying you were a member of UdachuFund, one of your posts stated that you were. I am not the admin of UdachuFund. But I own Vielka Cielo Corp which owns UdachuFund so of course I can request information when ever I need to. There were many posts on that thread that was very dangerous information because if it being wrong. There was a lot of speculation going on. I have not advertised the managed accounts. These were made available to UdachFund members. I have a lot of long time investors that know me well and trust me completely. Many of them are traders themselves that I have taught, use my manuals and strategies and know how I conduct my DD. This is why it is inappropriate for someone who is not a member to come on the members forums and start telling them they should run if a trader is doing something. If I were advertising these accounts it would be a different story. Posting a traders name is just wrong. And when I saw that *name edited* had his name posted on my forum I was furious. It is a private forum for UdachuFund members. These members know to stay within the guidelines. When an outsider comes on there and says anything negative then I will talk to the moderator and ask him to remove it. Not for censorship but to keep my investors comfortable in knowing that their funds are in good hands. When I saw that you copied the private forum and posted it somewhere else of course I was angry. I have every right to be angry. As far as insulting my investors I have to disagree. There is a huge difference between what is considered an HYIP and a diversified fund. You painted a picture of me being just an IB trying to make a few bucks. You are way off base. I brought the managed accounts to the members because they asked for them. I own 13 companies and have very little time to devote to these projects. But I try to accommodate the requests of members. The last thing I need is someone trying to pick it apart when they are not even one of the members and then I am forced to justify myself. The paltry amount of money I would make as an IB is of no interest to me at all. I have 500k invested with this trader of my own money so of course I have done my DD. Most of the members rely on my knowledge and judgement and follow my lead. So your warnings were out of place. That is not to say that I do not provide the DD when any one wants it. So if you do not mind please stay off from the Udachu Forum and I will stay away from your Blog. It is very apparent that you have no desire to invest with us which is fine so there is no reason to voice your opinions there. Again if I offended you I am sorry. My only defense is that I am tired of dealing with mis quotes and accusations that are based on things that are not fully accurate.

Now I have a better idea where Rod is coming from. If he had said any of this was not to be discussed in a public setting then I never would have asked any questions on the Udachu Fund forum. I do disagree with him when he says "And when I saw that *name edited* had his name posted on my forum I was furious.". The traders name is on the forum because he posted links to the applications which contain the trader's name. In my opinion, if this was to be kept a secret then those forms should have only been distributed in private and he should have stated the need for confidentiality when he first posted the thread. He says it is a private forum, but anyone can access it without logging in.

I noticed Rod is still saying this, "As far as you saying you were a member of UdachuFund, one of your posts stated that you were."

I have asked him multiple times to prove this. He has yet to do so. I hardly have any posts on that forum, so it would be easy for him to check. As I mentioned, I saved my posts in case someone tries to change it. People reading this may be thinking. why does Snuffy care? The point is I highly value integrity and by Rod saying this lie he is questioning mine. This is wrong and I think he needs to either produce proof of his claim or admit he is wrong. I suspect he may have misread something.

Anyway I hope this closes this matter.

On another note, I have seen some people that have read the article saying. how can a managed Forex account service scam someone. If you feel this may I strongly urge you read the article again. Read it many times if you are considering this as an investment vehicle. It is more common then you think. I would hate for anyone to learn this lesson the hard way. It can be a very expensive lesson to learn. ;)

Monday, February 20, 2006

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Ниже представлены последние Форекс-новости, оказывающие непосредственное влияние на котировки валют, — новости экономики, финансов, политики и валютных рынков.

Следите за изменениями в мире Форекс, и вы всегда будете в курсе самых важных событий, что позволит вам своевременно принимать решения при совершении торговых операций.

Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся на отметке 1 865,86 пункта Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся с понижением на 0,04% на отметке 1 865,86 пункта. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 13:08:00

Темп роста ВВП США за IV квартал был пересмотрен в сторону повышения Согласно опубликованным сегодня правительственным данным, экономическая активность в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 12:34:00

Доллар США незначительно вырос после данных о ВВП страны Департамент торговли США опубликовал третью оценку ВВП страны за 4 квартал в эту. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 12:26:00

Доллар США не изменился, ожидая данные по ВВП в США В пятницу в 8:30 по восточному времени в США должны были выйти данные за четвертый. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:30:00

Объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до +2,4% По уточненным данным объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:30:00

объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% По уточненным данным объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% против. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:30:00

Объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до -8,4% По предварительным данным объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:30:00

В США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4% Согласно окончательным данным, в США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:01:00

Объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8% г/г По официальным данным объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:01:00

Индекс промышленного производства Вьетнама повысился в марте до 6,2% г/г

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:01:00

Профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн По официальной оценке профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 09:39:00

Индекс потребительского доверия во Франции упал до 7-месячного минимума Потребительское доверие во Франции продолжило ухудшаться в марте до 7-месячного. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 09:15:00

Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в IV квартале Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в соответствии с предварительной оценкой в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 08:23:00

ВВП Франции в 4 квартале вырос Рост экономики Франции в 4 квартале прошлого года совпал с прогнозом, как сообщает. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 07:55:00

Во Франции в 4 квартале ВВП вырос на 0,3% к/к по последней оценке

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 07:55:00

Proact Traders: короткие позиции NZD/USD, вход 0,6768, стоп-лосс 0,6790, целевые уровни 0,6713/0,6670/0,6616

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 07:55:00

Ace Trader: короткие позиции по GBP/USD, точка входа 1,4113, стоп-лосс 1,4200, целевой уровень 1,4053

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 07:54:00

Рекомендуем открывать позиции на продажу USD/JPY на отметке 113,86 (стоп-лосс 116,16)

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 07:53:00

Pattern Trapper рекомендует короткие позиции по EUR/USD ниже уровня 1,1220

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 07:16:00

Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 против 71,46. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

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FOREX-Dollar supported by higher yield, Greek anxiety weighs on euro

* Dollar holds firm in wake of rise in U. S. bond yields

* Euro dented by persistent worries over Greece's debt

* Kiwi rises after RBNZ inflation survey (Updates prices, adds comments)

By Masayuki Kitano and Hideyuki Sano

SINGAPORE/TOKYO, May 19 The dollar held firm on Tuesday in the wake of a rise in U. S. bond yields and as the euro came under renewed pressure on persistent worries that Greece may miss debt repayments next month.

The dollar last traded at 94.205 versus a basket of six major currencies, having touched a high of 94.336 at one point during the session, its highest level in nearly a week.

The dollar index had gained about one percent on Monday to pull away from a four-month low of 93.133 hit last Thursday.

The main catalyst for the dollar's rebound was a rise in U. S. debt yields. The 10-year U. S. Treasuries yield held steady at 2.228 percent, after rising 9 basis points on Monday.

U. S. debt yields had risen in overnight trade despite weak U. S. housing data, which showed sentiment among U. S. homebuilders slipped in May even as economists had forecast a small improvement.

However, there was still some caution about the near-term outlook for the dollar, given the recent run of disappointing U. S. economic data.

"To give it more legs you do need to see some real evidence that the growth trajectory into the second quarter has gained momentum," said Mitul Kotecha, head of Asia-Pacific FX strategy for Barclays in Singapore.

The euro slipped 0.1 percent to $1.1303, edging away from a three-month high of $1.1468 set on Friday. Renewed concerns over Greece's ability to repay its debts weighed on the common currency.

Investors dumped Greek bonds on Monday as Athens and its creditors made slow progress in bridging gaps on a range of issues.

In a leaked internal memo, first disclosed by Britain's Channel 4 on Saturday, the International Monetary Fund acknowledged Greece had little chance of making a payment due on June 5 and said it would not be pushed into a "quick and dirty" review to disburse further bailout funds to Athens.

Still, the common currency could rise further as many investors are stuck with euro short positions, said Junya Tanase, chief FX strategist at JPMorgan Chase Bank in Tokyo.

"There still remains a massive amount of euro short positions. The euro also looked undervalued in terms of yield gaps between the euro and the dollar. The euro could be bought back and the dollar's rebound may prove to be a temporary one," he said.

Against the yen, the dollar held steady at 119.95 yen. having pulled up from last week's low of 118.885.

The New Zealand dollar rose 0.5 percent to $0.7426 after a central bank survey showed a pick-up in inflation expectations, cooling some speculation of a possible cut in interest rates in coming months.

The kiwi's bounce helped the Australian dollar recoup losses suffered after the Reserve Bank of Australia signalled it was open to further interest rate cuts if needed.

Australian dollar edged up 0.1 percent to $0.7995, having recovered from an intraday low of $0.7956. (Additional reporting by Naomi Tajitsu in Wellington and Cecile Lefort in Sydney; Editing by Shri Navaratnam)

High Yield Investing And The Forex

High Yield Investing And The Forex

Investing in Forex is probably more risky but there is the opportunity to make more in a shorter space of time.

By high yield we mean, high yield consistent with the preservation of the capital invested. This definition means that investment in a new corporation that is just starting out is omitted as is investment in partnerships as a partner and in individual proprietorships whether they be shoe shine parlors or stock brokerage firms.

This latter type of investment does not stress the preservation of your capital down to the last dollar right from the time that dollar is invested. Granted it may work out wonderfully, and a dollar invested may conceivably grow to two or five or even $100, but when funds are invested in such a way they are spent for sales promotion or for a truck or machinery or for anything. Your dollar or fund of dollars thus cannot be returned since it has been put into forms of assets which it is hoped will start earning and eventually build up a fund of dollars to return to the investors.

We are talking about investments which right from the day you invest your money have as goals the preservation of every dollar and the payment of a return on that dollar. As soon as the investment is made, wheels are started rolling to return your investment to you. There is no particular virtue in this type investment as against the kind that takes your funds and puts them into a peanut stand which you and your partner will operate.

It is simply a different type of investment. If you put your funds into a building and loan association you know with reasonable certainty that they will be returned to you, and it is one of the main purposes of the association to keep your money intact at all times.

Besides the preservation of your fund of dollars, which will eventually be returned to you, the type investment we are talking about is the kind that gives you a high yield on your money, and by high yield is meant anything over the savings bank 3% or thereabouts, up to 20% and in some cases higher.

Quite aside from the fact that we are simply taking a type or types of investment and studying these, there is very real merit to concentrating on what we call high yield investments. In a free enterprise a democratic economy such as we have in the United States the factors of production are guided into their most valuable use by going where they are offered the greatest reward or return.

The laborer goes where he is paid the most; the executive moves out of his job with his company and into a higher paying one in another company; a farm is excavated away and in its place is constructed a modern shopping center; and capital goes where the users are willing to pay the most for it, provided the risk is approximately the same.

In the railroad building era which started in the 1830’s the smart, large aggregations of capital went into constructing new rail lines and buying new equipment, and the return on the capital in this employment was high. Since those pioneering years the railroads have matured and gradually new forms of transportation have come in as competitors, mainly trucks, airlines and bus lines. The railroads now need little capital for expansion and thus are unwilling to pay a high rate of return to attract it.

In the early and middle 1950’s mobile homes (house trailers) were just developing as a full fledged industry, and to attract money this industry was willing to pay a substantial rate of return. Later in the 1950’s this business approached a plateau of development, at least a temporary one, and it could not pay the rate of return it once did. In 1959 and 1960 and into 1961 still another industry came up, and came up fast, and it was willing to pay a high rate of return in order to attract capital shell or pre-cut homes, manufactured in parts at the factory and shipped knocked down to the owner’s land where they were assembled quickly and easily.

The industry was new. It needed funds to develop. Since it was new and in its early stage of great demand, its profits enabled it to pay a healthy rate of return on the money it needed.

If you invest in stocks or Forex make sure you do not risk more than you can afford to lose.

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Parallel shift in the yield curve

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High Yield Investment

Monitoring, Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Wong Financial Inc. provides investments to global users and payment-processing services to the European largest financial services providers, to the merchant around the corner, and to businesses of all sizes. We ensure that investments will generate earnings stable and risk free, and money moves accurately and securely anytime, anywhere. We believe in open and candid communication with clients. After all, clients should know how their investments are being managed.

Wong Financial Inc. Mission

Our mission is to create value for our customers, shareholders, employees and community.

To accelerate the evolution of electronic payments around the world by being European leader in processing transaction, delivering innovations in secure infrastructure, speed and intelligence.

Our mission is to build the most professional investment service that provides its clients with state of the art practice in terms of international standard of services, and to become pioneers in providing innovative investment products. To become a world-class company, add value and to grow our investment portfolio through active tactical stewardship, financial engineering, business promotion capabilities and financial resources.

Wong Financial Inc. Vision

Our vision is to be recognized as a regional leader in the provision of high quality business, investment services and products.

Wong Financial Inc. is willing to redefine asset management with complete transparency and high liquidity. To target absolute returns using risk-adjusted strategies and innovations. To enable data-driven commerce and investment services through innovations in secure infrastructure, speed and intelligence.

Our vision is to accelerate the evolution of alternative investments and commerce around the world. Our clients trust Wong Financial Inc. to deliver alternative investments possibility and innovative technology solutions that improve their competitiveness and help them best serve their own customers and for investors to achieve their financial freedom.

Our vision is to be the 'Top in Quality' by delivering superior management performance and services from which investors can benefit. It is the necessary part of this vision to deliver superior returns to our investors and shareholders, year after year, consistently without any risk. We as a market leader that constantly innovates to provide best-value products and services to its millions of customers.

Monitoring, Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

ClassicPlans Business Club is a private investment group operating on the world securities and currency markets since 2001. Having started as a small investment group operating only on the Swiss stock market, we have gradually expanded our investment activities on all major financial markets of the world. Our representatives operate all over the globe thus providing us with a big picture view on the world of finance. As of now we have over 89 qualified employees worldwide. We invest the funds we receive from our investors. The funds are invested into high growth securities on all major stock markets of the world. We also trade actively on the Forex market. We do not limit our operations only to online trading, we are also involved in a number of offline investment sources that even though are not as profitful as securities and currency trading, are worth investing in. is a long term high yield private loan program, backed up by Forex market trading and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term

Monitoring, Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

Forex Center Is a private team which work 7 days in week, Try to create an online society in cyber World, to connect Real world investment to virtual Investment in the internet.

We wanna to make a Connection between your FOREX and HYIP. High-yield investment program Is so profitable If the Hyip Owners Use their TEAM exprience to make more profit to atract more investor. In the most cases HYIP admins Do not have any exprience about Online investment, and do not work with an exprienced Team, So They lead to Scam and do not make Profit in long term, so be careful about those sites.

Forex Center Is a private team which work 7 days in week, Try to create an online society in cyber World, to connect Real world investment to virtual Investment in the internet.

We wanna to make a Connection between your FOREX and HYIP. High-yield investment program Is so profitable If the Hyip Owners Use their TEAM exprience to make more profit to atract more investor. In the most cases HYIP admins Do not have any exprience about Online investment, and do not work with an exprienced Team, So They lead to Scam and do not make Profit in long term, so be careful about those sites. In the near future we will Create a news Page in our site to give some recent news about Forex News and HYIP. And we will give more iformation about investment in forex, to help you to be a Professional in those kind of investment. In every kind of situation ways of changes are open. Let trust each other to Discover ways of success. DDOS Protected Service : We are protected against DDOS Attack, and because of your security, we have established an offline database, this system will back up all the information and will save it in an other databse, so in some situation suck as DDOS attack and etc your information will be protected.

Monitoring, Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

Vandior is a large financial corporation that has a current investor base of over five hundred. These investors have watched their investments flourish due to our vast knowledge of finances. VanFunds focuses its service in asset management and has been performing at an astonishing rate since 2003. During the last six years, Vandior has worked offline and primarily with private clients with Latin American and Western European origins. In the end of 2007, Vandior decided it was time to expand its amazing asset management services abroad by starting the VanFunds website.

Vandior is a large financial corporation that has a current investor base of over five hundred. These investors have watched their investments flourish due to our vast knowledge of finances. VanFunds focuses its service in asset management and has been performing at an astonishing rate since 2003. During the last six years, Vandior has worked offline and primarily with private clients with Latin American and Western European origins. In the end of 2007, Vandior decided it was time to expand its amazing asset management services abroad by starting the VanFunds website. Currently, Vandior has four different variable-income funds that enable its investors to choose the investment product they find the most appealing.

Vandior has built a very solid reputation by providing a variety of investment products to both private and corporate investors. This reputation will only get better as more and more worldwide investors take advantage of the services Vandior offers through the VanFunds website. Our company mission is to take over first place in the field of Forex funds within the next few years.

Vandior has reached such a high level of experience in managing Forex funds offline that the decision to go online was obvious. We have gathered so much experience helping our investors manage their assets that we are able to offer very lucrative funds with interest rates of up to 20% monthly. This enables our investors to have peace of mind knowing their investment is in good hands and will offer them growth and financial stability.

Vandior is currently managing more than $ 80 million. Our goal for 2009 is to have at least $ 100 million under management.

Vandior draws it’s strength from some of the best financial managers in the business. Our Forex funds are managed by several former financial officers and managers of HSBC, Credit Suisse and Bladex.

Regent Markets Group, the owner and operator of the BetOnMarkets service, is proud to announce that it has acquired the financial betting business of Trinitas Capital (IOM) Ltd. the operator of the BetsForTraders service.

From 10 July 2009, Trinitas Capital will discontinue the management of its financial betting web site. All clients will have the option to continue betting on stocks, indices, foreign exchange and commodities on www. BetOnMarkets. com .

Regent Markets Group, the owner and operator of the BetOnMarkets service, is proud to announce that it has acquired the financial betting business of Trinitas Capital (IOM) Ltd. the operator of the BetsForTraders service.

From 10 July 2009, Trinitas Capital will discontinue the management of its financial betting web site. All clients will have the option to continue betting on stocks, indices, foreign exchange and commodities on www. BetOnMarkets. com .

"We are proud to have sold the business to Regent Markets. Having grown it from scratch over the last few years, the sale will provide expansion capital that will be used to fuel the group's other trading areas. Regent Markets is a first class company with a stellar management team that is licensed in our own jurisdiction. We are confident that our clients are in good hands", commented Nick Maughan, CEO of Trinitas Capital.

Jean-Yves Sireau, CEO of Regent Markets said: "We are delighted to be acquiring the business from Trinitas Capital as part of our ongoing expansion and we look forward to providing equally high levels of client service and fast trading times to current BetsForTraders customers."

Rules investing in HYIP (High Yield Investment Program): (Read this! very important for newbie) 1. Investigate the HYIP company first to make sure they are a real investment company (not a scam). If you done already and everything is OK, go to step 2 2. Try test spend ($1 - $100) on HYIP and wait for your first profit (payment) 3. If you got your profit, try withdraw it first. If something wrong, contact HYIP support, after everything OK, go to step 4, if not don't spend anymore 4. Spend your real invesment ($10 - $ that you afford to lose) 5. Wait for your profit and withdraw its ASAP or every day

Rules investing in HYIP (High Yield Investment Program): (Read this! very important for newbie) 1. Investigate the HYIP company first to make sure they are a real investment company (not a scam). If you done already and everything is OK, go to step 2 2. Try test spend ($1 - $100) on HYIP and wait for your first profit (payment) 3. If you got your profit, try withdraw it first. If something wrong, contact HYIP support, after everything OK, go to step 4, if not don't spend anymore 4. Spend your real invesment ($10 - $ that you afford to lose) 5. Wait for your profit and withdraw its ASAP or every day 6. Don't spend again (re-invest) and don't compounding until you get your principal back 100%. After that it's up to you want to spend more or not. 7. Don't put all your money on one investment, diversification is very important if you want to make profit in the end

Before test spend make sure that the HYIP you gonna invest can make it until you get your principal back or not a scam, try to send them an e-mail (Monday - Friday) and ask them what ever you want to ask to make you sure that they are real investment company. If they don't answer your mail more than 48 hours then don't spend your money to this HYIP.

You must understand that almost 99% is a scam or going scam, if you already get into this please make sure you don't spend all your money, because HYIP is very high risk investment . We only spend less than 10% of our money into this, and so far We still got a good profit for keeping the rules . Sometimes if you spend more than $500+ or $10,000+. HYIP don't pay you. Spend a lot only if you very very sure about the HYIP or Investment company. Keeping the HYIP's rules can make your money more save than not, and can avoid a future lost but not always, at least you still profit in the end.

HYIPs paid daily more than 5% (exclude principal) are 100% going scam in the end. Timing is everything if you want to spend in this kind of HYIP (sooner is better) because this is a money game based on ponzi scheme, so this is not an INVESTMENT but it's a money game scam. After several days or weeks, this HYIP is gonna gone forever (more profit offer, more faster they will gone). If you plan long term investment don't invest here, because this kind of HYIP is gonna wasting a lot of your time and money by promise you heaven but give you hell . DON'T BE GREEDY.

Monitoring, Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

Before you are registering at 12DailyInv, make sure you have an e-currency account.

We accept: AlertPay . SolidTrustPay . StrictPay . LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney e-currencies. If you want to join under a specific user (referrer), make sure you find this referrer in your signup procedure. To start using our services, you must open an account first. Follow this link: http://www.12dailyinv. com

Once you have registered and you are loged in, you can make your first deposit. Follow this simple guide to find out how.

1. Click on "Make Deposit" in your Member Area

Before you are registering at 12DailyInv, make sure you have an e-currency account.

We accept: AlertPay . SolidTrustPay . StrictPay . LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney e-currencies. If you want to join under a specific user (referrer), make sure you find this referrer in your signup procedure. To start using our services, you must open an account first. Follow this link: http://www.12dailyinv. com

Once you have registered and you are loged in, you can make your first deposit. Follow this simple guide to find out how.

1. Click on "Make Deposit" in your Member Area 2 . Select the plan you whish to deposit your funds 3 . Enter amount of deposit 4 . Select your preferred e-currency and click "Spend" 5 . Confirm your deposit and click "Process" 6 . You will be forwarded to your choosed payment processor. 7. Complete the procedure by sending the funds. 8 . Hecho. )

First plan (12% x 10) has a minimum deposit amount of $50 whereas a maximum of $5,000 Second plan (140% in 10) has a minimum deposit amount of $100 whereas a maximum of $5,000 You may make as many daily deposits as you wish. However, maximum amount per day is $10,000.


At 12DailyInv you are not forced to cashout your earnings first - you are able to do a direct deposit from your 12DailyInv Account Balance.

1. Let's say you've an expired "140% After 10 Days" deposit and wish to re-upgrade. 2. The procedure is the same as for the above depositing. You just have to choose "Deposit from account balance" instead of any e-currency. 3. Enter amount and confirm you deposit!

If you deposited funds in "12% Daily for 10 Days" you may cashout your interest daily. As for the second package "140% After 10 Days" you have to wait for your deposit to expire. Your interest will be still credited to your 12DailyInv account first. Here's how to request a cashout:

1. Click on "Withdraw" in your Member Area 2 . Select e-currency and enter withdrawal amount 3 . Click "Request" and then "Confirm" you request

Payouts are usually processed within 6-12 hours. However, they may take up to two business days.

Only Active Members (with deposits) participates our Referral Program and earns 5% from their referrals.

If your referral deposits $100 via LibertyReserve, your account will be credited with $5LR. If your referral deposits $1,000 via LibertyReserve, your account will be credited with $50LR.

Referral Commissions are paid into your 12DailyInv Account Balance

High Yield Notes Auctioning – Forex Trading Strategy

Thursday, April 30th, 2017 by Jarratt Davis

How does the Treasury Department affect the FX Market when auctioning the High Yield Notes?

The answer to this question is quite simple. It all depends on the demand and where that demand is coming from. High Yield Notes are obviously the government bonds. The high yield means that you get a higher return than you would get in the other places. So, basically, if the treasure department is auctioning their high yield bonds the investors will, obviously, want to buy them. Simply because it will give them a good return.

When we say Treasure Department we are talking about the US Treasury. Furthermore, we are talking about American bonds. If the demand for them is coming from outside of America, let’s say foreign investors. Think China, Japan, Europe, anywhere outside of America. Those entities, those institutions are going to have to buy US dollars in order to buy those high yields in treasury. So, obviously, that can have an impact on the US dollar. In the scenario we’ve just discussed it’s would force the the value of the US dollar up.

If the demand, during these auctions, is coming from internally. For instance, from internal investors. Obviously it is not going to have the same kind of impact. There will be no currency exchange going on so the impact to the FX market will be much smaller.

The impact the high yield bond auctioning has on the FX market is quite limited. Particularly, on a day to day basis. It is very difficult to determine when this is happening and in what quantity. So in terms of trying to trade this – it is fairly tricky. But in general, that is how Fx market is affected by the Treasury Department Auctioning of those High Yield Notes.

Hope that helps and keep those questions coming!

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Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся на отметке 1 865,86 пункта Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся с понижением на 0,04% на отметке 1 865,86 пункта. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 13:08:00

Темп роста ВВП США за IV квартал был пересмотрен в сторону повышения Согласно опубликованным сегодня правительственным данным, экономическая активность в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 12:34:00

Доллар США незначительно вырос после данных о ВВП страны Департамент торговли США опубликовал третью оценку ВВП страны за 4 квартал в эту. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 12:26:00

Доллар США не изменился, ожидая данные по ВВП в США В пятницу в 8:30 по восточному времени в США должны были выйти данные за четвертый. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:30:00

Объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до +2,4% По уточненным данным объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:30:00

объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% По уточненным данным объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% против. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

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В США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4% Согласно окончательным данным, в США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:01:00

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Индекс промышленного производства Вьетнама повысился в марте до 6,2% г/г

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Индекс потребительского доверия во Франции упал до 7-месячного минимума Потребительское доверие во Франции продолжило ухудшаться в марте до 7-месячного. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 09:15:00

Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в IV квартале Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в соответствии с предварительной оценкой в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

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ВВП Франции в 4 квартале вырос Рост экономики Франции в 4 квартале прошлого года совпал с прогнозом, как сообщает. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

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Во Франции в 4 квартале ВВП вырос на 0,3% к/к по последней оценке

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Ace Trader: короткие позиции по GBP/USD, точка входа 1,4113, стоп-лосс 1,4200, целевой уровень 1,4053

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HYIP - High Yield Investment Program

High Yield Investment Program or HYIP. If people understand the potential of Stock Market, Foreign Exchange (Forex), Mutual Funds, trading or investing as a vehicle to multiply money, one should consider HYIP. You don’t need to be good in numbers but needs to consider following some rules.

I really like to hear the saying “Don’t work for the money but let your money work for you”. Making a money machine is like having a tool to make more money from the money or effort invested in making such money machine. This world does have a lot of opportunities to make and one of those is HYIP.

A person can invest in a number of HYIP Company or a program instead of choosing a single company, a single stock in the stock market or a single currency in the foreign exchange. We cannot just trust one company or a single currency. You have to consider diversification. A saying says; “Don’t lay your eggs in one basket”. Invest in ten companies or more and if one or two of the programs fail, you still have nine, eight or more programs that will make you more money and recover what you loss from the programs that fails.

Most of this HYIP Companies also diversifies your money to stock market, foreign exchange and other investment programs that will ensure your hard earned money to make you money at the end of each plan you have chosen. You don’t have to worry if you have limited funds to start investing. Some programs accept investment from a single dollar and going up. An investor can also check a program and a company’s good intention in handling each investor’s investment. Each investment is given a plan or a time frame when an amount of money can generate interest or profit.

Just like what you have from a pension plan. But with HYIP, you can check each company’s sincerity in handling your investment. You can start checking a company’s integrity per hour, per day, per week or per month if they will pay you of how much profit they promise at a given period of time.

Each company and or program does have their uniqueness. You can invest a few dollars to a few companies and more dollars to the others depending on your trust and profit they offer. Don’t forget to diversify and invest to those programs who offer small interest. They might save you and make you money when those programs who promise to give you more interest hide from you and don’t answer your emails.

They might not actually hide from you but they mismanage your investment and close the company. So you better research and diversify your investment.

Research, research, research.

Use forum, look what the other website are talking about a single program or company. Check and go to scam alert websites. Google it and you will find the reason to invest and or get away with the hype.

Then invest . earn, re-invest and live the life you want.

Relative yield spread

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Yield Curve Interpretation

Yield Curve Interpretation

The yield curve is one of the most important tools that those who trade forex online can use for understanding the direction of the economy. The tendency of an inverted yield curve to predict recessions well in advance, for instance, is well known. So is the common maxim that the steeper the yield curve, the greater the profitability of the finance sector, and often their willingness and power to lend to the business sector, leading to a higher potential growth rate over time. In this artcile we’ll take a look at the various ways in which knowledge about the yield curve can be utilized for a better trading performance.

An important point to keep in mind while analyzing currencies and the interest-rate gap is that the central bank rate is representative of only a small part of the attractiveness that each currency presents to investors. Yields on the longer term, yet still on the left-side of the curve are often more important, due to the higher yield coupled with still high liquidity that these maturities offer. It is common to see the forex market react strongly to changes in the 2-year yields of government paper, as traders shift actual assets from one country to another, as well re-assessing the future economic potential of the economies.

The bond market is dominated by very powerful financial actors with a lot of analytical power and resources to back their research and justify their trading plans. As a result, the bond market is often regarded as where “smart money” as it is termed, makes its plans and decisions most evident. Traders can use this knowledge to to discount fluctuations in other markets where they contradict the established consensus of bond traders. For example, assuming that the bond market signals a recession with a inverted curve for a long time, while the carry trade keeps rallying and stock investors remain bullish, depending on his own analysis, a trader may begin to short the two latter markets in anticipation that a correction is in order. The crucial point here, of course, is to establish your position gradually. At the earliest stage only insignificant amounts should be risked, with exposure being increased as the preferred scenario is confirmed.

Central banks are attentive to the yield curve as well. The present head of the ECB, M. Trichet, for example, will often make references to the shape of the yield curve in his press conferences. If the yield curve is not in agreement with the policy intentions of a central bank, the institution is mostly likely to intervene verbally, upsetting trader consensus, leading to market upheaval, and reestablishing market balance in the intended direction. It is possible to exploit this situation by siding with the central banks, entering counter-trend trades when the market does not follow their guidance. Central banks can also be mistaken at times, but they have a lot of power, so it is a good idea to

It is possible to create many forex strategies . but any strategy that keeps the yield curve in perspective will have added degree of viability in most cases. It is up to you to improve your understanding of this important concept, but when you do, it will surely be a great profit multiplier to your trading.

Content of "Yield Curve Interpretation" provided by: www. forextraders. com

The information on these pages is general in nature, and may contain inaccuracies. When it comes to investing, there are two important rules to follow: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, and, Never invest more money than you can afford to lose.

There are two kinds of HYIPs (High Yield Investment Programs) out there. One kind usually has something to do with offshore banking, secret international financial rules supposedly approved of by the US Federal Bank, or the Dept. of the Treasury, while the other usually involves small investments and trading in shares or gold or futures or currencies. If you're approached to participate in the first type, usually involving incredible rates of return and banking certificates -- flee. Find the nearest phone and notify the authorities.

This type of scheme usually involves an offshore bank or investment consortium. The person trying to get you to buy in usually makes some claim that they've found a perfectly legal loophole in income taxes or in international lending. You're asked to put up money to buy in, with claims that you'll receive huge payouts in 30 to 90 days. When the 90 days have expired, your contact will make some excuse and will assure you that the money is forthcoming. He will probably also entice you to sign up people you know, making some bizarre claim that by signing up additional people, it will enable him to pay you what you're owed. They will frequently claim that the scheme is perfectly legal, and utilizes secret banking rules that have been created or approved by government authorities. There are no such secret rules. This "high yield investment program" is really just a pyramid scheme. If you make any attempt to sign up additional people, you will be charged with attempted fraud. Mantente alejado. Notify the authorities immediately.

The newer type of high yield investment program involves smaller amounts of money. Most of these programs claim to pay out 1-10% a day, or even up to 100% per month. Many of these programs are scams, but some may actually be legit.

The early Internet HYIP programs usually involved day trading on the stock market, on futures, or in foreign exchange. An investor could pay as little as $20 to the program, and would start earning a percent or two each working day. You could withdraw your gains at any time, though, by leaving the money in, compounding would cause your investment would grow, thus increasing your pay outs.

Experienced day traders can and do make anywhere from 1-20% each day -- normally averaging (after bad trades and losses) 2% each day. The money paid into a HYIP program would be pooled together, and invested by the day (or technical) trader. Using 50% margins, where the investment broker loans the trader an amount equal to the amount he's investing, the trader could pay out the 1% or so each day to the HYIP investors, and still make money for himself. According to some books on day trading, good traders are right 80% of the time, and should never lose more than 3% of their investment on the bad (or wrong) trades. This type of HYIP is sustainable and not a scam. However, as a potential HYIP investor, you have no way of knowing if the program you're interested in is legitimate, or is a take the money and run type of scam.

Soon, other types of HYIPs appeared. Some were based on the selling of ebooks and software. Once again, money invested in the HYIP was pooled and spent on advertising for selling ebooks and other downloadable products. If a business knows that for every $100 it spends in advertising, it will earn $300 in revenue, then it can pay out 50% or so a month on the HYIP program, because it knows with a reasonable degree of certainty that it will get the original $100 back, plus make a pre-tax profit of $200. Such a business would want to maximize the amount of money available for advertising, in order to maximize the amount of profits it can earn each month. In essence, they have borrowed money from individual HYIP investors (at an exorbitant interest rate) to make large profits as quickly as possible. This scheme works, but there's an upper limit on how long it can be sustained, and how much money can be spent on advertising. Sooner or later, the market for the products is saturated, and the returns on the advertising will decline sharply. At that point in time, the business can no longer pay out the 50% per month as promised, and the HYIP would have to be shut down.

The Forex type of HYIP is similar to the day trading type. Instead of buying and selling shares on the stock market, the traders buy and sell currencies and currency futures. They claim to have systems that guarantee success, but I'm not convinced that such systems exist. The Forex HYIPs can (and do) offer higher rates of return because most Forex operations are margined up to 90% - not just 50%. That means a 1% gain on the trade is worth 10% of the initial investment. The returns are higher, but the risks, despite the claims, are higher too.

Other HYIPs are dubious, and should be regarded with suspicion. Some claim to be "gold games", whatever that means, while some are really nothing more than bets. One HYIP that I looked into promised 80% gains a day. It wasn't an investment program -- your $20 returned $36 IF the transaction number ended with either an even or an odd digit. On even numbered days, an even numbered transaction number would "earn" 80% of the "investment" plus the original sum. If the transaction number was odd on an even numbered day, then your "investment" went bust and you got nothing. Statistically, over a period of time, the "successful investments" (wins) and the "failed investments" (losses) would even out. Since the pay outs were only 80%, over the long term, the organizer of this scam was guaranteed to earn 20% of the money anyone foolish enough to participate would send him. This "program" is undoubted illegal. I'm not sure if it's still going on or not. If so, stay away.

To summarize, any HYIP program that involves offshore banks or investment groups, secret rules, unusually high interest rates, tax shelters, etc. should be avoided at all costs. Don't get involved with them in any way. Online HYIPs MAY be legitimate, but probably aren't. Remember the two rules we talked about at the top of this page: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, and, Never invest more money than you can afford to lose. If you want to try an online HYIP, investigate first. Put the minimum amount in and see what happens over a period of 3-6 months. If the pay outs are consistent and on time, then maybe you have found a legitimate HYIP. Take the money and run scammers tend to close up shop within 6 months or so, when the money coming in tails off and the demands for late pay outs increase.

Good luck in your investing, and be very careful. Find out what is legal and what isn't before committing to any HYIP program.

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Resilient Yield Awaits Draghi Speech

While Euro has fallen after ECB official indicated higher rate of asset purchase during summer, Bund continue to pose resilience and so far consolidating, suggesting possibilities of further selloffs.

Yield has softened somewhat since 14 th May, however that is not enough to say that downtrend has resumed. Bund selloff in May had pushed 10 year yield to 0.78% on 14 th and 30 year yield at 1.436%. As of now 10 year yield is hovering at 0.64% and 30 year at 1.25%.

What is keeping yields so resilient?

Inflation is very low as of now. German April HICP inflation was only at 0.3% on yearly basis, while Euro zone core inflation remained at 0.6% y/y in April. However inflation pattern suggests that downside pressure on prices have ebbed significantly suggesting that higher inflation might occur in longer term.

Naturally longer end German yield is showing resilience, while shorter end remains well below negative. German 2 year yield as of now is 0.21%.

Frontloading purchase is not enough to push yields lower, since bet is on inflation not faster windup of the program.

Today ECB president Mario Draghi is scheduled to speak today 17:30 GMT.

His comments will be closely watched, however it remains a question what might Mr. Draghi has to offer to push yields lower and moreover does he even want to do that?

Published: 2017-05-21 10:04:00 UTC+00 10 months, 6 days, 17 hours, 37 min. hace


The Advices and recommendations are our sincere efforts made to present the right investment perspective. Investment/trading in financial markets have its own risks. The advices are based on the News based;fundamental factors & theory of technical analysis. Individuals have the right to choose products that suits them the most. Risk of Loss: Notwithstanding all the efforts to do best research, clients should understand that investing in Financial markets, involves a risk of loss of both income and principal.

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Forex Trader's Digest

CFD traders will often hear the phrase 'yield curve' used in long and short term evaluation of investment trends, and it is seen as important as one barometer for the outlook for the economy, and thus the stockmarket. The curve itself shows the structure of interest rates plotted over different maturities as measured by government bond prices, from the shortest dated bonds, which usually are related to short term interest rates, to long-dated i. e. 30 year plus maturities.

This enables investors firstly to be able to compare the yields offered by short-term, medium-term and long-term bonds. As there is usually a higher risk involved in choosing a longer dated maturity, typically the yield curve should slop upward, but it is the actual slope that is of interest. This also has relevance for forex investors as it reflects one part of longer term currency risk evaluation.

The three shapes of the curve

The yield curve usually takes one of three shapes. If short-term yields are lower than long-term yields, the line of interest rates will slope upwards, and this is seen as normal.

If short-term yields are higher than long-term yields, the line then slopes down (at least at the beginning), and this is referred to as an inverted or negative yield curve.

Occasionally, a flat yield curve reflects hardly any disparity between short-dated and long-dated yields.

What bonds are plotted?

It is very important that only bonds of similar risk are plotted on the curve, as the gap between low and high risk bonds itself is another factor for longer term investors to examine when choosing investments. In the US, the most common type of yield curve plots Treasury securities because they are considered risk-free and are used as a benchmark for determining the yield on other types of higher risk debt. The yield curves are calculated and published by The Wall Street Journal, the Federal Reserve, and a variety of other financial institutions.

In the UK, gilt stocks are used in the same way and it is simple to compile current yield curves from the Financial Times.

The importance of the yield curve

As mentioned above, when the yield curve is positive or sloping upwards, this indicates that investors require a higher rate of return for the added risk of lending money for longer periods of time, which is normal.

If the yield curve shows a steep upwards slope, this indicates to some commentators that investors are looking at strong future economic growth and potentially higher future inflation, which might lead to higher interest rates.

Changes in the shape of the yield curve can also have an impact on portfolio returns by making differently dated bonds more or less valuable relative to other bonds, so analysts and investors need to study yield curves carefully.

If there is a flat curve this generally indicates that investors are unsure about future economic growth and inflation.

The inverted yield curve

This has been quite topical in recent months as inverted yield curves have been seen in many economies after the period of steadily tightening monetary policy up until this summer.

Where there is an inverted yield curve this suggests that investors expect slowing economic growth and potentially lower inflation. The inference here is lower interest rates to stave off possible recession, and this is what we have seen in the US earlier this month when the Federal Reserve lowered rates by 50 basis points.

There have been many studies that have found that inverted yield curves tend to precede recessions, but this may be subject to revision given the prevailing fiat monetary policies in much of the developed world currently.

Yield curve theory

There are three main theories that attempt to explain why yield curves are shaped the way they are, and it is for the long term investor to decide whether these are relevant or superfluous to the prevailing shape of the curve.

The expectations theory states that expectations of rising short-term interest rates are what create a positive yield curve and vice versa.

The liquidity preference hypothesis states that investors always prefer the higher liquidity of short-term debt and therefore any deviance from a positive yield curve will only prove to be a temporary phenomenon.

The segmented market hypothesis states that different investors confine themselves to certain maturity segments, making the yield curve a reflection of prevailing investment policies.

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The 16 Highest Yield Prodectivity Tips for Forex Traders

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16 Steps To Guarantee A More Rewarding Year

The following is a partial summary of the conclusions from the fxempire. com weekly analysts ’ meeting in which we share thoughts about what’s driving major global asset markets.

The Xmas and New Year holiday season means that markets go quiet, so current news stories of note become scarce or non-existent. For financial writers that means we seek out ‘big picture’ topics like:

Reflections on the prior year and forecasts for the coming year.

Ways to improve performance in the coming year, mistakes we learned to avoid, etc.

The following is a variation on #2 (still working on the forecasts).

Over the past few months I’ve been reading Eric Barker’s blog, Barking Up The Wrong Tree. which focus on on life and career lessons, and a few recent posts served as the inspiration (and sometimes source, along with those from The Sensible Guide To Forex. winner of 2017’s Best Forex Book Award ) for the following collection of trader productivity tips

Much of the following is all about

Maintaining or increasing your peak hours

Minimizing the things that reduce these

Some of the following are obvious, some are not. All are worth reviewing, and integrating into your list of highest yield New Year’s resolutions

Part 1: Exploit, Maintain, Recharge Your Prime Time Hours

Part 1 is all about exploiting and extending the time when your energy, mind, and mood are at their best.

1. Match Your Best Hours To Your Most Demanding Tasks Of The Day

If you don’t have that much control over your schedule, then do what you can to move your peak hours to the hours of those tasks.

The Principle

Maximum productivity means organizing your tasks around your best hours. Match up the most demanding of your most important tasks of the day to the hours when you have the most energy. Allocate the second most demanding and important tasks to your next best hours, and so on.

The Explanation

Energy, not time, is the key to top performance.

Working on time management skills will yield limited results without considering that for humans, unlike machines, all hours are not equally productive.

Know if you’re a morning or night person. Few of us have more than 3-5 peak hours a day. If you need more, experiment with nap length and scheduling. Learn how well your body responds to coffee, tea, and other available stimulants can extend those hours, both with and without a nap. Use these with discretion. Many of us find that these are more like taking loans on energy that must be repaid. We also build tolerances to these, which limits their long term benefits if they’re overused.

Most of us with jobs don’t have full control over when those most important and demanding tasks come, so it’s up to us to make sure we’ve had the right combination of sleep and simulants


I reserve trading or investing decisions for hours when my mood and energy are good. I might do research, trade diary review and entries, during less productive hours, but final review of decisions to enter positions, and order placement, waits for those hours.

I use the non-peak times for less demanding and less critical tasks like:

Responding to emails

More enjoyable ones that I’m more motivated to do even when tired

Applying It

Identify the most demanding tasks of your day and do whatever you can to turn hours available for them into your peak hours.

For example, part time traders or investors with full time jobs should not be making trading decisions or placing orders when their energy or mood is low.

This issue is especially relevant for discretionary short term and day traders, those who need to make decisions while their market is open. Forex traders have more flexibility because these markets are open over around the clock, 5 days a week.

Traders or investors with holding periods of many weeks or months have more flexibility because they can place entry and exit orders without markets needing to be open.

2. You Can’t Cheat On Sleep – So Don’t Try It

You know how much sleep you need to function each day. Reducing sleep soon reduces mood, energy, as well as your intellectual and emotional functioning. In other words, won’t seem as smart, creative, pleasant or sensitive to others. Impulse control also suffers – and that’s a real problem for anyone who must make investing decisions during that time.

Author Eric Barker has a great article on tips for getting the most out of your precious sleep time. To summarize the article’s top tips:

Keep a consistent schedule, even on weekends. Slipping out of that routine makes it harder to regain it.

Stop work an hour before bed to wind down. Most people need some transition time between work and bed. To ensure that happens…

Use an alarm to get ready for bed: Set it an hour before your planned bedtime.

If you lack strong day/night cues, add them. Get sunlight during the day. Dim the lights at night. Turn electronics off as bedtime approaches.

Keep your bedroom dark and quiet. Even if you think you can sleep with some light and noise, these can still reduce sleep quality.

See here for the full article.

3. Focus On Measurable Performance

Measurable feedback keeps you focused.

Example & Application

Whenever possible, have as many relevant measurable performance gauges as you can. For traders or investors, the obvious ones like ROI, income, percentage of winning trades, etc. over a given period are obvious examples.

Less obvious but equally important for traders and investors are the things that tell you you’re sticking to your plan, such measures of discipline as:

Diversification by asset type, currency exposure, etc.

Periodic rebalancing or review of positions

What if you have no plan, or journal in which you track these, or don’t even recognize these terms? Then stop right now and put whatever time you’re investing into trading or investing towards studying basic risk and money management. I discuss much of this in Chapter 5 of my book. You can view the table of contents for it here. (use the Look Inside feature) to get a no-cost quick overview of the topic.

4. Find What Recharges Your Energy

We’re not machines, so find what recharges you and schedule it into your week.

Part 2: Protect Your Prime Time Hours

Here we cover how to defend against the things that will cut the length and effectiveness of your prime time.

5-7: Minimize External Distractions

This sounds obvious but there are a lot of components to doing it effectively. However there’s no choice, because distractions can render your best hours worthless. The steps to beating distractions include:

Choose a quiet place to work that’s away from visual and auditory distractions. If you don’t have that option, invest in earplugs, sound canceling headphones, etc. If your work area has a distracting view of a window, TV, hot coworker, whatever, do what you can to change your location of block out that view, drop the blinds, impose

Keeping distractions off your computer: Banish non-work related during your work hours unless they’re directly related to your trading or investment research. Even then, try to limit your viewing to scheduled times.

Build Willpower: Doing these if far easier said than done. A trading or investing content site can contain all kinds of distracting material that’s irrelevant to your research.

Therefore to be effective at eliminating external distractions, you need to work on cutting out the ones lurking between your ears. Speaking of which…

8-16. Minimize Internal Distractions: Staying Focused

Use And Expand Your Best Hours When Focus Is Best: As detailed in #1 above, that’s the best starting point for having a clear head.

Minimize Stress: it makes you distracted and stupid: In case life hasn’t already handed you enough experiences proving this, Harvard University professors Eldar Shafir of Princeton and Sendhil Mullainathan tested the IQs of Indian farmers before and after their harvest–times. Before the harvest, as a consequence of being strapped for cash, the farmers were in a general state of anxiety, and their IQ tests were materially lower than after the harvest, when they were more much more liquid and did not have to deal with immediate cash shortages. The implication is that their ability to focus–was depleted by their financial worries. (via Eric Barker here ).

Allow Strategic External Distractions: In other words, take breaks, ideally at specific times, ideally ones that relax you fast but don’t draw you away for long periods. For example, I work at home, so I’ve the option of taking 5 minutes with my two youngest (below) to ease stress.


Lucy (top) and Bubba

Minimize Stressful Decisions Before Making Trading Or Investing Decisions: Here’s related but distinct variation on the above theme. Decision fatigue is real and well documented (for example see here ). I discuss its dangers, especially for short term and day traders, in my book in the same chapter that I cover risk management. Of course even those with long term holding periods can make bad decisions due to decision fatigue if they make them during a stressful time when they’ve had to make many difficult decisions. Part of minimizing decisions is…

Choose A Trading Or Investing Style To Suit You: In my book, The Sensible Guide To Forex. I discuss the importance of choosing a trading or investing style in the same Chapter 5 that I cover risk and money management RAMM), because the two are so closely related. For example, those who are risk averse will be prone to stress and its dangers to sound decision making if they engage in higher risk trading or investing.

Avoid Multitasking: Focusing on one thing at a time improves productivity. Research shows we’re more productive when we hit one task at a time.

14. Meditation Can Increase Attention Span, Ability To Focus

As with decision fatigue, there’s lots of research supporting this idea. For example this article describes how a mere 5 day program improved attention span and lowered stress levels.

15.Form A Routine

Building a weekly routine is one of the best stress reducers. Routine cuts your decision making and gets your body into a routine of work, rest, eating, sleeping, etc.

16.Focus On Your Contribution To The Greater Good: It’s More Than Money

It may sound cliché or downright corny, but here too there’s no shortage of research showing those who see their work as accomplishing bigger things than an income are more motivated, energized, and productive. Each trade offers you a lesson, each winning trade gives you the chance to contribute in multiple ways, etc. See here or here for examples.

Want to know more about the psychological side of market success as well as risk and money management (RAMM)? You can get a free overview of that by reviewing Chapter 5 of my book here. Get these aspects of your game down and the profits will take care of themselves. See them applied in Chapter 7, by the way.

To be added to Cliff’s email distribution list, just click here , and leave your name, email address, and request to be on the mailing list for alerts of future posts.


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About Cliff Wachtel

Author of the award winning book, The Sensible Guide To Forex: Safer, Smarter Ways to Survive and Prosper from the Start (Wiley, 2012), Cliff Wachtel, CPA, has been serving as.

FX Empire - La empresa, los empleados, las subsidiarias y los asociados, no son responsables ni serán responsables conjunta o solidariamente por cualquier pérdida o daño como resultado de la confianza en la información proporcionada en este sitio web. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no necesariamente se proporcionan en tiempo real ni es necesariamente precisa. FX Empire puede recibir compensación de las compañías que aparecen en la red.

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How High Yield Investment Programs (HYIP) Work

HYIP stands for high yield investment program, and this is an investment scheme designed to deliver vast profits from investments. It is said to be one of the most lucrative money-making ventures around, and investors can make earnings of as much 5 to 200 percent in interest a month. As is the case with any speculative venture, the profits an investor can make are dependent on the risks they make. That is, the greater the risk, the greater the returns, or losses for that matter.

Most HYIPs do not disclose to their investors exactly how they invest the money that they put in. However, in general, HYIPs engage in capital management which is, simply put, handling an investor’s total investment, as well as capital expenditures needed to make the venture grow. This makes for additional capital outlay. Examples of modes by which HYIPs exercise capital management are FOREX trading, stock exchange, sports betting, metal trading, and the like.

FOREX stands for foreign exchange, and it basically involves the buying and selling of currencies. Among all the markets in the world, FOREX is said to be the market with the most volume, with an approximated daily turnover of over US$ 1.5 trillion. In FOREX, the base currency against which other currencies are traded is the US dollar. It is said to be the most liquid market, which means that an investor can take out or cash in investments more rapidly and with a fairer market price compared to other markets. Also, it is non-monopolistic, mainly because its huge volume prevents any single entity from controlling and monopolizing it. Moreover, trading in FOREX takes place 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, allowing an investor to benefit from developments worldwide while the local market sleeps. Because currency markets are extremely speculative and highly unpredictable, FOREX and currency markets in general are an enormously lucrative and attractive money-making venture. With all that said, a lot of HYIPs therefore bank on the highly profitable and money-spinning nature of FOREX to generate tremendous returns for their investors.

Another means by which HYIPs invest their investors’ money would be the stock exchange, or the stock market. It is a structured and organized market where members trade securities such as stocks, common stock equivalents and bonds. Members can act as agents, known as brokers, or as principals, known as dealers or traders. There are various ways by which trading in the stock exchange is carried out. It may be conducted on a continuous auction basis, or it may be done through specialists who focus on a particular stock. Also, it may be carried out through brokers who buy from and sell to dealers or traders in specific types of stock.

Sports betting, or sports gambling, is still another venture which HYIPs get into to capitalize on and increase yields for their investors. In sports betting, participants make a wager based on particular outcomes or predicted results in sports activities. Wagers are accepted by so-called bookmakers, or those who specialize in receiving sports wagers. The specific mechanics, legality and general acceptance of this venture differs depending on the country. For example, in North America, horse racing is generally the only sport where sports betting is allowed. On the contrary, in many countries in Europe, sports betting, although not illegal, is extremely controlled and regulated.

Metal trading, on the other hand, simply refers to the gold and silver markets. Other precious metals exchanged in this market include platinum and palladium.

HYIPs conduct their activities and transactions on the internet, through virtual currencies or e-currencies. These have allowed HYIPs to conduct business worldwide, and have made it very convenient for investors to claim earnings instantly. They also enable HYIPs to accept large numbers of small investments.

Aside from capital management, HYIPs give incentive commissions to members who are able to recruit more investors into the scheme. This is why a lot of critics have pointed out that HYIPs are Ponzi schemes, wherein the money brought in by new investors as capital is that which is used to pay the profit supposedly made by current investors. Ponzi schemes, as well as pyramid schemes which are of a similar nature, are illegal.

However, not all HYIPs are Ponzi schemes, and it takes due diligence on the part of the investor so as not to be scammed.

Other Investment Thoughts The country state island of Singapore has lifted it's 40 year casino ban and will develop one to be launched sometime in 2009 or 2010. Seems like a great time to start preparing financial and investment ideas based on this event. More information on Singapore Casinos here.

Economic Cycles

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Economic cycle s are periods that follow one another during which economic activity is more or less good. It is the evolution of economic activity that we called market situtations. Indeed, economic growth is not continuous. There are 4 phases in a cycle:

- Recovery . This is a turning point between recession and growth stages. It seeks by all means to get out of the crisis and we are seeing a lot of restructuring. The state then tries to give a growth relay by investing heavily to meet growth and restore confidence. This stage is also a technological innovation period that can help overcome the crisis. Gradually returns and growth get back and a virtuous circle is set up.

- Expansion . This is the stage of prosperity. All indicators are green and we are witnessing a rise in production, wages, profits and consumption. Private investment is then very strong, market actors wanting to increase their production capacity to meet growing demand.

- Overheating . This is a turning point between the phase of growth and recession. Indeed, during the expansion time, inflation appears because there are more and more money in circulation (rising wages, interest rates still low in the early stages of expansion. So we will assist to a general rise in prices which will lead to a decline in consumption and thus investment. Manufacturers who have more important inventories to sell, they will gradually seek to reduce their production and reduce prices to sell their stocks. The beginning of the crisis is then close

- Recession . The overheating stage has lead to massive layouts and that have a significant impact on consumption. Their salaries are frozen and the discontent of households is growing, so. A crisis of confidence is then settled at all levels. Indeed some actors (the weaker) disappear and a certain distrust is present between all actors. On the interbank market, this is translates into a drying out. Banks do not dare to lend to each other and households consumes less and less, scare by the crisis. Consumption become lower and lower, companies continue to adjust their level of production to this consumption and then a vicious circle begins.

The graph below illustrates the different stages crossed by our economies and made appear sectors where you will invest according to markets situations:

This is called sector rotation. For example, when we enter on the recovery stage, it is better to invest in the transport sector, automotive sector to get a maximum profit from the market situations.

The link between economic cycle and interest rates

Economic cycles are a series of cyclical stages and each is normally associated with a very specific configuration of interest rates. (Levels and structures).

Thus, we see that the recovery in economic activity generally occurs in a context of low interest rates and a rising yield curve. The low interest rates are essential to the recovery, they help to boost investment (because of the low cost of credit) by injecting massive liquidity into the financial system. The yield curve should be upward reflecting a renewed confidence in the future.

In the expansion stage . interest rates rise in part to limit inflation driven by growth. In parallel, the yield curve will flatten out (reduce the spread between short and long rates) reflecting a distrust in the continuity of growth.

The overheating stage . there is an inversion of the yield curve which is now downward. Short rates will remain high but this is the fall of long rates that will reverse the shape of the yield curve. This means that economic actors have no confidence in the future. Then little by little, short rates will follow the fall in long rates in an attempt to regain the growth of the previous stage.

Finally, the recession comes and the rates are at their lowest in order to revive economic activity. Low short rates reflect a near-zero trust between economic actors. Short rates will continue to go down to form a flat yield curve. The crisis of trust is very important. Indeed, actors estimate that to lend money on the short-term has a risk level equivalent to lend money on the long term. Then, gradually, the yield curve will rise and will become ascending again. This is the beginning of the recovery stage.

1 – Short cycles

- KITCHIN cycles . He is an economist who believes that American business cycle lasts about 40 months. This is the variations of inventories that explains the transition from growth to recession. Indeed, in an expansion stage, inventories rise dramatically, companies wishing to meet a demand in growth. This increase in inventories is due to an increase in production capacity that will gradually become higher than the demand and thus led to the creation of large inventories. Then, gradually, firms will anticipate or experience a slowdown in economic activity and the destocking stage will begin. We are then entering the recession stage.

- Juglar cycles . This is a French economist who believes that the economic cycle lasts between 6 and 11 years. For him, changing economic situations is due to changes in investment. In expansion stage, investments are strong because interest rates are still low. The period of overheating is a period of overinvestment. Then, gradually, with rising interest rates (to curb inflation), loan demand will gradually decline and investment will be less important. The recession stage begins.

- Kondratieff cycles . He is an economist who believes that an economic cycle lasts between 30 and 50. For him, the boom can arise as a major innovation that will revolutionize our civilization and will result secondary innovations. He speaks of clusters of innovations that will generate growth and by the creation of new markets and a massive investment requirement. Then, gradually, the market will reach a saturation stage and it we will gradually enter into recession. Here's to him the major innovations that have occurred:

Están hablando de ello en el foro

FOREX significa divisas, lo que significa mercado de divisas. El mercado Forex es donde las monedas se venden, compradas, en forma de paridad. En el mercado Forex, todas las divisas se negocian en tiempo real, 24h / 24h, 7J / 7J. El Forex está abierto desde hace pocos años a los individuos, inversores individuales que deseen diversificar sus inversiones o especuladores puros. El acceso al mercado de divisas para los individuos se ofrece a través de corredores de Forex.

CUIDADO. FOREX es un mercado volátil por el apalancamiento que se ofrece a usted. En consecuencia, siempre existe un riesgo de importantes pérdidas financieras. Tribuforex proporciona a sus internautas algunas ideas y análisis comerciales, pero no será responsable en caso de pérdidas. El objetivo principal de www. forex-tribe. com es ofrecer una herramienta que permite a los comerciantes compartir divisas entre ellos.

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A while ago I wrote a post about how I didn’t believe in short term optimization and why I believed this sort of mechanism does not work for systems in the long term as you are continuously “chasing” condiciones de mercado. However it is true that a system which does hold up against “walking forward” within a long series of tests is robust in the sense that there is a strict technique for the adapting of the system against developing market conditions. In order to make sure that a system does yield profitable results in this way it becomes very important to evaluate the effect of the technique across a very long period. Within this post I will describe the results of some Asirikuy systems in this regard and how this opens up a new route to system adaptation.

Let me now explain to you what the walking forward technique is all about when it pertain to short term optimizations. What we do is simply take a system and optimize it for a period of days in the past (for example 120) and then run the system for a given number of days (for example 30) and compare the results of both tests. The walk forward period is generally about 20-30% of the optimization period since we assume that optimized systems “become old” quite quickly.

Now the idea is not simply to run one of these tests but to cover a very large trading period – for example 8 to 10 years – using this exact technique. What we do is run tests for every 30 day period within the 8-10 year test using the optimized settings for the past 120 days. If a system is able to survive through a ten year period after this process then it shows that the system is able to survive to the “walk forward” and therefore the strategy is robust in the sense that short term optimizations do generate settings that are generally profitable through the out-of-sample period. The process to do this whole evaluation is extremely slow (since each 30 day period requires an optimization of many parameters) and then a walk forward. In summary – depending on the depth of the optimizations – it may take hours for each “30 day step” for a 1 hour system.

Although someone already thought about this problem and developed a program to perform this sort of walk forward analysis using MT4. The analysis tool – found here – makes the analysis of systems in a walk forward manner much easier although it suffers from great limitations which make its practical usage almost null since the software is very limited as it can only run optimizations and runs with the same backtesting technique something which makes “every tick” runs impractical and the overall methodology restricted to systems that can give reliable simulations based on “open prices only” (systems that do not rely on either Close, High or Low values).

The best solution – which is what I have done – is to develop a piece of software which allows the running of a walk forward analysis by optimizing a system using a method based only on OHLC values of the time frame were it trades (very fast) and then run the resulting 30 day result using a model based on 1 minute OHLC values (analogous to the “every tick” method in MT4). In the end a solution like this based on FreePascal is able to run the above tests in a very fast way and to cover a 10 year period with optimizations every 30 days in less than a few hours, with the final runs being done on a higher modeling quality than the optimizations (which if done at a higher quality would take much longer).

Up until now I have limited my analysis to systems which I can easily code – such as Teyacanani and Watukushay FE – but the results are pretty good in the sense that they show that Asirikuy systems – when run this way – give a profitability which is in average between 40-60% that of the previous optimization period. In this sense Asirikuy trading systems are robust since they show their ability to survive to constant optimizations against the market through long periods of trading. Although chasing the markets, the systems are able to succeed.

The obvious question now is whether or not this is better than using a single set of parameters through a very long period of time (the way in which we’ve been working). The answer to this question is not very obvious or easily obtainable since we currently lack the necessary out of sample data length to know the profitability of systems within an out-of-sample test of 10 years but from what I could see whenever the optimization period grows so does the matching of the system’s profitability with the period. For example while a 120 period optimization with a 30 walk forward generated an average profit match of just 40-60%, increasing the optimization period to 1200 days and running the system for the next 300 yields results in the region of 60-80%. Perhaps the best way to develop systems is then to have profitable parameters developed for as long as there is data available and to then re-optimize the parameters when 20% of that data has gone through. In our case this would mean that re-optimizations of Asirikuy systems would have to be done first in 2 years and then in longer periods as the “testing body” grows bigger.

Certainly the notion of walking forward systems is interesting but from the information I have been able to gather it seems conclusive that short term optimizations simply try to “chase the market” and long optimization periods are required to improve the results of the out of sample periods. Certainly an analysis of more systems on more currency pairs is required to validate these conclusions but up until now they seem to hold up :o)

If you would like to learn more about my work in automated trading and how you too can learn how to build your own likely long term profitable systems based on sound strategies please consider joining Asirikuy. com, a website filled with educational videos, trading systems, development and a sound, honest and transparent approach towards automated trading in general. I hope you enjoyed this article. o)

Are you interested in becoming an active trader in the world's largest financial market? If you are, you will be looking to trade the foreign exchange market, also commonly referred to as the forex. In recent years, since the late 1990's, brokerage firms have made it possible for "everyday" individuals, just like you, to make money with the exchange or the trading of foreign currencies. Although brokerage firms do provide you with needed assistance, it is advised that you know the ins and outs of the forex yourself. That is why it is advised that you take a forex training course. In fact, the successful completion of a forex training course is likely to yield better profits.

When it comes to forex training courses, there are a large number of wannabe forex traders who wonder if it is really necessary to undergo training. Yes, you could start trading the forex market right away, but, when doing so, you will be taking a large risk. Although the foreign exchange market has been profitable to many traders, there are also those who have lost their hard earned money. To help ensure that you profit from the forex market, not suffer a loss, you are advised to closely examine forex training courses to reap their benefits.

By taking a forex training course, you may not only learn how to successfully trade the forex market, but you may also learn more about it. While you might not assume that the history of the foreign exchange market is important, it is. Familiarizing yourself with the history of the foreign exchange market will not only better help you understand how the forex came about, but it will also give you a better appreciation for the market and the ability to exchange foreign currencies. After all, the ability to exchange foreign currencies is what enables you to yield a profit.

Forex training course come in a number of different formats. When examining available courses, you will see that there are forex training courses that are designed for beginners. Beginners are those who are essentially completely unfamiliar with the forex market and forex trading. If you have a small amount of experience with the forex market or knowledge of how to start trading, an intermediate forex training course may be your best option. There are also several advanced courses to help experienced traders refine their skills. Whatever level of knowledge or experience you have, you should be able to find a forex training course that can help you increase your knowledge and wealth

One of the many aspects of a forex training course that may help to yield better profits is live market lessons. Live market lessons are, perhaps, the most essential phase of an effective forex training course. Live market lessons involve studying the foreign exchange market in real-time. This real-time learning is ideal because is allows you to examine situations on the forex that may arise, should you later decide to trade it. Being able to examine the forex market in real-time is training at its best. You can read a forex training course book or watch a video a hundred times, but never walk away with the knowledge or firsthand experience that comes along with live market lessons. Participating in a forex training course that includes a live market lesson is the surest way to yield better profits.

Currently, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of forex training courses available for you to choose from. What you may not know is that many of these training courses are offered by brokerage firms; brokerage firms that are looking to acquire you as a client. While it is true that any forex training course is better than no forex training course, why not get yourself the best? When searching for a forex training course, you are advised to examine Fxcenter. com. Fxcenter. com takes pride in being pure educators, not brokers. For you, this means better training. You will receive the highest level of forex training possible, as the goal is to educate you on the forex market, not acquire you as a client.

In short, to yield better profits, you are urged to examine forex training courses, particular the courses offered by Fxcenter. com. Why start trading the forex without the proper training and experience, especially when it is so easy to find a forex training course that can not only prepare you for trading, but help you yield better profits.

Foro de Forex & ndash; Introducción. El mercado de divisas es alto rendimiento y medio arriesgado de tomar el beneficio de las operaciones con las tasas de cambio. Los instrumentos de trabajo en el mercado Forex determinan de muchas maneras el resultado del comercio de divisas que realizan los participantes en el mercado de divisas. Clientes de los corredores. Cada corredor de Forex ofrece su propio terminal, sin embargo la mayoría de los corredores y los comerciantes coinciden en la elección de MetaTrader 4 y MetaTrader 5 terminales. Este foro se crea para aquellos que prefieren el terminal de la serie MetaTrader en el comercio de Forex.

Foro de Forex & ndash; Discusión comercial. Forex previsiones del mercado, opiniones independientes de los comerciantes novatos y expertos del mercado de divisas & ndash; Todo esto se encuentra en el forex-foro de la discusión de los oficios. Una sólida experiencia de trabajo en Forex es preferible, pero todos los recién llegados incluyendo Forex-newbies pueden venir y compartir su opinión también. Ayuda mutua y diálogo & ndash; El objetivo principal de la comunicación en Forex-foro, dedicado a la negociación.

Foro de Forex & ndash; Diálogo con corredores y comerciantes (sobre corredores). Si tiene experiencia negativa o positiva de trabajo con Forex broker & ndash; Compartirlo en Forex Forum, relacionado con las cuestiones de la calidad del servicio de Forex. Usted puede dejar un comentario sobre su corredor que dice sobre ventajas o desventajas de trabajo en Forex con él. Las revisiones de corredores de los comerciantes agregados constituyen una calificación. En esta calificación se puede ver a los líderes y forasteros del mercado de servicios de Forex.

Free discusiones en el Foro de Forex Usted es un comerciante y quiere relajarse? Entonces Foro de Forex para las discusiones libres es para usted. No hay duda de que la conversación sobre temas cercanos al mercado Forex es preferencial. Aquí encontrará bromas acerca de los comerciantes, la caricatura de los corredores de Forex y Forex de tasa completa fuera de la parte superior.

Bonos para la comunicación en el foro de Forex Este foro es creado por los comerciantes para los comerciantes y está destinado a obtener beneficios. Sin embargo, cada post en el foro de Forex le da a su autor un bono de divisas. Que puede ser utilizado en el comercio de Forex en la cuenta abierta con uno de los patrocinadores del foro. Este pequeño regalo se presenta con el objetivo de recompensar a los comerciantes profesionales por pasar tiempo en nuestro foro.

Agradecemos su elección de Forex foro como una plataforma para la comunicación.

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Definition of "Rate+of+Return" En el comercio de Forex

Estas páginas, y todo el contenido y copia; TradingCharts. com Inc y otros titulares de derechos de autor. No se permite el permiso para redistribuir gráficos, datos, noticias u otra información que se encuentre en este sitio, de ninguna manera. Aunque se cree que la información proporcionada es exacta, TradingCharts no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño que pueda derivarse del uso del contenido, la imposibilidad de acceder al sitio web, o el retraso o el fracaso de recibir cualquier información proporcionada a través de este sitio.

Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo

Generally speaking, in forex trading we only have one source of information to make trading decisions. precio. In the foreign exchange market, due to the lack of a centralized exchange, we lack one of the most useful pieces of information available on the futures and stock markets, volume. This additional data tells us exactly the amount of money (or volume) moved by buyers and sellers which caused any given movement in price within the market at any given time, something which is basic to understand price formations, validate patterns and trade with generally more accuracy. But what is that volume indicator that shows in your trading platform then. On today’s post I will address this question and I will discuss the inherent limitations and uses of “volume” in forex trading.

First of all, it is important to understand why there cannot be a “true volume” indicator in forex trading, why it isn’t possible to know how much money goes through the market at any given time. Simply put, the market is just too large and has too many exchanges. For any given forex broker to have a true volume indicator, it would need to have feeds from every bank in the world which exchanges one currency for another, detailing the size of each transaction. This is not practical and probably not possible today. In fact, the only way in which we could have accurate volume information would be if forex was traded in a centralized exchange, something which will likely not happen due to the flexibility independent feeds give to inter-bank negotiations.

But what is that indicator you see on your trading platform. For example, there is an indicator named “Volume” in Metatrader 4 which displays what appears to be volume information. Is this indicator displaying volume. How does it calculate it. The truth is that what the indicator displays is NOT true volume but a simple measure of the number of ticks received for a given time period. For example, a volume of 20 means that during that given time period the platform received 20 ticks.

Is the number of ticks directly proportional to volume. Yes and no. It does give an idea about the amount of “activity” in the market but it does not give you any idea about the amount of money going through the banks. Since the amount of money is not proportional to the number of ticks. For example if the amount of money exchanged is very large but the number of transactions is small you might have a large candle with a small “volume” (measured as number of ticks) but the real volume would be large. Therefore, the “Volume” indicator is not a true measure of market volume.

Is it completely useless then. No, as I say, it is a measure of market activity, a measure of the “amount of transaction” more than the “volume of the transactions”. It still can be used on some analysis in which knowing market activity is important but it cannot be used to validate patterns and do volume analysis like on the stock and futures markets, simply because it is not the same variable. We could use the volume indicator as a way to determine market volatility and to predict the time of the day in which price will fluctuate to a larger extent, however using this indicator to determine the validity of moves is simply wrong since it does not correspond to true volume and moves which apparently happen on “low volume” may in fact be large volume moves which happen on a few transactions. Therefore, the “Volume” indicator is more like a “liquidity” indicator, allowing us to locate periods where large amounts of buyers and sellers were available.

Another important problem is that since the “Volume” indicator depends on the number of ticks, it is very broker dependant, therefore the building of automated trading systems based on this indicator is bound to give very large broker dependency unless measures are taken to normalize the volume indicator, something which also does not completely guarantee that this problem will be eliminated (although it is bound to be reduced).

If you would like to learn more about what I have learned about automated trading and how you too can reach your long term profitability goals using automated trading systems please consider buying my ebook on automated trading or joining Asirikuy to receive all ebook purchase benefits, weekly updates, check the live accounts I am running with several expert advisors and get in the road towards long term success in the forex market using automated trading systems. Espero que hayas disfrutado el artículo !

Foro Forex India - Introducción. El mercado internacional de divisas proporciona oportunidades para obtener beneficios de alto rendimiento y alto riesgo de las fluctuaciones de la tasa de cambio. El éxito de un comerciante depende de muchos factores; Una de ellas es una plataforma de negociación que el corredor ofrece para operar en el mercado. Hoy en día la mayoría de las empresas de corretaje de divisas y sus clientes prefieren MetaTrader 4 & # 1080; MetaTrader 5 terminales. Si usted va para plataformas MetaTrader, así, asegúrese de & # 8722; forex foro ha sido diseñado para usted.

Foro Forex India & # 9472; Discusiones comerciales. En nuestro foro encontrará pronósticos forex relevantes y tendrá la oportunidad de unirse a las discusiones celebradas por expertos del mercado de divisas, los comerciantes profesionales y los que son nuevos en Forex. Estas discusiones aportarán respuestas a todas sus preguntas. Por otra parte, usted será capaz de expresar su opinión, obtener información útil, pedir ayuda o, por el contrario, dar a alguien que ayuda. Todo el mundo dispuesto a aprender algo nuevo y compartir el conocimiento adquirido es bienvenido!

Foro Forex India & # 8722; Socializar con los corredores y los comerciantes (sobre los corredores). El foro contiene una calificación de las empresas que prestan servicios de corretaje basados ​​en las opiniones de los comerciantes. También puede compartir las impresiones de un corredor de forex cierto dejó en usted, proporcionar su evaluación de la calidad de sus servicios y también decir acerca de su experiencia positiva o negativa de trabajar con una empresa de corretaje. Sus comentarios ayudarán a otros comerciantes a evitar errores y elegir un agente fiable con quien cooperar.

Socialización aleatoria en el foro de Forex India Nuestro foro es una buena manera de descansar del trabajo y comunicarse con amigos en temas diversos. Este es un reino de anécdotas, bromas, caricaturas, concursos, discusiones de noticias deportivas, historias de la vida real y fuera de tema desencadenado. Sin embargo, dado que el comercio es un estilo de vida más que una profesión, los temas relacionados con el comercio podrían ser discutidos también.

Bonos para la socialización en Forex foro de India Este forex foro ha sido creado por los comerciantes para los comerciantes y no está destinado a hacer ganancias. Sin embargo, permite a los autores de puestos para ganar bonos de divisas que pueden ser empleados en el comercio en una cuenta de uno de los patrocinadores del foro. Estos regalos de dinero son símbolos de gratitud para todos los comerciantes de forex profesionales por el tiempo que pasan en nuestro foro.

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The Investor Page

The following Reit's have incredible yield's worth looking into. Due your research and make your own decision. One thing is for sure. if you have a long time horizon for the next 5 years, they sure could give you some nice returns.

American Capital Agency (AGNC)- Yield 20% American Capital Agency Corp. (AGNC) is a real estate investment trust (REIT). AGNC earns income primarily from investing in residential mortgage pass-through securities and collateralized mortgage obligations. These investments consist of securities, for which the principal and interest payments are guaranteed by United States Government-sponsored entities, such as the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) or by a United States Government agency, such as the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae). The Company is externally managed by American Capital Agency Management, LLC, a subsidiary of a wholly owned portfolio company of American Capital, Ltd. American Capital Agency (AGNC) declared its quarterly dividend of $1.40 per share, maintaining the amount paid to shareholders last quarter. Based on the current stock price, investors can expect a yield of about 20%. Its Board of Directors has declared a cash dividend of $1.40 per share for the second quarter 2010. The dividend is payable on July 28, 2010 to common shareholders of record as of June 30, 2010, with an ex-dividend date of June 28, 2010.

Resource Capital Corp (RSO) - Yield 16.60% Resource Capital Corp. incorporated on October 31, 2005, is a specialty finance company that focuses primarily on commercial real estate and commercial finance. The Company conducts its operations as a real estate investment trust (REIT). It invests in a combination of commercial real estate debt and other real estate-related assets and, to a lesser extent, higher-yielding commercial finance assets. It is managed by Resource Capital Manager, Inc. a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of Resource America, Inc. a specialized asset management company. Resource Capital Corp. (NYSE: RSO) announced today that its Board of Directors has declared a cash dividend of $0.25 per common share for the quarter ending June 30, 2010. The dividend will be paid on July 27, 2010 to holders of record on June 30, 2010.

Annaly Capital Management, Inc. (NYSE: NLY)= Yield 15.50% Annaly Capital Management, Inc. (Annaly) owns, manages and finances a portfolio of real estate related investment securities, including mortgage pass-through certificates, collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs), agency callable debentures, and other securities representing interests in the obligations backed by pools of mortgage loans. The Company's wholly owned subsidiaries offer real estate, asset management and other financial services. Annaly Capital Management, Inc. (NYSE: NLY) declared the second quarter 2010 common stock cash dividend of $0.68 per common share. This dividend is payable July 29, 2010 to common shareholders of record on June 29, 2010. The ex-dividend date is June 25, 2010.

Hugoton Royalty Trust (HGT) offers a near 8% distribution yield for the next year despite a low price for natural gas, the fast-growing, environmentally desirable fuel. Stock price is in an uptrend measured by the 200-day average and it may have further to go judging by estimated Net Present Value (NPV) of $21 a unit (see table Functional Cash Flow and Present Value). Yet natural gas, HGT’s main product, is out of favor. but will increase in price later in the year. The fuel expected to contribute the most to energy growth languishes underappreciated at a price 40% of the heating equivalent of oil. Investors in HGT can be patient with an adjusted reserve life index of 12.3 years implying continuing production at a declining rate for at least twice as long. Recently the operator of the trust’s properties has reinvested less of the trust’s cash flow thereby allowing volume to decline naturally (see chart Natural Gas Volume and Development Spending). Money not spent for drilling has boosted distributions. The future tradeoff between volume and spending will depend on buy-recommended ExxonMobil (XOM) as it is expected to acquire XTO Energy the founder of the trust. A premium price for HGT natural gas compared to the Henry Hub reference also helps current distributions to exceed a year ago despite lower levels for the widely quoted industry price

Sabine Royalty Trust / Pays 5.9% Distribution

Permian Basin Royalty Trust / Pays 8.75 % Distribution

How can you go wrong with Solid Royalty Trust as these, with a product that will be in demand for years to come. Like all investments, research before you buy.

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An expert advisor is a highly sophisticated software tool for trading the Forex Market. They are constructed according to a set of rules and parameters, they designed to be embed into your Metetrader 4 platform to execute trades for you. Most Forex EA's can be completely automated while others are there to use at your own discretion, it is entirely up to you how to use them and benefit from their distinct features. You see the reason why most traders fail within the Forex Market is because they give in to their emotions when trading, and make decisions based on fear, greed or chase losses, Now with a good Forex expert advisor emotions and inconsistency can be completely removed and trading can be executed on a completely logical basis. The expert advisor has a trading plan, and because it is a trading robot it will adhere to its plan indefinitely, without being influenced by any outside factors emotions, stresses, tiredness etc. The Expert Advisor watches the market 24 hours a day for you and will execute trades based upon its predefined parameters. Unlike a human, it is also capable of monitoring indicators, support and resistance levels, and many other factors in multiple time frames and making immediate decisions. Now there are a variety of Expert Advisors available on the market today, and to be quite honest, most of them are completely useless and should be seriously avoided. The internet is full of scammers and I'm afraid the market for Forex expert advisors is no exception, it is heavily saturated with many of them. The scam websites usually have extremely hyped up sales pages that claim to offer unbelievable results and are fairly easy to pick out. They claim to make you millions off the Forex Market, however their test results are all backtest statements, which amazingly have no losing trades, come on not a single losing trade, they must have found the Holy Grail! Just remember if something seems too good to be true, it usually is, so do yourself a favor and stay well away from these types of sites and save your money

. However amongst all these vultures there are a few legitimate expert advisors available on the market, and they can help you earn a decent income off the Forex Market if used properly. When searching for a good expert advisor for Forex trading system. there are few key things to consider and look for to ensure you do not get scammed out of your money. Firstly always look for contact details, make sure the seller has an email address and don't hesitate to contact the seller and ask about any queries you have on their products. If the seller is fully legit they won't hesitate to answer any questions and even elaborate on their trading systems without pushing for a sale. Before purchasing any expert advisor please do your research and find out exactly how the Forex software system works and operates, find out if it is suited to your trading style and if it has good money management and risk management. Contact the sellers and get all your questions answered before you make any final decisions. Make sure they have good support. Therefore if you're looking to simplify your daily trading routine by obtaining a Forex expert advisor then follow the simple rules above and you shall easily find a profitable EA which will definitely offer you a successful trading experience. lIf you wish to automate your Forex Trading Decisions by using a Forex Expert Advisor then check out some of the Expert Advisors Here.

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The Dividend Yield

Companies that pay dividends can be good investments. especially if you hold the stock over a long period.

When you add the dividend into any price appreciation, you can enjoy not only current income, but growth too.

One way investors look for high dividend paying stocks is by using dividend yield as a guide. Dividend yield tells you what percentage the stock returns relative to its price.

You calculate dividend yield by: Dividend Yield = annual dividend per share / stock's price per share

You can search for companies with high dividend yields using any one of several stock screens.

Dividend yield can lead you into a trap if you’re not careful. If you’re good at math, you noticed that the divisor of the formula for dividend yield is the stock’s price per share. If the price drops and the dividend remains the same, the dividend yield will rise.

You may buy a company with a high dividend yield, but one that is also on its way to the poor house and may not be able to afford to pay any dividend in the near future.

What do the other fundamentals look like? Dividends are paid out of cash and cash comes from earnings. Does the company have a healthy supply of cash and a consistent history of earnings and earnings growth?

Companies with a high dividend yield may be great investments if the rest of their fundamentals fall into line also.

Check out these Sites for Dividend Info

Dividend Yield for Stocks in the S&P 500

Market News

Italy 2-year Bond Yield Highest Since November

Italy paid the highest cost in eight months to borrow funds for two years at an auction on Thursday as investors remain worried about the prospects of the economy along with those of Spain.

The Italian Treasury raised EUR 2.5 billion from the sale of its zero coupon bond or CTZ due May 2017 against a target of EUR 1.5 billion - EUR 2.5 billion. The auction attracted bids totaling EUR 4.442 billion.

The yield rose to 4.860 percent, the highest since November, from 4.712 percent in the previous sale on June 26. The bid-to-cover ratio, which mirrors demand, rose to 1.78 from 1.65.

The material has been provided by Instaforex Company - instaforex. com

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Cyprus financial regulator CySEC warns against Noeruscapital. com

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Forex million gold

Forex million gold

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