Saturday 25 November 2017

Nikkei 225 Forexpros

Nikkei 225 forexpros

El Nikkei 225 Stock Average es el primer índice bursátil de Japón y un barómetro de la economía japonesa y el mercado de valores. De hecho, se considera que el Japón es equivalente al Dow Jones Industrial Average. Incluye las 225 primeras compañías de primer orden cotizadas en la Bolsa de Valores de Tokio.

QU'EST CE QUE LE FOREX? Nikkei 225 forexpros.

La fuente más alta de la calidad para los datos históricos futuros de los futuros de CME Nikkei 225 (NK) en Quandl es la base de datos continua de los continuos de Stevens. Esta base de datos tiene datos de futuros auditados de calidad profesional, incluyendo una amplia variedad de reglas de fecha de lanzamiento y ajuste de precios. Sin embargo, es una base de datos premium, disponible sólo para suscriptores de pago. Si necesita tomar decisiones comerciales o de inversión basadas en datos de futuros sobre horizontes largos, debe considerar esta base de datos. Nikkei 225 forexpros.

Haga clic en cualquier precio que se muestra en esta página para ver una serie temporal de los datos subyacentes, junto con las opciones para graficar, descargar y validar los datos.

Beschreibung Nikkei 225 forexpros

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia a largo plazo, basada en una media móvil de 45 bar, es DOWN. La tendencia a corto plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 9 bar, es UP. MACD está en territorio alcista.

Nikkei Stock Media mide el rendimiento de 225 acciones cotizadas en la Bolsa de Tokio bajo el método de ponderación de precios.

Preocupado por la privacidad? Ver la Declaración de Privacidad de TradingCharts

Si el Japan 225 (USD) se cotiza a 8.560 puntos, entonces el precio de un contrato de Japan 225 (USD) tiene un precio de 560 (en este ejemplo el spread no está incluido en los cálculos). El uso de apalancamiento le otorga poder de compra para comprar el contrato, o incluso 4 contratos, con el propósito de este ejemplo, mientras que con su inversión inicial no habría sido capaz de comprar ni siquiera un contrato. Nikkei 225 forexpros.

Nikkei 225 forexpros. simply introduzca sus datos de contacto en el formulario de arriba y uno de nuestros representantes se pondrá en contacto en breve.

Interpretación convencional: CCI (76.54) se encuentra en territorio neutral. Se genera una señal sólo cuando el CCI cruza por encima o por debajo de la región del centro neutro.

Uhr Nikkei 225 forexpros

Por ejemplo, si tuviera que invertir sólo 0, su poder adquisitivo potencial puede ser de hasta 200 veces (es decir, 000) Nikkei 225 forexpros.

Algunas de las marcas más conocidas en el mundo son las empresas incluidas en el Nikkei 225. Canon Inc. (CAJ), Panasonic Corp. (PCRFY), Pioneer Corp., Sony Corp. (SNE), Nissan Motor Co. (NSANY ), Toyota Motor Corp. (TM), Mazda Motor Corp. (MZDAY) y Honda Motor Co. (HMC) están entre ellos. Nikkei 225 forexpros.

Otra alternativa gratuita es obtener los datos de futuros directamente del intercambio: en el caso de los futuros de Futuros (NK) de Nikon 225, esto significa la base de datos CME en Quandl. Los datos de los intercambios no son continuos; En su lugar tendrá que concatenar los contratos individuales a mano con el fin de generar historias de precios a largo plazo. Además, muchos intercambios no proporcionan relleno y por lo tanto la profundidad de la historia es limitada para muchos contratos.

Interpretación convencional: Momentum (625.00) está por encima de cero, lo que indica un mercado de sobrecompra.

Interpretación convencional: La tasa de cambio (3.89) es superior a cero, lo que indica un mercado de sobrecompra. Nikkei 225 forexpros.

La forma menos complicada y más directa de invertir en el Nikkei 225 es a través de la MAXIS Nikkei 225 Index ETF (NKY). Introducido en julio de 2011, es el único ETF en dólares estadounidenses denominado en dólares hasta el momento que rastrea el Nikkei 225. Tiene más de un millón de activos bajo administración, cotiza en la plataforma de comercio electrónico de la Bolsa de Nueva York Arca y un ratio de gastos de 50 puntos básicos .

Bolsa de Tokio (Wikimedia / Stéfan)

Con la volatilidad en marcha en los mercados japoneses después del terremoto / tsunami, mantenga un ojo en el Nikkei 225 Index Future (a través de Singapore Exchange), USD / JPY y JGB tasas (bonos del gobierno japonés). La mayor parte del tiempo el dinero rompe noticias más rápido que los medios de comunicación (ver NHK World en inglés con #fukushima tweet stream). Si usted está preocupado por el destino de Japón y la amenaza de radiación de Fukushima. Supervisar estos gráficos como otra fuente.

Ser un contrarian en las décadas deflacionarias perdidas de Japón, tiene que resolverse en algún momento. En el Breakout de Yahoo ayer, Marc Faber llamó a Japón "una oportunidad de compra de por vida" una vez que termine la corrección (10-15% de desventaja y 100-200% al alza). Será difícil de tiempo, pero una buena guía será para ver la estructura a largo plazo de la carta de Nikkei. ¿El evento reciente del cisne negro trajo la oportunidad de compra de por vida más cerca (o más lejos de) la realidad? Por ejemplo, "Análisis: Japón volviendo a la recesión" (Susumu Kato, Credit Agricole a través de Reuters h / t StockJockey). O será otro evento externo, por ejemplo China, que afectará a las acciones japonesas ya los créditos. Vea las apuestas CDS de Hugh Hendry. Kyle Bass. Gestor de fondos de cobertura en Hayman Capital, también tiene interesantes opiniones sobre JGBs, Yen y acciones japonesas. Los gráficos a continuación son cortesía de ForexPros y FuturesPros. com. Los enlaces a las tarifas de JGB apuntan a Bloomberg. com.

USD / JPY (Dólar estadounidense / Yen japonés gráfico de 30 minutos) ¡Apenas chocó a la baja de 1995! (Alcanzó un mínimo de 76.4 ayer)

SGX Nikkei 225 Índice Futuros CFDs

Enlaces a los rendimientos de bonos del gobierno japonés en Bloomberg. com

Información y descargo de responsabilidad importante

El contenido publicado en DistressedVolatility. com es para propósitos informativos solamente y no se debe interpretar como consejo de inversión personal. Bajo ninguna circunstancia la información sobre DistressedVolatility. com representa una recomendación para comprar o vender valores o derivados. Los temas discutidos en este blog pueden llevar una cantidad significativa de riesgo y pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores. La información no será responsable por las decisiones de inversión tomadas o las pérdidas incurridas. Las publicaciones del blog son estrictamente las opiniones personales del autor del blog. No hay ninguna garantía de que la información, datos, gráficos u opiniones sean correctas o exactas. Los valores o derivados mencionados en este blog pueden ser propiedad del autor del blog en cualquier momento dado. Suponga que el autor del blog está hablando de su libro con conflictos de intereses completos. DistressedVolatility. com no está afiliada a ningún corredor de bolsa FINRA, asesor de inversiones registrado (RIA), fondo mutuo, fondo de cobertura o entidad corporativa. Este blog es apoyado por la publicidad.

Nikkei 225 Jun 16

Obtenga acceso instantáneo, gratis, y en tiempo real al gráfico de Nikkei 225 Futures CFDs. Esta carta profesional avanzada le da una mirada en profundidad a 30 de los principales índices del mundo. Tiene la opción de cambiar la apariencia de los gráficos variando la escala de tiempo, el tipo de gráfico, el zoom y la adición de sus propios estudios y dibujos. Puede guardar sus estudios y crear sus propios sistemas también. Para una lista completa de los futuros disponibles, haga clic en el botón de instrumentos en el menú superior.

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Nikkei 225 Jun 16

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Descargo de responsabilidad: Fusion Media quisiera recordarle que los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos. Todos los CFDs (existencias, índices, futuros) y los precios de la divisa no son proporcionados por los intercambios, sino por los creadores de mercado, por lo que los precios pueden no ser precisos y pueden diferir del precio real de mercado, es decir, los precios son indicativos y no apropiados para fines comerciales. Por lo tanto, Fusion Media no asume ninguna responsabilidad por las pérdidas comerciales que pueda incurrir como resultado del uso de estos datos.

Fusion Media o cualquier persona involucrada con Fusion Media no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por pérdidas o daños como resultado de la confianza en la información incluyendo datos, cotizaciones, gráficos y señales de compra / venta contenidas en este sitio web. Por favor, estar plenamente informado acerca de los riesgos y costos asociados con el comercio de los mercados financieros, es una de las formas más arriesgadas de inversión posible.

El promedio industrial Japón 225 (NKD / USD)

Nuestra gama de productos comercializables continúa creciendo cada mes. Además de la divisa, materias primas y CFDs ya disponibles, ahora puede negociar el índice de Japón 225 (USD). Con las grandes fluctuaciones, liquidez y eventos en el mercado, el Japón 225 (USD) ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en un índice de mercado líder que ofrece oportunidades atractivas para todo tipo de comerciantes.


El Japón 225 (USD) es un índice bursátil de las 225 compañías más grandes que flotan en la Bolsa de Tokio. Al igual que el promedio de US Industrial Industrial en los Estados Unidos, el Japón 225 (USD) es un índice ponderado de precios. Eso significa que el índice hará las asignaciones más grandes a las compañías con los precios de acción más altos. La lista de empresas incluidas en el índice se actualiza anualmente e incluye empresas japonesas de campos como fabricantes farmacéuticos, instituciones financieras y más.

Japón 225 (USD) Ventajas comerciales

Exponga su cartera al mercado asiático mediante la comercialización de un índice líder del mercado en forma de CFD (cuando lo permitan las regulaciones locales).

Maximice su poder adquisitivo usando un apalancamiento personalizado de hasta 200: 1 (donde lo permitan las regulaciones locales).

Reduzca los gastos de su cartera mediante el intercambio de índices y comisiones sin comisiones.

Utilice estrategias de negociación avanzadas como posiciones de Shorting o Hedging para capitalizar en todas las direcciones del mercado.

EUR - Unión Europea

AED - Emiratos Árabes Unidos

ARS - Argentina

AUD - Australia

BGN - Bulgaria

BRL - Brasil

CAD - Canadá

CHF - Suiza

CLP - Chile

CNY - China

CZK - República Checa

DKK - Dinamarca

EGP - Egipto

EUR - Unión Europea

GBP - Gran Bretaña (Reino Unido)

HKD - Hong Kong

HRK - Croacia

HUF - Hungría

IDR - Indonesia

ILS - Israel

INR - La India

ISK - Islandia

JPY - Japón

KRW - Corea del Sur

KWD - Kuwait

LBP - Líbano

LTL - Lituania

LVL - Letonia

MXN - México

MYR - Malasia

NOK - Noruega

NZD - Nueva Zelanda

PEN - Perú

PHP - Filipinas

PLN - Polonia

QAR - Qatar

RON - Rumania

RUB - Rusia

SEK - Suecia

SGD - Singapur

THB - Tailandia

TRY - Turquía

TWD - Taiwán

USD - Estados Unidos de América

XAG - Plata

XAU - Oro

XPD - Palladium (Onza)

ZAR - Sudáfrica

USD - Estados Unidos de América

AED - Emiratos Árabes Unidos

ARS - Argentina

AUD - Australia

BGN - Bulgaria

BRL - Brasil

CAD - Canadá

CHF - Suiza

CLP - Chile

CNY - China

CZK - República Checa

DKK - Dinamarca

EGP - Egipto

EUR - Unión Europea

GBP - Gran Bretaña (Reino Unido)

HKD - Hong Kong

HRK - Croacia

HUF - Hungría

IDR - Indonesia

ILS - Israel

INR - La India

ISK - Islandia

JPY - Japón

KRW - Corea del Sur

KWD - Kuwait

LBP - Líbano

LTL - Lituania

LVL - Letonia

MXN - México

MYR - Malasia

NOK - Noruega

NZD - Nueva Zelanda

PEN - Perú

PHP - Filipinas

PLN - Polonia

QAR - Qatar

RON - Rumania

RUB - Rusia

SEK - Suecia

SGD - Singapur

THB - Tailandia

TRY - Turquía

TWD - Taiwán

USD - Estados Unidos de América

XAG - Plata

XAU - Oro

XPD - Palladium (Onza)

ZAR - Sudáfrica

Aunque nuestros CFDs siguen el precio del instrumento subyacente, los comerciantes pueden maximizar sus oficios usando el apalancamiento personalizado.

Por ejemplo, si usted invirtiera solamente $ 200, su poder adquisitivo potencial puede ser hasta 200 veces (es decir $ 40.000)

Si el Japan 225 (USD) se cotiza a 8.560 puntos, entonces el precio de un contrato de Japan 225 (USD) tiene un precio de $ 8,560 (en este ejemplo el spread no está incluido en los cálculos). El uso del apalancamiento le otorga poder de compra para comprar el contrato, o incluso 4 contratos, para el propósito de este ejemplo, mientras que con su inversión inicial de $ 200 usted no habría podido comprar ni siquiera un contrato.

Por lo tanto, si usted cree que el Japón 225 (USD) va a subir, entonces sería lógico que "Buy & quot; O "Largo".

Si el precio se incrementa a 8.760 puntos (+ 2.34%), el beneficio de ese comercio se calculará de la siguiente manera:

Beneficio en el comercio ($ 200 x 4 contratos)

* Esto no se basa en datos vivos y es un ejemplo hipotético. Las cifras no tienen en cuenta la propagación.

Si el precio de Japón 225 (USD) cae por debajo de su precio de apertura, entonces su pérdida potencial se limita a su inversión inicial de $ 200.

Es importante señalar que el comercio CFDs implica un cierto nivel de riesgo, pero debido a nuestro programa de protección de saldo negativo que nunca puede perder más de lo que han invertido.

Simplemente ingrese sus datos de contacto en el formulario de arriba y uno de nuestros representantes se pondrá en contacto en breve.

Expiración y Horario de Operación: Este producto tiene varias fechas de caducidad durante el año. Tenga en cuenta que nuestras fechas de valor difieren del día de vencimiento en la bolsa de valores subyacente. Al vencimiento, todas las posiciones abiertas se cerrarán a nuestra última tarifa disponible (en el horario de cierre de la transacción iFOREX (GMT)). Las órdenes límite relacionadas serán canceladas. La información completa sobre las expiraciones del contrato se puede encontrar en nuestra página de fechas de vencimiento de los instrumentos.

Este índice no se negocia 24 horas, por favor tenga en cuenta las horas limitadas de negociación. & Gt; & gt; Horario de Operación de Instrumentos

Los CFD de materias primas, índices y acciones sólo están disponibles en jurisdicciones específicas, sujetas a restricciones regulatorias.

Para obtener más información sobre los índices de negociación, llene el formulario anterior y reciba una sesión única de formación 1-en-1.

Nuestras Licencias

El Grupo iFOREX incluye las siguientes empresas de inversión con licencia:

Formula Investment House Ltd. una empresa de inversión con licencia y supervisada por la Comisión de Servicios Financieros de las Islas Vírgenes Británicas bajo la licencia no. SIBA / L / 13/1060.

ICFD Limited, una empresa de inversión autorizada y regulada por la Comisión de Valores de Chipre (CySEC) bajo la licencia no. 143/11

EBrГіkerhГЎz BefektetГ © si SzolgГЎltatГі Zrt. Una empresa de inversión autorizada y supervisada por el Banco Nacional de Hungría bajo las licencias no. II / 73.059 / 2000 y III / 73.059-4 / 2002

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Cómo invertir en el Nikkei 225

El Nikkei 225 Stock Average es el primer índice bursátil de Japón y un barómetro de la economía japonesa y el mercado de valores. De hecho, se considera el equivalente de Japón a la Dow Jones Industrial Average. Incluye las 225 primeras compañías de primer orden cotizadas en la Bolsa de Valores de Tokio.

No puedes invertir directamente en un índice. Pero si usted está buscando para obtener la exposición a las acciones de la Nikkei 225 incluye la mejor manera es a través de un fondo negociado en bolsa (ETF) que realiza un seguimiento del índice denominado en yenes. (Para más información, véase: Guía del índice Nikkei 225 de Japón.)

Al igual que el Dow Jones Industrial Average, el Nikkei 225 Stock Average es un índice de acciones con ponderación de precios. La clasificación de las empresas se determina por el precio de las acciones, que difiere de otros grandes índices donde la capitalización de mercado se utiliza en los cálculos. Calculado desde septiembre de 1950 (retroactivamente a mayo de 1949), es el índice más viejo de Asia y también se refiere comúnmente como Nikkei 225, índice de Nikkei y Nikkei.

El índice se revisa anualmente en septiembre y si se realizan cambios se instituyen en octubre.

Algunas de las marcas más conocidas en el mundo son las empresas incluidas en el Nikkei 225. Canon Inc. (CAJ), Panasonic Corp. (PCRFY), Pioneer Corp. (SNE), Nissan Motor Co. (NSANY) , Toyota Motor Corp. (TM), Mazda Motor Corp. (MZDAY) y Honda Motor Co. (HMC) están entre ellos.

Las acciones del índice se encuentran en los siguientes sectores: tecnología, finanzas, bienes de consumo, materiales, bienes de capital / otros y transporte y servicios públicos. En total, el índice incluye 36 industrias diferentes. Las empresas del sector tecnológico representaron el 43,28% del índice, las finanzas (3,77%), los bienes de consumo (21,52%), los materiales (15,46%), los bienes de capital / otros (12,8%) y el transporte y los servicios públicos (3,17%). Finales de 2017.

Comprar y gestionar cada acción individual en el Nikkei 225 no es práctico, por no mencionar el costo y las implicaciones fiscales. Como inversor individual, puede obtener exposición a través de fondos cotizados, cuyos activos subyacentes se correlacionan con el Nikkei 225. Los ETFs son esencialmente una canasta de acciones que representan un índice subyacente. (Para más, vea: Japan ETFs.)

A diferencia de los fondos mutuos. Que tienen un precio al final del día, ETFs comercio durante todo el día. Sus precios fluctúan como los de una acción, esencialmente negociando como una acción. Al igual que los fondos mutuos, los ETF ofrecen diversificación a través de una sola inversión. Tienen menos gastos que los fondos gestionados activamente.

ETF Denominado en Dólares

La forma menos complicada y más directa de invertir en el Nikkei 225 es a través de la MAXIS Nikkei 225 Index ETF (NKY). Introducido en julio de 2011, es el único ETF cotizado en dólares estadounidenses denominado en dólares hasta el momento que rastrea el Nikkei 225. Cuenta con más de 87 millones de dólares en activos bajo administración, cotiza en la plataforma de comercio electrónico de la Bolsa de Nueva York Arca y una proporción de gastos de 50 puntos básicos.

El precio del MAXIS Nikkei 225 ha oscilado entre 16.25 -18.53 en el último año a partir del 15 de octubre de 2017.

Varios ETFs que siguen el Nikkei 225 negocian en la bolsa de acción de Tokio. Entre ellos figuran el iShares Nikkei 225 ETF de Blackrock Japan, el Nikkei 225 Exchange Traded Fund (NTETF) de Nomura Asset Management y el Daiwa ETF Nikkei 225 de Daiwa Asset Management. (Para obtener más información, consulte: 5 ETFs para depositar en el alza de Japón).

Con el fin de negociar estos ETFs que tendría que abrir una cuenta con una correduría que le permite comprar y vender inversiones que no figuran en un intercambio de EE. UU. Fidelity Investments y E * Trade Financial Corp. (ETFC) están entre los corredores de descuento que ofrecen cuentas de operaciones internacionales. (Para la lectura relacionada, vea: Cómo invertir en Samsung.)

Tenga en cuenta que el comercio de ETFs en sus mercados locales tiene sus complicaciones. Los ETF de la bolsa de valores de Tokio se denominan en yenes. Además de monitorear el desempeño del Nikkei 225 también tendrá que considerar las fluctuaciones del tipo de cambio entre el yen y el dólar. (Para obtener más información, consulte: Beneficios de la inversión en ETF.)

El Reino Unido, Francia, Alemania, Suiza, Italia y Singapur también ofrecen ETFs que siguen el Nikkei 225, algunos de los cuales son cotizados en la Bolsa de Tokio.

Si está buscando obtener una amplia exposición al mercado bursátil japonés a través de inversiones cuyos activos subyacentes siguen al Nikkei 225, los ETFs son el camino a seguir, en particular el ETF MAXIS Nikkei 225 Index, denominado en dólares norteamericanos. (Para obtener más información, consulte: Alcanzando el globo en busca de ETFs intrigantes.)

Aprenda acerca de los fondos de fecha objetivo y cómo suelen pagar dividendos ya que una porción de su cartera se asigna a las acciones. Leer respuesta >>

Aprenda cómo los fondos mutuos difieren de los fondos negociados en bolsa (ETFs) en cómo se negocian. También, aprenda qué honorarios están implicados. Leer respuesta >>

Descubra si los fondos de cobertura tienen o no símbolos de ticker, donde usted puede encontrar símbolos ticker y la importancia de un ticker. Leer respuesta >>

Entender si los fondos mutuos necesitan una regulación más estricta. Aprenda qué tipos de regulaciones actuales y futuras se han puesto. Leer respuesta >>

Conozca los fondos negociados en bolsa (ETF), que pueden generar ganancias de capital para sus accionistas debido a ocasionales y sustanciales. Leer respuesta >>

Los futuros Nikkei proporcionan una manera para que los comerciantes participen en los movimientos de precios del mercado de valores japonés. El índice Nikkei 225 está compuesto por 225 acciones de primer orden cotizadas en la Bolsa de Tokio y es el principal barómetro del mercado de valores japonés. Los futuros Nikkei están disponibles para los comerciantes estadounidenses a través de la Bolsa Mercantil de Chicago (CME), y están disponibles en términos de yenes y dólares.

Hay tres futuros Nikkei listados en el CME. El E-Mini Nikkei 225 (Yen), Nikkei 225 (dólar) y Nikkei 225 (yen).

Nikkei Futures Liquidez

El Nikkei 225 (yen) futuros son los más activos, con 30.000 a 80.000 + contratos de cambio de manos sobre una base diaria. Esto típicamente proporciona liquidez adecuada para los comerciantes a corto plazo, los fondos de cobertura y los comerciantes a más largo plazo para entrar y salir de las posiciones. Sin embargo, algunos días pueden ser de volumen muy bajo, por lo que los comerciantes de plazo más corto pueden desear evitar el comercio diario en esos días, ya que los spreads podrían ampliarse y los rellenos parciales en las órdenes es posible.

El próximo futuro Nikkei más activo es el Nikkei 225 (dólar), por lo general el comercio entre 10.000 y 20.000 + contratos por día.

El E-Mini Nikkei 225 (Yen) tiene volumen esporádico; Algunos días no hay operaciones y otros días 5 a 60 + contratos pueden cambiar de manos. Por lo tanto, este contrato es menos atractivo desde el punto de vista de la liquidez, ya que puede ser difícil iniciar o liquidar posiciones rápidamente.

¿Quién utiliza Nikkei Futures y por qué?

Día de los comerciantes. Comerciantes swing, hedgers, y los fondos de cobertura de todo el comercio Nikkei 225 (yen) futuros. Mientras que el volumen probablemente no es lo suficientemente alto para los comerciantes día muy activo, la mayoría de los comerciantes se encuentran que pueden entrar y salir de las posiciones con relativa facilidad. Si el comercio de posiciones muy grandes podría ser el deslizamiento o la paciencia necesaria para entrar o salir de las posiciones.

Los negocios se toman generalmente para las razones especulativas, anticipando la dirección futura de las 225 poblaciones que reflejan el mercado de acción japonés. Los comerciantes pueden usar futuros para ganar dinero en mercados de arriba o abajo; Si usted compra un futuro Nikkei y se eleva ganancias, si corto un futuro Nikkei y se cae ganancias.

Los heded funds o hedge funds también pueden usar futuros Nikkei para cubrir otras posiciones. Por ejemplo, si un comerciante es dueño de un amplio surtido de acciones japonesas, el comerciante puede vender a corto plazo algunos Nikkei 225 yenes o futuros en dólares para cubrir las posiciones de acciones. De esta forma, si el índice cae (y probablemente también muchas de las acciones de la cartera del comerciante), la pérdida será parcialmente o totalmente compensada por la ganancia alcanzada por la posición de corto plazo.

El Informe de Compromiso de Comerciantes rastrea datos de posición de futuros para comerciantes comerciales, especuladores y grandes comerciantes. La información está a disposición del público, por lo que todos los comerciantes pueden ver qué lado del mercado comercial, las posiciones grandes y especulativos se están tomando. Los datos no explican por qué los comerciantes están haciendo lo que están haciendo, pero muestra lo que los principales actores del mercado están haciendo.

Términos y Expiraciones de Futuros Nikkei

Cada contrato de Nikkei tiene una fecha de vencimiento, el jueves / día hábil anterior al segundo viernes del mes del contrato. Normalmente, los operadores cierran las posiciones antes de la expiración y restablecen posiciones en los contratos donde la fecha de vencimiento es más larga.

Casi todo el volumen se produce en el contrato de futuros cerca de la caducidad. Por ejemplo, en febrero, casi todo el volumen de negociación tendrá lugar en el contrato de marzo. En abril, casi todo el volumen se producirá en el contrato de junio. Cuando el contrato de junio está a punto de expirar, el volumen cambiará al contrato de septiembre.

Nikkei Futures Exchange

Todos los futuros Nikkei se pueden compensar a través de la Bolsa Mercantil de Chicago (CME). Nikkei 225 (dólar o yen) también puede ser compensado en la Bolsa de Singapur (SGX) a través de un acuerdo mutuo entre los intercambios, llamado Mutual Offset System (MOS). Los comerciantes deben designar un comercio como MOS. Si quieren que SGX limpie el comercio

E-mini Nikkei 225 (Yen) y Nikkei 225 (Yen) los futuros cambian de manos a través de transacciones electrónicas solamente.

Nikkei 225 (dólar) futuros cambian de manos a través de transacciones electrónicas, así como gritería abierta en la planta de negociación.

Los comerciantes que usan un corredor con acceso a los productos de CME pueden negociar futuros de Nikkei electrónicamente.

Nikkei Futures Precios, Volumen y Especificaciones

Para obtener información actualizada sobre el volumen de futuros Nikkei, precios y para ver cuándo los contratos están expirando, visite www. cmegroup. com. Haga clic en & # 8220; Products and Trading & # 8221; Y seleccione & # 8220; Índice de acciones. & # 8221;

Elija el contrato de futuros Nikkei sobre el que le gustaría obtener información.

La pestaña Citas muestra información de precios diarios. La pestaña Liquidación muestra datos de precios, volumen estimado y días de interés abierto antes. Haga clic en la pestaña Volumen para los datos de volumen y de interés abierto.

El tiempo & amp; Las ventas muestran las transacciones recientes y la ficha Especificaciones del contrato proporciona los detalles de la negociación de futuros Nikkei (similar a la Figura 3). La pestaña Márgenes muestra lo que cuesta iniciar y mantener posiciones. La pestaña Calendario muestra cuándo comienza y termina el contrato cada contrato y las fechas de liquidación.

Nikkei Futuros Margen

Los corredores a menudo ofrecen a los comerciantes de día con tasas de margen inicial reducidas. El margen inicial es la cantidad necesaria para iniciar un comercio para un contrato. El margen de mantenimiento es la cantidad necesaria en la cuenta para mantener la posición.

Nikkei Futures Alternativa

Otra alternativa no futura es negociar el ETF de índice MAXIS Nikkei 225 (ARCA, NKY). Sigue el movimiento del índice Nikkei 225 y promedia más de 350.000 acciones por día en volumen.

Nikkei Futures Resumen

Nikkei futuros son utilizados por todo tipo de comerciantes, desde day traders hasta hedgers institucionales. Todos los futuros de Nikkei son negociables por medios electrónicos durante ciertas horas, y son compensados ​​a través de la CME. Con Nikkei 225 (dólar y yen) también despejado a través de SGX. Los requisitos de margen varían según el contrato, al igual que los valores de til. El volumen es mayor en el Nikkei 225 (yen) de futuros, seguido de Nikkei 225 (dólar) y luego el E-mini.

Si has disfrutado de este artículo, regístrate en el boletín gratuito de TraderHQ; Le enviaremos contenido similar semanalmente.

NIKKEI 225 Índice NIK

Las cotizaciones bursátiles en tiempo real de Estados Unidos reflejan las operaciones reportadas a través del Nasdaq solamente.

Las cotizaciones bursátiles internacionales se retrasan según los requerimientos del mercado. Los índices pueden ser en tiempo real o retrasados; Consulte las marcas de tiempo en las páginas de cotización de índice para obtener información sobre los tiempos de retardo.

Datos de cotización, excepto las acciones estadounidenses, proporcionados por SIX Financial Information.

Los datos se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines únicamente informativos y no se destinan a fines comerciales. SIX Información Financiera (a) no hace ninguna garantía expresa o implícita de ningún tipo con respecto a los datos, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier garantía de comerciabilidad o idoneidad para un propósito o uso particular; Y (b) no será responsable de ningún error, incompleto, interrupción o demora, acciones tomadas en base a cualquier dato, o por cualquier daño resultante de ello. Los datos pueden ser retrasados ​​intencionalmente de acuerdo con los requisitos del proveedor.

Toda la información de fondos mutuos y ETF contenida en esta exhibición fue suministrada por Lipper, una compañía de Thomson Reuters, sujeto a lo siguiente: Copyright © Thomson Reuters. Todos los derechos reservados. Queda prohibida expresamente cualquier copia, reedición o redistribución del contenido de Lipper, incluyendo almacenamiento en caché, enmarcado o medios similares sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de Lipper. Lipper no será responsable de ningún error o retraso en el contenido, ni de las acciones tomadas en dependencia de los mismos.

Las cotizaciones de bonos se actualizan en tiempo real. Fuente: Tullett Prebon.

Las cotizaciones de divisas se actualizan en tiempo real. Fuente: Tullet Prebon.

Datos fundamentales de la empresa y estimaciones de los analistas proporcionados por FactSet. Copyright FactSet Research Systems Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Intraday Datos proporcionados por SIX Financial Information y sujeta a condiciones de uso. Datos históricos y actuales al final del día proporcionados por SIX Financial Information. Datos intradía retrasados ​​por necesidades de intercambio. Índices de S & P / Dow Jones (SM) de Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Todas las cotizaciones están en tiempo de intercambio local. Datos de última venta en tiempo real proporcionados por NASDAQ. Más información sobre los símbolos negociados de NASDAQ y su estado financiero actual. Los datos intradía retrasaron 15 minutos para el Nasdaq, y 20 minutos para otros intercambios. Los índices S & P / Dow Jones (SM) de Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Los datos intradiarios de SEHK son proporcionados por SIX Financial Information y tienen al menos 60 minutos de retraso. Todas las cotizaciones son en tiempo de intercambio local.

Las mejores historias de MarketWatch

Gráfico de precios de futuros diarios de materias primas: Junio ​​2017


Bollinger Bandas Indicador:

Interpretación convencional: Las Bandas de Bollinger indican una condición de sobreventa. Una lectura de sobreventa se produce cuando el cierre está más cerca de la banda inferior que la banda superior.

Análisis adicional: La volatilidad parece estar disminuyendo, como lo demuestra una distancia decreciente entre las bandas superior e inferior en las últimas barras. El mercado está en territorio de sobreventa.

Indicador de media móvil de 3 líneas:

Nota: Al evaluar el corto plazo, plot1 representa el promedio de movimiento rápido, y plot2 es el promedio de movimiento lento. Para el análisis a largo plazo, plot2 es el promedio de movimiento rápido y plot3 es el promedio de movimiento lento

Interpretación Convencional - Corto Plazo: El mercado es bajista porque el promedio de movimiento rápido está por debajo de la media móvil lenta.

Análisis Adicional - Corto Plazo: A pesar de que basándose en la interpretación convencional el mercado es técnicamente bajista, no lo clasificaremos como extremadamente bajista hasta que ocurra lo siguiente: la pendiente media de movimiento rápido es inferior a la barra anterior.

Interpretación Convencional - Largo Plazo: El mercado es alcista porque el promedio móvil rápido está por encima de la media móvil lenta.

Análisis Adicional - Largo Plazo: Recientemente el mercado ha sido extremadamente alcista, sin embargo actualmente el mercado ha perdido algo de su alcista debido a lo siguiente: la pendiente media de movimiento rápido es inferior a la barra anterior, el precio está por debajo del promedio rápido, Precio está por debajo de la media móvil lenta. Es posible que podamos ver un retroceso del mercado aquí. Si es así, la retirada podría resultar ser una buena oportunidad de compra.

Indicador de media móvil exponencial:

Interpretación convencional: El precio está por encima de la media móvil por lo que la tendencia es hacia arriba.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia del mercado es UP.

Estocástico - Rápido Indicador:

Interpretación convencional: El estocástico es bajista porque la línea SlowK está por debajo de la línea SlowD.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia a largo plazo es UP. La tendencia a corto plazo ha bajado. La tendencia a corto plazo parece un poco toppy. El hecho de que las dos últimas barras de SlowK están abajo y estamos negociando en un área muy alta del estocástico es un poco bajista a corto plazo. Puede ocurrir un posible movimiento a corto plazo.

Estocástico - Lento Indicador:

Interpretación convencional: El estocástico es bajista porque la línea SlowK está por debajo de la línea SlowD.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia a largo plazo es UP. La tendencia a corto plazo ha bajado. La tendencia a corto plazo parece un poco toppy. El hecho de que las dos últimas barras de SlowK están abajo y estamos negociando en un área muy alta del estocástico es un poco bajista a corto plazo. Puede ocurrir un posible movimiento a corto plazo.

Indicador del Índice de Swing:

Interpretación convencional: El índice de oscilación se utiliza con mayor frecuencia para identificar las barras en las que es probable que el mercado cambie de dirección. Se genera una señal cuando el índice de oscilación cruza cero. Aquí no se ha generado ninguna señal.

Análisis Adicional: No hay interpretación adicional.

Volatilidad Indicador: La volatilidad está en una tendencia bajista basada en un promedio móvil de 9 bar.

Interpretación convencional: No hay indicaciones para el volumen.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia del mercado a largo plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 45 bar, es UP. La tendencia del mercado a corto plazo, basada en una media móvil de 5 bar, es UP. Volumen es tendencia más alta, lo que permite una recuperación de la volatilidad.

Interpretación convencional: RSI está en territorio neutral. (RSI es 51,57). Este indicador emite señales de compra cuando la línea RSI cae por debajo de la línea inferior en la zona de sobreventa; Se genera una señal de venta cuando el RSI se eleva por encima de la línea superior en la zona de sobrecompra.

Análisis Adicional: RSI es algo sobrecompuesto (RSI es 51.57). Sin embargo, esto por sí mismo no es una indicación suficientemente fuerte para señalar un comercio. Busque evidencia adicional antes de ponerse demasiado bajista aquí.

Interpretación convencional: ADX mide la fuerza de la tendencia predominante. Un aumento de ADX indica una fuerte tendencia subyacente, mientras que una caída de ADX sugiere una tendencia de debilitamiento que está sujeta a la inversión. Actualmente el ADX está cayendo.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia a largo plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 45 bar, está en alza. Sin embargo, un ADX descendente indica que la tendencia actual se está debilitando y posiblemente puede revertirse. Busque un mercado agitado por delante.

Indicador de índice de canal de comunicaciones:

Interpretación convencional: CCI (23.88) se encuentra en territorio neutral. Una señal se genera sólo cuando el CCI cruza por encima o por debajo de la región central neutral.

Análisis adicional: CCI a menudo pierde la parte temprana de un nuevo movimiento debido a la gran cantidad de tiempo pasado fuera del mercado en la región neutral. Iniciando señales cuando CCI cruza cero, en lugar de esperar a que el CCI cruce fuera de la región neutral a menudo puede ayudar a superar esto. Dada esta interpretación, CCI (23.88) es actualmente largo. La posición de posición larga actual será invertida cuando el CCI cruza por debajo de cero.

Interpretación convencional: DMI + es mayor que DMI-, lo que indica un mercado de tendencias al alza. Se genera una señal cuando DMI + cruza DMI-.

Análisis Adicional: DMI está en territorio alcista.

Interpretación convencional: MACD está en territorio alcista, pero no ha emitido una señal aquí. MACD genera una señal cuando el FastMA cruza por encima o por debajo del SlowMA.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia a largo plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 45 bar, es UP. La tendencia a corto plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 9 bar, es DOWN. MACD está en territorio alcista. Sin embargo, la reciente recesión en el MacdMA puede indicar un declive a corto plazo dentro de los próximos bares.

Interpretación convencional: Momentum (205.00) está por encima de cero, lo que indica un mercado de sobrecompra.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia a largo plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 45 bar, es UP. La tendencia a corto plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 9 bar, es DOWN. Momentum está en el movimiento bullish del territorio. Upside es probable.

Indicador de Interés Abierto: Interés Abierto está subiendo de acuerdo con una media móvil de 9 bar. Esto es normal a medida que la entrega se aproxima e indica mayor liquidez.

Tasa de cambio Indicador:

Interpretación convencional: La tasa de cambio (1.23) es superior a cero, lo que indica un mercado de sobrecompra.

Análisis Adicional: La tendencia a largo plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 45 bar, es UP. La tendencia a corto plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 9 bar, es DOWN. La tasa de cambio está en territorio alcista.

Importante: Este comentario está diseñado únicamente como una herramienta de formación para la comprensión del análisis técnico de los mercados financieros. No está diseñado para proporcionar ninguna inversión u otro asesoramiento profesional.

Los datos de mercado son propiedad de Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Los datos de mercado se retrasan al menos 10 minutos. El acceso a este sitio web y el uso de estos datos de mercado están sujetos a lo siguiente: (a) Los datos de mercado son para uso personal del destinatario y no pueden ser redistribuidos sin el permiso de CME, que puede depender de la ejecución de un acuerdo y el pago del Cuota aplicable; (B) CME y sus licenciantes reservan todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual a los datos del mercado; (C) CME y TradingCharts declinan toda responsabilidad por los datos de mercado y su uso, y cualquier y todas las pérdidas, daños o reclamaciones derivados del uso de datos de mercado; (D) CME y TradingCharts pueden suspender o terminar la recepción de datos de mercado por cualquier parte si CME tiene razones para creer que los datos del mercado están siendo mal utilizados o mal representados. También es una condición de acceso a este sitio web que usted acepta no copiar, diseminar, capturar, realizar ingeniería inversa o utilizar la información proporcionada en este sitio para cualquier otro propósito, excepto para la visualización directa en el navegador de Internet del usuario final solamente. Sólo en el formato proporcionado. Estas páginas & copiar; TradingCharts. com, Inc.

Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo

Si usted sigue los índices de equidad de cerca, a veces puede detectar patrones que se repiten con un alto grado de coherencia. Continúe leyendo aquí.

24 de agosto de 2017, fue un día importante en los mercados de divisas mundiales. Los chinos conmocionaron al mundo con una devaluación del yuan. Continúe leyendo aquí.

Nikkei 225 Yen Futures Precios Jue, 24 de Mar, 2017

Bob Hunt - El trampero patrón - Jue Mar 24, 5:45 PM CDT

El Trend Trader ayuda a identificar el estado de tendencia actual de sus mercados de futuros favoritos. No sólo nos ayuda a permanecer en el lado derecho de la dirección del mercado, sino que también nos ayuda a evitar aquellos sin una tendencia. Usted puede incluso utilizar la rejilla como matriz de la extensión también - comprando fuerza y ​​vendiendo la debilidad. (historia completa )

Marc Nemenoff - El Grupo de Futuros de PRICE - Jue Mar 24, 9:00 AM CDT

Finanzas: Los bonos de junio son actualmente 7 más altos a 163'23, 10 años. Notas 2.5 más alto a 129'13 y 5 años. Notas 0.5 más alto en 120'11.7. Sin tratar de exagerar los tesoros obvios se han reunido en un "vuelo a refugio seguro" en los últimos días en lugar de eventos en. (Historia completa)

Alan Bush - Servicios de Inversionistas ADM - Jue Mar 24, 8:30 AM CDT

Los precios declinaron después de que Bullard de la Reserva Federal dijo a principios de la mañana que un alza de la tasa de los fondos federales no está "muy lejos" siempre que la economía evolucione como se esperaba. (historia completa )

Nick Mastrandrea - Mercado de hojas de té - Jue Mar 24, 4:22 CDT

Ayer los mercados cayeron, ¿se elevarán hoy? Siga leyendo para aprender más y Feliz Pascua a todos. (historia completa )

SGX Nikkei 225 Futures Precios Jue, 24 de Mar, 2017

Bob Hunt - El trampero patrón - Jue Mar 24, 5:45 PM CDT

El Trend Trader ayuda a identificar el estado de tendencia actual de sus mercados de futuros favoritos. No sólo nos ayuda a permanecer en el lado derecho de la dirección del mercado, sino que también nos ayuda a evitar aquellos sin una tendencia. Usted puede incluso utilizar la rejilla como matriz de la extensión también - comprando fuerza y ​​vendiendo la debilidad. (historia completa )

Marc Nemenoff - El Grupo de Futuros de PRICE - Jue Mar 24, 9:00 AM CDT

Finanzas: Los bonos de junio son actualmente 7 más altos a 163'23, 10 años. Notas 2.5 más alto a 129'13 y 5 años. Notas 0.5 más alto en 120'11.7. Sin tratar de exagerar los tesoros obvios se han reunido en un "vuelo a refugio seguro" durante los últimos días en lugar de eventos en. (Historia completa)

Alan Bush - Servicios de Inversionistas ADM - Jue Mar 24, 8:30 AM CDT

Los precios declinaron después de que Bullard de la Reserva Federal dijo a principios de la mañana que un alza de la tasa de los fondos federales no está "muy lejos" siempre que la economía evolucione como se esperaba. (historia completa )

Nick Mastrandrea - Mercado de hojas de té - Jue Mar 24, 4:22 CDT

Ayer los mercados cayeron, ¿se elevarán hoy? Siga leyendo para aprender más y Feliz Pascua a todos. (historia completa )

Nikkei 225

El Nikkei 225 (JPN225), comúnmente conocido como "The Nikkei", es un índice bursátil japonés basado en la capitalización bursátil de las 225 empresas principales negociadas en la Bolsa de Valores de Tokio (TSE). Este es un índice ponderado de precios basado en el yen. Y el valor ha sido calculado diariamente por el periódico Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) desde el inicio del Índice en 1950. El índice Nikkei 225 tuvo su inicio el 7 de septiembre de 1950 y fue calculado retroactivamente de nuevo al 16 de mayo de 1949. Nikkei 225 Los contratos de futuros comenzaron a operar en la Bolsa de Singapur (SGX) en 1986 y comenzaron a operar en Estados Unidos cuando debutaron en la Bolsa Mercantil de Chicago (CME) en 1990. El Nikkei es el índice más cotizado al referirse a las acciones japonesas, Seguido por el Topix que busca rastrear a todas las 1.669 compañías que cotizan en la primera sección de la Bolsa de Tokio (TSE).

Nikkei 225 Noticias y Análisis

Por Nathalie Huynh

Por James Stanley

Por Daniel Dubrovsky

Por James Stanley

Por James Stanley

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Por Kristian Kerr

Por James Stanley

Por Kristian Kerr

Por Jamie Saettele, CMT

Por Kristian Kerr

Por Kristian Kerr

Por James Stanley


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Datos del mercado

Las cifras de datos de mercado son proporcionadas por FXCM para el día de negociación.

Las cifras de datos de mercado son proporcionadas por FXCM para el día de negociación.

JPY Índice Nacional de Precios al Consumidor (YoY) (FEB)

JPY BOJ El gobernador Kuroda lleva a cabo una conferencia de prensa sobre política de prensa

A: Actual F: Pronóstico P: Anterior





Advertencia de Riesgo: Nuestro servicio incluye productos que se negocian en margen y conllevan un riesgo de pérdidas superiores a los fondos depositados. Los productos pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores. Por favor asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados.

&dupdo; 2017 DailyFX una empresa FXCM. Todos los derechos reservados

Vídeo en vivo de Nikkei 225 Charts

FX Empire - La empresa, los empleados, las subsidiarias y los asociados, no son responsables ni serán responsables conjunta o solidariamente por cualquier pérdida o daño como resultado de la confianza en la información proporcionada en este sitio web. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no necesariamente se proporcionan en tiempo real ni es necesariamente precisa. FX Empire puede recibir compensación de las compañías que aparecen en la red.

Todos los precios son proporcionados por los creadores de mercado y no por los intercambios. Como tales precios pueden no ser exactos y pueden diferir del precio de mercado real. FX Empire no asume ninguna responsabilidad por las pérdidas comerciales que pueda incurrir como resultado del uso de cualquier dato dentro del FX Empire.

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OSE Nikkei 225 Futuros

Contratos inferiores a ¥ 12.500 = ¥ 2.000 límite arriba / abajo

Contratos de ¥ 12,500 - menos de ¥ 17,500 = ¥ 3,000 arriba / abajo del límite

Contratos de ¥ 17,500 - menos de ¥ 22,500 = ¥ 4,000 arriba / abajo del límite

Contratos de ¥ 22,500 - menos de ¥ 27,500 = ¥ 5,000 arriba / abajo límite

Contratos desde ¥ 27.500 - menos de ¥ 32.500 = ¥ 6.000 arriba / abajo del límite

Contratos de ¥ 32,500 - menos de ¥ 37,500 = ¥ 7,000 arriba / abajo límite

Contratos desde ¥ 37.500 - menos de ¥ 42.500 = ¥ 8.000 arriba / abajo del límite

Contratos de ¥ 42.500 o más = ¥ 9.000 arriba / abajo límite



Página no encontrada

No se pudo encontrar la página solicitada. A continuación, una lista de algunos de los Servicios de Divisas y Divisas de OANDA:

Herramientas de divisas

Negociación de divisas

OANDA fxTrade: & # 160; Comercio en línea de forex

Cuenta de demostración de comercio de divisas. Practique el comercio de divisas con la versión de demostración de OANDA de su plataforma de comercio de divisas.

OANDA fxMessage: & # 160; Una comunidad abierta creada por personas interesadas en el mercado forex.

Herramientas de cambio para inversionistas

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^ N225 Resumen

El Nikkei 225, más comúnmente llamado el Nikkei, el índice Nikkei o el Nikkei Stock Average, es un índice bursátil de la Bolsa de Tokio. Ha sido calculado diariamente por el periódico Nihon Keizai Shimbun desde 1950. Es un índice ponderado de precios, y los componentes se revisan una vez al año. Currently, the Nikkei is the most widely quoted average of Japanese equities, similar to the Dow Jones Industrial Average. In fact, it was known as the "Nikkei Dow Jones Stock Average" from 1975 to 1985.

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Nikkei 225 (N225)

Fernando Moreno Ardisoni

En mayo 2017, el sp500 rondaba los 1650 puntos, con una tasa de desempleo de 7.5% y una inflación de alrededor 1.6%. En ese momento había QE y tasas cercanas a 0%. Ahora que la intención de la FED es normalizar tasas, en mi opinión puede normalizar las tasas llevando al sp500 alrededor de 1600 puntos, pero con un tasa de desempleo de 4.9% y una inflación cercana a 0% con un petróleo cercano a 20 dólares. La diferencia es q el mercado podrá partir de 1600 puntos a sus máximo de 2100 puntos por logró propio y no de la FED. Es decir, yo estimo que haya una corrección de 20%. (Lea más)

09.02.2017 02:25 GMT · Respondedor

Se mantendra en alza. (Lea más)

30.12.2017 14:09 GMT · Respondedor

Empezó la sesión con una pequeña baja de 30 pts. y luego a las 3 horas habiendo recuperado y estando unos 30 pts en positivo se produjo una subida de casi un 2,83% y después bajada en menos de 10 minutos para terminar la sesión con un - 1,90 %. Yo sé que el Nikkei 225 es altamente volatil pero hay alguna explicación para esto o es sólo especulación. Saludos. (Lea más)

18.12.2017 06:26 GMT · 2 · Respondedor

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Nikkei or Nikkei 225

The Nikkei 225 is also known as Nikkei . Nikkei Stock Index or Nikkei Index . This is a stock market index for Tokyo Stock Exchange which is also known as TSE. Since 1950, this index has been calculated daily by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Actually, this Nihon is a Nikkei newspaper. This index is based on the price-weighted index method. All the components of this index are reviewed after every one year. The official unit of this index is Yen. Nowadays Nikkei is the most widely quoted average of whole Japanese equities. Nikkei 225 Index is quite similar to Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA).From 1975 to 1985 this index is also known as “Nikkei Dow Jones Industrial Average” because it is quite similar to DJIA. On 7, September 1950 this index begins to be calculated. In retroactively this index was calculated back to 16, May 1949.During the trading session, this index is updated after every 15 seconds from January 2010.In 1986, Nikkei futures and options are introduced at Singapore Exchange which is also called “SGX”, in 1988 introduced at Osaka Securities Exchange and in 1990 the futures of this index are also introduced on Chicago Mercantile Exchange which is also called CME. Nowadays this index is internationally recognized future index. The average of Nikkei can be derived from the textbook model of stock exchange sharply with growing at the speed exponential rate.

History of Nikkei 225

The Nikkei 225 began to be calculated on September 7, 1950, retroactively calculated back to May 16, 1949. Since January 2010 the index is updated every 15 seconds during trading sessions.

The Nikkei 225 Futures . introduced at Singapore Exchange (SGX) in 1986, the Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) in 1988, Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) in 1990, is now an internationally recognized futures index.

On 29, December 1989 this Nikkei 225 reached its peak value 39,957 during the peak of the Japanese asset price bubble, when it reached an intra-day high of 38,957.44 before closing at 38,915.87, having grown six fold during the decade. This value is almost highest value from the creation of this index to till now. This index reached his higher value during Japanese asset price bubble. On 10, March 2009 Nikkei Index subsequently lost his nearly all gains while closing at 7054.The index drops down approximately 81%.Topix is another major index in the Tokyo stock Exchange.15, March 2011 which is the second working day after the huge earthquake in the northeast part of Japan this index dropped over 10% and reaches the value of 8605 and lost 1015 points due to this huge earthquake.

2011 was not good for Nikkei 225 index because it continued to drop throughout the whole 2011.Eventually, on 25, November the value of this index drop down to the lowest closing value which is 8160 and this lowest value is the lowest value ever in the history of this index. The closing index value of Nikkei fell over 17% in 2011.The average closing value of the whole year of 2011 is 8455. After 1982, this 2011 is the lowest ending year for this index. In the starting of 2017 Nikkei started his index with the value of 10,600 and in May, this index reached the peak value of 15,942. However after a short period of time this index plunged by almost 10% before rebounding and as a result, this makes this index most volatile stock market index among the highly developed markets. In 2017, this index reached above 20,000.The success of this index can be estimated from this fact that this index gain over 10000 in just 2 years because in 2017 the value of closing stock is about 10000 and in 2017 the value of closing stock in more than 20,000. Nikkei 225 is the fastest growing stock market index in the world.

Weightage in Nikkei

Nikkei 225 is a price-weighted average index. As this index is located in japan so its official unit is Yen. This index is similar to Dow Jones Industrial Average because it is based on a par value of 50 Yen per share. This means that if there are 50 Yens price change in any stock also affects the whole average whether the price of the stock is 5 Yens or 500 Yens. All the components of Nikkei Index are reviewed in September of every year. Any changes required in the index are published in October and the index starts working according to these changes.

For the purpose of calculating the equal weighted index, it is a must for you to find market capitalization for each stock which is used in the calculation of the index and each index is refined so that each index constituent has an equal weight in the index. On the other hand, in addition to being the product of the stock price, the stock float factor, stock shares out standings and the exchange rate is applicable when a new component or new adjustment factor is also introduced in market capitalization calculation.

Components of Nikkei 225

Following are all the components of this index with their details.

Price of Share or Stock Market Value This component of index tells us about Price of share and stock market value of shares.

Free Float Factor Actually, this is a method by means of which market capitalization of an index underlying companies is calculated. Anyone can find free float market capitalization by taking the equity’s prices and multiplying these prices with the number of shares available in the market.

Number of Out-standings Shares Outstanding shares always refer to a company stock which is currently held by its all shareholders including restricted shares which are owned by company insiders of owner and block shares. These shares are shown on the balance sheet of the company under the capital stock.

Adjustment Factor This is a type of charges which are applied on freight cost while trading between Pacific Rim countries and the United States.

Exchange Rate At each Rebalancing date, the adjustment factor of a stock is assigned to the stock, which makes the stock value equal to each stock. For index components the value would be like this:

Adjustment Factor is Equal to Specific constant “Z” (Number of shares of the stock multiply by adjusted stock market value).The main criticism with this index is that a $5 price share would have the same weight in the index as the $200 priced to share. Due to these reason smaller shares gets more weight as compared to their price. Moreover, the stocks in this index keep changing so due to this changing stock is rebalanced from time to time as compared to a cap-weighted index.

Live Index © 2017 All Rights Reserved.

Weekly Commodity Futures Price Chart

Indicador de media móvil exponencial:

Conventional Interpretation: Price is below the moving average so the trend is down.

Additional Analysis: Market trend is DOWN.

Indicador de media móvil de 3 líneas:

Nota: Al evaluar el corto plazo, plot1 representa el promedio de movimiento rápido, y plot2 es el promedio de movimiento lento. Para el análisis a largo plazo, plot2 es el promedio de movimiento rápido y plot3 es el promedio de movimiento lento

Interpretación Convencional - Corto Plazo: El mercado es alcista porque el promedio de movimiento rápido está por encima de la media móvil lenta.

Additional Analysis - Short Term: Even though based on conventional interpretation the market is technically bullish, we will not classify it as extremely bullish until the following occurs: the slow moving average slope is up from previous bar.

Conventional Interpretation - Long Term: The market is bearish because the fast moving average is below the slow moving average.

Additional Analysis - Long Term: Recently the market has been extremely bearish, however currently the market has lost a some of its bearishness due to the following: price is above the fast moving average. Its possible that we may see a market rally here. if so, the rally might turn out to be a good short selling opportunity.

Bollinger Bandas Indicador:

Interpretación convencional: Las Bandas de Bollinger indican un mercado de sobrecompra. Una lectura de sobrecompra se produce cuando el cierre está más cerca de la banda superior que la banda inferior.

Análisis adicional: La volatilidad parece estar disminuyendo, como lo demuestra una distancia decreciente entre las bandas superior e inferior en las últimas barras. El mercado está en territorio de sobrecompra.

Indicador de volatilidad: La volatilidad está subiendo en función de una media móvil de 9 bar.

Conventional Interpretation: Momentum (15.00) is above zero, indicating an overbought market.

Additional Analysis: The long term trend, based on a 45 bar moving average, is DOWN. La tendencia a corto plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 9 bar, es DOWN. Momentum is indicating an overbought market. However the market may continue to become more overbought. Busque alguna evidencia de debilidad antes de ponerse demasiado bajista aquí.

Tasa de cambio Indicador:

Conventional Interpretation: Rate of Change (0.09) is above zero, indicating an overbought market.

Additional Analysis: The long term trend, based on a 45 bar moving average, is DOWN. La tendencia a corto plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 9 bar, es DOWN. Rate of Change is indicating an overbought market. However the market may continue to become more overbought. Look for some evidenced weakness before closing long positions here.

Indicador de índice de canal de comunicaciones:

Conventional Interpretation: CCI (-49.46) is in neutral territory. Una señal se genera sólo cuando el CCI cruza por encima o por debajo de la región central neutral.

Análisis adicional: CCI a menudo pierde la parte temprana de un nuevo movimiento debido a la gran cantidad de tiempo pasado fuera del mercado en la región neutral. Iniciando señales cuando CCI cruza cero, en lugar de esperar a que el CCI cruce fuera de la región neutral a menudo puede ayudar a superar esto. Given this interpretation, CCI (-49.46) is currently short. The current short position will be reversed when the CCI crosses above zero.

Interpretación convencional: RSI está en territorio neutral. (RSI is at 43.04). Este indicador emite señales de compra cuando la línea RSI cae por debajo de la línea inferior en la zona de sobreventa; Se genera una señal de venta cuando el RSI se eleva por encima de la línea superior en la zona de sobrecompra.

Additional Analysis: RSI is somewhat oversold (RSI is at 43.04). Sin embargo, esto por sí mismo no es una indicación suficientemente fuerte para señalar un comercio. Look for additional evidence here before getting too bullish here.

Interpretación convencional: MACD está en territorio bajista, pero no ha emitido una señal aquí. MACD genera una señal cuando el FastMA cruza por encima o por debajo del SlowMA.

Additional Analysis: The long term trend, based on a 45 bar moving average, is DOWN. La tendencia a corto plazo, basada en un promedio móvil de 9 bar, es DOWN. MACD está en territorio bajista. However, the recent upturn in the MacdMA may indicate a short term rally within the next few bars.

Open Interest Indicator: Open Interest is in a downtrend based on a 9 bar moving average. While this is normal following delivery of nearer term contracts, be cautious. La disminución del interés abierto indica una menor liquidez.

Interpretación convencional: No hay indicaciones para el volumen.

Additional Analysis: The long term market trend, based on a 45 bar moving average, is DOWN. La tendencia del mercado a corto plazo, basada en una media móvil de 5 bar, es UP. Volume is trending lower. En general esto es bajista.

Estocástico - Rápido Indicador:

Conventional Interpretation: The stochastic is bullish because the SlowK line is above SlowD line.

Additional Analysis: The long term trend is DOWN. The short term trend looks a little bottomy. A possible short term up move may occur.

Estocástico - Lento Indicador:

Conventional Interpretation: The stochastic is bullish because the SlowK line is above SlowD line.

Additional Analysis: The long term trend is DOWN. The short term trend looks a little bottomy. A possible short term up move may occur.

Indicador del Índice de Swing:

Interpretación convencional: El índice de oscilación ha cruzado cero, identificando esta barra como un punto de pivote de corto plazo.

Análisis Adicional: No hay interpretación adicional.

Importante: Este comentario está diseñado únicamente como una herramienta de formación para la comprensión del análisis técnico de los mercados financieros. It is not designed to provide any investment or other professional advice.

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Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo

If you follow the Equity Indices closely, you can sometimes spot patterns that repeat themselves with a high degree of consistency. Continúe leyendo aquí.

August 24, 2017, was an important day in world currency markets. The Chinese shocked the world with a devaluation of the yuan. Continúe leyendo aquí.

Nikkei 225 Index

ETFs Tracking Other Japan Equities

ETFdb staff has allocated each ETF in the ETF database, as well as each index, to a single ‘best-fit’ ETFdb Category. Other ETFs in the Japan Equities ETFdb Category are presented in the following table.

* Assets in thousands of U. S. Dollars. Assets and Average Volume as of 2017-03-14 20:14:02 UTC

ETFs Tracking Other Japan Equities

Historical return data for other ETFs in the Japan Equities ETFdb Category is presented in the following table.

ETFs Tracking Other Japan Equities

Expense information for other ETFs in the Japan Equities ETFdb Category is presented in the following table.

ETFs Tracking Other Japan Equities

Dividend information for other ETFs in the Japan Equities ETFdb Category is presented in the following table.

ETFs Tracking Other Japan Equities

Holdings data for other ETFs in the Japan Equities ETFdb Category is presented in the following table.

ETFs Tracking Other Japan Equities

Tax Rate data for other ETFs in the Japan Equities ETFdb Category is presented in the following table.

ETFs Tracking Other Japan Equities

Technical information for other ETFs in the Japan Equities ETFdb Category is presented in the following table.

ETFs Tracking Other Japan Equities

Links to analysis of other ETFs in the Japan Equities ETFdb Category is presented in the following table.

ETFs Tracking Other Japan Equities

Links to a proprietary ETFdb rating for other ETFs in the Japan Equities ETFdb Category is presented in the following table.

Nikkei 225 Index Futures

Hay un alto nivel de riesgo involucrado con el comercio de productos apalancados como divisas y CFDs. Usted no debe arriesgar más de lo que puede permitirse perder, es posible que usted puede perder más de su inversión inicial. Usted no debe operar a menos que entienda completamente la verdadera extensión de su exposición al riesgo de pérdida. Cuando se negocia, siempre debe tener en cuenta su nivel de experiencia. If the risks involved seem unclear to you, please seek independent advice.

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Does The Nikkei 225 Serve As A Leading Indicator For The S&P 500? An Analysis Using Granger Causality


While I had hypothesized that the Nikkei 225 may serve as a leading indicator of the S&P 500, an updated analysis shows this not to be the case.

However, the spot price of the Nikkei 225 showed predictive power in determining the spot price of the S&P 500.

Overall, I calculate that on average, a 1% change in the Nikkei 225 price level results in a 0.34% change in the S&P 500 price level.

In a previous article written on May 21, 2017. I argued that the Nikkei 225 demonstrates a degree of Granger Causality vis-a-vis the S&P 500 Index. I hypothesized that on the basis of a three-month time lag, the Nikkei 225 holds a certain degree of predictive power in predicting the three-month forward value of the S&P 500 Index. In this article, I update my analysis to argue that the two stock market indexes do not exhibit Granger Causality in this way - rather the spot price of the Nikkei 225 and the spot price of the S&P 500 is still statistically significant over time, and the movements of the Nikkei 225 since 1990 on a monthly basis showed predictive power in determining the price of the S&P 500 over the same period.

I hypothesized initially that the Nikkei 225 would serve as a leading indicator for the S&P 500 given that price expectations would play a significant role in Japan's financial markets - attributing to the country's history in battling deflation. On this basis, I hypothesized it was likely that the Nikkei 225 would price in the same earlier than the S&P 500. However, an updated regression analysis showed this not to be the case. For the time period January 1990 to the present date, I ran four separate regressions to determine the nature of the relationship between the Nikkei 225 and the S&P 500 Index. The regressions with a respective 1 and 3 month lag in the Nikkei 225 did not show statistical significance:

Sources: Author's Calculations

Additionally, I had hypothesized that the Nikkei 225 would have predictive power during periods of downturn, for instance during the period 2007-08. However, a further regression analysis on a monthly basis showed this not to be the case:

Sources: Author's Calculations

However, running the regression for both periods at time t (i. e. the same time period) demonstrates that the movements of the Nikkei 225 have a degree of predictive power in determining the movements of the S&P 500. Specifically, a 1% movement in the Nikkei 225 corresponds with a 0.34% movement in the S&P 500 in the same direction:

Sources: Author's Calculations

We see that our independent variable is statistically significant. While we have a low R-Squared, this can be attributed to the fact that the Nikkei 225 is not the only variable that explains movements in the S&P 500 Index. However, the regression indicates that it is significant. Additionally, when running a simulation of S&P 500 prices for the past year using this regression, the mean absolute deviation for our estimates is quite small:

Sources: Author's Calculations

In conclusion, an updated regression analysis shows that the Nikkei 225 does not necessarily serve as a leading indicator for the S&P 500. However, the regression at time t demonstrates that there is significant correlation between the two markets and the Nikkei 225 real time price movements showed a high degree of predictive power for the real time movements of the S&P 500. Therefore, the movements of the Nikkei 225 may serve as a useful barometer in tracking the movements of the overall S&P 500 index.

Disclosure: The author has no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.

El autor escribió este artículo ellos mismos, y expresa sus propias opiniones. El autor no está recibiendo compensación por ello (que no sea de Seeking Alpha). El autor no tiene relación de negocios con ninguna compañía cuyas acciones se mencionan en este artículo.

Market Commentary 19240 April, 2017 Data:

Part 1: SUMMARY RETURNS & RANK Last Month 1.6% Rank: 7 out of 23 Last Year. 36.5% Rank: 1 out of 23 Last 5 Years 76.5% Rank: 9 out of 23 Last 10 Years. 65.8% Rank: 15 out of 23

Returns for the Nikkei 225 Stock Index is shown above for four time periods. For example: the change in the Nikkei 225 Index was 1.6% in the last month. With that return, the Nikkei 225 Index was ranked 7th out of the 23 indexes reviewed in this site for that time period. Dividends are not included.

Part 2: HISTORICAL HIGHLIGHTS The performance ranking of the Nikkei 225 Index relative to the other 23 stock indexes covered in this site is detailed below. Four different time periods are reviewed. The Nikkei 225 Stock Index is compared to foreign and domestic, large cap and small cap indexes. Each paragraph identifies the top and bottom performers as well as the average and median market performance for the indexes during in each time period.

Last Month: During April of 2017, the Nikkei 225 had a rank of 7 with a return of 1.63%. The top ranked index during April was the Hang Seng Index, with a return of 12.98%. The worst performing index during that period was the DAX Stock Index with a return of -4.28%. The median return for all stock market indexes during April was 0.61%. The average return for the indexes during the month was 0.88%.

Last Year: During the last 12 months, the Nikkei 225 was the top performing index with a return of 36%. The worst performing index during that period was the S&P Global Index with a return of -1%. The median return for the indexes during this period was 10%. The average return for all stock market indexes over the year was 11%.

Last 5 Years: Over the 5 years ended April of 2017, the Nikkei 225 had a rank of 9 with a return of 77%. The top ranked index during the 5 year period was the NASDAQ 100 Index, with a return of 121%. The worst performing index during that period was the Straits Times Stock Index with a return of 17%. The median return for all stock market indexes during this time period was 70%. The average return for the indexes over the 5 years was 61%.

Last 10 Years: During the 10 years ended April of 2017, the Nikkei 225 had a rank of 15 with a return of 66%. The top ranked index during the period was the Mexico IPC Index, with a return of 261%. The worst performing index during the 10 year time period was the CAC 40 Index with a return of 24%. The median return for the indexes during the last 10 years was 87%. The average return for all stock market indexes over that time frame was 98%.

All calculations are based on the monthly market close for each index, excluding dividends.

A Guide To Japan’s Nikkei 225 Index

The Nikkei 225 Stock Average is Japan’s premiere stock index. It includes the top 225 blue-chip companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange .

The influential index is considered the barometer of Japan’s economy and stock market. Think of it as the Japanese equivalent to the U. S.’s Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). Indeed from 1975 to 1985, it was called the Nikkei Dow Jones Stock Average.

The index is the oldest in Asia and has been calculated since Sept 1950 (retroactively to May 1949). It gets its name from Japan’s top financial publication Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei or Japan Economic Daily). The newspaper calculates and publishes the index much like the Wall Street Journal does for the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

It's also commonly called the Nikkei 225, the Nikkei and the Nikkei Index.

The Nikkei’s 225 constituents include the most liquid domestic stocks listed in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. It is a price-weighted. yen-denominated equity index. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is also a price-weighted index.

Ranking of constituents is determined by stock price, which differs from other major indexes where market capitalization is used in calculations. The Nikkei 225 is calculated every 15 seconds during the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s trading hours. Stocks included in the index are reviewed annually in September and if changes are made they are instituted in October.

You will most likely recognize the names of some of the companies included in the index. They are among the most well known brands in the world. Companies include electronic and automobile giants such as Canon Inc. (CAJ ), Panasonic Corp. (PCRFY ), Pioneer Corp. Sharp Corp. Sony Corp. (SNE ), Nissan Motor Co. (NSANY ), Toyota Motor Corp. (TM ), Mitsubishi Motor Corp. Mazda Motor Corp. (MZDAY ) and Honda Motor Co. (HMC ).

Stocks in the index fall under the following sectors, which include 36 industries: technology, financials, consumer goods, materials, capital goods/others and transportation and utilities. You can see a full current list of industries and companies here .

Technology stocks make up more than 40% of the Nikkei 225. At the end of 2017, 57 companies in the technology sector accounted for 43.28% of the index, financials (3.77% and 21), consumer goods (21.52% and 28), materials (15.46% and 64), capital goods/others (12.8% and 35) and transportation and utilities (3.17% and 20).

The Nikkei has reached some dramatic highs and lows throughout the decades. It reached a record high of 38,957 in December 1989. This was the peak of the asset price bubble in Japan, when real estate and stock prices soared. The bubble burst in the early 1990s leading to a decades-long economic slump. By 1992, the value of the Nikkei had plunged to 16,000. (For more, see: 5 Steps of a Bubble .)

The index hit a 26-year low in March 2009 when it closed at 7,086 amidst the global economic crisis. The 52-week range of the Nikkei 225 was 13,885-16,374 as of Oct. 10, 2017.

Derivative Indices and Products

The Nikkei 225 is the underlying index for the Nikkei 225 Futures, a futures index that enables futures contracts to be traded on the stock index via the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Osaka Securities Exchange and Singapore Exchange. A futures contract allows investors to buy or sell at a predetermined future date and price. They are a way to speculate or hedge whether the price of the underlying asset, in this case the Nikkei 225, will go up or down.

Countries in addition to Japan that have exchange-traded funds that track the Nikkei 225 include the U. S. United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Singapore.

If you want to keep your finger on the pulse of the Japanese economy and stock market pay attention to the bellwether Nikkei 225. It includes the biggest companies in Japan, which are also among the largest companies in the world.

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Contract Specifications for SGX Nikkei 225 Index Futures (NK)

Whenever the Initial and/or Intermediate Price Limits are reached, a Cooling Off Period* of ten (10) minutes will be implemented during which trading shall be confined to the prevailing Price Limits. After the Cooling Off Period*, the Price Limits will be expanded to the next applicable Price Limits (Intermediate or Final). There shall be no trading in any contract outside of the Final Price Limits for the remainder of the Trading Day.

*The Exchange will signal the commencement of the Cooling Off Period when there is an unsatisfied bid or offer at the prevailing Upper Price Limit or Lower Price Limit respectively for a continuous period of more than ten seconds. The Exchange retains the discretion to take into account any other factors in the market in determining the commencement of the Cooling Off Period.

With regards to the T+1 session, the Daily Settlement Price (DSP) derived in the T session that just ended will be the reference price to determine price limits.

A person shall not own or control more than 10,000 futures or futures equivalent contracts net long or net short in all contract months combined.

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Oriental Pacific Futures is a licensed futures trading and clearing broker registered with Bursa Malaysia Derivatives, Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Clearing and Securities Commission of Malaysia. Based in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Oriental Pacific Futures offers competitive commission rates for commodities and financial futures trading. We also provide futures learning classes, public events on futures trading and general investment talk, online futures trading platform via OPF Trader, online futures charting software, daily market commentary and investment portal. We specialize in futures broking, particularly Crude Palm Oil futures (FCPO) traded on Bursa Malaysia Derivatives exchange. In 2010, Oriental Pacific Futures received recognition by the National Futures Association (NFA) to solicit and accept trade orders and customer funds as permitted by the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) through the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME Group).

Oriental Pacific Futures is located at Unit 6 Level 39, Binjai 8 Premium Soho No.2 Lorong Binjai, Off Jalan Binjai, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

RISK DISCLOSURE: Futures and options trading is speculative in nature and involves substantial risk of loss. Futures and options trading may not be suitable for all investors.

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Nikkei 225 Futuros Jun 16

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Nikkei 225 (N225)

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Tag Archives: Nikkei 225

Stock markets in Asia and Europe have clearly tipped into a primary down-trend but the US remains tentative. The weight of the market is on the sell side and the risk of a global down-turn remains high.

Dow Jones Global Index found support at 270 and is rallying to test resistance at the former primary support levels of 290/300. 13-Week Twiggs Momentum peaks below zero flag a strong primary down-trend. Respect of 300 is likely and reversal below 290 warn of another decline. Breach of 270 would confirm.

* Target calculation: 290 – ( 320 – 290 ) = 260

Willem Buiter of Citigroup warns that further monetary easing faces “strongly diminishing returns”, while “hurdles for a major fiscal stimulus remain high”. To me, major infrastructure spending is the only way to avoid prolonged stagnation but resistance to further increases in public debt is high. The only answer is to focus on productive infrastructure assets that generate returns above the cost of servicing debt, improving the overall debt position rather than aggravating it.


Dow Jones Industrial Average recovered above primary support at 16000 and is headed for a test of 17000. Rising 13-week Twiggs Money Flow indicates medium-term buying pressure. Respect of 17000 is likely and would warn of continuation of the primary down-trend. Reversal below 16000 would confirm the signal, offering a target of 14000*.

* Target calculation: 16000 – ( 18000 – 16000 ) = 14000

The most bearish sign on the Dow chart is the lower peak, at 18000, in late 2017. Only recovery above this level would indicate that long-term selling pressure has eased.

The S&P 500 is similarly testing resistance at 1950. Breakout is quite possible but only a higher peak (above 2100) would indicate that selling pressure has eased. Declining 13-week Twiggs Momentum, below zero, continues to warn of a primary down-trend. Reversal below 1870 would confirm the primary down-trend, offering a target of 1700*.

* Target calculation: 1900 – ( 2100 – 1900 ) = 1700

CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) is testing ‘support’ at 20. Respect is likely and would confirm that market risk remains elevated.

Canada’s TSX 60 respected the descending trendline after breaking resistance at 750. Reversal below 750 would warn of another test of 680/700. Rising 13-week Twiggs Momentum is so far indicative of a bear rally rather than reversal of the primary down-trend.

* Target calculation: 700 – ( 750 – 700 ) = 650


Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50 is rallying to test resistance at the former primary support level of 3000. The large 13-week Twiggs Momentum peak below zero confirms a strong primary down-trend. Respect of resistance is not that important, but another lower peak, followed by reversal below 3000, would signal a decline to 2400*.

* Target calculation: 2700 – ( 3000 – 2700 ) = 2400

Germany’s DAX recovered above resistance at 9300/9500. Expect a test of 10000 but buying pressure on 13-week Twiggs Money Flow appears secondary and reversal below 9300 would signal another decline, with a (long-term) target of 7500*.

* Target calculation: 9500 – ( 11500 – 9500 ) = 7500

The Footsie recovered above 6000, and the declining trendline, but the primary trend is down. Buying pressure on 13-week Twiggs Money Flow appears secondary and reversal below 6000 would signal another decline, with a target of 5500*. The long-term target remains 5000*.

* Target calculation: 6000 – ( 6500 – 6000 ) = 5500


The Shanghai Composite Index rallied off support at 2700 but respected resistance at 3000. Reversal below support would offer a target of 2400*. The primary trend is clearly down and likely to remain so for some time.

* Target calculation: 3000 – ( 3600 – 3000 ) = 2400

Japan’s Nikkei 225 Index is in a clear primary down-trend. Expect a test of 17000/18000 but respect of 18000 would warn of another test of 15000. Decline of 13-week Twiggs Money Flow below zero would flag more selling pressure.

* Target calculation: 17000 – ( 20000 – 17000 ) = 14000

India’s Sensex primary down-trend is accelerating, with failed swings to the upper trend channel. Breach of 23000 would offer a short-term target of 22000*. Reversal of 13-week Twiggs Money Flow below zero would warn of more selling pressure.

* Target calculation: 23000 – ( 24000 – 23000 ) = 22000


The ASX 200 rally from 4700 respected resistance at 5000. Reversal below 4900 warns of another decline. Breach of support at 4700 would confirm. Divergence on 13-week Twiggs Money Flow indicates medium-term (secondary) buying pressure and reversal below zero would flag another decline. The primary trend is down and breach of 4700 would offer a target of 4400*. The long-term target remains 4000*.

* Target calculation: 4700 – ( 5000 – 4700 ) = 4400; 5000 – ( 6000 – 5000 ) = 4000

Banks are taking a hammering, with the Banks index (XBAK) in a clear down-trend. Retracement to test resistance at 78 is weak and another strong decline likely. Declining 13-week Twiggs Money Flow, below zero, reflects long-term selling pressure.


Bloomberg News quotes Zhu Jimin, deputy head of the China Iron & Steel Association, representing major steel producers, at their quarterly briefing on Wednesday:

“Production cuts are slower than the contraction in demand, therefore oversupply is worsening.”

“China’s steel demand evaporated at unprecedented speed as the nation’s economic growth slowed,” Zhu said. “As demand quickly contracted, steel mills are lowering prices in competition to get contracts.”

Little wonder that bulk commodity prices are falling sharply.

Australian producers have been ramping up production to compensate for lower prices.

But with further production due to come on line, the market looks ready for a meltdown. This from David Llewellyn-Smith at Macrobusiness :

Yes, China is still shutting in supply and is on track for 270 million tonnes this year but it’s not going to drop enough in the future (at the very best down to 200mt) as Roy Hill, Sino, Anglo, Vale and India (and possibly Tonkolili as well) continue the great ramp up, adding another 200mt plus in the next two years even as Chinese steel production keeps falling at 2-3% per year, taking 40mt per annum out of demand…. the total seaborne iron ore market is about to peak and then shrink….

The ASX 300 Metals & Mining Index is testing its 2008 low. Breach appears likely and would offer a target of 1700*.

* Target calculation: 2200 – ( 2700 – 2200 ) = 1700


The S&P 500 respected support at 2050 and is headed for a test of the previous high at 2130 on the back of strong earnings performance. Rising 21-day Twiggs Money Flow indicates medium-term buying pressure but expect strong resistance at 2130. Reversal below 2050 is unlikely, but would warn of another test of primary support at 1870.

* Target calculation: 2000 + ( 2000 – 1870 ) = 2130

A declining CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) indicates market risk is easing.

Dow Jones Industrial Average is similarly headed for a test of 18300, with 13-week Twiggs Money Flow rising steeply.

Canada’s TSX 60 continues to test stubborn resistance at 825. Weak 13-week Twiggs Momentum, below zero, indicates the market remains bearish. Breakout would signal an advance to 900, but reversal below the former primary support level at 800 is as likely and would warn of another decline.

* Target calculation: 775 – ( 825 – 775 ) = 725


Germany’s DAX is testing resistance at 11000. Recovery of 13-week Twiggs Money Flow above zero indicates medium-term buying pressure. Breakout above the descending trendline would suggest another test of the previous high at 12400. Expect stubborn resistance, however, and reversal below 10000 would warn of another decline.

The Footsie is similarly testing resistance at 6500. Breakout above the descending trendline would suggest another test of the previous high at 7100. 13-Week Twiggs Money Flow troughs above zero indicate long-term buying pressure. Reversal below 6250 is unlikely, but would warn of another test of primary support at 6000.


The Shanghai Composite Index continues to test resistance at 3500. Respect is likely and would indicate a re-test of government-backed support at 3000.

Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index is retracing to test support at 22500. Respect would indicate a rally to 24000, but failure remains as likely and would test primary support at 21000. A 13-week Twiggs Money Flow trough above zero would indicate (long-term) buying pressure.

Japan’s Nikkei 225 is testing resistance at 19000. Breakout would signal another test of 21000. Respect is less likely, but would warn of another test of primary support at 17000.

* Target calculation: 19000 + ( 19000 – 17000 ) = 21000

India’s Sensex encountered resistance at 27500. Rising 13-week Twiggs Money Flow troughs above zero indicate long-term buyiong pressure. Expect another test of 26500 but respect is likely and would indicate continuation of the rally. Reversal below 26500 would warn of another (primary) decline.

* Target calculation: 25000 – ( 27500 – 25000 ) = 22500


The ASX 200 is retracing to test medium-term support between 5200 and 5300. Reversal of 21-day Twiggs Money Flow below its rising trendline indicates (medium-term) selling pressure; decline below zero would strengthen the signal. Breach of 5200 would warn of another test of primary support at 5000. Recovery above the descending trendline is unlikely at this stage, but would suggest another test of 6000.

* Target calculation: 5000 – ( 5400 – 5000 ) = 4600


The 1990s featured two significant upheavals in global financial markets. First, 1990 saw the Nikkei collapse from its high of 39000, reaching an eventual low of 7000 in 2008.

The collapse followed strong appreciation of the Yen after the September 1985 Plaza Accord and the ensuing October 1987 global stock market crash. The Plaza Accord attempted to curtail long-term currency manipulation by Japan who had built up foreign reserves — mainly through purchases of US Treasuries — to suppress appreciation of the Yen against the Dollar and maintain a current account surplus.

Seven years later, collapsing currencies during the 1997 Asian financial crisis destroyed fast-growing economies — with Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia experiencing 40%, 34% and 83% falls in (1998) GNP respectively — and eventually led to the 1998 Russian default and break up of the Soviet Union. Earlier, rapidly growing exports with currencies pegged to the Dollar brought a flood of offshore investment and easy credit into the Asian tigers . Attempts by the IMF to impose discipline and a string of bankruptcies spooked investors into a stampede for the exits. Falling exchange rates caused by the stampede led to a further spate of bankruptcies as domestic values of dollar-denominated debt skyrocketed. Attempts by central banks to shore up their currencies through raising interest rates failed to stem the outflow and further exacerbated the disaster, causing even more bankruptcies, with borrowers unable to meet higher interest charges.

What we are witnessing is a repeat of the nineties. This time it was China that attempted to ride the dragon, pegging its currency against the Dollar and amassing vast foreign reserves in order to suppress appreciation of the Yuan and boost exports. The Chinese economy benefited enormously from the vast trade surplus with the US, but those who live by the dragon die by the dragon. Restrictions on capital inflows into China may dampen the reaction, compared to the 1997 crisis, but are unlikely to negate it. The market will have its way.

Financial markets in the West are cushioned by floating exchange rates which act as an important shock-absorber against fluctuations in financial markets. The S&P 500 fell 13.5% in 1990 but only 3.5% in October 1997. The ensuing collapse of the ruble and failure of LTCM, however, caused another fall of 9.0% a year later. Not exactly a crisis, but unpleasant all the same.


The domestic US economy slowed in the past few months but increased spending on light motor vehicles and housing suggested that robust employment growth would continue. Upheaval in financial markets (and exports) now appears likely to negate this, leading to a global market down-turn.

The S&P 500 breached primary support at 1980, signaling a primary down-trend. The index has fallen 4.5% from its earlier high and presents a medium-term target of 1830*. Decline of 13-week Twiggs Money Flow below zero would confirm the signal but descent has been gradual, suggesting medium-rather than long-term selling pressure.

* Target calculation: 1980 + ( 2130 – 1980 ) = 1830

The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) spiked upwards indicating rising market risk.

Bellwether transport stock Fedex broke primary support at $164, confirming the primary down-trend signaled by 13-week Twiggs Money Flow reversal below zero. The fall warns of declining economic activity.

Canada’s TSX 60 broke primary support at 800, confirming the earlier bear signal from 13-week Twiggs Momentum reversal below zero. Target for a decline is 700*.

* Target calculation: 800 – ( 900 – 800 ) = 700

Europe selling

Germany’s DAX broke medium-term support at 10700. Expect further medium-term support at 10000 but reversal of 13-week Twiggs Money Flow below zero warns of selling pressure. Breach of 10000 would indicate a test of primary support at 9000.

* Target calculation: 10700 – ( 11800 – 10700 ) = 9600

The Footsie broke 6450, signaling a test of primary support at 6100. Reversal of 13-week Twiggs Money Flow below zero warns of (long-term) selling pressure. Breach of 6100 would offer a target of 5000**.

* Target calculation: 6450 – ( 6800 – 6450 ) = 6100 **Long-term: 6000 – ( 7000 – 6000 ) = 5000


The Shanghai Composite reflects artificial, state-backed support at 3500. Declining 13-week Twiggs Money Flow warns of long-term selling pressure. Withdrawal of government support is unlikely, but breach of 3400/3500 would cause a nineties-style collapse in stock prices.

* Target calculation: 4000 – ( 5000 – 4000 ) = 3000

Japan’s Nikkei 225 appears headed for a test of 19000. Breach would test primary support at 17000 but, given the scale of BOJ easing, respect is as likely and would indicate further consolidation between 19000 and 21000. Gradual decline of 13-week Twiggs Money Flow suggests medium-term selling pressure.

* Target calculation: 21000 + ( 21000 – 19000 ) = 23000

India’s Sensex is holding up well, with rising 13-week Twiggs Money Flow signaling medium-term buying pressure. Breakout above 28500 is unlikely but would indicate another test of 30000. Decline below 27000 would warn of a primary down-trend; confirmed if there is follow-through below 26500.


Commodity-rich Australian stocks are exposed to China and emerging markets. The only protection is the floating exchange rate which is likely to adjust downward to absorb the shock — as it did during the 1997 Asian crisis. 13-Week Twiggs Money Flow below zero warns of (long-term) selling pressure on the ASX 200. Breach of support at 5150 is likely and would confirm a primary down-trend. Long-term target for the decline is 4400*. Respect of primary support is unlikely, but would indicate consolidation above the support level rather than a rally.


Asian stock markets are lifting on the prospect of increased trade with mainland China. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index broke long-term resistance at 24000, signaling a primary advance. But first expect retracement to test the new support level. Respect of 24000 would confirm the target of 27000*. A 13-week Twiggs Money Flow trough at zero indicates long-term buying pressure. Reversal below 24000 is unlikely, but would warn of a correction to the rising trendline.

* Long-term target calculation: 24000 + ( 24000 – 21000 ) = 27000

Singapore’s Straits Times Index is also retracing after breaking resistance at 3300. Follow-through above 3400 would confirm the target of 3600*. Recovery of 13-week Twiggs Momentum above zero suggests a primary up-trend. Reversal below 3200 is unlikely, but would warn of another test of primary support at 3000.

* Target calculation: 3300 + ( 3300 – 3000 ) = 3600

China’s Shanghai Composite Index signals a primary up-trend after breaking resistance at 2150/2180, but I would wait for confirmation from a follow-through above resistance at 2250. The PBOC is aggressively injecting liquidity to revive a flagging economy. It may succeed in lifting the economy in the medium-term, but is not sustainable in the long-term and could well aggravate the situation. Rising 13-week Twiggs Money Flow indicates medium-term buying pressure. Breakout above 2250 would confirm a primary up-trend. Reversal below 2150 is unlikely at present, but would warn of another test of primary support at 1990/2000.

* Target calculation: 2000 – ( 2150 – 2000 ) = 1850

India’s Sensex retraced to support at 25500, but is again testing resistance at 26000. Breakout would signal an advance to 27000*. Bearish divergence on 13-week Twiggs Money Flow indicates long-term selling pressure, but respect of the zero line (recovery above 10%) would suggest that buyers have taken control. Breach of 25000 is unlikely, but would warn of a correction to the primary trendline.

* Target calculation: 21000 + ( 21000 – 15000 ) = 27000

Japan’s Nikkei 225 is retreating after a false break of resistance at 15500. Expect a test of support at 15000. Narrow consolidation normally ends in continuation of the trend; upward breakout would indicate a rally to 16000*. Declining 13-week Twiggs Money Flow, however, indicates medium-term selling pressure. Reversal below 15000 would warn of a test of primary support at 14000.

* Target calculation: 15000 + ( 15000 – 14000 ) = 16000


A monthly chart shows Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index headed for a test of long-term resistance at 24000. A 13-week Twiggs Money Flow trough at zero indicates long-term buying pressure. Breakout above 24000 would signal a primary advance with a medium-term target of 27000*. Reversal below 21000 and the rising trendline is unlikely, but would warn of reversal to a primary down-trend.

* Long-term target calculation: 24000 + ( 24000 – 21000 ) = 27000

Singapore’s Straits Times Index is testing resistance at 3300. Rising 13-week Twiggs Money Flow indicates medium-term buying pressure. Breakout above 3300 would signal a primary advance to 3600*. Respect of resistance is less likely, but reversal below 3200 would warn of another test of primary support at 3000.

* Target calculation: 3300 + ( 3300 – 3000 ) = 3600

China’s Shanghai Composite Index remains on an upward path after the PBOC lifted bank credit. Rising 13-week Twiggs Money Flow indicates medium-term buying pressure. Follow-through above 2090/2100 would suggest another test of 2150. Failure of primary support at 1990/2000 is unlikely at present, but would warn of a decline to 1850*.

* Target calculation: 2000 – ( 2150 – 2000 ) = 1850

India’s Sensex respected support at 25000. Follow-through above 25700 would signal another test of resistance at 26000/26200. Breakout would offer a target of 27000*. Oscillation of 21-day Twiggs Money Flow around zero warns of hesitancy. Reversal below 25000 is less likely, but would warn of a correction to the primary trendline, around 23000.

* Target calculation: 21000 + ( 21000 – 15000 ) = 27000

Japan’s Nikkei 225 is finding support at 15000/15200. Declining 21-day Twiggs Money Flow shows medium-term selling pressure typical of a consolidation; respect of zero would suggest another advance. Recovery above 15500 would confirm, offering a target of the December 2017 high at 16300. Reversal below 15000, however, would warn of another test of primary support at 14000.

* Target calculation: 15000 + ( 15000 – 14000 ) = 16000


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Los mercados retrocedenВ despuГ©sВ de que CHINA anunciara un data mas dГ©bil a loВ esperado de manufactura En EUROPA los grandes grandes perdedores son Alemania, Italia y Portugal. todos con perdidas mayores al 1% En US los futuros indican una apertura en rojo … Sigue leyendo →

No hubo mucha actividad en los mercados el dia de ayer tras los feriados que mantuvieron cerrados a mas de un par de Indices alrededor del mundo. JAPГ“N. Despues de darse a conocer un crecimiento econГіmico menor al esperado, 1.0% … Sigue leyendo →

Hoy se dieron a conocer datos de crecimiento econГіmico alrededor de EUROPA. Todos superando expectativas… entre lo mejor esta el dato de Alemania e Italia, la cual crece por primera vez desde 2011 Hablando de ITALIA, ayer renuncio el Primer … Sigue leyendo →


Nikkei 225 futures, and in particular CME’s Nikkei 225 futures, have experienced significant growth during 2017, motivated by optimism for the Japanese economic outlook. To help equity market participants take advantage of this changing Japanese economic landscape CME Group will introduce both quarterly and serial options on Yen Denominated Nikkei Stock Average futures on CME Globex beginning at 5PM on January 12, 2017 for trade date January 13, 2017.

“Abenomics” has been the recent catalyst for increased activity in Japanese cash equity market and Japanese equity derivative market activity. Abenomics refers to the economic policies implemented in Japan under the direction of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The three pronged approach of Abenomics includes – monetary stimulus; fiscal stimulus; and, structural reforms. The intent of Abenomics is to jumpstart Japanese economic growth, which has been quite lackluster since the late 1980s.

It is an understatement to indicate that the Japanese equity market has reacted very favorably to Abenomics. The Nikkei 225 index, Japan’s premier equity market index, rallied more than 50% from December 28 2012 through the closing level posted on May 22, 2017. Subsequently, the Nikkei 225 declined more than 20% from late May 2017 through mid-June 2017, before recovering substantively. As of November 8, 2017, the Nikkei 225 index has appreciated slightly more than 35.5%. This price pattern is illustrated in the Nikkei 225 Index chart below:

An alternative way of viewing the recent heightened Japanese equity market price volatility is through the lens of Nikkei 225 Index 20-day historical volatility (20-day HV). During late 2012, the range for Nikkei 225 20-day HV lingered in the 12% to 16% range. The strong early 2017 Japanese equity market rally propelled 20-day HV into the 20% to 30% range. Historical volatility exploded along with the Nikkei 225’s strong price declines in late May/early June 2017, peaking near 52%, before reverting back towards the recent 20% level. The historical volatility pattern is shown in the Nikkei 225 Index 20-day Historical Volatility chart below:

A significant increase in Nikkei 225 futures trading activity has coincided with the recovery in the Japanese equity market and the increase in realized volatility. Trading volume in CME’s Yen Denominated Nikkei 225 futures has increased more than 100% to nearly 47,000 contracts per day during the first ten months of 2017, while Nikkei 225 futures volume at the Osaka Securities Exchange has increased more than 77% during the same time period.

This substantial Nikkei 225 futures volume trend has created demand for options on Nikkei 225 futures, a contract that CME has introduced which can be cleared at CME. Japanese equity market participants have been seeking an alternative method of gaining exposure to the equity market price shifts. The introduction of CME options on Nikkei 225 futures gives traders an enhanced set of tools by which they can establish market exposures than can’t be accomplished with futures contracts alone.

The potential options on futures strategies that may be used include, but are not limited to: limited risk price directional positions associated with long option exposure and/or debit vertical spread exposure; long or short volatility trading positions via traditional straddle or strangle positions; income enhancement positions via covered option writing programs;, time value capture related positions via butterfly, condor or horizontal spreads; as well as dynamic portfolio reweighting programs via strangle writing strategies.

CME will introduce options on Yen Denominated Nikkei Stock Average futures on CME Globex beginning at 5PM on January 12, 2017 for trade date January 13, 2017.

CME options on Yen Denominated Nikkei futures will be listed on 2 quarterly cycle months (March/June/September/December) and 2 serial months (January/February/April/May/July/August/ October/November) listed at any time. The cycle month options will feature American-style exercise, whereas the serial month options will feature European-style exercise.

Serial month options will be automatically exercised into CME Yen Denominated Nikkei futures based on a fixing price determined by trading activity in the mini Nikkei futures at the Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) during the last thirty seconds of cash equity market trading on the serial option expiration day. Contrarian instructions are not permitted for serial options on CME’s Yen Denominated Nikkei Stock Average futures.

Quarterly CME Yen Denominated Nikkei Stock Average futures will settle to a Special Opening Quotation (SOQ) of the Nikkei 225 index on the second Friday of the expiration month. In-the-money options on CME’s Yen Denominated Nikkei Stock Average futures are automatically exercised on expiration day into the underlying futures contract, which is then marked to market against the Nikkei 225 Stock Average SOQ.

Futures and options trading is not suitable for all investors, and involves the risk of loss. Futures and options are a leveraged investment, and because only a percentage of a contract’s value is required to trade, it is possible to lose more than the amount of money deposited for a futures position. Therefore, traders should only use funds that they can afford to lose without affecting their lifestyles. And only a portion of those funds should be devoted to any one trade because they cannot expect to profit on every trade.

Any research views expressed are those of the individual author and do not necessarily represent the views of the CME Group or its affiliates.

All examples are hypothetical situations, used for explanation purposes only, and should not be considered investment advice or the results of actual market experience.

All matters pertaining to rules and specifications herein are made subject to and are superseded by official CME, CBOT, NYMEX and KCBT rules. Current rules should be consulted in all cases concerning contract specifications.

About the Author: JOHN NYHOFF Executive Director, Financial Research and Product Development John Nyhoff serves as Executive Director, Financial Research and Product Development of CME Group. He is responsible for developing interest rate and credit-related products. Previously, Nyhoff served as Director, Research and Product Development of CME since March 2006.

Before joining CME, Nyhoff most recently served as Executive Vice President and Co-Chief Operating Officer for Tokyo-Mitsubishi Futures, Inc. the futures subsidiary of Japan’s largest bank. He worked for Tokyo-Mitsubishi since 1988, holding a variety of roles responsible for strategic planning, economic analysis, marketing and electronic trading including Senior Vice President, Trading & Research and Vice President & Chief Economist. He also worked as an Options Specialist for SECTREND, a futures commission merchant that became part of Tokyo-Mitsubishi. Nyhoff also served as Vice President for Refco, Inc. where he was responsible for recruiting new customers to derivatives trading. He began his career as Senior Financial Economist for The Chicago Board of Trade.

Nyhoff earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from DePaul University, a master’s degree in economics from Northern Illinois University and a master’s degree in financial economics from Simon Graduate School of Business at the University of Rochester. He has worked as a business statistics instructor at Northern Illinois University and has co-authored a number of publications, including Trading Options on Futures: Markets, Methods, Strategies & Tactics (John Wiley & Sons, 1988) and Trading Financial Futures: Markets, Methods, Strategies & Tactics (John Wiley & Sons, 1988).

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Nikkei 225 Strengthened as Yen Fell Against USD

Nikkei 225 was helped by a weakened yen against the greenback. On Tuesday, the Nikkei had weakened in early trading before rebounding following Chinese market movements after the People’s Bank of China lowered the minimum reserve requirement.

US manufacturing activity rose higher than expected. It is still contracting but able to strengthen the dollar and the US stock exchanges all at once, which resulted in pushing down the yen, which holds the status of a safe haven currency .

Technical Analysis:

Intraday Preference: BULLISH Reference Area: 16451-16219

Nikkei 225 currently is testing the resistance area at 16825. If the resistance breaks, Nikkei might continue the bullish move up to 17092-17315.

Note that hourly CCI is overbought while stochastic is falling. As an alternative strategy, watch for a bullish signal confirmation on a pull-back move to within the reference area at 16451-16219 with target at 16594-16825.

Be careful if the support at 16219 breaks because it will turn the intraday bias to bearish and posiibly will drag Nikkei down to 16055-15845.

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The USD/JPY and Nikkei 2017 Connection

Posted 3 years ago | 5:45 AM | 7 June 2017 1 Comment

There’s more to the forex markets than economic reports and interest rates. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, intermarket correlations can also affect currencies. We touched on the Australian dollar’s unique relationship with gold. and we also discussed how oil prices can affect the Canadian dollar.

But did you know that equities and bonds can also affect the forex markets? In today’s edition of Piponomics, we’ll take a look at how the recent moves in the Nikkei 225 have been affecting the Japanese yen.

First, let me give y’all a quick backgrounder on the relationship between the Nikkei and USD/JPY.

The Nikkei 225, more commonly known as the Nikkei, is the stock market index for the Tokyo stock exchange. Lately, the index has been on quite a decline, and it has been pulling USD/JPY down with it.

However, things haven’t always been this way. Before the financial crisis, the Nikkei and USD/JPY shared a negative correlation. If the Nikkei was up, more likely than not, you would find USD/JPY down. This behavior was a result of the belief that the performance of the stock market reflects the status of the country. Hence, a rally in the Nikkei often led investments to flow into Japan, which consequently strengthened the yen and pulled USD/JPY lower.

But after the world was rocked by the crisis, their relationship changed – instead of moving in opposite directions, the Nikkei and USD/JPY began moving together! The markets began to look at the Japanese yen under a new light, resulting in a positive relationship between the Nikkei and USD/JPY.

Now, let’s fast forward to 2017.

The Japanese stock market benefitted from the BOJ’s aggressive easing measures on expectations that overseas revenues of Japanese exporters would increase. Consequently, this led to a rise of about 80% in the Nikkei from November 2012 to May 2017 as domestic and foreign investors bought up Japanese stocks.

Those were the good ol’ days though, because the index has been dropping like a rock for the past two weeks! According to some analysts, a huge part of this is caused by disappointment in Prime Minister Abe. There’s widespread doubt on whether or not he can actually walk the talk and whether his aggressive, liquidity-pumping ways can revive the Japanese economy.

This, in turn, is bearish for the Nikkei and bullish for the yen because foreign investors have begun to unwind their hedges. Those who previously invested in the Japanese equities market when it was still on the rise probably sold the yen to purchase stocks. Now that the Nikkei is down though, they likely took profit on their short-JPY positions too.

So what’s next?

Most analysts will tell you that there is nothing to worry about. In the past, we saw the Nikkei rally on the heels of optimism for economic reforms only to correct sharply afterwards. It took a few months before the Nikkei recovered.

If this is true and the correlation between the Nikkei and USD/JPY remains the same, would we soon see the pair bounce back up too?

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Nikkei 225 (N225)

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Nikkei 225 (N225)

Получите постоянный доступ к активному графику для индекса Япония 225 CFDs. Этот профессиональный график, который дает вам важнейшую информацию о важнейших мировых индексах. У вас есть возможность видоизменять график, его цвета, варьировать временную шкалу, тип графика, делать зум на определенные участки и добавлять свои индикаторы (RSI, MACD, EMA, Боллинджера, Фибоначчи и т т. д ). Вы можете сохранять свои изменения и создавать собственные торговые системы.

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Nikkei 225 (N225)

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думаю будет падать до 18.900

Все пишут про то, что Никкей расти будет. http://ru. elwaver. com/2017/09/10/panika-vokrug-nikkei-nadolgo/

Предупреждение: Fusion Media would like to remind you that the data contained in this website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate. Todos los CFDs (existencias, índices, futuros) y los precios de la divisa no son proporcionados por los intercambios, sino por los creadores de mercado, por lo que los precios pueden no ser precisos y pueden diferir del precio real de mercado, es decir, los precios son indicativos y no apropiados para fines comerciales. Por lo tanto, Fusion Media no asume ninguna responsabilidad por las pérdidas comerciales que pueda incurrir como resultado del uso de estos datos.

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Nikkei 225 Index Trend Investing: did you get out too early?

Submitted by Van Beek on December 29, 2009 - 07:26

Has the Nikkei 225, the Japanese stock market index that has been on a losing streak for a few months, now turned around? During this month, the Nikkei index has been gaining and during the last week it has hit its highest point in 4 months.

In the beginning of December, the Stock Trend Investing system warned that if the Nikkei 225 would decline another month during December, it would issue a sell warning for your holdings in funds that are expected to follow the Nikkei. We noted that those investors who firmly believed that the Nikkei would decline again during December, could as well sell already.

The Nikkei in December, assuming that we do not see a drastic turnaround during the last few days of the year, has proven the hasty investors wrong. Those who sold their Nikkei related funds at the beginning of December have missed the latest rally.

Why was there no sell warning for the Nikkei yet?

The Stock Trend Investing system has been designed in such a way to discover trends that are expected to last at least 3 to 6 months. According to the system, the trend in the Nikkei in the months leading up to December was not clear enough to issue a sell warning at the beginning of December already. The system was right. It was too early for that.

Now, do we expect the Nikkei 225 to go up the coming months? We don’t know. With the increase during December, the Stock Trend Investing system does not provide us with a sell warning or buy signal for the Nikkei. This means that to us there is no clear trend up or down in the index.

What shall Stock Trend Investors do now?

So, what should Stock Trend Investors do? This is of course each individual’s choice. Those who want to be diversified and already own funds that relate to the Nikkei index do not need to sell. On the other hand, if you see a better allocation for your money in a market where the trend is clearly up, you could move your money there.

If you do not own funds related to the Japanese stock index yet and you want to invest some more money, it is probably better to look at a market with a clear uptrend.

If you want to know more about the Stock Trend Investing system, sign up for our Stock Trend Investing newsletter .

Van Beek's blog

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August 24, 2017, was an important day in world currency markets. The Chinese shocked the world with a devaluation of the yuan. Continúe leyendo aquí.

Nikkei 225 Contract Specifications

T Session 08:00AM – 10:00AM, 11:30AM – 2:10PM

T + 1 Session 3.30PM-6PM

Last Trading Day 8:00AM – 1.50PM

Last trading Day: Business day before the second Friday of the contract month.

Final Settlement Price – The final settlement price shall be the Special Nikkei 225 Index Quotation based on the opening prices of each component issue in the Nikkei 225 Index on the business day following the last trading day.

Non - Cancel Period 7. 43am -7.45 am

Non - Cancel Period 3.28 pm – 3.30pm

Mutual Offset Trading with CME

7.00 pm – 5.15 am 5.30 am – 6.30 am

Last trading Day: Business day before the second Friday of the contract month.

Final Settlement Price – The final settlement price shall be the Special Nikkei 225 Index Quotation based on the opening prices of each component issue in the Nikkei 225 Index on the business day following the last trading day.

Like this:

Nikkei 225 futures to get longer trading hours

CHICAGO, Aug. 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- CME Group, the world's leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, today announced that beginning Sunday, September 12, 2010, for trade date September 13, electronic trading hours for the yen-denominated Nikkei 225 futures will be expanded to give market participants worldwide nearly 24-hour access to the benchmark contracts listed at CME and traded on the CME Globex platform. These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CME.

CME Group offers its customers around the clock access to the widest range of liquid benchmark products in all major asset classes. To further enhance our customers' trading opportunities, CME Group has partnered with leading exchanges around the world to make their products available on or through the CME Globex platform and distribution network. In addition to CME Group's highly successful products, these arrangements allow CME Group customers to access five of the world's most actively traded equity futures contracts – Brazilian iBovespa index futures, Korean Kospi 200 index futures, Indian Nifty 50 index futures, Japanese Nikkei 225 index futures and, following implementation of our recently announced linkage with the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, Mexican IPC index futures.

The extension of trading hours in the yen-denominated Nikkei 225 futures contracts further enhances CME Group's efforts to provide customers with efficient access to an even broader range of successful products.

Under the expanded hours, the contracts will begin trading on CME Globex Sundays at 17:00-15:15 the next day Chicago Time, with trading Monday–Friday from 15:30 p. m. -15:15 the next day (closing at 15:15 Friday, with a daily maintenance shutdown between 16:30-17:00).

The expanded trading hours were added as part of the licensing agreement extension between CME and Nikkei Inc.

For additional information, please visit: www. cmegroup. com/equity .

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Nikkei 225 continues decline from November turn window

17,000 level critical support/pivot in medium-term

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Nikkei 225. Fear or Greed?

"When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks into you."

The Fibonacci timing symmetry in the Nikkei 225 has been pretty remarkable over the past few months. In late September, the index reversed right from a convergence of the 38% retracement of the time elapsed between the October 2017 low and the June 2017 high and the 61.8% retracement in time of the June – August decline. In late November, the index then reversed again at the 61.8% retracement in time of that same October 2017 – June 2017 advance. I actually wrote about this potential turn a few days prior in Price & Hora.

& Ldquo; Indices rarely go up in a straight line, however, it wouldn’t surprise me to see some sort of “gut check” before getting another push higher as the index is starting to show some signs of fatigue. The big price hurdles look to be the 78.6% retracement of the June - September decline around 20,075 and the 88.7% retracement of that same move near 20,485. Timing wise, symmetry related to the advance from October of last year to this past June has proven influential twice already this year and the 61.8% retracement in time of that move is later next week. In my view a continuation higher into this period raises the risk of another setback …”

The Nikkei actually did rally into this turn window and reversed a little shy of that 78.6% retracement, but the decline that has followed is obviously more than a minor “gut check”. Like in USD/JPY. we are now getting perilously close to the neckline of a year-long head & shoulders pattern that has much broader negative technical implications if triggered. Watch the 17,000 area closely if this weakness persists. Given the influence the October 2017 – June 2017 advance has had on the Nikkei over the past few months early March looks important as it will be a 100% retracement in time of that move. Late next week also has a few minor timing relationships that could spur a rebound, but traction over 18,900 is really needed to improve the medium-term technical outlook.

--- Written by Kristian Kerr, Senior Currency Strategist for DailyFX. com

To contact Kristian, e-mail kkerr@fxcm. com. Follow me on Twitter @KKerrFX

DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

Las bolsas asiГЎticas cotizaron mixtas; el Nikkei subiГі un 0.17%

Las bolsas asiГЎticas cotizaron mixtas; el Nikkei subiГі un 0.17%

Las bolsas asiГЎticas cotizaron mixtas para bajar el jueves, mientras que los datos dГ©biles de viviendas fuera de los EE. UU. tambiГ©n atentГі contra los espГ­ritus de los inversionistas.

En los mercados asiГЎticos el jueves, el Hang Seng de Hong Kong retrocedГ­a un 0,66%, S & P/ASX200 de Australia cayГі un 0,38%, mientras que Nikkei 225 de JapГіn subГ­a un 0,17%.

En Europa, los servicios y la producciГіn manufacturera cayГі en febrero, de acuerdo con Markit Economics, con cifras que fueron peores de lo esperado.

En los EE. UU. la AsociaciГіn Nacional de Agentes Inmobiliarios informГі que las ventas de casas usadas subieron un 4,3% a un total desestacionalizado 4,57 millones de unidades en enero, debajo de las expectativas de un alza de un 6,2% a 4,67 millones de unidades.

En Hong Kong, entre los que mГЎs cayeron se incluye Cheung Kong, bajando hasta un 2,40%, Wharf Holdings cayendo hasta un 2,30%, y las de Cathay Pacific Air, cayendo hasta un 2,16%.

En Australia, los que mГЎs cayeron incluyen a Kingsgate cayendo hasta un 6,84%, Art Energy cayendo hasta un 5,00%, y Pacific Brands bajando hasta un 4,96%.

Los futuros bursГЎtiles europeos indican una apertura mixta. El francГ©s CAC 40 a futuro apuntaba a una ganancia de un 0,12%, mientras que el alemГЎn DAX 30 a futuro marcГі una ganancia de un 0,06%. Mientras tanto, en el Reino Unido, el FTSE 100 a futuro indica una pГ©rdida del 0,05%.

Publicado por: Axel Natareno

Guatemala, 23 Feb, 2012 - 11:04:04

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Nikkei 225 Yen Futures

Description: Futures Trading, Nikkei 225 Yen Futures, trading, Nikkei 225 Yen Futures, index, futures, Nikkei 225 Stock Average Index, Chicago Merchandise Exchange (CME), Nikkei 225 Stock Average, Equity Index Futures, N225, International Index Futures, international Index Futures, International index

About Nikkei 225 Yen Futures

The Nikkei 225 Yen Futures have been developed to track the price (performance) of the Nikkei 225 Stock Average Index (N225). They were introduced and become available for trading in 2004 year. The Nikkei 225 Yen Futures are traded on the Chicago Merchandise Exchange (CME).

The Nikkei 225 Yen Futures belongs to the group of the " International Index " futures from the " Equity Index " futures category.

The value of the one Nikkei 225 Yen Futures contracts is $500 times the value of the Nikkei 225 Stock Average Index. If for example, the Nikkei 225 Stock Average Index (N225) is traded at $11,000, the value of one future contracts gives to a furfures trader a buying power that is equivalent to $5,500,000 (500 times bigger). Furthermore, if the Nikkei 225 Stock Average Index moves up or drops down for one point, the Nikkei 225 Yen Futures contract increase or decline in its value by $500. The tick size (minimum price fluctuation) of the Nikkei 225 Yen Futures contract is 5 which correspond to $2,500.00.

The Nikkei 225 Yen Futures are traded under the "NIY" symbol and the regular trading hours for futures are from 5 p. m. EST to 3:15 p. m. EST on the next trading day. The NIY futures contracts are classified by the month of expiration. The NIY futures expire on the third Friday of March, June, September and December. Based on the expiration, the year's number and month's letter are added to the futures symbol for its identification.

The NIY futures that expire in March have "H" letter added, June expiration futures have "M" letter added, for September expiration futures "U" letter is used and those futures that expire in December have "Z" letter added at the end. Furthermore, the Nikkei 225 Yen Futures that expire in June 2017 are traded under the "NIY6M" symbol, the September 2017 expiration contracts are traded under the "NIY6U" symbol, December 2017 expiration Nikkei 225 Yen Futures have "NIY6Z" symbol and the ones that expire in March 2017 are listed under the "NIY7H" símbolo.

Nikkei 225 Yen Futures Contracts

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The particular Commodity Robot, was made after many years of research studies on which the marketplace improve with numerous elements. A blend of the amber system as well as direct intervention of seasoned commodity investors, in which evaluation matters of finance could be the secrect behind the achievements of the device. This mix in addition to strong checking throughout the trading gurus guarantees large revisit on investments and puts a stop to danger trading from been carried out. The human pondering plus the fast execution from the robot is underpin the true secret to success and revenue. This in return bring about steady and finest results on investment with all the commodity code. According to Mike, the main element to earning profits and riches in governing the danger this also also is the spot most analyst fail.

The actual Commodity Robot forecasts the particular short-term movements getting a high likelihood based on the developed-in analysis systems and also signals with the Banks and trading pool. Hence the Master investor always retain a better inspection from the robot to ensure secured returning on purchase. The Commodity Robot is distinctive in the sense which inside it is operations, competent master investors always intercede to make certain minimum trading flaws.

The actual Commodity Robot have 7 Module: Gold Element, Silver Component, Oil Module, Copper Module, Palladium Module, Bitcoin Module and also Coffee Module.

Forex Pros – Asiatic fund markets were aggressively The Commodity Robot Review lour on Thursday, as concerns over the U. S. economical recuperation and soak up losings on Paries Street weighed on grocery sentiment, spell the Nikkei dropped amid organic process view uncertainty.

During previous Asiatic trade, Hong Kong’s Bent Seng Power slumped 1.55%, South Korea’s Kospi Composite brutal 1.27%, while Japan’s Nikkei 225 Indicant tumbled 1.7%.

Information on Midweek showed that U. S. private-sphere employment growing slowed crisply net month, spell a discriminate written report showed that U. S. manufacturing activity in Whitethorn slowed to the lowest plane since Sep 2009, fuelling concerns that the U. S. economic recovery was stall.

Meanwhile, Japanese Premier Rector Naoto Kan, World Health Organization was likely to brass his second ballot of no-confidence after in the day, aforementioned that he would tone downwards formerly the country’s cell organelle crisis was under control, adding to investors’ nervousness more or less the already struggling economic system.

Shares in automakers performed ailing later on manufacture data on Wednesday showed that U. S. auto sales in English hawthorn slouched 8.3% from April. Toyota sawing machine shares collapse 3.25%, Honda strike down 2.4%, piece shares in Nissan declined 3.2%.

Shares in exporters were as well notably lower, with Sony declining 1.75% Canyon falling 1%, while commercial enterprise robot Godhead Fanuc, which gets close to 75% of its gross beyond the sea sank 2.6%.

Elsewhere, in Hong Kong shares in embrocate producers LED losings subsequently inunct prices vanish on a lower floor USD100 a barrel.

Oil and gun behemoth PetroChina saw shares worsen 1.85%, People’s Republic of China Shenhua Muscularity slouched 1.35%, patch China’s largest offshore oil colour driller CNOOC saw shares fall 2.3%. The world’s largest commodities dealer Glencore International sawing machine shares collapse 3.5%.

Shares in Cosco Pacific, the Hong Kong-founded operator of container facilities in Ellas dropped 2.2% as fears terminated a Balkan country nonpayment continued after Moody’s Investors Servicing cut Greece’s reference valuation by III notches.

The mind-set for European well-worn markets was with modesty welfare. The EURO STOXX 50 futures pointed to a profit of 0.2%, France’s CAC 40 futures added 0.1%, the FTSE 100 futures cutting 0.15% hgher, spell Germany’s DAX futures indicated a profit of 0.2%.

Late in the day, the U. S. was to write its period of time account on initial idle claims, as well as revised information on non-grow productiveness and trade union movement costs. The state was likewise to write functionary information on factory orders.

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Nikkei Stock Average, Nikkei 225©

Nikkei 225 is the major stock market index comprising of 225 highly liquid stocks of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). For in depth information, see http://indexes. nikkei. co. jp/nkave/archives/faq/faq_nikkei_stock_average_en. pdf

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Your English Portal To Arab Economy

Date: 24/03/2017 Time: 08:39 PM

Breaking News

 GMC GROUP FOR INDUSTRIAL COMME 1.29 Telecom Egypt 11.48 Modern Company For Water Proof 1.03 Ismailia Misr Poultry 2.45 El Arabia for Investment & Dev 0.34 Ezz Steel 7.86 Egyptian Real Estate Group 6.85 Pioneers Holding 2.84 Rakta Paper Manufacturing 4.39 Orascom Telecom Holding (OT) 3.92 Egyptian Iron & Steel 6.87 Naeem Holding 0.19 Canal Shipping Agencies 7.39 Misr Chemical Industries 5.65 United Arab Shipping 0.43 Egyptians Housing Development 1.94 Universal For Paper and Packag 4.94 Northern Upper Egypt Developme 4.93 Egyptian for Tourism Resorts 0.69 Egyptian Financial Group-Herme 7.42 Orascom Construction Industrie 240.82 Modern Shorouk Printing & Pack 7 Upper Egypt Contracting 0.8 Heliopolis Housing 21.65 Raya Holding For Technology An 4.57 United Housing & Development 8.93 International Agricultural Pro 2.1 Gulf Canadian Real Estate Inve 18.08 Alexandria Pharmaceuticals 45.71 Arab Cotton Ginning 2.46 Egyptian Chemical Industries ( 7.26 National Real Estate Bank for 11.84 Six of October Development & I 15.03 National Development Bank 6.72 Oriental Weavers 20.66 Arab Gathering Investment 16.29 Egyptians Abroad for Investmen 2.75 Credit Agricole Egypt 9.04 Palm Hills Development Company 1.61 Remco for Touristic Villages C 2.13 Commercial International Bank 29.87 El Ezz Porcelain (Gemma) 1.9 Egyptian Starch & Glucose 5.4 Arab Real Estate Investment (A 0.41 South Valley Cement 3.12 Citadel Capital - Common Share 2.5 Rowad Tourism (Al Rowad) 5.05 Union National Bank - Egypt " 3.25 Ceramic & Porcelain 2.88 El Nasr Transformers (El Maco) 4.78 Egyptian Media Production City 2.31 GB AUTO 27 Sharkia National Food 3.78 Egyptian Transport (EGYTRANS) 7.85 El Kahera Housing 4.97 El Shams Housing & Urbanizatio 2.45 Egyptian Kuwaiti Holding 0.7 ARAB POLVARA SPINNING & WEAVIN 2.11 Cairo Poultry 8.32 Egyptian Financial & Industria 8 T M G Holding 4.03 Asek Company for Mining - Asco 10.66 Misr Hotels 27 Egyptian Electrical Cables 0.56 Medinet Nasr Housing 22.51 Mena Touristic & Real Estate I 1.21 ELSWEDY CABLES 18 Prime Holding 0.91 Al Arafa Investment And Consul 0.17 Alexandria Spinning & Weaving 0.74 General Company For Land Recla 16.6 Gharbia Islamic Housing Develo 8.41 Alexandria Cement 8.9 Arab Valves Company 0.94 Sidi Kerir Petrochemicals 12.4 TransOceans Tours 0.09 Egyptian for Developing Buildi 6.43 Egyptian Gulf Bank 1.24 Kafr El Zayat Pesticides 18.19 Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt - 35.1 National company for maize pro 11.86 Delta Construction & Rebuildin 4.03 Zahraa Maadi Investment & Deve 48.25 Samad Misr - EGYFERT 3.52 Egypt for Poultry 1.41 Cairo Development and Investme 11.7 Cairo Pharmaceuticals 20.1 Maridive & oil services 0.9 Suez Canal Bank 3.75 Nile Pharmaceuticals 15.81 The Arab Dairy Products Co. AR 73.85 National Housing for Professio 14.39 El Ahli Investment and Develop 4.87 Egyptian Saudi Finance Bank 10.79 Ismailia National Food Industr 5.16 National Societe Generale Bank 25.52 Acrow Misr 19.16 Alexandria Mineral Oils Compan 63.63 Paper Middle East (Simo) 5.59 Egypt Aluminum 12.31 Giza General Contracting 13.12 Middle Egypt Flour Mills 5.82 Extracted Oils 0.6 Assiut Islamic Trading 4.56 Engineering Industries (ICON) 3.95 North Cairo Mills 15.3 Arab Pharmaceuticals 11.88 Grand Capital 5.38 El Ahram Co. For Printing And 10.68 Minapharm Pharmaceuticals 25.49 El Arabia Engineering Industri 13.52 El Nasr For Manufacturing Agri 9.71 Naeem portfolio and fund Manag 1.7 Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt - 6.76 Natural Gas & Mining Project ( 68.26 Housing & Development Bank 13.95 East Delta Flour Mills 31.5 Orascom Development Holding (A 3.22 Memphis Pharmaceuticals 11.12 Abou Kir Fertilizers 134.23 Delta Insurance 5 Cairo Investment & Real Estate 12.18 Cairo Oils & Soap 12.98 Egyptian Arabian (cmar) Securi 0.36 Egyptian Real Estate Group Bea 15.56 Alexandria Containers and good 85.51 Upper Egypt Flour Mills 45.78 Development & Engineering Cons 9.94 Sinai Cement 15.18 Medical Union Pharmaceuticals 28.01 Torah Cement 24.2 Alexandria New Medical Center 46.55 Export Development Bank of Egy 5.04 Egyptian Company for Mobile Se 92.02 Middle & West Delta Flour Mill 32.7 El Kahera El Watania Investmen 4.18 Mansourah Poultry 12.41 Delta Sugar 11.04 Misr Beni Suef Cement 41.21 Egyptian Satellites (NileSat) 6.14 Cairo Educational Services 17.75 Lecico Egypt 7.55 Sharm Dreams Co. for Tourism I 5.3 General Silos & Storage 10.77 Al Moasher for Programming and 0.66 UTOPIA 5.28 Arab Ceramics (Aracemco) 25.4 Barbary Investment Group ( BIG 0.98

U. S. stocks positive after initial Brussels attacks reaction

Published Tuesday, 22 March 2017 19:50 | Written by Amwal Al Ghad English

U. S. stocks traded narrowly higher Tuesday following news of explosions in Belgium's capital that killed more than two dozen people at the airport and metro system.

The Nasdaq composite held higher in afternoon trade as Apple gained about 1 percent and the iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF (IBB) traded more than 2 percent higher.

The S&P 500 came off session lows to attempt gains as health care led advancers. The Dow Jones industrial average held about 20 points higher in afternoon trade, erasing earlier losses, with UnitedHealth Group contributing the most gains.

"I think people who need to allocate to equities are doing it regardless of news and people who don't need to allocate are just sitting on their hands," Ilya Feygin, managing director and senior strategist at WallachBeth Capital, said, noting light trade volume.

"Everyone's trying to very thematically attack those spots that are directly exposed," he said.

The Dow transports underperformed in afternoon trade, off more than half a percent with Union Pacific and Delta Air Lines trading about 2 percent lower or more to lead decliners. Avis Budget, Norfolk Southern and JetBlue were among the few advancers.

"The tragedy just reminds us we're living in a dangerous world. As we start the day out we know we're going to be under pressure," said Art Hogan, chief market strategist at Wunderlich Securities.

"We've got a market that's focused on the human side versus the economic side, which is the right thing to do," he said, noting a flight to safety with the U. S. dollar index and gold higher, and Treasury yields and stock index futures lower.

European stocks came off session lows to close mixed, with the German DAX closing 0.4 percent higher and the STOXX Europe 600 off 0.15 percent lower.

"I think we're just following Europe, which closed well off their lows. … If they're shrugging it off, we're shrugging it off," said Peter Boockvar, chief market analyst at The Lindsey Group. If Europe closed up, why shouldn't we? That's the mentality."

"U. S. stocks are positioned to pull back this morning on the back of weakness in Europe. Initial intraday support is about 20 points below current levels for the S&P futures, heightening downside risk for today/tomorrow," Katie Stockton, BTIG Chief Technical Strategist, said in a report. She also noted concern about a significant loss of momentum that would prompt overbought sell signals.

Dow futures were about 60 points lower, above session lows, ahead of the U. S. market open.

Oil struggled for gains in choppy trade, with U. S. crude oil futures mostly lower near $41.35 a barrel and brent higher around $41.75 a barrel. Earlier, WTI hit a new 2017 high of $41.90 a barrel.

Treasury yields were lower, with the 2-year yield at 0.86 percent and the 10-year yield at 1.90 percent as of 1:16 p. m. ET.

The U. S. dollar index traded about 0.36 percent higher, with the euro near $1.1211 and the yen at 112.06 yen against the greenback. Sterling held above session lows after hitting a low of $1.4216 against the dollar, its lowest since March 16.

Asian stocks were mixed, with the Nikkei 225 up nearly 2 percent and the Shanghai Composite about 0.6 percent lower.

In U. S. economic news, domestic home prices rose 0.5 percent in January on a seasonally adjusted basis from the previous month, according to FHFA. House prices were up 6.0 percent from January 2017 to January 2017.

Markit's flash U. S. manufacturing PMI was 51.4.

The Richmond Fed manufacturing index rose in March to 22, the highest since April 2010.

Fed speakers due to speak Tuesday include Chicago Fed President Charles Evans and Philadelphia Fed President Patrick Harker.

"After a week like last week where you had three central bank meetings and quadruple witching, there's really not a whole lot going on this week with Good Friday and Easter being off," said Peter Coleman, head trader at Convergex. "It's not a dramatic move here."

U. S. stocks squeezed out gains on Monday with the Dow Jones industrial average and S&P 500 ending at their highest levels of 2017. As of the close, trade volume across exchanges was on pace for its lowest since Dec. 31.

Markets are closed Friday for Good Friday.

"In general, unless something happens, we're still in an uptrend, end of quarter uptrend," Coleman said.

In afternoon trade, the Dow Jones industrial average gained 10 points, or 0.06 percent, at 17,634, with Pfizer leading advancers and Goldman Sachs the greatest laggard.

Nike struggled for gains ahead of its earnings report, scheduled for after the close.

The S&P 500 gained 3 points, or 0.17 percent, to 2,054, with health care leading five sectors higher and consumer staples the greatest decliner.

The Nasdaq composite rose 20 points, or 0.4 percent, to 4,829.

El Índice de Volatilidad CBOE (VIX). widely considered the best gauge of fear in the market, traded below 14.

Advancers were a touch ahead of decliners on the New York Stock Exchange, with an exchange volume of 377 million and a composite volume of about 1.8 billion in afternoon trade.

U. S. crude oil futures for May delivery declined 15 cents to $41.37 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Gold futures for April delivery gained $4.70 to $1,248.90 an ounce as of 1:24 p. m. ET.

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SIMEX Nikkei 225 - Contract Specifications

Symbol - NX

Name - SIMEX Nikkei 225

Trading Months - H, M,U, Z

Trading Unit - Ґ 500 times Nikkei 225 stock Index futures price

Trading Hours - 7:55a. m. to 10:15a. m. and 11:15a. m. to 2:25p. m. and 3:00p. m. - 7:00p. m. (Singapore time)

Tick Size - 5 points (Ґ 2,500)

Daily Limit - 7.5% from previous day's settlement price, followed by 15 min cooling off period then 12.5%

Last Trading Day - The day before the second Friday of the contract month

Value of one futures unit - *-N/A

Value of one options unit - *-N/A

Nikkei 225 Index

The Nikkei 225 Index is a stock market index for the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) and was launched on Sep 7, 1950. It is a price weighted index calculated daily by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) newspaper since 1971.

There are 225 stocks in the index and its components are reviewed once a year. The 225 components of the Nikkei Stock Average are among the most actively traded stocks on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and together have a combined value of around $2 trillion.

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Nikkei 225 and Yen Price Targets Met on Abenomics

The Nikkei 225 and Japanese Yen have met my price targets for this leg of the new uptrend. It has been quite a thrust higher for the Nikkei 225, but the sinking Yen has helped. Let’s take a deeper look the Japanese marketplace to get a better idea of where we are and how we got here. Image to left from recent cover of The Economist .

Nikkei 225 – Monthly Chart

The Nikkei 225 has traded up to the 1996 trendline which is currently between 15K and 16K (My projection from earlier in 2017.). The relentless advance has pushed the index to an extreme overbought condition that exceeds any reading during the 1980’s secular bull market. Unlike in 2000 and early 2006 the 200-month sma did not offer any technical resistance in April. This is an impulsive move, not corrective. Click to enlarge image.

JAPANESE YEN – Monthly Chart

The Japanese Yen has declined into an important support level (My projected PT from earlier in 2017.) defined by the convergence of long-term trendlines and the 200-month sma. The yen should begin to put in a short-term bottom and rally to 105-106 before resuming decline. Click to enlarge image.

SONY – Weekly Chart

Sony (SNE) is one of my 2017 Global Macro trades. My price target to start the year was the 200-week sma which currently rests at $23.96. The news last week that Dan Loeb personally delivered a letter outlining his recommendations for reforming the company to generate more shareholder value pushed the stock to $22.23. A test of the 200-week sma seems likely at this point, but it should provide stiff short-term resistance. Click to enlarge image.


The impact of Abenomics extends beyond the Japanese stock market (Nikkei 225) and the Yen. It is clear that Japan is looking to re-balance the economic power in Northeast Asia that has tilted dramatically towards to China. At the same, China is struggling to define and implement a new economic policy that will take it from an export led economy to domestic consumption orientated. Let’s look at the Nikkei 225 vs Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSEC). Click to enlarge image.

Concluding observations on Japan:

Moving forward Federal Reserve policy analysis has to factor in Abenomics and BOJ expansionary policies. It is clear that the direct target is the Japanese economy and waning economic influence at a global level, but the aggressive BOJ policy has to be viewed within the context of the expansionary policies adopted across the world. It is my view that the liquidity wave generated by the BOJ provides some cushion for the Federal Reserve to begin tapering their quantitative easing program. Montary Policy image on right from Morgan Stanley.

Japan has entered the ‘Re-Emerging’ market category. Since early 2010 I have loosely categorized global economies as ‘Re-Emerging’ or ‘Emerged’. The ‘Re-Emerging’ markets started with the United States and Europe was added in the summer of 2012. The ‘Emerged’ markets include China, Brazil, Russia, Chile, India and other select markets.

How the Dan Loeb activist move is received will provide clear insight into whether the Japanese corporate world is ready to join the government and BOJ in breaking with the policy as usual approach that has pervaded Japan for the last 20+ years.

Ignore ‘Crisis Addicts’. There will be challenges and setbacks for Japan, but don’t let the ‘Crisis Addict’ arguments influence your trading decisions. The track record of this band of market pessimists has been wrong about the United States and Europe.

Note that I closed my SNE long position on the Dan Loeb news and currently have no exposure to the Nikkei 225 or Japanese Yen. Gracias por leer. Trade safe, trade disciplined.

No position in any of the securities mentioned at the time of publication.

Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author, and do not in any way represent the views or opinions of any other person or entity.

Sebuah Revolusi Ilmiah di bidang Keuangan 15 Juli 2017

Sebuah revolusi keuangan telah dimulai, salah satunya adalah yang memanfaatkan kekuatan data psikologis untuk membantu investor membuat keputusan yang lebih baik. IMATCHATIVE, sebuah perusahaan berbasis di San Francisco, adalah pemain kunci dalam lautan perubahan ini. Jaringan mereka, AltX. menghubungkan investor dengan dana lindung nilai, menggunakan model bernuansa yang sama dengan perilaku yang telah menjungkirbalikkan dunia film-sewa, penjualan buku, dan kencan online.

Orang yang mewujudkan visi AltX ini yang berpusat perilaku manusia AltX adalah Dr Thomas Oberlechner, Chief Science Officer perusahaan. Oberlechner datang ke AltX dari dunia psikologi klinis dan akademisi, dan terobosan penelitian pada driver perilaku di pasar keuangan telah diberitakan dalam Washington Post, BBC, dan Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Menurut Oberlechner, generasi berikutnya dari alat investasi yang bergerak di luar risiko disesuaikan kembali sebagai satu-satunya cara metrik untuk membimbing metrik. "Fokus tradisional (secara statistika dan matematika) memberikan hasil data yang picik," kata Oberlechner. "Hasil ini diproduksi dalam interaksi antara kondisi yang sangat volatile, lingkungan yang tidak terduga (ketidakpastian), sehingga Anda tidak pernah benar-benar tahu apakah pengembalian (imbal hasil) ini didasarkan pada kesempatan ataukah keterampilan."

Oberlechner memberikan kredits sukses bagi AltX untuk fakta bahwa terobosan terbaru dalam ilmu perilaku dibangun ke inti aplikasinya. "Kami mengambil unsur bagaimana orang memutuskan dan memahami pasar di sekitar mereka," ia menjelaskan. "Kami menganalisis kepribadian yang unik, nilai-nilai, tujuan, dan cara pengolahan informasi dari para investor. Kemudian kita mengintegrasikan hal itu ke model kami." Model-model AltX adalah menggabungkan wawasan psikologis Oberlechner dengan data keuangan yang dalam dan mesin analisis yang kuat. Campuran yang dihasilkan dari informasi kualitatif dan kuantitatif akan sangat memudahkan investor untuk mencari dana yang tepat untuk kebutuhan mereka.

"Ini," kata Oberlechner, "adalah di mana ilmu pengetahuan dan penilaian perilaku sistematis sangat dapat mendukung pendekatan investasi tradisional yang hanya berfokus pada hasil masa lalu saja." Oberlechner menjelaskan, rahasia setiap alat keuangan yang revolusioner adalah kemampuan untuk beradaptasi. "Apa yang membedakan antara terapis yang baik dari terapis yang buruk adalah bahwa mereka harus dapat bersikap fleksibel dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan siapa yang mereka hadapi, dan tidak memaksakan model yang sama pada setiap orang. Ini akan memberi dukungan kepada para pengambil keputusan keuangan untuk tidak berbeda, semakin Anda tahu tentang apa yang membuat investor unik dan perilaku make-up dari fund manager, maka akan semakin baik Anda dapat menghubungkan antara kedua belah pihak. "

Dukungan itu, katanya, benar-benar dapat mengubah cara kedua kelompok melihat dunia. "Ini mengubah bidang yang datar/linier (X Y) dalam bayangan dua dimensi dari para pengambil keputusan keuangan menjadi hal yang penuh bagi orang dan organisasi dalam bentuk tiga dimensi (X Y Z)."

Selengkapnya mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang Dr Oberlechner dan AltX? Kunjungi www. GetAltX. com

1. http://tren-bioekonomi. blogspot. com/ 2. http://trendekonobisnis-1.blogspot. com/2017/05/sejumlah-bukti-keakuratan-dan-ketepatan. html 3. http://trendekonobisnis-1.blogspot. com/2012/05/pentingnya-ilmu-biologi-pada-berbagai. html 4. http://trendekonobisnis-1.blogspot. com/2012/05/selamat-tinggal-homo-economicus. html 5. http://trenprediksi-1.blogspot. com/2012/05/prediksi-secara-dinamika-ekonobisnis. html 6. http://trenprediksi-1.blogspot. com/2012/05/ketidakpastian-dan-tantangan-bagi. html 7. http://bioeconomicnatural. blogspot. com/2012/03/assumptions-dan-mathematic-linier. html

Nikkei 225

L’indice azionario Nipponico Nikkei 225 è quotato al TSE (Tokyo Stock Exchange ) su 225 titoli rappresentavi della performance di 225 aziende. L’indice viene calcolato dal quotidiano Nihon Keizai Shimbum dal 1971.

Le caratteristiche principali di questo indice sono le seguenti:

Moneta base è lo Yen Giapponese

I titoli sono quelli a maggiore capitalizzazione.

L’indice Nikkey viene calcolato dal 7 settembre 1950.

Le aziende sono riviste una volta all’anno.

I prezzi sono una media pesata.

Questo indice è il più importante nel rappresentare l’economia Giapponese. Per evidenziare le similitudini con l’economia americana e l’indice Dow Jones, un tempo questo indice era conosciuto come Nikkei Dow Jones Stock Average dal 1975 all’1985.

Il massimo storico dell’indice Nikkei 225 è stato raggiunto il 29 dicembre 1989 a 38957.44 durante la Japanese asset price bubble.

Attualmente scambia intorno a 10000 punti base, molto lontano dal suo massimo storico, l’economia Giapponese sta soffrendo tanto l’attuale crisi finanziaria.

Il Nikkei 225 cerca di rappresentare tutto il mercato Giapponese, senza dare preferenza ad una particolare industria o settore

L’indice Nikkei 225 viene rivisto una volta l’anno, generalmente ai primi di Ottobre, se ci sono alcune modifiche il divisore viene modificato. Metodo di calcolo:

Nikkei 225 = prezzo titoli * numero di azioni in circolazione * Free float factor * Exchange Rate * Adjustment Factor

Le principali aziende presenti nell’indice Nikkei 225 sono attualmente, elecando I principali settori:

Settore foods: Japan Tobacco, Nipponic Meat Packers, inc, ecc

Settore Tessile e apparecchiature: Kuraray co, Ltd, Mitsubishi Rayon Co, Ltd, ecc

Settore chimico: ASAHI Kasei Corp. Fujifilm holdings Corp, Mitsui Chemicals, Inc, Showa Denko K. K. ecc

Settore petrolifico: Nippon Mining Holdings, Inc, Nippon Oil Corp, Showa Shell Skiyu K. K,

Settore macchinari: Chiyoda Corp, Daikin Industries,

Settore macchine elettroniche: Canon Inc, Casio Computer Co, Panasonic Corp, Nec Corp, Sony Corp, TDK Corp,

Settore automibilistico: Honda Motor CO, Isuzu Motors Ltd, Mazda, Mitsubishi Motors Corp, Nissan Motor Corp, Suzuki Motor Corp, Toyota Motor Corp

Settore strumenti di precisione: Citizen Holdings, Konica Minolta Holdings, Nikon, Olympus,

Trading company: Itochu Corp, softbank corp, ecc.

Banche: the bank of Yokohama, the Chiba Bank, ecc.

Securities: Daiwa Securities Group, Nomura Holdings, ecc

Assicurazioni: Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group Holdings, Sompo Japan Insurance Inc, ecc.

Trasporti: West Japan Railway Company, Keio Corp, Japan Airlines Corp, ecc

Comunicazioni: KDDI Corp, NTT Data Corp, Sky Perfect JSAT Holdings Inc, ecc

Servizi: CSK Holdings Corp, Dentsu Inc, Yahoo Japan Corp, ecc.

Nikkei (JPN225)

The Nikkei 225 is Japan’s benchmark equity index consisting of 225 major companies whose shares are exchanged on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Investors who trade Nikkei CFDs are seeking opportunities to invest in the Asian market. Many familiar companies trade on the Nikkei, including Sony, Panasonic, and Honda. Follow events affecting the Nikkei index through our analysts’ trade observations and analysis.

Nikkei 225 (JPN225) Price Chart

Latest Nikkei News and Analysis

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Trading Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade these products offered by Forex Capital Markets Limited (“FXCM Ltd”), FXCM Markets or FXCM Australia Limited (“FXCM AU”), you should carefully consider your objectives, financial situation, needs and level of experience. FXCM may provide general commentary without regard to your objectives, financial situation or needs. General advice given or the content of this website are not intended to be personal advice and should not be construed as such. El contenido de este sitio web no debe interpretarse como un consejo personal. The possibility exists that you could sustain losses in excess of your deposited funds. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio en margen. FXCM recommends you seek advice from an independent financial advisor.

FXCM Ltd is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") [Registration No. 217689] and maintains its registered office at Northern and Shell Building, 10 Lower Thames Street, 8th Floor, London EC3R 6AD.

FXCM AU is regulated by ASIC [AFSL 309763], FXCM AU ARBN: 121934432, and maintains its registered office at Suite 2, Level 18, 420 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000. If you decide to trade products offered by FXCM AU, you must read and understand the Financial Services Guide and Product Disclosure Statement. Y los Términos de Negocio emitidos por FXCM AU. Para cualquier pregunta o para obtener una copia de cualquier documento, póngase en contacto con FXCM en support@fxcm. com. au.

The Nikkei just closed at its highest level in 18 years

Tokyo is partying like it's 1996.

Japan's benchmark Nikkei 225 index closed at 20,868 points on Wednesday, its highest level in 18 years.

The Nikkei has ballooned by nearly 20% this year, building on an incredible 147% boom since June 2012. And it could have further to run -- the stock market index is still well below its all time high of more than 38,900, reached during Japan's asset price bubble in 1989.

It's easy to find reasons for the surge: The central bank is pumping money into the economy at a rapid pace, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has pledged to reform the way Japan Inc. does business. The yen has weakened significantly against the dollar, giving a major boost to Japan's exporters.

Here's what the recent rally looks like, in chart form:

Of course, it's not clear whether the Nikkei will continue to power higher. But let's take a moment to appreciate how far the index has come. After all, 18 years is a long time. Here are a few photos to make you feel ancient:

Remember Tamagotchi? These little machines first hit the market in 1996.

Fargo, Independence Day, Space Jam and Twister premiered in movie theaters in 1996, and The Spice Girls released their debut single "Wannabe."

Here's a real mind blower: In 1996, Google was still two years away from being founded. President Bill Clinton won his second term that year, and the Olympics were held in Atlanta, where Michael Johnson set a new world record time of 19.32 seconds in the 200 meters.

CNNMoney (Hong Kong) First published June 24, 2017: 5:35 AM ET

US Dollar Index - Jun 16 (DXM6)

The US Dollar Index is a leading benchmark for the international value of the US dollar and the world's most widely-recognized, publicly-traded currency index. The US Dollar index measures the value of the U. S. dollar relative to a basket of top 6 currencies: EUR, JPY, GBP, CHF, CAD and SEK. By using the Dollar Index, traders can take advantage of moves in the value of the US dollar relative to a basket of world currencies or can hedge their portfolio of assets against the risk of a move in the US dollar in a single transaction. You may find more information by going to the Technical or Chart sections.

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US Dollar Index - Jun 16 (DXM6)

Market Commentary 19217 April, 2017 Data:

12 MONTH FORECAST The 12 month forecast for the Nikkei 225 Index is in the table at the top of this page. Forecast-Chart. com is forecasting a Nikkei 225 Stock Index of 18954. The table shows a HDTFA of 4107 which suggests that the May, 2017 Nikkei 225 could easily close anywhere between 23061 and 14848. Links to Forecasts for twenty-two other stock indexes may be found by clicking Stock Market Forecast at the top of any page.

BULL MARKET or BEAR MARKET? A primary trend forecast for the U. S. Stock Market is provided free of charge in this site with a time delay (archived pages). The current (up to date) primary trend forecast is provided to subscribers only. Artificial Intelligence is used to forecast major turning points in the broad U. S. Stock Market. The forecast is either a Bull Market Signal (up) or a Bear Market Signal (down). This mathematical system performed very well in a one hundred year backtest and also in real time since going live in 2005. To get the forecast signal for the broad U. S Stock Market, click Stock Market Forecast at the top of any page. Then select the Bull Market & Bear Market Forecast.

10 YEAR FORECAST Forecast-Chart. com publishes a 10 Year Forecast for the following stock market indexes: Dow Jones Industrial Average, FTSE 100 (United Kingdom), Hang Seng (Hong Kong), S&P 500, S&P SmallCap 600, S&P MidCap 400, NASDAQ 100, TSX Composite (Canada), Russell 3000, Russell 2000, Russell 1000 and the Wilshire 5000. For example, the probability that the S&P 500 equity index will be down at least 20% in 10 years is estimated (April, 2025 close compared to April, 2017 close). Over 100 YEARS of historical data was used to calculate the probabilities. The index with the highest probability of gaining over 200% in the next 10 years is the S&P TSX Index. The indexes with the lowest probability of gaining over 200% in the next 10 years are the S&P SmallCap 600, S&P MidCap 400, Russell 2000 and the NASDAQ 100. To see these forecasts, click the Stock Market Forecast link at the top of any page, then select the index you are interested in.


All Time High 38424 (May, 1990) April, 2017 close 19520 Decline From All Time High 49% 10 Year Return 66% 5 Year Low 8435 (November, 2011) Gain From 5 Year Low 131%

The highest all time monthly close in the Nikkei 225 Index was 38424 in May, of 1990. The April, 2017 close was 19520. That's a decline of 18904 points or 49% below the Nikkei 225 Stock Index all time high. The Nikkei 225 Index is up 66% over the last 10 years. It has gained 36% over the last 12 months.

The April close was 313.02 points higher than the March, 2017 close of 19207, resulting in a 1.63% rise in April.

The 5 year market low for the Nikkei 225 Stock Index was 8435 in November of 2011. The April, 2017 close at 19520.01 represents a 131% gain since November, 2011.

Forecast-Chart. com's historical research covers the Nikkei 225 back to September, 1984. All calculations are based on the monthly market close in the Nikkei 225 Index, excluding dividends.

This page provides a five year chart and a forecast for the Nikkei 225 Stock Index. For links to longer term charts, look at the links under the five year chart (above). One link opens a ten year chart. Another opens our longest term graph on the Nikkei 225 Index. Just one glance at our long term charts can provide tremendous insight into the historical trends of the financial markets. The table above presents historical data on the Nikkei 225 Stock Index categorized by the months of the calendar.

Part 3 ROLLING RETURNS, 1984 - 2017: Nikkei 225 Index

Rolling Period Last / Percentile Best / Average / Worst 1 Year 36% / 89th 66% / 4% / -42% 2 Year 41% / 75th 110% / 9% / -55% 4 Year 98% / 90th 200% / 10% / -52% 8 Year 10% / 80th 84% / -13% / -59% 16 Year 39% / 95th 71% / -34% / -64%

How do you read the table? For example: Rolling 2 year period returns are shown on the second row. In the latest rolling 2 year period, (5/2017 - 4/2017), the Nikkei 225 Index returned 41%. That period scored in the 75th percentile, meaning that it scored better than 75% of all rolling 2 year periods since 1984. The Best rolling 2 Year period since 1984 returned 110%. The worst returned -55%. The average rolling 2 year period returned 9%.

What is a rolling period? It's an overlapping period in a data base. For example: In the 2 year period included in 2000 - 2001, there are 13 complete rolling 12 Month Periods. The first is January, 2000 - December, 2000. The second is February, 2000 - January, 2001. The third is March, 2000 - February, 2001 and so on. The last complete rolling 12 Month Period in the 2000 - 2001 period is January, 2001 - December, 2001.

How is this information useful? Best and worst case scenarios may be estimated based on historical facts. Also, the relationship of the periods is sometimes very helpful. Suppose that the worst rolling 8 year period in the last 50 years returned -30%. Suppose also that the latest 4 year period has returned -50%. Market psychology at this point may be one of great fear or possibly even panic. If the market stays flat for 4 more years, it will break the 8 year decline record by a whopping 20%! (-50% minus -30% equals -20%.) 50 plus year records are not often broken. That provides reason to hope that the market will recover that 20% over the next 4 years. If it does, then the 8 year loss will be 30%. The longest index histories are found in the DJIA, FTSE 100 with FT 30, DJTA, DJUA, S&P 500, & NASDAQ 100

The number of periods in each category for the Nikkei 225 Index are as follows: 1 Year: 357 2 Year: 345 4 Year: 321 8 Year: 273 16 Year: 177

Dividends are not included.

SignalTrend Inc. 2008 - 2017; Todos los derechos reservados.

Nikkei 225 Index (N225)

The Nikkei 225 Stock Index maps companies on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). It is the oldest and the most well known Asian index in the world. The Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) newspaper has been commisioned to officially calculate this index since 1971. The Nikkei 225 began to be calculated on September 7, 1950, retroactively calculated back to May 16, 1949. Currently. the Nikkei is used as the major indicator for the Japanese economy, similar to the Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJIA). In fact, it was known as the "Nikkei Dow Jones Stock Average" from 1975 to 1985. [1]. However, unlike the Dow Jones, as the Nikkei 225 is designed to reflect the overall market, there is no specific weighting of industries. Stock splits, removals and additions of constituents impact upon the effective weighting of individual stocks and the divisor. [2]

Weighting and Components

The Nikkei is a price weighted average index (the unit is Yen ), similar to the Dow Jones Index, based on a par value of ¥50 per share. That means, a ¥50 price change in any stock affects the average the same way, regardless of whether the stock is priced at ¥5 or ¥500 per share. The Nikkei 225 index's components are reviewed every year in September. Any changes, if required, are published in October and the index is adapted accordingly.

To calculate an equal weighted index. the market capitalization for each stock used in the calculation of the index is redefined so that each index constituent has an equal weight in the index at each re-balancing date. In addition to being the product of the stock price, the stock’s shares outstanding, and the stock’s float factor – and the exchange rate when applicable; a new adjustment factor is also introduced in the market capitalization calculation to establish equal weighting.

Stock Market Value= Price of shares * Number of shares outstanding * Free float factor * Exchange Rate(if applicable) * Adjustment Factor [3]

The Adjustment factor of a stock is assigned to the stock at each re-balancing date, which makes the stock value for each stock equal. For index component, the value would be:

Adjustment Factor= Index specific constant "Z"/(Number of shares of the stock*Adjusted stock market value before re-balancing)

The main criticism with this index is that a $5 priced share would have the same weight as the $200 priced share, which gives the smaller shares more weight than their due. Moreover, the stocks keep changing and so does the equality, so the stock has to be rebalanced from time to time [4] as compared to a cap weighted index.


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And Mark, stock options come in two basic categories: (1) incentive stock options (commonly referred to as ISOs) which are qualified or statutory options and (2) non-qualified stock options (which forwx commonly referred to as NQSOs). El apalancamiento proporcionado en un comercio como este es de 100: 1. El desempeño pasado de una seguridad o estrategia no es garantía de resultados futuros o de éxito en la inversión.

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SGX China A50 Futures And Nikkei 225 Options Fastest Growing Contracts Globally

Equity index derivatives led most of the growth in Asia, in particular those on the Japanese and Chinese markets. SGX’s China A50 futures and Nikkei 225 options have been flagged as the top two in a FIA league table on growth in equity index futures & Opciones.

Global and Asian figures were impacted by technical changes to KOSPI options. Excluding this single contract, Global and Asian growth numbers would be 7.4% and 12.8% respectively. SGX growth of 39% in 2017 remains higher than these adjusted numbers.

China’s importance is growing quickly and the volume in SGX’s China suite is growing in tandem. Going forward, more liberalization can be expected from China and the SGX is introducing new China-related products in the equity, FX and commodities space.

The Futures Industry Association (FIA) recently released its new Annual Volume Survey. From 2008-2017, FIA found that the FTSE China A50 futures and Nikkei 225 options traded on SGX topped the global equity derivatives category. SGX China A50 futures’ volume grew 63894.2% to 21.9 million while SGX Nikkei 225 options grew 4260.9% to 10.2 million. In 2017 alone, the SGX China A50 futures more than doubled its 2012 volumes, making it one of the fastest growing equity index contracts in the world. Similarly, the Nikkei Options also grew rapidly at 132% YoY.

Table 1: Shooting Stars – Over the Long Term (Source: FIA)

Overall, global volume growth was 2.1%. However, this headline was impacted by a single contract, the KOSPI options whose volume fell sharply due to the contract size being multiplied by five times. Excluding this effect, global volume would have increased 7.4% and Asia’s volume would have gained 12.8%. SGX’s growth of 39% to 112 million contracts in 2017 remains higher than these adjusted numbers.

China’s importance growing quickly

From the 1980s to the 1990s, Japan had led Asia's economies in their race to first world status, Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan were not too far behind. Today, the rise of China as the world's largest trading nation and the modernisation processes in India and Southeast Asia's populous nations make the Asia-Pacific a globally significant region. While the FIA survey found that North America had the fastest growth in volume at 9.9% and now accounts for 36.7% of global volume, the ranking would be different if Asia had adjusted for KOSPI options. Asia’s growth figure would become the highest globally at 12.8%.

Leading Asia’s charge was the trading of equity index derivatives in China and Japan. For China, CFFEX’s CSI300 futures was the key driver for China’s growth in equity derivatives while trading in commodities futures also picked up traction. Furthermore, the rise in open interest for commodities futures suggests more hedging rather than speculative activity.

Riding on this trend, SGX Iron Ore derivatives also continue to do well in 2017 with a record monthly volume of 31.7 million MT in January after another record breaking year in 2017. Meanwhile, open interest has also grown steadily, up 26% year to date to 36.3 mil MT. Increasingly, SGX is now a preferred hedging and price discovery centre for seaborne iron ore.

Going forward, there will be a lot to look out for from China. With further liberalization of the capital and FX markets expected, equity index and commodity options could well be in the pipeline for the onshore market. In response to strong customer demand, SGX has announced plans to launch CNH FX futures and options on the SGX China A50 futures in 3Q 2017 subject to regulatory approval.

“SGX China A50 futures has become a very relevant tool for market makers of China A-share funds. Closely tracking the performance of the onshore market, the A50 futures provides asset managers with an effective hedging tool to manage our delta risk. We are delighted to hear of SGX’s plan to introduce China A50 options as this will offer us added protection against volatility risks”, said Mr Tony Sun, Managing Director, Haitong International Securities.

Driving SGX’s rapid growth in derivatives

As the only internationally accessible futures on China A-shares market, participation in the SGX China A50 futures is well spread out across banks, hedge funds, pension funds, proprietary trading firms, asset management firms and individual investors. As offshore interest in the China A-share market picks up, the hedging needs of institutional investors and asset managers have risen and are increasingly more sophisticated. The SGX China A50 futures acts as a hedging tool for product issuers, an investment tool for investors who lack onshore access or as an arbitrage tool for traders between related products and onshore equities.

SGX continues to be the leading offshore exchange for Japanese derivatives, being the first to introduce Nikkei 225 Index Futures contract in 1986. Today, SGX Japanese derivatives are widely used by global fund managers, banks, proprietary trading firms for continuous price discovery and risk management. Swings in the Japanese market in 2017 spurred an increase in demand for SGX Nikkei Options which set a volume record of 121,973 contracts on 4 October 2017 and open interest record of 2,852,290 contracts on 12 December 2017. To meet growing demand for longer-dated risk management tools, SGX has also listed futures and options up to five years. Clients can benefit from greater capital efficiencies and reduce counterparty risk by clearing both short and long dated positions in a single portfolio.

The growth of open interest on SGX is a testament of investor’s confidence in SGX Derivatives Clearing. Operating in AAA-rated Singapore, SGX-DC’s clearing and settlement infrastructure have also been independently assessed under the International Monetary Fund's Financial Sector Assessment Programme (FSAP) as sound and efficient with an effective risk management framework. SGX Derivatives Clearing has high levels of compliance with the Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI), which are the latest international standards for payment, clearing and settlement developed by the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) and Technical Committee of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).

Investing. com Ekonomisk kalender

Dementi: På grund av den ständigt skiftande karaktären på finansmarknaden, planering av ekonomiska händelser och indikatorer förändras ständigt. Vi är stolta över att dela med vår ekonomiska kalender med dig, men vill påminna dig om att på grund av externa faktorer utanför vår kontroll, kan Investing. com inte hållas ansvariga för några förluster i handel eller andra förluster som är ett resultat av användandet av den ekonomiska kalendern.

&dupdo; 2007-2017 Fusion Media Limited. Alla rättigheter reserverade

Journal of Economic Integration

Journal of Economic Integration aims to provide relevant policy implications on the world economy that has been evolving all the time in all aspects. The Journal is founded by Dr. Choo, Myung-Gun in the second half of the 1980s who was particularly interested in the papers studying the group of economies as the object of investigation, expecting the concept of “Economic Integration” gives birth to the new phenomena. We believe that the insightful policy implications of the world economy need to be discussed in order to manage the closely integrated world economy in a more efficient and desirable way and thus hopefully hunger, poverty, and crisis become almost forgotten words in the near future.

To achieve it, we need to be intellectually ready for the economic integration, with a deep understanding on the past and the present of financial, trade, and political-economic integrations .

Coverage: 1992-2017 (Vol. 7, No. 2 - Vol. 30, No. 4)

The "moving wall" represents the time period between the last issue available in JSTOR and the most recently published issue of a journal. Las paredes móviles se representan generalmente en años. In rare instances, a publisher has elected to have a "zero" moving wall, so their current issues are available in JSTOR shortly after publication. Nota: Al calcular la pared móvil, no se cuenta el año actual. Por ejemplo, si el año actual es 2008 y una revista tiene un móvil de 5 años, los artículos del año 2002 están disponibles.

Términos relacionados con la pared móvil Paredes fijas: revistas sin nuevos volúmenes que se agreguen al archivo. Absorbido: Diarios que se combinan con otro título. Complete: Diarios que ya no se publican o que han sido combinados con otro título.

Content for this title is released as soon as the latest issues become available to JSTOR.

Subjects: Business & Economics, Business, Development Studies, Economics

Preview not available


This study intends to find out whether or not the Nikkei 225 evolves over time in accordance with the following four widely used processes for determining stock prices: random walk with a drift, AR(1), GARCH(1,1), and GARCH(1,1)-M. Given the fact that, in actuality, we have but one sample of time series data, the motivation of this study is to make use of the bootstrap technology to deal with this one-sample problem. Specifically, we use the bootstrap technique to generate 2,000 artificial Nikkei series from each process and compute the return from the trading rule for each of the 2,000 artificial Nikkei series. Then, we construct a 95% bootstrap percentile interval with these 2,000 returns and determine if it contains the return computed from the actual Nikkei series. If it does, we claim that returns from the artificial Nikkei series are in agreement with those from the actual Nikkei series. Our results show that, of the four processes, GARCH(1,1)-M generates returns that are most agreeable with those computed from the actual Nikkei series. An important implication of this study is that a proper model for pricing Nikkei-related derivatives is one that uses the GARCH(1,1)-M process to depict the dynamics of the Nikkei return series.

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Major Global Indices

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Nikkei 225 Index Trading

Nikkei 225 Index Trading Defined and Explained

First published in 1949, The Nikkei-225 is a price-weighted index of 225 top-rated Japanese companies listed in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The Nikkei Stock Average is Japan's most widely watched index of stock market activity.

Nikkei 225 Index Trading Prices/Rates

The current calculation method, (the Dow Jones method), has been used since 1950. The 225 components of the Nikkei Stock Average are among the most actively traded issues on the first section of the TSE. The index reflects the ex-rights-adjusted average stock price.

The Nikkei Stock Average is the average price of 225 stocks, but it is different from a simple average in that the divisor is adjusted to maintain continuity and reduce the effect of external factors not directly related to the market.

Nikkei 225 Index Trading Software

Ask any Japanese trader, or general investor around the globe what trading tools or types of financial analysis he is using and you're probably going to hear a list of different technologies and methods. Sin embargo, tener la herramienta adecuada para el trabajo es fundamental. El software comercial se puede utilizar para aumentar un acercamiento existente proporcionando una perspectiva inter-mercado. The key to a Nikkei 225 index trading system is its ability to forecast moving averages. One of the better trading software products is VantagePoint trading software that will help “see” what is likely to happen in the index trading market before other traders (using only single-market analysis) catch wind of it.

NIKKEI 225 has a volatility of 1.28 and is 1.52 times more volatile than NYSE. 11% of all equities and portfolios are less risky than NIKKEI 225. Compared to the overall equity markets, volatility of historical daily returns of NIKKEI 225 is lower than 11 (%) of all global equities and portfolios over the last 30 days. Use NIKKEI 225 to protect against small markets fluctuations. The index experiences normal downward trend and little activity. Check odds of NIKKEI 225 to be traded at 16764.05 in 30 days. The returns on NYSE and NIKKEI 225 are completely uncorrelated

NIKKEI 225 has a volatility of 1.28 and is 1.52 times more volatile than NYSE. 11% of all equities and portfolios are less risky than NIKKEI 225. Compared to the overall equity markets, volatility of historical daily returns of NIKKEI 225 is lower than 11 (%) of all global equities and portfolios over the last 30 days. Use NIKKEI 225 to protect against small markets fluctuations. The index experiences normal downward trend and little activity. Check odds of NIKKEI 225 to be traded at 16764.05 in 30 days. The returns on NYSE and NIKKEI 225 are completely uncorrelated

NIKKEI 225 Global Risk-Return Landscape

Daily Expected Return (%)

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3. jeder Anleger, der sich verpflichtet, mindestens 10 Millionen Euro in ein Investmentvermögen zu investieren..

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Nikkei 225 Daily Outlook: An Attempt of Recovery?

Key notes for Japan NIKKEI 225 Stock Market Index

The Japan NIKKEI 225 Stock Market Index after trading below 15,000 managed to find support near 14,770.78.

The index is now trading with a positive tone, and positioned above the 16,000 level.

There is a bearish trend line formed on the 4-hours chart of the Japan NIKKEI 225 Stock Market Index (JPB225), which may act as a pivot zone in the short term.

Nikkei Manufacturing PMI was released today, which posted a decline from 52.3 to 50.2 in February 2017.

Nikkei 225 Index Daily Analysis

The Japan NIKKEI 225 Stock Market Index opened with a bullish tone this week, and traded higher by around 200 points from the 15,975 low. As of writing, the index was up by more than 0.7%. However, the index is finding sellers near a bearish trend line formed on the 4-hours chart, which is acting as a hurdle for more gains.

On the upside, the 50% Fib retracement level of the last move down from the 17,897.50 high to 14,770.78 low was already tested once where sellers defended the upside move one. If the index manages to clear the trend line and resistance area, then the 100 simple moving average (H4 time frame chart) may be tested.

On the downside, an initial support can be around the 16,000 level, followed by the low of 15,975. In short, it depends a lot on how the highlighted bearish trend line plays in the near term.

Best Performing Japan’s Stock in Nikkei 225 Index

The best performer today so far is Nippon Suisan Kaisha Ltd (1332:JP), which traded higher by more than 2.10% to trade near 541.00. And, Trend Micro Inc/Japan was up by around 6.5% to trade near 3,820.0.

Worst Performing Japan’s Stock in Nikkei 225 Index

One stock which was trading down was Kansai Electric Power Co Inc/The (9503:JP ). It was lower by around 4.6% and traded near 1,219.

Nikkei Manufacturing PMI

Today, the Nikkei Manufacturing PMI, which provides and indicates the health of manufacturing sector in Japan was released. The outcome was disappointing, as the Nikkei Manufacturing PMI was down from 52.3 to 50.2 in February 2017 (preliminary).

The decline in the Nikkei Manufacturing PMI may put a lot of pressure on the Japan NIKKEI 225 Stock Market Index. Let us see if the highlighted trend line acts a barrier and pushed the index down or not. Japanese Yen was trading a few pips higher against the US Dollar during the Asian session today, and looks set for more gains.

Major Support levels for Nikkei 225 Index

16,000 and 15,900

Major Resistance levels for Nikkei 225 Index

16,200 and 16,335


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Acciones grupo aval 2017

Dividend Indicated Gross Yield 5.05 Sector Financials Industry Banking Sub-Industry Banks There are currently no related videos for this ticker. Por favor, vuelva más tarde. Error: Could not add to watchlist. X Watchlist AVAL :CB Bolsa Colomb 1,165.00 COP 10.00 0.87 As of 4:00 PM EST on. Open 1,170.00 Day Range 1,165.00 - 1,170.00. Volume 56,143 Previous Close 1,155.00 52Wk Range 980.00 - 1,305.00 1 Yr Return 3.43 Before it's. World markets Shanghai 2,901.39 4.05 (0.14) Nikkei 225 16,783.15 -128.17 (-0.76) Hang Seng Index 20,011.58 -148.14 (-0.73) TSEC 8,664.31 4.76 (0.05) FTSE 100 6,154.95 -27.45 (-0.44) EURO STOXX 50 3,011.40 -9.69 (-0.32) CAC 40 4,416.16 -26.13 (-0.59) S P TSX 13,383.60 171.10 (1.29) S P/ASX. Open 1,170.00 Day Range 1,165.00 - 1,170.00. Volume 56,143 Previous Close 1,155.00 52Wk Range 980.00 - 1,305.00 1 Yr Return 3.43 YTD Return 6.88 Current P/E Ratio (TTM) 15.35 Earnings per Share (COP) (TTM) 75.88 Market Cap (t COP) 26.061 Shares Outstanding (b) 15.375 Price/Sales.

Analista Orgánico Mercury - Madrid Madrid Hace de 30 días - m - buscamos un perfil para cubrir un puesto de analista orgánico y que reúna los siguientes requisitos. Analista Programador. Net. VACANTES DE TRABAJO MEDELLÍN VD SIN EXPERIENCIA. EMPLEO PUBLICADO POR: Factores de transferencia Categoría.

PROGRAMA PARA PASAR DE BINARIECIMAL ALGORITMO. Pasar binario decimal 1. PROGRAMA PARA. convertir un número hexadecimal en decimal. Currency Derivatives are Future and Options contracts which you can buy or sell specific quantity of a particular currency pair at a future date. It is similar.

Pero no te aceleres, no se trata de sacar el dinero de tus cuentas bancarias. De hecho, las inversiones deben estar diversificadas o repartidas en diversos instrumentos, pues de esta manera proteges tú dinero y puedes obtener un mejor rendimiento con distintos niveles de liquidez.

Märkte Asiatische Aktien gemischt + RBA senkt unerwartet Zinsen

Forexpros -- asiatische Aktien waren heute unter sanftem Feiertagshandel gemischt, da die anhaltenden Sorgen über die schwächeren globalen Aussichten sich auf den Appetit an riskanteren Finanzinstrumenten auswirkten, jedoch erzielten die Märkte ein Plus von 1% nachdem die Reserve Bank of Australia eine unerwartete Zinssenkung bekannt gab.

Während dem späten asiatischen Handel ist Australiens ASX/200 Index um 1% gestiegen, während der japanische Nikkei 225 Index um 0.1% gesunken ist. Das Handelsvolumen war schwach, da die Märkte in Hong Kong, China und Indien aufgrund eines Feiertags geschlossen bleiben.

In Australien sind die Finanzen gestiegen, nachdem die RBA den Referenzzinssatz von 3.50% auf 3.25% senkte. Die meisten Marktanalysten haben erwartet, dass bei der Entscheidung in diesem Monat ein Patt verzeichnet wird.

Im zugehörigen Zinsstatement gasb der RBA Vorsitzende Glenn Stevens bekannt, dass “das Board unter den internationalen Entwicklungen und den Aussichten für das Wachstum im kommenden Jahr entschieden hat, wobei die Inflation immer noch der Zielsetzung entspricht. "

Die großen vier Banken verzeichneten alle Gewinne, wobei Australiens größter Geldgeber Commonwealth Bank of Australia 0.35% gestiegen ist, während Anteile an Westpac Banking Group und ANZ Banking Group um 0.9% und 0.8% gestiegen sind.

Die globalen Minen verzeichneten Gewinne und brachten die Preise für Rohstoffe nach oben. BHP Billiton und Rio Tinto stiegen um 1.3% und 1.15% und der Goldhersteller Newcrest Mining fügte 0.95% hinzu.

Anteile an Qantas Airways sind um 2.5% gestiegen, nachdem das Unternehmen 50% der Anteile an StarTrack für ungefähr 413 Millionen AUD verkaufte.

In Tokio ist der Nikkei wieder etwas gesunken, als sich die Rückgänge des Einzelhandels auswirkten.

Der Fast Retailing Index ist um 1.5% gesunken, während der Betreiber Parco um 3.2% gesunken ist.

In Europa sind die regionalen Märkte weitgehend gesunken, da die Unsicherheiten über Spanien immer noch verweilen.

Der EURO STOXX 50 ist um 0.25% gesunken, Frankreichs CAC 40 verlor 0.45%, Londons FTSE 100 ist um 0.15% gesunken und Deutschlands DAX verlor 0.1%.

Die Eurozone wird später am Tag Daten über die Proesinflation der Erzeuger veröffentlcihen, während die USA einen Bericht über die gesamten Automobilverkäufe erstellen wird.

CME Group has announced that beginning Monday, April 12, 2010, electronic trading hours for the dollar-denominated Nikkei 225 futures will be expanded to give market participants worldwide nearly 24-hour access to the be..

CHICAGO (Commodity Online): CME Group, the world’s leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, has announced that beginning Monday, April 12, 2010, electronic trading hours for the dollar-denominated Nikkei 225 futures will be expanded to give market participants worldwide nearly 24-hour access to the benchmark contracts listed at CME and traded on the CME Globex platform. These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CME.

“Building on our longstanding relationship with Nikkei Inc. we are pleased to be able to offer customers nearly 24-hour access to dollar-denominated Nikkei 225 futures,” said Scot Warren, Managing Director of Equity Index Products and Services. “With the new extended hours, our customers will have round-the-clock access to the benchmark index of leading Japanese stocks.”

With the expansion, market participants will be able to trade the futures contracts while the Japanese equity market is open. Currently, the futures contracts traded at CME are available only while the Japanese equity market is closed.

Under the expanded hours, the contracts will begin trading on CME Globex on Sunday at 17:00-15:15 the next day Chicago Time, with trading Monday–Friday from 15:30 p. m. -15:15 the next day (closing at 15:15 Friday, with a daily maintenance shutdown between 16:30-17:00).

The expanded trading hours were added as part of the licensing agreement extension between CME and Nikkei Inc. Open outcry trading hours, as well as trading hours for dollar-denominated Nikkei 225 options on futures and yen-denominated futures, will remain unchanged.

SGX China A50 futures and Nikkei 225 options are fastest growing contracts globally

The FTSE China A50 futures and Nikkei 225 options traded on Singapore Exchange (SGX) topped the global equity derivatives category between 2008 and 2017, according to the Futures Industry Association (FIA) Annual Volume Survey.

SGX China A50 futures’ volume grew 63894.2 per cent to 21.9 million while SGX Nikkei 225 options grew 4260.9 per cent to 10.2 million.

In 2017 alone, the SGX China A50 futures more than doubled its 2012 volumes, making it one of the fastest growing equity index contracts in the world. Similarly, the Nikkei Options also grew rapidly at 132 per cent YoY.

Overall, global volume growth was 2.1 per cent. However, this headline was impacted by a single contract, the KOSPI options whose volume fell sharply due to the contract size being multiplied by five times. Excluding this effect, global volume would have increased 7.4 per cent and Asia’s volume would have gained 12.8 per cent. SGX’s growth of 39 per cent to 112 million contracts in 2017 remains higher than these adjusted numbers.

From the 1980s to the 1990s, Japan had led Asia's economies in their race to first world status, Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan were not too far behind. Today, the rise of China as the world's largest trading nation and the modernisation processes in India and Southeast Asia's populous nations make the Asia-Pacific a globally significant region. While the FIA survey found that North America had the fastest growth in volume at 9.9 per cent and now accounts for 36.7 per cent of global volume, the ranking would be different if Asia had adjusted for KOSPI options. Asia’s growth figure would become the highest globally at 12.8 per cent.

Leading Asia’s charge was the trading of equity index derivatives in China and Japan. For China, CFFEX’s CSI300 futures was the key driver for China’s growth in equity derivatives while trading in commodities futures also picked up traction. Furthermore, the rise in open interest for commodities futures suggests more hedging rather than speculative activity.

Riding on this trend, SGX Iron Ore derivatives also continue to do well in 2017 with a record monthly volume of 31.7 million MT in January after another record breaking year in 2017. Meanwhile, open interest has also grown steadily, up 26 per cent year to date to 36.3 mil MT. Increasingly, SGX is now a preferred hedging and price discovery centre for seaborne iron ore.

Going forward, there will be a lot to look out for from China. With further liberalisation of the capital and FX markets expected, equity index and commodity options could well be in the pipeline for the onshore market. In response to strong customer demand, SGX has announced plans to launch CNH FX futures and options on the SGX China A50 futures in 3Q 2017 subject to regulatory approval.

“SGX China A50 futures has become a very relevant tool for market makers of China A-share funds. Closely tracking the performance of the onshore market, the A50 futures provides asset managers with an effective hedging tool to manage our delta risk. We are delighted to hear of SGX’s plan to introduce China A50 options as this will offer us added protection against volatility risks,” says Tony Sun, managing director, Haitong International Securities.

Order imbalances explain 90% of returns of Nikkei 225 futures


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Nikkei 225 Short Profits for +500 points & +5R | Jan 23rd

Nikkei 225 – Our Recommended Short Plays Out Heavy In our latest weekly market commentary. we suggested going short between 15840 and 15933 as the trend was showing signs of breaking down and offering a great sell opportunity. Today we reached a high of 15945 (only 8 points above our entry zone high) before selling off 700 points from high to low. The Japanese index closed down about 500 points from the open.

Had you sold on the open, or even at our lowest entry point, you’d have profited about 500 points and +5R on the day as many savvy price action traders did.

NOTE: If you were selling on the low of the prior engulfing bar, you would have entered almost 300 points below ours, showing you the inefficiency of the traditional engulfing bar entry espoused by others.

We expect more downside, so traders not already short can look for corrective pullbacks between 15680 and 15775. Downside targets for us are now 15050 if you haven’t taken profit off the board already.

Are you using a risk model that throws money away? Find out by reading our latest article Fixed % Equity vs. Fixed Dollar Amount | Which is Better?

Want More? My private members get all my trade setups & commentary daily . Haga clic aquí para convertirse en miembro.

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Chris Capre "Hello Elijah - yes many struggling traders have encountered this. " – Mar 24, 9:23 AM

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Nikkei 225 News

Nikkei 225 Slips 0.28% On Brussels, Thin Trading (NYSEARCA:NKY) Sonoran Weekly Review The Nikkei 225 Wednesday retreated 0.28%, as traders evinced somber sentiments in the aftermath of the Brussels bombings, and the yen steadied in a day lacking market clues. The broad measure Nikkei 225 lost 47.57 to 17,000.98, as losing issues.

03/23/2017 10:47 AM

Nikkei 225 Gain: Operating Conditions In Japan Deteriorate FX News Call Nikkei 225 has garnered the strength to break a minor resistance of 17001. The rise of the dollar against the yen has helped boost the Japan's stocks. Nikkei 225 recovered from after a low of 17,025 and has been trading at around 17,025. The situation . Asian shares mixed on Tuesday as Chinese stocks dip modestly while Nikkei buoyed by weaker yen City A. M. Nikkei up 1.9% in otherwise mixed Asian trade CNBC Nikkei rally hurts Yen strength EconoTimes

all 60 news articles »

03/22/2017 08:01 AM

Los derivados de operaciones tales como CFD's, Forex, Futures, Options o Spreadbetting conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que no conviene a todos los inversores. Traders should be confident in the risk profile, control systems, training and knowledge. Comercio directo de derivados no apto para comerciantes inexpertos.

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US-Listed Nikkei 225 ETF To Cost 0.50%

Planned U. S.-listed Nikkei 225 ETF gets a ticker and a price.

Plans for the world’s first U. S.-listed ETF based on the Nikkei 225—Japan’s rough equivalent of the large-cap S&P 500 benchmark—moved forward this week with a regulatory filing that not only put the fund into actual registration, but also disclosed both the ticker symbol and the price of the new security. Such detail in a filing sometimes suggests a fund is nearing launch.

The latest paperwork filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission comes a week after an updated exemptive relief filing in which the ETF sponsor said the fund will be named the Maxis Nikkei 225 Index Fund. The new N-1 filing dated June 13 that put the fund into registration said the ETF will trade under the symbol “NKY” on the New York Stock Exchange’s electronic platform, Arca, and will come with an annual expense ratio of 0.50 percent.

That’s less expensive than the nearly $7 billion iShares MSCI Japan Index Fund (NYSEArca: EWJ), which costs 0.54 percent, but more expensive than the 0.48 percent expense ratio of the $446 million WisdomTree Japan Hedged Equity Fund (NYSEArca: DXJ). DXJ is designed to neutralize exposure to the Japanese yen relative to the dollar.

The Nikkei 225 has been the premier index of Japanese stocks for the last 60 years. Many financial products are linked to the Nikkei 225, including investment trusts and index futures. They have been developed and are traded on exchanges worldwide. A number of Nikkei 225 ETFs exist, but they’re available only to Japanese investors or those with foreign accounts. Also, they’re not denominated in dollars, as the Maxis Nikkei 225 Index Fund will be.

While the Nikkei 225 is perhaps more akin to the Dow Jones industrial average, as both are price weighted, the proposed fund could end up being the Japan equivalent of the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (NYSEArca: SPY) in terms of liquidity. SPY is the world’s largest exchange-traded fund, and is now widely used by buy-and-hold investors and day traders alike.

Cart Before The Horse?

It wasn’t immediately clear whether the petitioner, Precidian ETFs Trust, had obtained exemptive relief that would give it official permission to market ETFs. An official at the firm declined to comment, citing SEC regulations that prohibit public comments on securities that are in some stage of planning at the commission.

Firms sometimes put funds into registration before obtaining exemptive relief because they believe such approval is imminent.

Exemptive relief filings such as the one made by Precidian grant ETF firms exception to sections of the Investment Act of 1940, and are just the first step in the path to launching ETFs. It often takes at least six to 12 months from the date of the initial filing for a company’s first ETF to hit the market.

In the new exemptive relief filing dated June 3, Bedminster, N. J.-based Precidian said Foreside Fund Services LLC, a firm incorporated in Delaware but based in Portland, Maine, would be the distributor of the Maxis Nikkei 225 Index Fund.

When plans of the Nikkei 225 ETF first became public in an initial exemptive relief filing with the SEC last August, the petitioner said NEXT ETFs LLC would be the advisor.

But the updated exemptive relief filing a week ago said the fund advisor had become Precidian Funds.

It wasn’t immediately clear whether the change in advisor meant that NEXT Investments, an ETF consulting firm also based in Bedminster, N. J. would be changing its name to Precidian. An official from the company declined to comment at that time, again citing regulations that prohibit comments on filings that are still coursing their way through the SEC.

On its website last summer, NEXT said it is launching the planned ETF with Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co. Ltd. and Nikkei Inc.

The Nikkei index is sponsored by Nikkei Inc. a Japanese media company that publishes five newspapers and operates an online news site, according to the first exemptive relief filing. Nikkei Inc. focuses on business and economic news and information.

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Then it calculates a second simple moving average on the first moving average with the tcehnology window size. This basket consists of EUR (euro), GBP (British pound), CAD (Canadian dollar), SEK (Swedish krona), JPY (Japanese yen).

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Exchange Traded Commodities (ETCs)

iShares Physical ETCs are exchange traded commodities and are neither fund nor exchange traded funds. The iShares Physical ETCs are series of secured metal-linked securities issued in the form of debt securities. Unlike the iShares funds domiciled in Ireland which issue shares, the securities of all iShares Physical ETCs are issued in the form of debt securities which are listed and traded as non-equity securities.

Precious metal prices are generally more volatile than most other asset classes, making investment riskier and more complex than other investments. In addition, iShares Physical ETCs are limited recourse obligations which are payable solely out of the underlying secured property. If the secured property is insufficient, any outstanding claims will remain unpaid.

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For investors in the UK

The iShares Physical Metals plc prospectus has been drawn up in accordance with the Prospectus Directive 2003/71/EC and approved by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”). The prospectus and additional information relating to the ETCs, including annual reports, are available on the iShares website at www. ishares. com .

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Investment in the products mentioned in this document may not be suitable for all investors and involve a significant degree of risk. Investors should read carefully and ensure they understand the Risk Factors in the Prospectus. Past performance is not a guide to future performance and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product. The price of the investments may go up or down and the investor may not get back the amount invested. Your income is not fixed and may fluctuate. The value of investments involving exposure to foreign currencies can be affected by exchange rate movements. The securities are priced in US Dollars and the value of the investment in other currencies will be affected by exchange rate movements. We remind you that the levels and bases of, and reliefs from, taxation can change.

The securities issued by iShares Physical Metals plc are limited recourse obligations which are payable solely out of the underlying secured property. If the secured property is insufficient any outstanding claims will remain unpaid.

Precious metal prices are generally more volatile than most other asset classes, making investments riskier and more complex than other investments.

BlackRock have not considered the suitability of this investment against your individual needs and risk tolerance. The data displayed provides summary information, investment should be made on the basis of the relevant Prospectus which is available from your Broker, Financial Adviser or BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited. We recommend you seek independent professional advice prior to investing.

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"Barclays Capital Inc." and 'Barclays US Government Inflation-Linked Bond Index', 'Barclays US Treasury 1-3 Year Term Index', 'Barclays US Treasury 10 Year Term Index', 'Barclays UK Government Inflation-Linked Bond Index', 'Barclays Austria Treasury Bond Index', 'Barclays Belgium Treasury Bond Index', 'Barclays Emerging Markets Asia Local Govt Capped Bond', 'Barclays Emerging Markets Europe Local Govt Capped Bond', 'Barclays Emerging Markets Latin America Local Govt Capped Bond', 'Barclays Emerging Markets Local Govt Bond', 'Barclays Euro Aggregate Bond Index', 'iShares Barclays Euro Corporate Bond ex-Financials Interest Rate Hedged', 'Barclays Euro Corporate 1-5 Year Bond Index', 'Barclays Euro Corporate ex Financials 1-5 Year Bond Index', 'Barclays Euro Corporate ex Financials Bond Index', 'Barclays Euro-Aggregate Financial Index', 'iShares Barclays Euro Corporate Bond Interest Rate Hedged', 'Barclays Euro Corporate Bond Index', 'Barclays Euro Short Treasury (0-12 Months) Bond Index', 'Barclays Euro Government Bond 10-15 yr Term Index', 'Barclays Euro Government Bond 1-3 Year Term Index', 'Barclays Euro Government Bond 15-30 Year Term Index', 'Barclays Euro Government Bond 5 Year Term Index', 'Barclays Euro Government Bond 5-7 yr Term Index', 'Barclays Euro Government Bond 10 Year Term Index', 'Barclays Euro Treasury Bond Index', 'Barclays Euro Government Inflation-Linked Bond Index', 'Barclays Finland Treasury Bond Index', 'Barclays France Treasury Bond Index', 'Barclays Germany Treasury Bond Index', 'Barclays Global Government AAA-AA Capped Bond Index', 'Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index', 'Barclays Global Aggregate Corporate Index (EUR hedged)', 'Barclays Global Aggregate Corporate Bond Index', 'Barclays World Government Inflation-Linked Bond Index', 'Barclays Italy Treasury Bond Index', 'Barclays Netherlands Treasury Bond Index', 'Barclays EM Local Currency Govt Core 0-5 Index', 'Barclays Spain Treasury Bond Index' and 'Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index' are trademarks of Barclays Bank PLC and have been licensed for use for certain purposes by BlackRock Fund Advisors or its affiliates. iShares® is a registered trademark of BlackRock Fund Advisors or its affiliates. The Underlying Indices are maintained by Barclays Capital. Barclays Capital is not affiliated with the Funds, BFA, State Street, the Distributor or any of their respective affiliates.

BFA has entered into a license agreement with the Index Provider to use the Underlying Indices. BFA, or its affiliates, sublicenses rights in the Underlying Indices to the Company at no charge.

Copyright © 2017, Citigroup Index LLC. Todos los derechos reservados. CITIGROUP is a registered trademark and service mark of Citigroup Inc. or its affiliates, is used and registered throughout the world, and is used under license for certain purposes by BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited and certain of its affiliates. Reproduction of the Citigroup data and information in any form is prohibited except with the prior written permission of Citigroup Index LLC ('Citigroup'). iShares Global Government Bond UCITS ETF is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Citigroup, and Citigroup makes no representation regarding the advisability of investing in such fund. Because of the possibility of human or mechanical error, Citigroup does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or availability of any data and information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such data and information. CITIGROUP GIVES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE. In no event shall Citigroup be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages in connection with any use of the Citigroup data and information.

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The EURO STOXX®, EURO STOXX® Banks, EURO STOXX® Health Care, EURO STOXX® Select Dividend 30, EURO STOXX® Technology, EURO STOXX® Telecommunications, STOXX® Asia/Pacific 600 Real Estate Cap, STOXX® EU Enlarged 15, STOXX® Europe 50. STOXX® Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts, STOXX® Europe 600 Banks, STOXX® Europe 600 Basic Resources, STOXX® Europe 600 Chemicals, STOXX® Europe 600 Construction & Materials, STOXX® Europe 600 Financial Services, STOXX® Europe 600 Food & Beverage, STOXX® Europe 600 Health Care, STOXX® Europe 600 Industrial Goods & Services, STOXX® Europe 600 Insurance, STOXX® Europe 600 Media, STOXX® Europe 600 Oil & Gas, STOXX® Europe 600 Personal & Household Goods, STOXX® Europe 600 Real Estate Cap, STOXX® Europe 600 Retail, STOXX® Europe 600 Technology, STOXX® Europe 600 Telecommunications, STOXX® Europe 600 Travel & Leisure, STOXX® Europe600, STOXX® Europe 600 Utilities, STOXX® Europe Large 200, STOXX® Europe Mid 200, STOXX® Europe Select Dividend 30, STOXX® Europe Small 200, STOXX® Global Select Dividend 100 and STOXX® Americas 600 Real Estate Cap indices and the trademarks used in the index names are the intellectual property of STOXX Limited, Zurich, Switzerland and/or its licensors. The indices are used under license from STOXX. The securities based on the indices are in no way sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by STOXX and/or its licensors and neither STOXX nor its licensors shall have any liability with respect thereto.

"Dow Jones" and Dow Jones Asia Pacific Select Dividend 30, Dow Jones China Offshore 50, Dow Jones Global Titans 50, Dow Jones Industrial Average and Dow Jones U. S. Select Dividend are licensed for use for certain purposes by BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG. iShares Dow Jones Asia Pacific Select Dividend 30 UCITS ETF (DE), iShares Dow Jones China Offshore 50 UCITS ETF (DE), iShares Dow Jones Global Titans 50 UCITS ETF (DE), iShares Dow Jones Industrial Average UCITS ETF (DE) and iShares Dow Jones U. S. Select Dividend UCITS ETF (DE) are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Dow Jones and Dow Jones makes no representation regarding the advisability of investing in these products.

S&P® is a registered trademark of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (“S&P”) and “Dow Jones®” is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (“Dow Jones”) and have been licensed for use by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and its affiliates and sublicensed for certain purposes by BlackRock Fund Advisors or its affiliates (“BlackRock”). The Dow Jones Asia/Pacific Select Dividend 30 Index, Dow Jones Industrial AverageSM and Dow Jones Emerging Markets Select Dividend are products of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC or its affiliates, and have been licensed for use by BlackRock. The iShares Asia Pacific Dividend UCITS ETF, iShares Dow Jones Industrial AverageSM UCITS ETF and iShares Emerging Markets Dividend UCITS ETF (the “Funds”) are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, Dow Jones, S&P, their respective affiliates, and none of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, Dow Jones, S&P nor their respective affiliates makes any representation regarding the advisability of investing in the Funds. BlackRock is not affiliated with the companies listed above. Index data source: S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC.

The “Dow Jones Sustainability World Enlarged Index ex Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling, Armaments, Firearms and Adult Entertainment SM and Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Enlarged Index ex Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling, Armaments, Firearms and Adult Entertainment SM" is a joint product of Dow Jones Indexes, the marketing name and a licensed trademark of CME Group Index Services LLC ("CME Indexes"), and SAM Indexes GmbH (“SAM”), and has been licensed for use. "Dow Jones®", "[DJSI Index]SM" and "Dow Jones Indexes" are service marks of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings, LLC ("Dow Jones") and have been licensed to CME Indexes and sublicensed for use for certain purposes by BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited. Dow Jones, CME Indexes, SAM and their respective affiliates have no relationship to [licensee], other than making of the “Dow Jones Sustainability World Enlarged Index ex Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling, Armaments, Firearms and Adult Entertainment SM and Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Enlarged Index ex Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling, Armaments, Firearms and Adult Entertainment SM"(the "Index") and their respective service marks available for use in connection with the iShares.

The Dow Jones-UBS Commodity IndexesSM are a joint product of Dow Jones Opco, LLC (“Dow Jones Opco”), a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, and UBS Securities LLC (“UBS”), and have been licensed for use. Dow Jones® and DJ are trademarks of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. UBS® is a registered trademark of UBS AG. S&P® is a registered trademark of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC. BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG's iShares Dow Jones-UBS Commodity Swap UCITS ETF (DE) based on the 0, is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Dow Jones, UBS, Dow Jones Opco or any of their respective subsidiaries or affiliates, and none of Dow Jones, UBS, Dow Jones Opco or any of their respective affiliates, makes any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such product.

Euronext Indices B. V. has all proprietary rights with respect to the AEX-index® (the 'Index'). In no way Euronext Indices B. V. sponsors, endorses or is otherwise involved in the issue and offering of the product. Euronext Indices B. V. disclaims any liability to any party for any inaccuracy in the data on which the Index is based, for any mistakes, errors, or omissions in the calculation and/or dissemination of the Index, or for the manner in which it is applied in connection with the issue and offering thereof. 'AEX®' and 'AEX-index®' are registered trademarks of Euronext N. V. or its subsidiaries.

'FTSE®' is a trade mark jointly owned by the London Stock Exchange plc and the Financial Times Limited (the 'FT') and is used by FTSE International Limited ('FTSE') under licence. The FTSE BRIC 50 Index, FTSE China 25 Index, FTSE 100 Index, FTSE 250 Index, FTSE UK Dividend + Index, FTSE UK Conventional Gilts - Up To 5 Years Index and FTSE Actuaries Government Securities UK Gilts All Stocks Index are calculated by or on behalf of FTSE International Limited ('FTSE'). None of the Exchange, the FT nor FTSE sponsors, endorses or promotes iShares BRIC 50 UCITS ETF, iShares China Large Cap UCITS ETF, iShares FTSE 100 UCITS ETF (Acc), iShares FTSE 100 UCITS ETF (Inc), iShares FTSE 250 UCITS ETF, iShares UK Dividend UCITS ETF, iShares UK Gilts 0-5yr UCITS ETF and iShares UK Gilts UCITS ETF nor is in any way connected to the funds or accepts any liability in relation to their issue, operation and trading. All copyright and database rights within the index values and constituent list vest in FTSE. BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited has obtained full licence from FTSE to use such copyright and database rights in the creation of these products.

The FTSE 100 is calculated by FTSE international Limited. FTSE does not sponsor, endorse or promote iShares FTSE 100 (DE). All copyright in the index values and constituent lists vests in FTSE. BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG has obtained full license from FTSE to use such copyright in the creation of this product. 'FTSETM' is a trade mark jointly owned by the London Stock Exchange Limited and The Financial Times Limited and is used by FTSE international Limited under license.

'FTSE®' is a trade mark of the London Stock Exchange plc and the Financial Times Limited, 'MIB' is a trade mark of Borsa Italiana SpA ('Borsa Italiana') and both are used by FTSE International Limited ('FTSE') under licence. The FTSE MIB Index is calculated by FTSE with the assistance of Borsa Italiana. Neither FTSE nor its licensors nor Borsa Italiana sponsor, endorse or promote the iShares FTSE MIB UCITS ETF (Acc) and iShares FTSE MIB UCITS ETF (Inc) and are not in any way connected to it and do not accept any liability in relation to its issue, operation and trading. All copyright in the index values and constituent list vest in FTSE. BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited has obtained full licence from FTSE to use such copyright in the creation of this product.

FTSE®' is a trade mark jointly owned by the London Stock Exchange plc and the Financial Times Limited (the 'FT'), 'NAREIT®' is a trade mark of the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts ('NAREIT') and 'EPRA®' is a trade mark of the European Public Real Estate Association ('EPRA') and all are used by FTSE under licence. The FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Asia Dividend+ Index, FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Dividend+ Index, FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe ex UK Dividend+ Index, FTSE EPRA/NAREIT UK Index and FTSE EPRA/NAREIT United States Dividend + Index are calculated by FTSE International Limited ('FTSE'). None of the Exchange, the FT, FTSE, Euronext N. V. NAREIT nor EPRA sponsors, endorses or promotes iShares Asia Property Yield UCITS ETF, iShares Developed Markets Property Yield UCITS ETF, iShares European Property Yield UCITS ETF, iShares UK Property UCITS ETF and iShares US Property Yield UCITS ETF nor is in any way connected to the funds or accepts any liability in relation to their issue, operation and trading. All copyright and database rights within the index values and constituent list vest in FTSE, Euronext N. V. NAREIT and EPRA. BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited has obtained full licence from FTSE to use such copyright and database rights in the creation of these products.

'FTSE®' is a trade mark jointly owned by the London Stock Exchange plc and the Financial Times Limited (the 'FT'). 'FTSEurofirst®' is a trademark jointly owned by FTSE International Limited ('FTSE') and Euronext N. V ('Euronext'). The FTSEurofirst 100 Index and FTSEurofirst 80 Index are compiled and calculated by or on behalf of FTSE. None of the Exchange, the FT, FTSE or Euronext sponsors, endorses or promotes iShares FTSEurofirst 100 UCITS ETF and iShares FTSEurofirst 80 UCITS ETF nor is in any way connected to the funds or accepts any liability in relation to their issue, operation and trading. All copyright and database rights within the index values and constituent list vest in FTSE and Euronext. BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited has obtained full licence from FTSE to use such copyright and database rights in the creation of these products.

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The Markit iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade Interest Rate Hedged Index, iBoxx, Markit iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade 0-5 Index, Markit iBoxx USD Liquid High Yield 0-5 Capped Index, Markit iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade Ultrashort Index, Markit iBoxx GBP Non-financials Index, Markit iBoxx GBP Liquid Investment Grade Ultrashort Index, Markit iBoxx € Covered Index, Markit iBoxx EUR Sovereigns 1-3Y (Mid), Markit iBoxx EUR Sovereigns 3-7Y (Mid), Markit iBoxx EUR Sovereigns 7-10Y (Mid), Markit iBoxx Euro Sovereigns Inflation-Linked Index Nom. (Mid), Markit iBoxx EUR Liquid Investment Grade Ultrashort Index, Markit iBoxx Global Developed Markets Liquid High Yield Capped (CHF Hedged), Markit iBoxx Global Developed Markets Liquid High Yield Capped (GBP Hedged), Markit iBoxx Global Developed Markets Liquid High Yield Capped Index, Markit iBoxx USD Treasuries 1-3Y (Mid), Markit iBoxx USD Treasuries 3-7Y (Mid), Markit iBoxx USD Treasuries 7-10 (Mid) and Markit iBoxx Tips Inflation-Linked Index Nom. (Mid) referenced herein are the property of Markit Indices Limited and is used under license. The iShares $ Corporate Bond Interest Rate Hedged UCITS ETF, iShares $ Corporate Bond UCITS ETF, iShares $ High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF, iShares $ Short Duration Corporate Bond UCITS ETF. iShares $ Short Duration High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF, iShares $ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF, iShares £ Corporate Bond 1-5yr UCITS ETF. iShares £ Corporate Bond ex-Financials UCITS ETF, iShares £ Corporate Bond UCITS ETF, iShares £ Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF, iShares Euro Corporate Bond Large Cap UCITS ETF, iShares Euro Covered Bond UCITS ETF, iShares Euro Government Bond 1-3 UCITS ETF (Acc), iShares Euro Government Bond 3-7 UCITS ETF (Acc), iShares Euro Government Bond 7-10 UCITS ETF (Acc), iShares Euro High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF, iShares Euro Inflation Link Bond UCITS ETF, iShares Euro Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF, iShares Global High Yield Corp Bond CHF Hedged UCITS ETF, iShares Global High Yield Corp Bond GBP Hedged UCITS ETF, iShares Global High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF, iShares USD Government Bond 1-3 UCITS ETF (Acc), iShares USD Government Bond 3-7 UCITS ETF (Acc), iShares USD Government Bond 7-10 UCITS ETF (Acc) and iShares USD Inflation Linked Bond UCITS ETF are not sponsored, endorsed, or promoted by Markit Indices Limited.

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Outlook (Nikkei 225)

Resistances: 17740/840, 18350/530 & 19100

Next support: 16000/15800

Medium-term (1 to 3 weeks) Outlook

Last week, the Japan 225 (proxy for the Nikkei 225) has drifted lower in the earlier part of last week but held above the previous 16480 medium-term pivotal support as expected. Thereafter, it has managed to reverse and continued its rally towards our first expected upside target at 17740/840; added by Bank of Japan’s latest monetary policy of negative interest rate (-0.1%) on excess reserves.

Let’s us take a look at the current technical elements to decipher what is in store for the Index this coming week. Firstly, the Index is still being capped by a resistance zone of 18350/18530 which is defined by the former trendline support (in dotted red, see weekly chart) from 14 October 2012 low and congestion area that has connected the previous swing highs of 09 September and 17 September 2017). The next resistance to watch stands at 19100 which is the significant descending trendline that has linked the lower highs since June 2017 (printed a high of 20962) and also a Fibonacci cluster.

The daily (medium-term) RSI oscillator, a measure of price momentum has broken above the 50% level and its former trendline resistance and still has room for further upside potential before reaching its overbought region. But do note, that the longer-term (weekly) RSI oscillator has not turned bullish as it remains below its resistance and the 50% level. Therefore, any potential rally is considered as a countertrend within an expected primary bearish trend.

In the short-term, current price action has banged into its immediate resistance zone of 17740/840. In addition, the 4 hour (short-term) Stochastic oscillator has reached its extreme overbought level which it indicates the risk of a pull-back in price action at this juncture.

Therefore, we are now expecting a minor pull-back below 17740/840; holding above this week medium-term pivotal support at 17230 before another round of potential “snap-back rally” occurs to target the next resistance at 18350/530 with a maximum limit set at 19100.

On the other hand, failure to hold above the 17230 pivotal support is likely to invalidate the “snap-back rally” scenario for another round of decline to retest the 16000/15800 support.


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Nikkei 225

Logarithmic-scale graph of the Nikkei 225 from 1914 to 2012

The Nikkei 225 ( 日経平均株価. Nikkei heikin kabuka ?. 日経225). more commonly called the Nikkei . the Nikkei index . or the Nikkei Stock Average [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ( / ˈ n ɪ k eɪ /. / ˈ n iː k eɪ /. or / n ɪ ˈ k eɪ / ), is a stock market index for the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). It has been calculated daily by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun ( Nikkei ) newspaper since 1950. It is a price-weighted index (the unit is yen ), and the components are reviewed once a year. Currently, the Nikkei is the most widely quoted average of Japanese equities, similar to the Dow Jones Industrial Average. In fact, it was known as the "Nikkei Dow Jones Stock Average" from 1975 to 1985. [ 3 ]

The Nikkei 225 began to be calculated on September 7, 1950, retroactively calculated back to May 16, 1949. Since January 2010 the index is updated every 15 seconds during trading sessions.

The Nikkei 225 Futures, introduced at Singapore Exchange (SGX) in 1986, the Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) in 1988, Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) in 1990, is now an internationally recognized futures index. [ 4 ]

The Nikkei average has deviated sharply from the textbook model of stock averages which grow at a steady exponential rate. The average hit its all-time high on December 29, 1989, during the peak of the Japanese asset price bubble. when it reached an intra-day high of 38,957.44 before closing at 38,915.87, having grown sixfold during the decade. Subsequently, it lost nearly all these gains, closing at 7,054.98 on March 10, 2009—81.9% below its peak twenty years earlier.

Another major index for the Tokyo Stock Exchange is the Topix .

On March 15, 2011, the second working day after the massive earthquake in the northeast part of Japan. the index dropped over 10% to finish at 8605.15, a loss of 1,015 points. The index continued to drop throughout 2011, eventually bottoming out at 8160.01 on November 25, putting it at its lowest close since March 10, 2009. The Nikkei fell over 17% in 2011, finishing the year at 8455.35, its lowest year-end closing value in nearly thirty years, when the index finished at 8016.70 in 1982. [ 5 ]

The Nikkei started 2017 near 10,600, hitting a peak of 15,942 in May. However, shortly afterward, it plunged by almost 10% before rebounding, making it the most volatile stock market index among the developed markets. By 2017, it has reached over 20,000 mark; marking a gain of over 10,000 in 2 years making it one of the fastest growing stock market indexes in the world.



The index is a price-weighted index. As of late 2017, the company with the largest influence on the index is Fast Retailing.

Nikkei 225 Hit All-Time High of 38,957.00 on December 29th, 1989

The Nikkei 225 is a stock market index that contains 225 of Japan's largest publicly traded companies, including the likes of Toyota, Honda, Sony and Toshiba.

The Nikkei 225 is similar to the Dow Jones Industrial Average, in that it contains companies from a wide variety of different industries, including electronics, manufacturing and insurance.

Anyways, from the early 1970s until December of 1989, the Nikkei 225 basically went straight up.

From 1985 to the end of 1989, the chart for the Nikkei 225 really went parabolic, trading from around 10,000 to an unbelievable 38,915.87 in just a few short years.

There was obviously an unbelievable amount of wealth created during the late 1980s in Japan - I mean, imagine if the Dow Jones Industrial Average traded from 10,000 to almost 40,000 in just five years.

All good things must come to an end, and the rapid rise in Japanese stocks came to an abrupt halt in the 1990s.

The 1990s is now referred to as the "Lost Decade" in Japan - speculative excesses were wrung out of both the real estate and stock markets, and economic growth was nowhere to be found. The country took on an enormous amount of debt in an attempt to stimulate their lifeless economy - however, these efforts were largely in vain, as the economy endured a long, L-shaped depression.

Robust growth in the Japanese economy, once referred to as the "Japanese miracle", had now been extinguished.

Japan, FYI, is the second largest economy in the world, with a total GDP of around $4.38 trillion dollars (as of 2007). This is larger than Germany, China, the UK and France.

20 years later, the Nikkei 225 is currently trading at 8,755.26.

This is around 22% of what the index was trading at in the late 1980s.

Why am I telling you this?

I've lost count of the number of people who have told me that they are just going to sit on their long-term investments indefinitely, because the "market always comes back over time".

Sure, the Dow might top 13,000 again in the future.

The S&P 500 might just trade above 1,440 once again.

Heck, maybe the Nasdaq will return to its glory days and trade over 5,000. Anything is possible.

I'm just saying - you NEED to consider the possibility that stocks may take decades to "come back".

There are probably people in Japan that are still holding from 20 years ago, hoping that the Nikkei 225 "comes back".

When you consider that their money has lost value due to inflation, the carnage becomes even worse.

Japan isn't some tiny nation that you should ignore - they have, as mentioned, the second largest economy in the world.

Just some food for thought for you. The markets don't ALWAYS come back. Stocks don't ALWAYS come back. This is what money managers and stock brokers tell you so that you will continue to park your money with them.

These are incredibly uncertain and unique times that we are currently living through right now. Nothing is guaranteed, including any future returns in your portfolio.

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Spencer England | October 12, 2008 3:26 pm

Just a little different way of looking at the data. One of the constant comments is that stock plunges like this are buying opportunities because markets always come back. Obviously, the people saying this are not including the Japanese stock market in their sample. The Nikkei 225 is now almost back to where it was in 1981 and has never made any attempt to regain its 1989 peak.

Yes, I know there were massive differences in valuations at the peaks, but the S&P 500 valuation at the 2000 peak was also completely outside the range of historic experience.

While we are in the middle of a crises and everyone’s comments are centered on it, one of the more interesting things no one is talking about is how this plunge demonstrates that the shift from defined benefit pension plans to defined contribution plans was a major pay cut for middle class Americans. It shifted the market risks from the corporate balance sheet to the individual.

Interesting how all those writing about the growth of fringe benefits fail to bring this up.

Overview of the Nikkei 225 Stock Market Index

TheВ Nikkei 225В is aВ stock market indexВ for theВ Tokyo Stock ExchangeВ (TSE). It is calculated daily by theВ Nihon Keizai ShimbunВ (Nikkei) newspaper. The Nikkei was first calculated in 1950 and is the most widely quoted average of Japanese stocks.

It is similar to the US’ Dow Jones Index in that it is a price-weighted index so companies with higher share prices receive a larger weighting when determining the value of the index. It was in fact called the Nikkei Dow Jones Stock Average from 1975 to 1985.

The Nikkei measures the performance of 225 large, publicly-owned companies in Japan from a wide array of industry sectors. It therefore maps the performance of the Japanese economy and is an indicator of investor sentiment towards Japanese equities.

Companies of the Nikkei 225 Stock Market Index

Below is a list of the fifteen largest companies in terms of share price on the Nikkei*.

Central Japan Railway

East Japan Railway

Nippon Telegraph & Telephone

*As of 30 th September 2017

Fast Retailing is the largest company on the Nikkei. Its share price is over double that of FANUC, priced at 36,850 Yen as of the 30 th September 2017. Fast Retailing is a retail holding company that owns the Uniqlo clothing brand among several other well known Japanese brands. It has a weight of over 9% of the Nikkei.

The Nikkei is heavily influenced by technology companies. Pharmaceuticals, electric machinery and communications fall under the technology sector. It is therefore important to understand the performance of these sectors of the economy when trading the Nikkei.

Sector Weight of the Nikkei

Admission to the Nikkei

The components of the Nikkei are reviewed on an annual basis every autumn. If a change is decided by the selection committee it takes place at the start of October. However, at any stage we can see a change if a company is delisted from the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). This is known as an Extraordinary Replacement and is usually the result of a bankruptcy or merger.

October 2017 will see the first changes to the Nikkei in two years. Nitto Denko and Tokyu Fudosan Holdings will replace Tokyu Land Corporation and Mitsubishi Paper Mills respectively. This is because Tokyu Land Corporation will be delisted from the TSE and will form a new holding company. Mitsubishi Paper Mills is being removed due to a decline in liquidity.

The goal of the Nikkei is to portray an accurate representation of the Japanese economy and their equities market. A constituent must be a domestic company listed on the Tokyo stock exchange and issue ordinary shares for it to be a listed on the Nikkei. Industry sector balance (from the six above in our pie chart) and trading volume/liquidity are two criteria which are assessed when selecting constituents.

Calculation of the Nikkei

Just like the Dow Jones 30 the Nikkei is calculated using the price of each share rather than the overall market capitalization of the company. However the share prices are all adjusted by a вЂ˜presumed par value’ so stocks traded by a lot size of 1 have a different price level than shares traded by a lot size of 100 or 1000 shares.

The formula to calculate the Nikkei is therefore:

The divisor is amended based on corporate actions such as stock splits and mergers, as well as for the introduction of new constituents. As of the 1 st October 2017 the divisor is set at 25.414. This was increased from 24.975 because of the two additions we mentioned above as well as a 1.1 – 1 stock split of Nisshin Seifun Group.

The Value of the Nikkei

Historically the Nikkei has bucked the trend of other national stock indices. The textbook model of stock averages is that they have grown steadily over the years with a sharp decline during periods of recession and political instability.

The US and European indices have hit (or been near to) their all-time highs in 2017. The Nikkei has deviated from this pattern. The Nikkei hit its all-time high back on December 29, 1989, during the peak of theВ Japanese asset price bubble. The Nikkei closed at 38,915.87 that day, having grown six-fold during the 1980s. Subsequently, it started declining from this date and eroded all those gains. On March 10 th 2009 the Nikkei closed 82% below that peak at 7,054.98.

On March 15, 2011, we saw the Nikkei plunge over 10% in one day to 9605.15. This was shortly after the devastating earthquake hit the northeast part of Japan. The index continued to drop throughout 2011, eventually bottoming out at 8160.01 on November 25, putting it at its lowest close since March 10, 2009. The Nikkei fell over 17% in 2011, finishing the year at 8455.35, its lowest year-end closing value in nearly thirty years, when the index finished at 8016.70 in 1982.

2017 has been an exceptional year in terms of gains for the Nikkei. This has been mainly because of Japan’s recent vigorous changes towards monetary and fiscal policy. Their new Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has ramped up government spending and the Central Bank of Japan has been injecting money into the economy at a massive scale. Abe is looking to make Japan’s labor market more flexible and encourage women to enter the workforce.

Things to Remember When Trading the Nikkei

The Nikkei futures contract is tradable from 23:46 – 06:24 & 07:31 – 17:54 (GMT), Monday to Friday.

The Nikkei moves in increments of 5.00.

The margin requirement for trading the Nikkei is usually about 2% (i. e. 50 to 1 leverage) with most brokers.

The minimum trade size is 100 indexes.

The currency of the Nikkei is the Japanese Yen.

Nikkei 225: Is The Hottest Equity Market About To Cool Off?

The past 2 years have been red-hot for Japanese equities. The best gauge of the Japanese stock market is the Nikkei 225 Index . And believe it or not, it is out performing the S&P 500 over the past 2 years… by a lot!

The performance chart below shows just how intense the rally has been for the Nikkei 225.

Nikkei 225 vs S&P 500 – 2 Year Performance Chart

BUT, there is also reason for caution. Looking at the monthly chart below, a “doji star” reversal pattern may be forming (for the month of December). And it’s forming right at the intersection of long-term lateral and down trend resistance lines – marked in yellow as point (1) in the chart below.

A follow through move lower would confirm this bearish reversal pattern, while a breakout above this 3-pronged resistance would be bullish.

Nikkei 225 Monthly Chart

Either way, this resistance zone will be critical in determining the next major move for Japanese equities. And if this doji star pattern has anything to do with it, perhaps the hottest stock market on earth is set for a cool down. ¡Gracias por leer!

No position in any of the mentioned securities at the time of publication. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author, and do not in any way represent the views or opinions of any other person or entity.

by WaveTrack International | February 18, 2017 | Sin comentarios

As a part of our Elliott Wave success pattern series we chose this time to show Japan’s Nikkei 225 index which underwent a spectacular reversal-signature during 2017. These patterns allow you to get insights into WaveTrack’s forecasting style and quality.

In early-December, we concluded that the top was in when the Nikkei broke below ‘4th wave preceding’ support at 19250 (futures data). Intra-hourly substructure of this initial five wave expanding-impulse decline pointed to an idealised low at 18365+/- prior to a hefty counter-trend rally.

NIKKEI 225 – 360 mins. & # 8211; Forecast 16th December 2017

In mid-December, a reversal-signature from a low at 18565 (close to the 18365+/- target range) was identified which implied that the expected counter-trend rally was underway. Upside projections basis our interrelated-market analysis suggested a very deep 2nd wave counter-trend correction to the 1st wave decline from 20060 to 18565 – the most likely target was the 19835+/- resistance area, defined by a fib. 85.4% retracement.

NIKKEI 225 – 360 mins. & # 8211; Result! 22nd December 2017

Then came the announcement by the Bank of Japan to increase their bond-buying programme and lengthen the maturity of bonds purchased in order to stimulate the economy. The Nikkei’s reaction in fact was intriguing! It spiked higher in an attempt to take out the 20060 high but failed in a dramatic fashion: within the next session it almost returned to the December lows and has since been unable to recover! This is a fine example to underline the validity of Elliott Wave analysis. As we know due to Elliott’s guidelines and our own long experience, 2nd waves tend to be rather deep – this is exactly what happened as the Nikkei even exceeded the fib. 85.4% retracement but failed to break the 1st wave’s high. The outlook is clear: despite the possibility of a secondary (but more docile) attempt higher as a smaller second wave, the Nikkei remains poised to the downside.

Don’t forget – our bi-weekly Elliott Wave Compass report features many short-term updates next to the Nikkei 225 of various asset classes. Deepen your Elliott Wave Knowledge Subscribe to the EW-Compass here…

Nikkei Index Fund and other Japan ETFs (EWJ and NKY ETF)

Japanese Market Performance

It is no secret that Japan has been in the doldrums in the last 2o years for equity investors. Since the election of Shinzo Abe and the turnaround driven by Abenomics. The Japanese stock market had a great 2012 and 2017. The fall in Yen vs Dollar from 80 to 120 JPY per US dollar has supported Japanese corporate profitability and return on shareholder equity.

Current economic environment is positive for investors and will continue to do so as economic growth and the fight to end deflation continues to be important economic policy consideration of the current government.

Aside from the growth in exports through lower Yen. The domestic economy will also be supported through the preparation of Tokyo 2020 olympics. Commercial office rental and construction has been ramping up in the revitalization of new Olympic areas.

All of the above is conditional on the BOJ and the Japanese government to come through in the implementation of Abenomics. The market has high expectation and so far policy makers has delivered. But they would still need to follow through with economic reform to ensure Japan’s growth engine will continue.

What is the Nikkei 225 Index?

The Nikkei 225 is one of the most well known Japanese benchmark index. Unlike the Chinese stock market indexes. There are a number of index funds that tracks the major Japanese equity indexes for US investors.

Similar to the Dow Jones Industrial average, the Nikkei index is calculated on a price weighted basis of the 225 largest Japanese stocks on the Tokyo stock exchange.

With 225 largest Japanese corporates, the index provides a good coverage of the Japanese equity exposure with like NTT DOCOMO in Telecoms, Sony in Consumer Electronics, Mitsubishi and Toyota in manufacturing.

The Nikkei index peaked in the late 1990s during the Japanese stock market bubble and have not recovered since.

Nikkei Index Funds

MAXIS Nikkei 225 Index ETF (NKY) the largest exchange traded funds that tracks the Nikkei 225. Alternative large cap ETFs that tracks the Japanese markets include iShares MSCI Japan Index Fund (EWJ) and WisdomTree Japan Hedged Equity Fund (DXJ) .

DXJ can be a good option for investors that want Japanese market exposure without the USD/JPY risk or foreign exchange risk .

The charts above shows EWJ tracks the NKY closely over the last year. The return profile shows both the Nikkei 225 and MSCI Japan are very similar on a high level basis.

ETF short Nikkei Index

Direxion Daily Japan Bear 3x Shares (DXJF) is a tiny inverse ETF providing 3x leverage short exposure to the Japan stock market. There are no ETF that provides the inverse or short Nikkei index. Investors wanting a Nikkei short ETF can create a exact exposure from either shorting the Nikkei Index futures contract listed on the CME (which are priced in Yen and USD ) or directly short the Nikkei index funds like NKY.

There are also no leveraged long Nikkei ETFs.

Japanese Small Cap Index Funds

Investors at the higher end of the risk curve can also invest in Japanese Small Cap ETFs. One fund which implements a smart beta strategy is the WisdomTree Japan Small Cap Dividend Fund (DFJ). DFJ is designed for dividend investors where the stocks selected in the index are heavily leaning towards companies that payout a large portion of their earnings.

Another small cap Japan ETF is the iShares MSCI Japan Small Cap Index Fund (SCJ). SCJ as the name implies tracks a small cap Japanese index which only includes small companies listed in Japan.

Similarly to the hedged Nikkei index fund there are also hedged version of the small cap Japan ETF – WisdomTree Japan Hedged Small Cap Equity (DXJS) .

State Street through SPDRs also have a small cap option for investors, the SPDR Russell/Nomura Small Cap Japan ETF (JSC) .

Other Japan ETFs

ETF providers created more niche ETFs that tracks specific Japanese sectors such as Hedged Japan Financials. Real Estate, Health Care or Capital Goods. However given the low asset under management in these ETF, we would be cautious in allocating any funds to these index funds.

Nikkei to crack the 20,000 level: Strategists

Japan's Nikkei 225 share index is set to push through 20,000 points thanks to ultra-easy monetary policy rekindling confidence in the world's third largest economy, a raft of equity experts told CNBC on Wednesday.

"We are long the Japanese equity market and I feel very comfortable with that position," Bob Parker, the senior investment, strategy and research advisor at Credit Suisse, told CNBC.

Parker believes that the benchmark will outperform its peers adding that a 10 percent rise over the next six months is "not unreasonable." Ian Wright, the director of investment management firm Morant Wright, told CNBC that the 20,000 point level is achievable and said that the Bank of Japan has essentially been given an assignment to "buy the market" to ward off the weak inflation that has plagued the country for decades.

Named after Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the strategy of "Abenomics" cranked up a level this week following disappointing growth data on Monday. Abe has called for snap elections to try to gain a larger mandate to push through yet more stimulatory measures. This comes after surprise easing from the Bank of Japan (BOJ) at the end of October which fueled yet more gains for the Nikkei.

On Tuesday, the Nikkei 225 posted its biggest gain in two weeks following Abe's announcement of an early election poll, as well as a delay in next year's sales tax increase, which is seen as likely to bring more measures to stimulate growth. This came a day after new data showed that the economy contracted an annualized 1.6 percent in the July-September quarter.

The Nikkei has gained 6.5 percent this year which pales into insignificance when compared with the increase of 57 percent seen last year when the country's central bank aggressively expanded its balance sheet and helped stocks higher and its currency lower. The index now stands at 17,288 points but is still way off a record high of 38,915 points in 1989 when the country was enjoying its economic zenith.

Despite the policies put in place by Abe since he came to power in December 2012, Wright believes that the Japanese have yet to feel confident in their economy and held back from delving into their own stock market. Having said that, the fund manager - who specializes on Japan - says that Japanese corporates are "very confident," shown by an increase in buybacks - when companies buy their own shares.

Julian Jessop, the chief global economist at Capital Economics, believes that the 20,000 level will be just a stepping stone for the index if the nation's currency continues to depreciate against the dollar.

"Based simply on the recent past relationship between the currency and equities, a yen/dollar rate of 140 would be consistent with a surge in the Nikkei to as high as 23,000 (points)" he said in a research note on Monday.

Read More Abenomics' direction uncertain after GDP shock

In reality, he believes that factors like global risk appetite and developments with the government's policy plans could stifle that move, but still upgraded his year-end outlook for the benchmark.

"We are raising our end-2017 forecast for the Nikkei from 18,000 to 20,000 – still a gain of around 18 percent from Monday's close of 16,974," he said.

Not every market-watcher is as bullish as Jessop, though. In a commentary piece for CNBC on Monday, independent technical analyst Daryl Guppy estimated that Nikkei gains could be limited following the shock miss for gross domestic product (GDP).

Matt Clinch Deputy Digital News Editor, CNBC. com

11th March 2017 Changes to the Nikkei Indices Nikkei Inc. will make the following changes to the Nikkei Stock Average (Nikkei 225) and the Nikkei Stock Index 300 (Nikkei 300), corresponding to the delisting of their constituents. . Lee mas

11th December 2017 The NEEDS Newsletter for Dec 2017 is now available and ready for download (Click to access past editions of our Newsletters ). This edition will cover the past 7months performance of Nikkei Stock Average and introducing the following indexes. 1. Nikkei - UTokyo Daily Price Index 2. JPX-Nikkei 400 Index . Lee mas

4th September 2017 Changes to the Nikkei Indices Nikkei Inc. will make the following changes to the Nikkei Stock Average Nikkei 225) and the Nikkei Stock Index 300 (Nikkei 300) constituents. As a result of annual review, 2 constituents will be changed for the Nikkei 225 and 3 for the Nikkei 300. . Lee mas

20th May 2017 The NEEDS Newsletter for May 2017 is now available and ready for download (Click to access past editions of our Newsletters ). Nikkei NEEDS brings you the wealth of Japanese Financial Data renowned for its accuracy and reliability, and this month’s newsletter contains overview of the recent Nikkei Stock Average performance and also introducing the Nikkei 225 Total Return Index and its latest data file. . Lee mas

Old Nikkei 225 Chart Pattern Has Story To Tell For Today

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Looking at chart pattern comparisons, or "analogs", is a favorite pastime among technical analysts. It was widely engaged in during late 1987 and early 1988, after many people noticed that the crash of 1987 looked an awful lot like 1929. The conclusion then was that because of that chart similarity, the market in 1988-90 was in for a repeat of the awful bear market of 1930-32. Now we know that it turned out differently.

One of the great analogs still being watched these days is a comparison of the US stock market of the 1990s and 2000s to what Japan's Nikkei 225 Index did 10 years prior. The chart above looks at a really long term comparison of the two, and the resemblance is quite compelling. The amount of time from the Nasdaq's March 2000 top to the 2002 and 2009 bottoms matches up really nicely with a similar set of down waves years earlier in the Japanese market. There is even some good correlation of the more minor up and down patterns along the way.

When we look closer at the past decade, however, we can see why taking these pattern analogs seriously all the time can get one into trouble.

The correlation from the top in 2000 to the bottom in 2002 was nearly perfect. But from late 2003 to the top in October 2007, the relationship flipped from a positive one to an inverse correlation. The Nasdaq would top when the Nikkei's pattern showed a bottom, and vice versa. After 2007, it flipped back again to a wonderful positive correlation where it remains to this day.

The fact that there can be any resemblance at all between seemingly random price movements occurring 10 years apart is something wondrous to behold. The stock market indeed has a strange and wonderful set of rules of physics for how it operates, and what makes it move. It is even more wonderful when we can observe these things, and figure out ways to profit from them.

This final chart looks at the same relationship, but zooms in closer to take a look at the more recent behavior. Once again, the correlation is not perfect, it's just really really good.

If the strong positive correlation between these two continues into the future, then we are poised to see a meaningful correction this autumn before prices turn up to a higher high in 2010. After that high could come some big problems for the current stock market, but that is a long way away from now.

The troubling aspect of this relationship, and the big reason for urging caution in its use, stems from the fact that the big inversion mentioned above could occur again at any time. Any relationship that is flaky enough to invert without warning is something that is undeserving of our complete trust. We can still watch it, however, and use its message for planning purposes. As we do that, we must not take its forecast too literally, and we also must continually seek out confirming evidence to tell us that the market is still on schedule, or that it has changed to some other program entirely.

Eventually, all pattern analogs break up and stop working. This one has lasted longer than most, and is still fun to watch, although the fact that we have already seen one major inversion is a sign that the eventual breakup is getting closer. Be cautious not to focus on it too closely, and lose sight of other important evidence of what the market is doing.

Tom McClellan Editor, The McClellan Market Report

Hi - just wondering if anyone traded this index regularly. seems to be the odd casual post about it here or there.

Seems to be heavily correlated with the DOW and it also seems to 'exagerate' the DOWs swings as well making it an interesting index to possibly trade. although this is just on observation with no TA done as yet.

Use IG at the mo - Spreads are 30 when in-hours or 50 out hours.

The markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. - J. M. Keynes.

Oct 25, 2003, 3:16pm

Joined Sep 2003

it is nothing to do with the dow, you have a wedge decending on a 5year chart v bullish!

__________________ Follow your rules!! If you have no rules STOP trading! or in time you WILL go broke.

jklondon, You mention Nikkei 225. Going by the fact that you are using IG is it safe to assume that you are trading via a spreadbetting company. Not sure whether you were aware but you can trade OSAKA, SIMEX and CME Nikkei futures. I am currently looking into trading SIMEX Nikkei and HANG SENG futures at the moment due to other work commitments. The problem with OSAKA NIKKEI futures is that if you have an account with XXX broker then you have to use them for clearing and execution. Under OSE rules you are not permitted to use a third party broker like YYY and give the trades up to XXX. CME Nikkei there are no restraints but I am not sure what the liquidity is like on these. FTSEBOY

__________________ I'm the Daddy!

Originally Posted by jklondon

Hi - just wondering if anyone traded this index regularly. seems to be the odd casual post about it here or there.

Seems to be heavily correlated with the DOW and it also seems to 'exagerate' the DOWs swings as well making it an interesting index to possibly trade. although this is just on observation with no TA done as yet.

Use IG at the mo - Spreads are 30 when in-hours or 50 out hours.

I trade nikkei regularly, but i'm just a one lot trader. many traders use chart to trade, end up losing a lot of money. I follow smart money to look for buy signal. According to Commitment of Traders report, hedge funds have a huge short position on nikkei, so I'm predicting that they will take profit soon.


Nikkei 225

Der Nikkei 225 ist der Leitindex der japanischen Börse in Tokio. Er wurde in seiner jetzigen Form, bei der die Kurse von der Wirtschaftszeitung Nikkei berechnet werden, im Jahr 1971 zum ersten Mal veröffentlicht. Zuvor wurde der Nikkei 225 jedoch bereits direkt von der Tokioter Börse berechnet und seine Kurse rückwirkend bis ins Jahr 1949 veröffentlicht. Der Nikkei besteht aus den Aktien der 225 wichtigsten Unternehmen Japans und repräsentiert deren Wertentwicklung. Daher gelten der Nikkei 225 und seine Kursentwicklung auch als Indikator für den gesamten japanischen Aktienmarkt.

Beim Nikkei 225 handelt es sich wie beim Swiss Market Index (SMI) um einen Preisindex. Die in ihm enthaltenen Aktien werden je nach Preis gewichtet, der Indexstand repräsentiert den Kursdurchschnitt der in ihm enthaltenen Aktien. Dividendenzahlungen oder Börsenumsatz werden bei der Berechnung des Index nicht berücksichtigt.

Die Zusammensetzung des Nikkei 225 sowie die Gewichtung der in ihm enthaltenen Aktien werden einmal im Jahr überprüft und gegebenenfalls angepasst. Dies liegt im Verantwortungsbereich der japanischen Wirtschaftszeitung Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei), die den Index berechnet und betreut.

Der Nikkei 225 wird börsentäglich an der Tokioter Börse zwischen 01:00 Uhr und 07:00 Uhr MEZ gehandelt und berechnet.

NIKKEI 225 Graphique - 1 An

Nikkei 225 Remains in an Uptrend

The weakening of the yen became a plus for exporters because it will increase overseas profits when converted into local currency. Shares of Japanese exporters mostly rose.

Technical Analysis:

Intraday Preference: BULLISH Reference Area: 17038-17160

Nikkei 225 currently is testing the resistance area at 17160. If the resistance breaks, Nikkei might continue the bullish move up to 17038-17418.

Note that hourly stochastic and CCI are oversold. As an alternative strategy, watch for a bullish signal confirmation on a pull-back move to within the reference area at 17038-16842 with target at 17038-17160.

Be careful if the support at 16842 breaks because it will turn the intraday bias to bearish and possibly will drag Nikkei down to 16755-16645.

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How Low Can It Go? Comparison of the Dow Jones to Japan's Nikkei Index

A comparison of the Dow Jones Industrial Average today to Japan's Nikkei Index leading up to and after its peak in 1989. There are a lot of similarities and some differences. What do they mean?

One of the comparisons I’ve thought a lot about when pondering the current economic crisis, is the United States today and Japan during its “lost decade.” In the 1980s Japan went through a period of rapid growth. Its stock market, the Nikkei as well as real estate prices shot up at phenomenal rates, fueled by easy lending from the banks and a booming export market. By 1989, Japan’s Nikkei had increased from 2,000 in 1970 to 39,000, a 1,858% increase. One square block of Tokyo was worth more than all of the real estate in Manhattan.

And then the bubble popped. The Nikkei dropped like a lead balloon, shedding more than half of its value in three years. Real estate values followed the stock market down and banks were stuck with a portfolio of toxic assets. To try and stem the bleeding and right the economy, the Japanese central bank cut interest rates to 0% and embarked on many of the same quantitative easing programs we are seeing today from the US Fed. The government also began a massive public works project that pumped hundreds of billions of dollars into the economy.

Thinking about how this sounds very familiar with the US economic situation today, I decided to compare historical Nikkei data with more current Dow Jones Industrial Average information.

On the first chart, I performed an analysis that is similar to the one I did comparing the Dow today to its performance during the Great Depression. I graphed the Nikkei from 1970 to 2009. Using the other Y axis, I graphed the Dow from 1988 to 2009. The 0 point on the graph represents the high point of both markets – 1989 for the Nikkei and 2007 for the Dow.

You can see the result. From its high at 0 point to its drop three years later, the Nikkei shed 57% of its value while the Dow has shed 44%. If the Dow was to follow the Nikkei’s lead and drop by 57%, then we could expect it to bottom out at around 5,700 (where the yellow line meets the blue in Year 3).

Is this reasonable? Data from the Nikkei as well as from the Great Depression Comparison seems to show that with severe economic crisis, markets fall by over 50% and often by greater than 60%. In other words, the severity of the crash is proportionate to the level of the run-up. Japan experienced a huge run-up in the 1980s. The US experienced a large run-up before the depression. Both led to a severe crash in the markets. Since all economists seem to agree that we are in the biggest economic crisis since the depression, it’s fair to think that the stock market’s losses will reflect that.

Still, I wanted to see how the Dow run-up compares to the Nikkei before it popped. The second chart shows this comparison. To fairly compare the two indexes, I set both to a value of 1,000 20 years before their peak date. I then changed the value by the % gain or loss that both markets experienced over the following years. Point 0 is once again the peak of each market (1989 for the Nikkei and 2007 for the Dow).

As the chart shows, while the Nikkei experienced a 1,858% increase until its peak point, the Dow only showed a 500% increase during that period. The crash of the Dow in 2000-2002 (the Internet bubble) in effect deflated the bubble. While the Dow recovered over the next 6 years, its peak in 2007 was only 15% higher than in 1999. While the Dow was up over the last twenty years, its growth was much slower than the Nikkei’s and other classic bubbles.

I think there are three possible conclusions that can be drawn.

The Dow in 2007 was not at bubble levels and as a result, a 44% drop makes it oversold. This is a buying opportunity.

The drop in the Dow reflects a US economy that is much weaker than Japan’s after its bubble popped. Japan’s bubble was corporate led and by and large its consumers came out of the crash with savings and cash. In the US, the consumer, the main driver of the economy, has been saddled with debt that will depress spending for a long period of time.

The drop in the Dow reflects the regression of the market to its normal growth rate before it was stimulated in the 1980s by deregulation, large deficits, baby boomer cash, and financial sophistication (derivatives, securitization, globalization, etc.). From 1980 to its peak in 2007 (see chart below), the return on the Dow was 1,300%, much closer to Japan’s 1,800%. In other words, I needed to go back further in the analysis to really capture the true extend of the Dow bubble.

So what does this all mean?

If you believe that point number one is valid, you should go out and start buying stocks. This is the buying opportunity of a generation.

If you believe points number two or three, or some combination of them then the market will not go back to its past return for many years. As the chart shows, the Nikkei still hasn’t recovered from the good times of the 1980. Today, 29 years later the Nikkei is at 7,568, a 29 year low and 80% below its peak in 1989.

Extrapolated to the Dow, that means a future price of 2,652 in 2036.

Good comments ppl. Don't forget that the Dow today is not the same Dow in absolute value terms that it was 10 years ago. Inflation-unadjusted, we are feeling good about the raw number, but in truth a Dow of 8500 may be more like 5000-6000 when u adjust for even modest inflation! So while we might never see Dow 2300, we may see its "value equivalent" (i. e. Dow 23000) in 10-15 years. If you crave for the "greater number" be my guest. I like "greater value". And don't forget the P/E ratio thing. It's still very high. Unsustainably high! (i. e. earnings ain't getting any better soon)

The damn thing is becoming a self-fullfulling prophecy because we are making all of the same mistakes Japan made, including trying to save failed banks.

I am afraid that the Nikkei and 1929 are the correct comparisons. I made and lost fortunes in the emerging markets crash of 1998, and in the tech crash in 2000-2002. In each of those cases and even after 9-11, there was an underlying certainty that while things had gotten way ahead of themselves, there were underlying market forces which were going to continue to attract capital and things were going to be OK. We all knew that these markets were going to bounce back and they did. This is a much more profound change with deeper and broader effects. Unfortunately, those of us in our 40s cannot look to experiences in our investing history to provide the guide for the current circumstances.

Excellent points! The similarities between the reasons behind the Dow's collapse and that of the Nikkei are very similar. We in fact face many more challenges and challenges that are much more profound than Japan did in the 1990s so I ascribe to point 2. But, I also believe point 1 and none of this means that the US market is as doomed on the intermediate and long term. While discounting point 3, I do think that we are getting a double or triple wammy here with debt and a slowing economy so my own view, however, is that it goes much lower over the short term.

Nikkei 225 Index

Nikkei 225 is a stock market index for the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). It has been calculated daily by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) newspaper since 1950. It is a price-weighted average (the unit is yen), and the components are reviewed once a year.

Currently, the Nikkei is the most widely quoted average of Japanese equities, similar to the Dow Jones Industrial Average. In fact, it was known as the "Nikkei Dow Jones Stock Average" from 1975 to 1985.

The Nikkei 225 began to be calculated on September 7, 1950, retroactively calculated back to May 16, 1949.

Currently, the index is updated every 15 seconds during trading sessions.

Weighting and modifications

Stocks are weighted on the Nikkei 225 by giving an equal weighting based on a par value of 50 yen per share. Events such as stock splits, removals and additions of constituents impact upon the effective weighting of individual stocks and the divisor. The Nikkei 225 is designed to reflect the overall market, so there is no specific weighting of industries.

Changes to the components

Stocks are reviewed annually and announcements of review results are made in September. Changes, if required, are made at the beginning of October. Changes may also take place at any time if a stock is found to be ineligible (e. g. delisting). All proposed changes will be announced in Nikkei's Japanese newspapers and will appear on NNI.

After a stock has been replaced, the divisor is reviewed and modified to ensure a smooth transition of the stock index.

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Japanese banks are arranging a syndicated loan to help an acquisition by Nikkei Inc, considered to be the biggest financial daily in Japan, according to Reuters.

Then Pearson announced that Nikkei had paid a premium and would win the financial title.

The ambassador briefed the president and the Nikkei executives about the positive performance of Pakistans economy following the fiscal reforms and underlined the positive rating by the international financial institutions, said a press release issued here by PID on Saturday.

However, the Nikkei Dow was 8,000 and dollar-yen was 76 when I first described the once in a generation money-making potential that Abenomics offered after the tragedy of Fukushima, the return of the LDP to power and the uneasy rise of China.

The content integration announcement comes with a companion announcement of a capital investment by Nikkei. Cª

Commenting on the announcement, Tsuneo Kita, President and Chief Executive Officer of Nikkei said, "We are delighted to announce our partnership with Monocle today.

Nikkei says that these antennae stripes will not actually make it to the finished product rather the iPhone 6 release date will bring a glass antennae design, which is similar to the iPhone 5 and the iPhone 5s.

Nikkei Asia is an annual event to recognize 3 individuals and organizations throughout Asia (except for Japan) with outstanding achievement and influence in improving life quality and establishing sustainable development in the region.

Investors sold stock index futures to limit losses, prompting the benchmark Nikkei average to plunge more than 300 points at one point, according to Japan's ( Nikkei .

The comprehensive features and capabilities of the Brightcove platform enable Nikkei to provide a high quality, interactive and engaging user experience for online audiences around the world.

The Nikkei 's decline in the afternoon was driven by flows in Nikkei futures, said Hideki Horikawa, a senior adviser at Himawari Securities Inc's investment advisory division.

Established in 1996 to commemorate the 120th anniversary of Nikkei Inc.

Market Data

All market data carried by BBC News is provided by DigitalLook. com. The data is for your general information and enjoys indicative status only. Neither the BBC nor Digital Look accept any responsibility for its accuracy or for any use to which it may be put. All share prices and market indexes delayed at least 15 minutes. 52 week high and low values are calculated from close price data. Click here for terms and conditions

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Nikkei 225 Index (N225)

The Nikkei 225 Stock Index maps companies on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). It is the oldest and the most well known Asian index in the world. The Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) newspaper has been commisioned to officially calculate this index since 1971. The Nikkei 225 began to be calculated on September 7, 1950, retroactively calculated back to May 16, 1949. Currently. the Nikkei is used as the major indicator for the Japanese economy, similar to the Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJIA). In fact, it was known as the "Nikkei Dow Jones Stock Average" from 1975 to 1985. However, unlike the Dow Jones, as the Nikkei 225 is designed to reflect the overall market, there is no specific weighting of industries. Stock splits, removals and additions of constituents impact upon the effective weighting of individual stocks and the divisor. Weighting and Components

The Nikkei is a price weighted average index (the unit is Yen), similar to the Dow Jones Index, based on a par value of ¥50 per share. That means, a ¥50 price change in any stock affects the average the same way, regardless of whether the stock is priced at ¥5 or ¥500 per share. The Nikkei 225 index's components are reviewed every year in September. Any changes, if required, are published in October and the index is adapted accordingly.

To calculate an equal weighted index, the market capitalization for each stock used in the calculation of the index is redefined so that each index constituent has an equal weight in the index at each re-balancing date. In addition to being the product of the stock price, the stock’s shares outstanding, and the stock’s float factor – and the exchange rate when applicable; a new adjustment factor is also introduced in the market capitalization calculation to establish equal weighting.

* Stock Market Value= Price of shares * Number of shares outstanding * Free float factor * Exchange Rate(if applicable) * Adjustment Factor

The Adjustment factor of a stock is assigned to the stock at each re-balancing date, which makes the stock value for each stock equal. For index component, the value would be:

* Adjustment Factor= Index specific constant "Z"/(Number of shares of the stock*Adjusted stock market value before re-balancing)

The main criticism with this index is that a $5 priced share would have the same weight as the $200 priced share, which gives the smaller shares more weight than their due. Moreover, the stocks keep changing and so does the equality, so the stock has to be rebalanced from time to time as compared to a cap weighted index.

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The Review of Financial Studies

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The Review of Financial Studies is a major forum for the promotion and wide dissemination of significant new research in financial economics. As reflected by its broadly based editorial board, the Review balances theoretical and empirical contributions. The primary criteria for publishing a paper are its quality and importance to the field of finance, without undue regard to its technical difficulty. Finance is interpreted broadly to include the interface between finance and economics.

Coverage: 1988-2012 (Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 25, No. 12)

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Relative to their weights in a value-weighted index, a number of stocks in Japan's Nikkei 225 stock index are overweighted by a factor of 10 or more. I document a strong positive relation between overweighting and the comovement of a stock with other stocks in the Nikkei index, and a negative relationship between index overweighting and comovement with stocks outside of the index. The cross-sectional approach resolves endogeneity problems associated with event study demonstrations of excess comovement. A trading strategy that bets on the reversion of stock prices of overweighted stocks generates economic profits, confirming that the observed comovement patterns are excessive, and providing further evidence that comovement of stock returns can be a consequence of commonality in trading behavior.

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